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Beiträge, die mit CHINA getaggt sind


The Taiwanese coast guard is boarding the Chinese-owned vessel ”Hong Tai” after it was caught destroying an undersea telecommunications cable between Taiwan & its Kinmen island near China.

The crew, which is all Chinese, is being detained and taken to Taiwan.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #China #Tiawan #Breaking #BreakingNews

A cliff that looks like a puppy resting beside the Yangtze River delights people in China



"Four years ago, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) — the central bankers’ central bank — unveiled an innovation project that carried the ugly moniker “mBridge”.

This aimed to create a cross-border central bank digital currency linking the central banks of China, Hong Kong, Thailand, UAE and (latterly) Saudi Arabia.

You might think this is arcane. If so, think again: the geeky project symbolises a bigger battle that could matter deeply under US President Donald Trump.

More specifically, last autumn, just before the US election, the BIS unexpectedly pulled out of mBridge, in effect ceding control to China and the rest. BIS claimed this was just because it had reached “minimal viable product” stage. But few believe this. “The Americans demanded [the BIS] stop because it’s a threat,” one participant tells me, explaining that Washington worried that “it might be used to evade [dollar] sanctions”.

And while Agustín Carstens, BIS head, publicly denied that, speculation bubbles on — not least because Trump is undeniably on the monetary warpath: on Truth Social last month he repeated threats to impose “100% Tariffs” on countries trying to “replace the mighty U.S. Dollar” with new currencies or payments systems."


#USA #Dollar #Imperialism #China #MonetaryPolicy #BI #DigitalCurrencies #CentralBanks

OpenAI bans Chinese accounts using ChatGPT to edit code for social media surveillance


This is the first time the company has caught an effort like this.


China’s ‘batwoman’ finds deadly new coronavirus




#USA, #Russland, ramschen über die #Ukraine, die #Hamas, #Hisbollah, morden und foltern, #Israel bombt aus Rache, in #Europa breiten sich #Neoliberalismus u. #Rechtspopulismus aus, viele verrohen, #Trump, #Musk, putschen die USA, #China, foltert, mordet, rasselt mit dem Militär ... es ist zum Erbrechen. https://youtu.be/46hobUy4mc4?si=L7de1HW5dA1PAX4B

China bohrt fast 11.000 Meter tief in die Erde

Es ist das tiefste Loch, das je in Asien gegraben wurde: Mehr als 580 Tage lang fraß sich eine Bohranlage durch das Erdreich, bis auf eine Tiefe von 10.910 Metern. China hofft dort auf Rohstoffe und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/china-bohrloch-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Bohrloch #China #"Shenditake1"

Elon Musk, der China-Freund im Weißen Haus

Tesla-Chef und Trump-Berater Elon Musk hat großes wirtschaftliches Interesse in China. Damit könnte das Land versuchen, Druck auf ihn auszuüben. Doch könnte Peking so auch Einfluss auf Trumps China-Politik nehmen? Von Marie von Mallinckrodt.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/musk-china-usa-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#ElonMusk #China #USA

China and South Korea go head to head at IDEX in the self-propelled howitzer market https://www.byteseu.com/760091/ #AbuDhabi #Algeria #China #HanwhaAerospace #HouthiRebels #idex #Iran #Israel #K9Thunder #MiddleEast #NATO #PLZ45 #SaudiArabia #SouthKorea #Ukraine #YemeniCivilWar
China and South Korea go head to head at IDEX in the self-propelled howitzer market

#Trump und #Putin sehnen sich nach dem kalten Krieg zurück. An dem Treffen ihrer Vertreter und dem Vorwurf an die #Ukraine sieht man deutlich, dass Interessensphären und Europa bereits zwischen den beiden aufgeteilt wurden. Wenn Europa sich nicht schnell aus der US-Abhängigkeit bei Waffen und IT befreit, ist ein freies Europa bald Geschichte. Ich fürchte, dass eigene Atomwaffen, Energie-Unabhängigkeit und eine enge Partnerschaft mit #China alternativlos werden.

China stoppt Export von Technologie zur Lithium-Verarbeitung. Ein Schachzug im Handelskonflikt mit den USA? Peking nutzt seine Marktmacht bei Batterierohstoffen als Druckmittel. #China #Lithium https://winfuture.de/news,148948.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

This is how the government of a responsible global economic powerhouse behaves!

“China Expands Humanitarian Relief, Providing Food to 60,000 Gaza Families”

by Palestine Chronicle Staff


“China is providing food aid to 60,000 families in Gaza while reaffirming its support for Palestinian rights and condemning Israel’s actions”


#Press #China #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #Food #Aid #PermanentCeasefireNoW #Zionism

"The account by Gallagher makes explicit something there have been hints of for some time. Israeli officials and lobbyists told everyone that would listen in Washington that TikTok’s algorithm fueled American youth opposition to the Israel-Hamas war.

