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Beiträge, die mit academicChatter getaggt sind

Humor and the flu, two things that go together like... like... like...

Okay, let me start over: for a clever and very timely capture of thinking surrounding the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic, PutnamPig's Swine Flu Song -- issued as it was just getting its foothold in the US -- is probably the best go-to. Find out why in this blog post!

#Music #Song #PandemicMusic #Humor #SwineFlu #blog #research #AcademicChatter
Satire, Sound, and Swine: The 2009 Flu Pandemic Goes (Musically) Viral (With picture of a pig puppet in black and white hat against a rural background)

A second German citizen (travelling as a tourist) has been arrested at the US border and is being detained for deportation.
I definitely won't be travelling to the US any time soon, *especially* for science events. It's too easy to end up causing misunderstandings at the border (Are you there to work? Does the agent think you may want to stay?), and the agents have apparently been instructed to be even more suspicious and "crack down" on cases at will. #science #academicChatter #scienceAtRisk #usTravel
(article in German)

Me, July 2023 (see picture for full quote) or click here:

The Internet, March 2025: @encyclia

I like how this whole Academic #Fediverse is taking shape.

@ankrjoe @Lambo @brembs @neuSoM @melaniebartos
#academia #academicchatter #UnisImFediverse #UnisInsFediverse #Orcid #scientificPublishing
Research data and publications

Another idea is that research data repositories, OER repositories or publication repositories could be connected to Fediverse via Activity Pub. Each item of such a database would then be easily commented and shareable. Additionally, each reference to this item could be listed below it in the respective repository. You can imagine this as if every PID or DOI had a kind of inbox, in which a notification appears whenever someone references it. Perhaps this will yield new (more transparent?) metrics for measuring outreach and citations, which are praised and criticized in equal measure in the scientific community.

Well, I have declared my Winter 2025 Everything Notebook lost, and did two positive things: I started a spring 2025 Everything Notebook, and I wrote a post about how I use my paper notebook to keep my scholarly, administrative, volunteer, and personal life afloat. Curious? Have a read!


#blog #research #AcademicChatter #AmWriting #SoManyLists
A blue notebook labeled Spring '25 and a page of handwritten notes, plus the title: My Late Laments "Everything Notebook"

This year's #sfn annual meeting, #sfn25 will be held in San Diego. How are they supposed to guarantee our safety?

"German tourist held indefinitely in San Diego area immigrant detention facility"


#neuroscience #academicchatter

A blog post today on the Seelengärtlein (Hortulus animae), one of the hugely popular prayerbooks of the 16th century. Both a bit about how to find copies and a bit about indexing the thing. I love me a good spreadsheet! Oh, and there are woodcuts. But the Hellmouth is from a different print...


#blog #research #prayerbook #16thc #incunabula #AcademicChatter
The Seelengärtlein (Hortulus animae) -- the image centers the fancy red initial "H" that is part of the book's title.

The Trump administration's "Dear Colleague" letter on #DEI threatens to withhold federal funding from schools that don't abandon diversity, equity and inclusion programs. A legal analysis finds the letter misinterprets law and tramples on free speech:
#HigherEd #AcademicChatter

Today's blog post is on musical humor in the context of pandemics, and looks at "The Flu Pandemic Song" by the Flying Fish Sailors, with its focus on the flu pandemic of 1918-1919. How is it that we can cheerily sing along with lyrics like "and they died, died, died"? It's humor, but maybe it's something more.


#blog #research #PandemicMusic #1919Flu #Influenza #MusicalHumor #Music #AcademicChatter #Musicology
3 men in hospital beds, 2 with head-bandages, from 1919. Superimposed, an excerpt from the song lyric "...and they died died died..." Post Title: Flu Music as Mockery: The Flying Fish Sailors and Pandemic Humor

Blog post: today it's on ideas of sound as mediator between individual and environment, drawing on Stratoudakis and Papadimitriou (2007), and looking at that 1614 Thalbach snowball fight as an example


#blog #Nuntastic #Soundscape #SnowballFight #Memory #SoundAsMediator #17thc #AmWriting #Research #AcademicChatter
Mapping Soundscapes: Applying Stratoudakis and Papadimitriou’s Measures to Memory and Place: shows a venn diagram of individual, sound, and environment, which characteristics of each (as explained in the blog post itself)

blogged today, on a convent sister at Thalbach who becomes Maisterin. She kept a diary, much of which was incorporated into the Convent Chronicle -- and she gives us a lot of details about the world around her. Have a read if you like!

#nuntastic #MonasticChronicle #histodons #blog #AmWriting #17thC #comet #Comet1618 #HistoricalWeather #SnowballFight #AcademicChatter #Research

Image of a comet and a snow-scape from Bregenz with the theme -- worry into joy. Title: "Sister Anna Wittweilerin Looks Up"

Everybody knows that efficient, cost-effective and high-quality scholarly publishing is possible. The Global South has been demonstrating this for years, no decades, as have various journals and fields. A nice summary of how the European Geosciences Union shows the world how it's done has just been published as a preprint:


There really is no reason to remain caught in the trap of the corporate publishers one minute longer.

#openaccess #openscience #academicchatter

Today's blog post is on using Transkribus (AI) to self-train in reading 18th-century Kurrentschrift, a handwriting which makes doctor's scrawls look positively legible by comparison.


#histodons #AI #Transkribus #blog #AmWriting #AcademicChatter #research #process #ScholarlyPractices
Title: Making magic with old texts--how one scholar uses Transkribus. Image shows a bit of a monastic chronicle , the transkribus logo, and the transkribus motto, "Unlock the past with Transkribus." A yellow arrow points from Transkribus to the chronicle text

#introduction #introductions

Hello Fediverse,
I am a researcher in #geoscience, focusing mostly on hydrogeology, hydrology, evaporation and rock weathering. I am affiliated with Charles University (Czech Republic).
I am here to stay in touch with – and share – news about #science and academic life. That's why I chose #Fediscience as my home server and will mostly contribute to the tags #academia and #academicchatter.
I am in my mid-thirties and live near Prague with my family. I enjoy reading #books and spending time in nature. Addicted to #coffee.

This boggles my mind:

In the 1980s and 90s, universities just pulled thousands of kilometers of cables, installed routers and software - just so they could have web servers and give everyone at their institution an email account.

Today, the best most of them can do is find some arbitrary Mastodon instance somewhere else and get one single account.

Imagine every university having just a single email address, e.g.




I wrote a blog post today on the arrival of six-year-old Caterina Haidenhoferin at Thalbach in 1588, and the circumstances surrounding her arrival...


#nuntastic #MonasticChronicle #Bregenz #Blog #Histodons #AcademicChatter #AmWriting #Thalbach
Bregenz in the image of M. Merian, 1643, showing the Parish church of St Gallus (E) and (perhaps) Thalbach (in yellow). Blog post title: When a 6-year-old brought a Marian icon to Thalbach.

Hey #Science Bubble.
Nature hat hier (hinter einer #Paywall) die Frage gestellt, wie toll Bluesky nach der Flucht von Xitter ist:

Die Umfrage selber kann man hier auch ohne Paywall durchführen:

Eventuell will ja jemand in die Freitextfelder scheiben, wie schön wir es hier im Fedi haben. :)


Fellow #media #communication #policy educators:

I'm thinking of putting together a special journal issue based on grad student work about media/comms policy. It'll be integrated into my syllabus in the Spring.

DM/email me if you'd like to collab. aram at american dot edu

#commodon #academia #academicchatter #highered

Good news: #Altmetric is tracking a new #social #media #platform, alternative to the formerly 🐦 place.
Not-so-good news for this 🐘 place: This new social media platform is the 🔵🦋 place.
Seriously, while my experience in both 🐘 and 🔵🦋 places is mostly positive so far, I do find it sad for those who prefer this 🐘 platform that Altmetric too has « selected » the other place over this one.
Anakin Padme 4 Panel meme variant made by Nina Davtian (it’s me!) on the img.flip.com website on 3 November 2024. The first panel at the top left reads « Altmetric is tracking a new social media platform ». The second panel at the top right reads « It’s Mastodon right? ». The fourth and last panel at the bottom right reads « It is Mastodon right? ».

I need to get back to a regular habit of blogging, small thoughts, big ideas, #academic musing etc...

What are your favourite platforms?

I don't want anything robust, I don't need to host a corporation or anything.

Should I stick with #wordpress?
I heard #tumblr is makin' a comeback (I guess it never really went away).

Give me your suggestions!

#Writing #AmWriting #AcademicChatter #AcademicMastodon #blogging #blog

Found on Reddit. Might print this and pin it in my office.
#MentalHeath #AcademicChatter
Screenshot of a tweet from an account called "KylePlantEmoji". The tweet reads "Tired of explaining that ’I don’t have the time’ doesn’t mean ’literally every second of my schedule is accounted for’ but rather ’I’m giving as much of myself as I’m currently able to give’"

Now is a really good time to start researching how #media #technology & #democracy intersect, and what it means for our shared future.

Thankfully, we have an amazing 1-year MA program on just this subject in Washington #DC. Check it out:

https://www.american.edu/soc/communication-studies/ma/ma-mtd.cfm #academia #academicchatter #highered #commodon @academicchatter @commodon

Hi, #AcademicMastodon

📊First results from our #research project on the role of #Mastodon in #academia are in. n=346

1️⃣94.7% say they would increase their professional use of Mastodon if more academic peers from their field joined the platform

2️⃣71.4% report a lack of institutional support for using Mastodon

3️⃣66.1% indicate their professional Mastodon use would increase if their organizations were present on Mastodon

Stay tuned for more results.

#OpenScience #AcademicChatter #SocialMedia

Hey friends, Do you want to help with scientific research?
The University of Colorado Boulder needs people to help transcribe bee information from photographs of their collection. You look at a picture and type out any of the written information in the bee's label.

If you've got a few free minutes, give it a whirl! Even just doing 1 or 2 will help


#CitizenScience #Research #AcademicChatter #Bees #Entomology #ClimateChange