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Beiträge, die mit VIOLENCE getaggt sind

#israel #lebanon : #war / #hezbollah / #truce / #bufferzone / #agreement / #withdrawal / #violence / #uno

„Top UN officials in Lebanon are calling for compliance with the ongoing ceasefire after reports that Israeli forces killed 15 people, including a Lebanese soldier, along the buffer zone with Israel, which Israel was due to withdraw from on Sunday under the agreement.“


#israel #lebanon #palestine : #war / #gaza / #hezbollah / #hamas / #truce / #idp / #civilianvictims / #violence

„Israeli troops fired Sunday on displaced Lebanese and Palestinians trying to return to southern Lebanon and northern Gaza, separately, as deadlines passed in both ceasefire agreements and violence ensued.

At least 15 people were killed and 83 others injured across 15 villages in southern Lebanon (…) as the 60-day deadline (…) expired.“


Whether you're religious or anti-religious, if you want to convince me that you have something good to offer me and others, if you approach me with violence, aggression, hostility, and supercilious arrogance, I will tune you out.

Because the world is full of those things and those of us repulsed by them seek alternatives to them from anyone promising us good solutions, not echoes of them.

#religion #morality #community #welcome #violence #cruelty

But the arrogance and violence and aggression of many people speaking out on social media these days against those who have religious convictions also tells us that atheism and anti-religious commitments do not necessarily yield more humane, tolerant, kind, non-violent behavior among those who have these commitments.

I find the militant dogmatism of some anti-religious people just as repulsive as I find the dogmatism of some religious people.

#religion #community #violence #cruelty

I agree with Jessica Grose. Religious bodies can exercise great cruelty and do horrific injustice. I know this personally as someone who has worked for church institutions and experienced deplorable discrimination in them.

Religious people have much to learn from non-religious and anti-religious people including atheists. One can be a profoundly moral person and have no religious faith at all.

#religion #morality #community #welcome #violence #cruelty

"Religious institutions are certainly not the only potential avenue for meaning, purpose and value in society. But we can’t underestimate the power of their reach, even in an increasingly secular world. When they have epic moral failures, it affects all of us, because it makes everyone more suspicious of potentially welcoming communities."

#religion #morality #community #welcome #violence #cruelty

"As a secular, mildly observant Jew, I don’t feel strongly about whether other Americans attend religious services or believe in God. But I do care about the pervasive — and honestly, warranted — cynicism that young people have about religious institutions, because I think it is contributing to a more disconnected, careless and cruel society."

#religion #morality #community #welcome #violence #cruelty

Jessica Grose notes the compelling reasons many younger people are turning their backs on organized religion — she points, in particular, to the horror show of sexual abuse of minors and its coverup in the Catholic church.

But she laments the effects of this rejection of religious institutions for the following reasons:

#religion #morality #community #welcome #violence #cruelty


"#Palantir might be understood, based on this section of #Thiel’s essay, as applied #Straussianism: an enterprise that acknowledges the deep, dangerous undercurrent of human #violence and harnesses the reams of #data generated by the internet to #monitor and #control it."



"Scholars looking to explain the rise of #authoritarian #populism in liberal #democracies over the last half century frequently invoke economic insecurity and cultural conflict, but the role of actual #violence is largely overlooked."



#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #opt / #westbank / #settlers / #violence / #impunity

„In today’s newsletter: As Israeli security forces launch an operation in the city of Jenin and violence by settlers escalates, Emma Graham-Harrison explains what happens next.“


#Israel #TerroristState #Westbank #Jenin #occupation #violence #MSF

"Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has said Israel’s attacks on the occupied West Bank after a ceasefire deal was announced in Gaza “are taking a heavy toll on people’s physical and mental health”, as ambulances and medical staff are prevented access.

“What we are seeing in Jenin camp is horrific,” an unnamed MSF-trained paramedic was quoted by the organisation as saying."

MSF says West Bank raids taking ‘heavy toll’ on Palestinians
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has said Israel’s attacks on the occupied West Bank after a ceasefire deal was announced in Gaza “are taking a heavy toll on people’s physical and mental health”, as ambulances and medical staff are prevented access.

“What we are seeing in Jenin camp is horrific,” an unnamed MSF-trained paramedic was quoted by the organisation as saying.

“People are targeted while being evacuated, and wounded cannot be reached by ambulance. We are running out of electricity, and we will soon be unable to use our electric vehicles to transport and stabilise patients.”

MSF said the surge in violence was taking place at a time when it had already been “forced to suspend operations in Jenin and reduce activities in Hebron and Nablus due to obstruction of movement”.

MSF called for “unimpeded access to medical care” and the protection of hospitals, ambulances and healthcare workers.

#australia #israel #palestine : #antisemitism / #islamophobia / #violence / #escalation

„A rash of antisemitic attacks in recent weeks has rattled the Jewish community in Australia, home to the largest proportion of Holocaust survivors outside Israel. There have been no reports of major casualties but the violence represents a dramatic escalation of tensions reverberating from the war in the Middle East, which has also spurred Islamophobic episodes in Australia.“


Suspected settlers attacked Palestinian villages hours BEFORE Trump rescinded sanctions against them

"The reversal of the Biden administration’s sanctions, which were meant to punish radical settlers, could set the tone for a presidency that is expected to be more tolerant of Israel’s expansion of settlements and of violence toward Palestinians."

(AP) #israel #WestBank #settlers #Trump #violence


#israel #palestine : #settlers / #violence / #opt / #westbank / #inpunity

„Palestinian authorities said a man was shot in the foot and several others were injured as settlers carried out attacks in three Palestinian towns Saturday (…).

According to official Palestinian Authority news agency Wafa, citing the mayor of Yatma, the man was shot by an Israeli soldier as Palestinians from the village attempted to fend off an attack on homesteads by settlers.“

"The extensive overlap between the aims of the anti-democratic elites, including business leaders and the military, and those of the Nazis, ensured that however the great the distaste of elites for the violence of the Nazis, they were willing to go along with their destruction of democracy.”

#Hitler #EconomicElites #disinformation #propaganda #violence #democracy

~ Ibid.


“What brought Hitler to supreme power within a few months of being appointed Reich Chancellor was a combination of murderous political violence whose ruthlessness was beyond anything imagined by the world of conventional politics in Germany, and a propaganda offensive that violated every standard of truthfulness and decency."

#Hitler #EconomicElites #violence #disinformation #democracy

~ Richard J. Evans, Hitler’s People: The Faces of the Third Reich (NY: Random House, 2024), p. 100

✊🏽actu militante✊ La citoyenneté israélienne ne protège pas les Palestiniens contre la violence (Vidéo): Une vidéo permet de voir les soldats israéliens en train d'agresser physiquement une Palestinienne, citoyenne israélienne, et de lui arracher son hijab dans la ville de Qalanswa, située au centre d'Israël, après avoir été prise de force aux Palestiniens en mai 1949. CAPJPO-Europalestine
-- ACTUALITÉS, VIDÉOS https://europalestine.com/2025/01/09/la-citoyennete-israelienne-ne-protege-pas-les-palestiniens-contre-la-violence-video/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Palestine #Israël #DroitsHumains #Violence #Hijab

✊🏽actu militante✊ La citoyenneté israélienne ne protège pas les Palestiniens contre la violence (Vidéo): Une vidéo permet de voir les soldats israéliens en train d'agresser physiquement une Palestinienne, citoyenne israélienne, et de lui arracher… #Palestine #Israël #DroitsHumains #Violence #Hijab

La citoyenneté israélienne ne ...

Yet another subtle indicator of the implicit violence of Seppo culture.

I Smashed My 2024 Goodreads Challenge: Here's How to Beat Yours in 2025
I've not read the article, i have no interest at all in its subject matter, that's not the point. What's the point, then?
Over the years / decades i've noted the incorporation of terms of violence into daily Seppo lingo, culture. This article headline is just another. I hear Seppo podcasters end each ep by urging listeners to "smash that like button", etc.

Such a horrifically violent society. One does not even need to consider their multi-decades of international interference, covertly & overtly, in sovereign countries; nor their colonial history of nearly wiping out the indigenous peoples across the lands now called Merka [i mean, ffs, the genocide even antiseptically permeated the subsequent culture from childhood up by games of "cowboys & indians"]; nor even their statistics of more guns than humans & an out of control firearms murder rate. If one simply opens one's eyes & ears, & notices even small cultural markers, one then knows.

"Smashed"... ffs. 🙄🤦‍♀️

#violence #culture #america #usa

New Orleans attack came as officials warned of an escalating threat of international terrorism
After Hamas launched the deadly assault on Israel that triggered retaliatory airstrikes on Gaza, FBI Director Christopher Wray said he feared the Middle East violence could embolden individuals or groups to carry out attacks inside the United States.
#attack #terrorism #politics #violence #NewOrleans #Israel #Gaza #UnitedStates

#palestine : #westbank / #palestinianauthority / #hamas / #powerstruggle / #violence

„The Palestinian Authority is determined to score a win against militants in the Israeli-occupied West Bank ahead of Donald Trump's presidency, aiming to demonstrate its ability to control post-war Gaza, analysts said.“


An uneasy calm settles over Syrian city of Homs after outbreak of sectarian violence https://www.byteseu.com/596758/ #AbuMohammadAlGolani #AhmadAlBayyaa #AhmadAlSharaa #APTopNews #BasharAssad #ChristianHoms #Conflicts #GeneralNews #Islam #MohammadAliHajjYounes #Politics #ProtestsAndDemonstrations #sanaa #shootings #Syria #violence #WarAndUnrest #WorldNews
An uneasy calm settles over Syrian city of Homs after outbreak of sectarian violence

Stop Changing the World With Violence

"When the CEO of UnitedHealthcare was gunned down by a masked man on the busy streets of New York, the internet erupted with visions of what this could mean... Was this the event that would trigger a mass movement against extractive capitalism?

In contrast, extractive capitalism barely blinked."


#violence #elite #ceo #UnitedHealthcare

Conflict in South Korea reopens wounds examined by 2024 Nobel laureate https://www.byteseu.com/577754/ #award #CulturalCompetence #english #Film #HanKang #literature #MartialLaw #NetflixDrama #NobelLaureate #PowerStruggle #SouthKorea #universal #violence #Work #World
Conflict in South Korea reopens wounds examined by 2024 Nobel laureate

https://www.europesays.com/1694851/ témoignages de violence policière à la manif contre l’OTAN – Pivot #armee #DroitsEtLibertés #Europa #europe #Guerre #Manifestation #nato #OTAN #Palestine #police #Violence

#press #news #ai #teens #children #violence

"Ein #Chatbot sagte einem 17-Jährigen, dass die Ermordung seiner Eltern eine „vernünftige Reaktion“ auf die Einschränkung seiner Bildschirmzeit sei, heißt es in einer bei einem texanischen Gericht eingereichten Klage.

Zwei Familien verklagen #characterAI mit dem Argument, der Chatbot stelle eine „klare und gegenwärtige Gefahr“ für junge Menschen dar, unter anderem durch „aktive Förderung von Gewalt“."


#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #history / #conflict / ##violence / #peaceplan / #comment

„Israel not providing a just and fair peace plan will inevitably lead to future conflicts with more deaths, injuries, displacements and destruction.“