As I reported last year, a State Department source told me that a high-ranking Israeli diplomat was ranting about the supposed malign role of some Chinese-manufactured algorithm, purposely dismissive of the reality that the college protesters’ outrage was sincere, that it was about Israel’s military conduct in Gaza and not some “foreign malign influence” campaign hatched in Beijing.

NPR at about the same time reported on a memo written by Israel Foreign Ministry Deputy Director General Emmanuel Nahshon, which blamed TikTok’s algorithm for “turning young people against Israel.”

I’ve obtained a similar memo detailing the incident. The memo, produced by the State Department for its Near East Affairs diplomats, describes how Nahshon, the Israeli official, blamed youth opposition to the war in Gaza on the TikTok algorithm. Nahshon also ignored warnings from the Biden administration’s Assistant Secretary for Global Public Affairs, Bill Russo, “oblivious” to the “possibility generational damage to their reputation” they were facing internationally."


#SocialMedia #USA #SocialNetworks #TikTok #China #Israel #Palestine #Gaza

Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?

Die #Tagesschau meldete zu Recht, dass die Behörden in #China 🇨🇳 die Berichterstattung über zunehmende Amok- und Terrortaten „aus Angst vor Nachahmern“ unterdrücken würden. Auch dort sind fast alle Täter männlich. Doch obwohl wir einen solchen Nachahmungseffekt beim #Suizid kennen, wird bei uns die Verbindung von #Medien & #Thymos noch kaum diskutiert. Noch. https://scilogs.spektrum.de/natur-des-glaubens/nachahmung-via-medien-terror-durch-thymos-statt-durch-logos/

El fin del milagro alemán, por Ramon Aymerich - https://www.lavanguardia.com/internacional/20250216/10389733/alemania-elecciones.html #Alemania #Ucrania #China #Trump

Sicherheitskonferenz: Chinas Charmeoffensive - was steckt dahinter?

China konnte bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz diplomatisch punkten, meinen Beobachter. Ein Kontrast zum Verhalten der USA. War das eine reine Charmeoffensive - oder könnte Konkretes daraus folgen? Von A. Freyeisen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/china-sicherheitskonferenz-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#China #MünchnerSicherheitskonferenz

Just the fact that there are "Rich Russians" says everything you need to know about #Russia's perverse reversion to a #CAPITALISTS economy. Similarly #China. #Lenin and #Mao are rolling in their graves.

Partial text in alt. In full here https://t.me/Slavyangrad/118790
Moscow Property Rivals London as Rich Russians Bring Cash Home

Three years into the war with Ukraine, Russia’s wealthiest are increasingly bringing their money home, fueling an unlikely rebound in high-end Moscow real estate.

Faced with fewer options to spend abroad as international sanctions force banks to crack down, many Russians are repatriating cash and parking it in the safe haven of domestic property. Others are using real estate as a hedge against inflation that has surged since the invasion of Ukraine, forcing the central bank to jack up rates to record highs.

“The screws are being tightened on people with Russian citizenship around the world,” said Ekaterina Rumyantseva, founder of Moscow-based luxury real estate broker Kalinka Ecosystem. “Everyone now realizes that the safest place to keep capital is in your own country.”

The influx of cash is helping Moscow buck a slowdown hitting other real estate markets from London to Hong Kong. Luxury apartment sales priced at 1.95 million rubles ($19,813) a square meter and upwards in Moscow gained almost 40% last year, according to NF Group, formerly known as Knight Frank Russia. And prices increased 21%, pushing the Russian capital squarely into the same price tier as Paris and London.

A flurry of high-end apartment and villa projects springing up across Moscow give a glimpse into Russia’s uneven economy as the war grinds on. Government spending related to the invasion has stoked growth, but also inflation

Trumps Handelspolitik: Was Zölle für den Wohlstand bedeuten

Spätestens seit Trumps Amtsantritt sind Zölle wieder en vogue. Dabei sind sich Ökonomen eigentlich einig, dass Freihandel den Wohlstand fördert - oder gibt es auch gute Argumente für Zölle? Von Angela Göpfert.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/weltwirtschaft/faq-zoelle-freihandel-trump-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#FAQ #Zölle #Freihandel #Trump #China #Deutschland #Handelspolitik #Abhängigkeit


No president has ever said this. People will want to get lost in the details when the important part is the dialogue and negotiations

#trump #uspolitocs #russia #china

"Republicans have long been immersed in transnational networks dedicated to wrecking democracy and now this can be an official part of foreign policy. America will increasingly be part of this autocratic axis."

#Musk #Trump #Republicans #Putin #China #democracy #EconomicElites #authoritarianism #autocracy #Project2025 #WhiteChristianNationalism