Beiträge, die mit SURVEILLANCE getaggt sind
In this case, Mr. Carson was arrested for stealing money from his neighbor's safe with a co-conspirator. A few months later, law enforcement applied for a search warrant for Mr. Carson's cell phone. The search warrant enumerated the claims that formed the basis for Mr. Carson's arrest, but the only mention of a cell phone was a law enforcement officer's general assertion that phones are communication devices often used in the commission of crimes. A warrant was issued which allowed the search of the entirety of Mr. Carson's smart phone, with no temporal or category limits on the data to be searched. Evidence found on the phone was then used to convict Mr. Carson.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals made a number of rulings in favor of Mr. Carson, including that evidence from the phone should not have been admitted because the search warrant lacked particularity and was unconstitutional. The government's appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court was accepted and we filed an amicus brief."
#USA #Michigan #Surveillance #Cellphones #FourthAmendment #PoliceState #Privacy
In this case, Mr. Carson was arrested for stealing money from his neighbor's safe with a co-conspirator. A few months later, law enforcement applied for a search warrant for Mr. Carson's cell phone. The search warrant enumerated the claims that formed the basis for Mr. Carson's arrest, but the only mention of a cell phone was a law enforcement officer's general assertion that phones are communication devices often used in the commission of crimes. A warrant was issued which allowed the search of the entirety of Mr. Carson's smart phone, with no temporal or category limits on the data to be searched. Evidence found on the phone was then used to convict Mr. Carson.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals made a number of rulings in favor of Mr. Carson, including that evidence from the phone should not have been admitted because the search warrant lacked particularity and was unconstitutional. The government's appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court was accepted and we filed an amicus brief."
#USA #Michigan #Surveillance #Cellphones #FourthAmendment #PoliceState #Privacy
It’s OK, if you don’t like it, you can just simply not buy food.
#surveillance #capitalism #microsoft #BigTech #dystopia
Via @ErickaSimone & @broadwaybabyto
Automation in Retail Is Even Worse Than You Thought | The Nation
New technology is not just making shopping more challenging for workers and consumers—it’s poised to rip off the most vulnerable.The Nation
Worried about Medicare/Medicaid? Wear a mask.
Worried about the surveillance state? Wear a mask.
Want to fight authoritarian fascists? Wear a mask.
Interested in peaceful protest? Wear a mask.
Want to stay as healthy as you can for as long as you can? Wear a mask.
Wearing a mask is the best way to safeguard your health AND show resistance & solidarity. It’s a great form of allyship with disabled and marginalized communities too.
#CovidIsNotOver #covidisairborne #sarscov2 #fascism #surveillance #maskswork #publichealth #longcovid
Having Barcelona become a crucial regional outpost for offensive cybersecurity companies puts the spyware problem squarely on the doorstep of Europe, which has a fractious relationship with surveillance tech, due to scandals in Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, and Poland — all involving Israeli spyware makers.
#Barcelona #spain #israel #spyware #startups #business #malware #security #cybersecurity #privacy #surveillance
How Barcelona became an unlikely hub for spyware startups | TechCrunch
Barcelona's mix of affordable cost of living and quality of life has helped create a vibrant startup community — and become a hotbed for the creation of surveillance technologies.Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai (TechCrunch)
eIDAS-Trilog: Hunderte Wissenschaftler:innen und NGOs warnen vor #Massenüberwachung
"Die #EU will eine digitale Brieftasche für alle Bürger:innen einführen․ Rund 400 Forschende und 30 NGOs kritisieren in einem offenen Brief, dass die aktuellen Pläne staatlichen Behörden ermöglichen, die Kommunikation aller EU-Bürger:innen auszuspähen․"
#eiDAS #Überwachung #EU #Surveillance #Privacy #Data
eIDAS-Trilog: Hunderte Wissenschaftler:innen und dutzende NGOs warnen vor Massenüberwachung
Die EU will eine digitale Brieftasche für alle Bürger:innen einführen. Rund 400 Forschende und 30 NGOs kritisieren in einem offenen Brief, dass die aktuellen Pläne es staatlichen Behörden ermöglichen würden, die Kommunikation aller EU-Bürger:innen au…
Last Chance to fix #eIDAS
"New legislative articles, introduced in recent closed-door meetings and not yet public, envision that all web browsers distributed in Europe will be required to trust the certificate authorities and cryptographic keys selected by EU governments.
These changes radically expand the capability of EU governments to surveil their citizens by ensuring cryptographic keys under government control can be used to intercept encrypted web traffic across the EU. Any EU member state has the ability to designate cryptographic keys for distribution in web browsers and browsers are forbidden from revoking trust in these keys without government permission.
#Europe #Surveillance #Privacy #Data #Antireport
Last Chance for eIDAS
13 days before the first eIDAS vote, still no public
Some advocates of these censorship schemes argue we can nerd our way out of the many harms they cause to speech, equity, privacy, and infosec. Their silver bullet? “Age estimation” technology that scans our faces, applies an algorithm, and guesses how old we are – before letting us access online content and opportunities to communicate with others. But when confronted with age estimation face scans, many people will refrain from accessing restricted websites, even when they have a legal right to use them. Why?
Because quite simply, age estimation face scans are creepy AF – and harmful. First, age estimation is inaccurate and discriminatory. Second, its underlying technology can be used to try to estimate our other demographics, like ethnicity and gender, as well as our names. Third, law enforcement wants to use its underlying technology to guess our emotions and honesty, which in the hands of jumpy officers is likely to endanger innocent people. Fourth, age estimation face scans create privacy and infosec threats for the people scanned. In short, government should be restraining this hazardous technology, not normalizing it through age verification mandates."
#USA #AgeVerification #AgeEstimation #Surveillance #Privacy #CyberSecurity #FaceScans
Face Scans to Estimate Our Age: Creepy AF and Harmful
Government must stop restricting website access with laws requiring age verification. Some advocates of these censorship schemes argue we can nerd our way out of the many harms they cause to speech, equity, privacy, and infosec.Electronic Frontier Foundation
NASA Tests Air Traffic Surveillance Technology Using Its Pilatus PC-12 Aircraft - NASA
As air taxis, drones, and other innovative aircraft enter U.S. airspace, systems that communicate an aircraft’s location will be critical to ensure airDede Dinius (NASA)
#Pollution #Surveillance #Hunting #FreePalestine
THE WATERSHED POLLUTION MAP - Watershed Investigations
What's polluting your local river, lake or coast? Watershed has created a first-of-its-kind Pollution Map revealing a huge range of potential pollution sources that can harm rivers, lakes, groundwater, coasts and more.Watershed (Watershed Investigations)
#USA #Surveillance #PoliceState #Section702 #Backdoors #CyberSecurity #Privacy
VICTORY! Federal Court (Finally) Rules Backdoor Searches of 702 Data Unconstitutional
Better late than never: last night a federal district court held that backdoor searches of databases full of Americans’ private communications collected under Section 702 ordinarily require a warrant.Electronic Frontier Foundation
The staff perspective is based on an examination of documents obtained by FTC staff’s 6(b) orders sent to several companies in July aiming to better understand the shadowy market that third-party intermediaries use to set individualized prices for products and services based on consumers’ characteristics and behaviors, like location, demographics, browsing patterns and shopping history.
Staff found that consumer behaviors ranging from mouse movements on a webpage to the type of products that consumers leave unpurchased in an online shopping cart can be tracked and used by retailers to tailor consumer pricing."
#USA #FTC #SurveillancePricing #Surveillance #DataProtection
"Ein Mann aus dem US-Bundeststaat Ohio sollte der Polizei Aufnahmen aus seinem Wohnzimmer vorlegen, obwohl nur gegen seinen Nachbarn ermittelt wurde. Als er sich weigerte, legte die Behörde einen richterlichen Beschluss bei #Amazon Ring vor. Das Unternehmen gab alle verfügbaren Aufnahmen an die #Polizei heraus."
Vernetzte Dashcam:
#Amazon bringt #Überwachungstechnik Ring auf die Straße
via @netzpolitik_feed
#netzpolitik #Überwachung #videosurveillance #Surveillance #sozialeKontrolle #antireport #Überwachungskapitalismus
Amazon Ring: Selbst Wohnzimmer-Aufnahmen sind nicht vor Polizei sicher
Ein Mann aus dem US-Bundeststaat Ohio sollte der Polizei Aufnahmen aus seinem Wohnzimmer vorlegen, obwohl nur gegen seinen Nachbarn ermittelt wurde. Als er sich weigerte, legte die Behörde einen richterlichen Beschluss bei Amazon Ring
#DNL34 #KillCloud #AI #Gaza @@DocMattMoudi
Investigating the Kill Cloud — Disruption Network Lab
Information Warfare, Autonomous Weapons & AI · 10 Years Disruption Network Lab 29.11–1.12.2024Disruption Network Lab
#privacy #surveillance
The Manchester 10 case and the recent appeal outcome reveals how digital 'evidence' is used unjustly to embroil people on conspiracy charges.
#surveillance #policing #Manchester10
Police Use of Face Recognition Continues to Wrack Up Real-World Harms
Police have shown, time and time again, that they cannot be trusted with face recognition technology (FRT). It is too dangerous, invasive, and in the hands of law enforcement, a perpetual liability.Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF filed a motion in California Superior Court to join—or intervene in—an existing lawsuit to get access to documents we requested. The private company Pen-Link sued the San Joaquin Sheriff’s Office to block the agency from disclosing to EFF the unredacted contracts between them, claiming the information is a trade secret. We are going to court to make sure the public gets access to these records.
The public has a right to know the technology that law enforcement buys with taxpayer money. This information is not a trade secret, despite what private companies try to claim."
#USA #Surveillance #California #PoliceState
The thousands of apps, included in hacked files from location data company Gravy Analytics, include everything from games like Candy Crush and dating apps like Tinder to pregnancy tracking and religious prayer apps across both Android and iOS. Because much of the collection is occurring through the advertising ecosystem—not code developed by the app creators themselves—this data collection is likely happening without users’ or even app developers’ knowledge.
“For the first time publicly, we seem to have proof that one of the largest data brokers selling to both commercial and government clients appears to be acquiring their data from the online advertising ‘bid stream,’” rather than code embedded into the apps themselves, Zach Edwards, senior threat analyst at cybersecurity firm Silent Push and who has followed the location data industry closely, tells 404 Media after reviewing some of the data."
#USA #DataBrokers #DataBrokerage #Surveillance #LocationData #GravyAnalytics
The device, known as a cell-site simulator, was identified by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a digital rights advocacy organization, after analyzing wireless signal data collected by WIRED during the August event.
Cell-site simulators mimic cell towers to intercept communications, indiscriminately collecting sensitive data such as call metadata, location information, and app traffic from all phones within their range. Their use has drawn widespread criticism from privacy advocates and activists, who argue that such technology can be exploited to covertly monitor protesters and suppress dissent.
The DNC convened amid widespread protests over Israel’s assault on Gaza. While credentialed influencers attended exclusive yacht parties and VIP events, thousands of demonstrators faced a heavy law enforcement presence, including officers from the US Capitol Police, the Secret Service, Homeland Security Investigations, local sheriff’s offices, and Chicago police."
#USA #DNC #Surveillance #DemocraticParty #PoliceState
Secret Phone Surveillance Tech Was Likely Deployed at 2024 DNC
Data WIRED collected during the 2024 Democratic National Convention strongly suggests the use of a cell-site simulator, a controversial spy device that intercepts sensitive data from every phone in its range.Dhruv Mehrotra (WIRED)
Some of the world’s most popular apps are likely being co-opted by rogue members of the ad IDU to harvest sensitive location data on a massive scale, with that data ending up with a location data co whose subsidiary has previously sold global location data to US LE -Candy Crush, Tinder, to pregnancy tracking & religious prayer...
#Surveillance #Data
Candy Crush, Tinder, MyFitnessPal: See the Thousands of Apps Hijacked to Spy on Your Location
A hack of location data company Gravy Analytics has revealed which apps are—knowingly or not—being used to collect your information behind the scenes.Joseph Cox (404 Media)
The news is a crystalizing moment for the location data industry. For years, companies have harvested location information from smartphones, either through ordinary apps or the advertising ecosystem, and then built products based on that data or sold it to others. In many cases, those customers include the U.S. government, with arms of the military, DHS, the IRS, and FBI using it for various purposes. But collecting that data presents an attractive target to hackers.
“A location data broker like Gravy Analytics getting hacked is the nightmare scenario all privacy advocates have feared and warned about. The potential harms for individuals is haunting, and if all the bulk location data of Americans ends up being sold on underground markets, this will create countless deanonymization risks and tracking concerns for high risk individuals and organizations,” Zach Edwards, senior threat analyst at cybersecurity firm Silent Push, and who has followed the location data industry closely, told 404 Media. “This may be the first major breach of a bulk location data provider, but it won't be the last.”"
#CyberSecurity #USA #Venntel #DataBreaches #LocationData #Surveillance #Privacy #DataProtection
Hackers Claim Massive Breach of Location Data Giant, Threaten to Leak Data
Gravy Analytics has been one of the most important companies in the location data industry for years, collating smartphone location data from around the world selling some to the U.S. government. Hackers say they stole a mountain of data.Joseph Cox (404 Media)
Researcher Turns Insecure License Plate Cams Into Open Source #Surveillance Tool #CyberSecurity
Researcher Turns Insecure License Plate Cameras Into Open Source Surveillance Tool
Privacy advocate draws attention to the fact that hundreds of police surveillance cameras are streaming directly to the open internet.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
What do these privacy violations have in common? They share a source of data that’s shockingly pervasive and unregulated: the technology powering nearly every ad you see online.
Each time you see a targeted ad, your personal information is exposed to thousands of advertisers and data brokers through a process called “real-time bidding” (RTB). This process does more than deliver ads—it fuels government surveillance, poses national security risks, and gives data brokers easy access to your online activity. RTB might be the most privacy-invasive surveillance system that you’ve never heard of."
#Privacy #Surveillance #CyberSecurity #AdTargeting #DataProtection #DataBrokers #DataBrokerage #RTB
Online Behavioral Ads Fuel the Surveillance Industry—Here’s How
Each time you see a targeted ad, your personal information is exposed to thousands of advertisers and data brokers through a process called “real-time bidding” (RTB).Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF refuses to let this blight grow without documenting it, exposing it, and finding ways to fight back alongside the communities that live in the shadow of this technological threat to human rights.
Here’s a galley of images representing our work and the new developments we’ve discovered in border surveillance in 2024."
#USA #Mexico #Surveillance #BorderSurveillance #BorderControl
The email undermines the Secret Service’s and other U.S. federal agencies' justification that monitoring the movements of phones with commercially available location data without a warrant is possible because people allegedly agreed to the terms of services of ordinary apps that may collect it. The news also comes after the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) banned Venntel, the company that provided the underlying dataset for the surveillance tool used by the Secret Service, from selling sensitive location data, and alleged that it did not obtain that consent in multiple cases. The tool used by the Secret Service is called Locate X, which is made by a company called Babel Street."
#USA #SecretService #Surveillance #LocationData #LocationX
Secret Service Admits It Didn’t Check if People Really Consented to Being Tracked
Emails viewed by 404 Media show that the Secret Service did not verify that location data it was tracking people with was actually collected with consent, despite saying so.Joseph Cox (404 Media)
Our best hope for protection is that legislators in Massachusetts and other states who are concerned about these risks take steps now to upgrade their privacy laws."
#Privacy #CyberSecurity #Surveillance #Authoritarianism #DataProtection
Privacy in Authoritarian Times - TeachPrivacy
I just published an op-ed in the Boston Globe entitled "States can fight authoritarianism by shoring up privacy laws." Boston Globe (Dec. 23, 2024). It'sDaniel Solove (TeachPrivacy)
#CyberSecurity #Surveillance #Spyware #NSOGroup #Pegasus #WhatsApp
La vigilancia que devoró Occidente
El ‘caso Pegasus’ demuestra que los gobiernos siempre usarán la tecnología en secreto para vulnerar derechos ciudadanosMarta Peirano (Ediciones EL PAÍS S.L.)
A great resource is the EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense.
This Is How Trump’s Department of Justice Spied on Journalists
In a new report, the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the agency violated its own rules to snoop on reporters.Shawn Musgrave (The Intercept)
#Surveillance #PoliceState #USA #DigitalRights
I will be honest, it can be overwhelming; however, in times like this, I like to focus on what can be done instead of worrying about what hasn't happened yet. The most important thing is to act, no matter how difficult it can be during times of fear and stress. Pushing for incremental change and improvements requires small actions every day. We have to engage the folks that are willing to join our fight, pave the way for those actions, and build the communities we want collectively.
There is a lesson to be learned from merging with Tails in 2024 and our growth in the last several years: together we are stronger. And in 2025, I want to use this lesson as a guiding principle, that solidarity and collaboration are our greatest strengths."
#Tor #Anonymity #Privacy #Surveillance
Meeting the demands of tomorrow's Internet | Tor Project
Reflecting on 2024 and looking forward to
"This gives us an idea of the intensity of the monitoring and shows that smart TV platforms collect large volumes of data on users, regardless of how they consume content, whether through traditional TV viewing or devices connected via HDMI, like laptops or gaming consoles," Callejo emphasizes.
To test the ability of TVs to block ACR tracking, the research team experimented with various privacy settings on smart TVs. The results demonstrated that, while users can voluntarily block the transmission of this data to servers, the default setting is for TVs to perform ACR."
#TVs #SmartTVs #Surveillance #DataProtection #Privacy
Smart TVs collect viewing data even when used as external screens, according to research
A team from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), in collaboration with University College London (England) and the University of California, Davis (U.S.), has found that smart TVs send viewing data to their servers.Carlos III University of Madrid (Tech Xplore)
I can confidently raise this question, having observed and analyzed this area for over 15 years from various perspectives. My background includes experience in web browser security and privacy, including in standardization. I served in the W3C Technical Architecture Group, and have authored scientific papers on privacy, tracking, and fingerprinting, as well as assessments of technologies like Web APIs. This includes the Privacy Sandbox’s Protected Audience API. I was looking forward to the architectural improvements of web privacy. In other words, I am deeply familiar with this context. The media so far have done a great job bringing attention to the issue, but they frame this development as a controversy between Google’s policy change and the UK ICO’s concerns. I believe that the general public and experts alike would benefit from a broader perspective."
#Google #Surveillance #AdTracking #Privacy #DataProtection
#Israel #Pegasus #NSOGroup #Spyware #Surveillance #WhatsApp
Now imagine that companies outsource ID checks to the government and offload the risk of running their own. That is how the no-fly list works. That’s how airlines operate *now*. GIAAS.
Then add the passive identification that systems like facial recognition are spreading. You can no longer reliably know whether you have been identified and logged, who gets that information, or what hidden decision they may make based on it. Few of us are sure of our rights in any situation, and few of us even ask why."
#Surveillance #StatePolice #Privacy
Government identification as a service - net.wars
This week, the clock started ticking on the UK's Online Safety Act. Ofcom, the regulator charged with enforcing it, published its codes of practice and guidanceWendy M. Grossman (net.wars)
Australia Banning Kids from Social Media Does More Harm Than Good
Age verification systems are surveillance systems that threaten everyone’s privacy and anonymity. But Australia’s government recently decided to ignore these dangers, passing a vague, sweeping piece of age verification legislation after giving only a…Electronic Frontier Foundation