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Beiträge, die mit INTERNET getaggt sind

More on the baltic internet cable cut:

Now it seems a Chinese bulk carrier passed through the area around the time the cable was cut, on its way from Russia to Egypt. Given suspicions that China has been offering to aid the Russian war effort, investigators are now working on a hypothesis that the ship was either carrying Russian operatives, or that the damage was done on behalf of Russia.....

One thing's for sure: it wasn't an accident!

#Baltic #internet #Russia #China
h/t FT

💫Octothorpes Protocol: like #instagram #hashtags but for a collection of independent #websites

#Learn more about #Octothorpes #project #launched recently🔥

I can #tag my #web pages like #blog posts with special <a> tags and get listed on a public Octothorpe #server and my other friends in the same #webring can know about my posts and shared links using #rss #rssfeed




#producthunt #webdev #internet

Hmmm... the C-Lion1 fibre optic cable that connects Helsinki in Finland & Rostock in Germany has been cut.... with suspicions falling (immediately) on Russia... The night before a similar link between Sweden & Lithuania was also cut.

So on one hand this looks like a programme of communicative disruption... but one might wonder whether its a sign of the start of something else (my old IR training leads me to pose the Q. at least).

#internet #communications #security

h/t FT

With #Gaza deliberately being cut off, and sealed off, by #Israel, just about any form of #internet access, no matter how shaky and temporary, has become vital forWith most of the infrastructure in Gaza destroyed, mobile phone accounts in the shape of #eSIMs are one of the last remaining means to communicate. They log into neighboring Egypt and Israeli mobile networks, wherever possible (mostly in the South of Gaza).

#ConnectingHumanity is providing eSIMs to the groups mentioned above. They're reliable and legit [**]. Consider donating to them.

https://connecting-humanity.org/ An eSIM is a virtual SIM that can be sent as a QR code, rather than a physical SIM that is next to impossible to get into Gaza, at the moment.

[**] More context:

https://www.europesays.com/1607682/ France Court Orders Google To Halt News Search Scheme #france #internet #legal #media #SYND
UN Urges Leveraging Carbon Markets To Help Poorest Countries

Dear #web experts in my timeline (and on the rest of the #Internet), what are the good #book / #tutorial / #workshop / #link / #blog with random UI design and implementation using simple HTML (or say with #bootstrap ) ?

I guess just simple #boostrap can solve most of my needs.

Carole Cadwalladr: “Elections are downstream from white men talking on platforms that white men built, juiced by invisible algorithms our broligarch overlords control. This is culture now.”
“These bros know. They don’t fear journalists any more. Journalists will now learn to fear them. Because this is oligarchy now. This is the fusion of state and commercial power in a ruling elite.”
#journalism #election #democracy #internet #socialmedia

Carole Cadwalladr: “Social media *is* mainstream media now. It’s where the majority of the world gets its news. Though who even cares about news? It’s where the world gets its memes and jokes and consumes its endlessly mutating trends. Forget ‘internet culture’. The internet *is* culture. And this is where this election was fought and won … long before a single person cast a ballot.”
#journalism #election #democracy #internet #socialmedia

One of my favourite corners of the internet is hydraulic press interperative dance.

No shaming.

#internet #press

two hackers encounter a relic of an ancient past

stanley lieber (https://stanleylieber.com) said this to me once during a heated debate on the best web browser (mothra v links2). The quote stuck with me ever since.

#unix_surrealism #internet #links2gang #comic
Two hackers encounter a destroyed ancient poster of a child surfing on a keyboard with the word INTERNET above their head.

The hackers pause for a minute, until finally, one says:

"It all seemed so innocent once."

¡He escrito un libro! 💫
Va de #internet, y de qué vamos a hacer para recuperarla (por supuesto, tiene un capítulo dedicado al #fediverso). Ojalá os resulte interesante y sea útil para pensar cómo impulsar tecnologías libres y más justas.

El 20 de mayo llega a librerías. Vamos a presentarlo por ahora en #Barcelona, #Sabadell, #Sevilla, #Bilbao, #Santander y #Vitoria. Aquí más info: https://redesnuestras.net/

Si me ayudáis a que lo conozca más gente, os lo agradezco mucho. 🙏
Varios ejemplares del libro ‘Las redes son nuestras. Una historia popular de internet y un mapa para volver a habitarla’. La autora es Marta G. Franco, la editorial Consonni, e incluye un epílogo de Lola Robles.
Listado de presentaciones de 'Las redes son nuestras'. 
- Barcelona: 24 de mayo, 19:00, con Alba Lafarga, Llibreria Finestres
- Barcelona: 25 de mayo, 12:30, mesa redonda, Feri Literal
- Barcelona: 26 de mayo, 15:30, presentación del libro, Feri Literal
- Sabadell: 28 de mayo, 19:00, con Proyecto UNA, Mala Peça
- Sevilla: 4 de junio, 20:00, con Macarena Hernández, Librería La Fuga
- Bilbao: 6 de junio, 19:00, con Pablo Garaizar, Bilboko Liburu Azoka
- Santander: 7 de junio, 19:30, con Alejandro González, La Vorágine.
- Gasteiz: 8 de junio, 18:00, con Gorka Julio, Eva Forest Liburutopia

Twitter passa oficialmente a usar endereço "x.com"
🔗 https://tugatech.com.pt/t60341-twitter-passa-oficialmente-a-usar-endereco-x-com
#elonmusk #internet #SEO #twitter #noticias #tech #tugatech

Wordpress ya es compatible con #Mastodon. Es un primer paso para llevar a casi la mitad de #Internet al #Fediverso


"Duren lo que duren. Blogs 1 – Redes sociales 0"

@the_cheis en "El blog es un gran maestro"

https://thecheis.com/2023/08/01/el-blog-es-un-gran-maestro/ #Blogs, #Internet, #Reflexiones

Two more questions that I would love to hear perspectives about (either or both):

1- what do you see as the biggest ways the #Internet potentially *contributes* to #ClimateChange ?

2- what do you see as the ways the Internet can help address #climate issues or find solutions?

For me I think for 1 it’s the general need for electricity, and specifically power(and water)-hungry data centers. For 2 it’s remote working, and the sharing of ideas, research, sensors.

#ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions