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Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind

"Die vom Bundestag verabschiedete #AntisemitismusResolution ist nicht geeignet, um jüdisches Leben zu schützen. Sie ist vor allem dazu geeignet, um den deutschen Staat autoritärer und repressiver zu machen.


Sonderlob erhielt der Antrag von Beatrix von #Storch (#AfD). Storch sah in diesem Entwurf alle Thesen ihrer Partei bestätigt und verwirklicht."


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#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Genozid #Rechtsextremismus #Rassismus #Ampel #SPD #Grüne #FDP #CDU #CSU

A great first episode of AJ's Now You Know.

I saw the press conference where Francesca Albanese makes the point: there is no right in international law for a country to exist. There is for a people, but not for a country.

I ask: Did Yugoslavia have a right to exist? What about Sardinia-Piedmont? What about East/West Germany? Or Hesse for that matter? Or, the 'other' Germany?

No, no country has a right to exist, ever, not even Israel


#Gaza #WestBank

LIVE: Israeli attacks kill dozens in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria | Al Jazeera

- Riyadh gears up to host Arab-Islamic summit on Gaza, Lebanon
- Terrified, starving, crushed: The agonising death of my grandfather in Gaza
- Israeli forces raid cities, towns across occupied West Bank
- Houthi-affiliated media report air raids by US, UK forces on Yemen
- Israel’s military intercepts more drones ‘from the east’

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #Lebanon #Yemen

"Wie sich jetzt herausgestellt hat, haben Zeitungen und Sender ihre Berichte über gewalttätige Angriffe auf die Fans von Maccabi Tel Aviv mit Bildern illustriert, die diese als Opfer zeigen, obwohl sie die Angreifer waren. Maccabi-Ultras waren zuletzt in Athen mit ähnlichen Gewalttaten gegenüber arabischen Menschen bekannt geworden." via @ndaktuell


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#Mefienptoblem #Journalismus #Propaganda #FakeNews #Amsterdam #Rassismus #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank

Wir sollten alles tun, um #Netanjahu und alle, die mit ihm Kriegsverbrechen begangen haben, vor den #ICC zu bringen.
Dasselbe gilt für die noch lebenden Führer von Hamas und Hisbollah.
Allesamt toxische Männer. Sie definieren sich über Gewalt, Töten, Mord und Zerstörung. Was für elende Typen.
#Israel #Gaza #Libanon #Westbank

#france #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #westbank / #opt / #dissent / #openletter / #documentation

„In an article published in 'Le Monde,' leading figures of the Jewish faith and culture denounce the visit to Paris on November 13, of the finance minister for Benjamin Netanyahu's government, who is hostile to a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and defends the illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank: “


++ French court rejects plea to cancel pro-Israel Paris gala ++ 60 Jordanians launch hunger strike to lift north Gaza siege ++ Qatar says reports about Hamas office in Doha are 'inaccurate': REPORT ++ Ireland to join S. Africa ICJ case against Tel Aviv ++ 🔔 Update: Several Syrian soldiers injured in Israeli aggression on Aleppo ++

🌃 Night Shift News -- relevant headlines rundown 23:30 CEST

#gaza #westbank #lebanon #mena
-- with updates


"Gallant has been the most prominent coalition politician to oppose a new law in the form that the ultra-Orthodox seek. On Monday, he approved an army plan to send draft notices to thousands of ultra-Orthodox men. The next day, Netanyahu fired him."

"The prime minister appears to remain committed to his prewar stance of preventing unification of Gaza and the West Bank, lest this create momentum toward Palestinian statehood."

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank


We enter day 400 of the war against the people of Palestine. #gaza #westbank

Death toll (at least): 43,552
Injured: 102,765

200,000 without food in Jabalia, northern Gaza

Following are some of the interactive maps and databases 🔵 OCHA staff has developed to support the humanitarian community in the occupied Palestinian territory in providing effective and principled response 👇🏽


#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #westbank / #opt / #settlers / #diplomacy

“Yechiel Leiter, American-born rightwinger, has called for ultimate Israeli ‘sovereignty’ over West Bank territories.

Benjamin Netanyahu has appointed a hardline supporter of the war in Gaza and longtime backer of settlements in the West Bank as his ambassador to the US as Israel prepares for the incoming administration of Donald Trump.“


This Maccabi Tel Aviv riot in Amsterdam is a Rorschach test for Zionism.

Israelis hit the streets to riot against any evidence of Palestinianism, so they cause chaos, attack anyone wearing a keffiyeh, rip down pro-Palestinian banners, Palestinian flags, and attack people, like the thugs they are.

Palestinians fight back, and a now it's being framed as "Israelis attacked in Amsterdam".

This is like a microcosm if Israel: attack everyone, then complain when they fight back

#Gaza #WestBank

Jordan's former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marwan Muasher, speaks with Middle East Eye's editor-in-chief, David Hearst, about the role of Jordan and other Arab states in halting the ongoing war in Gaza.

In this episode of One on One, Hearst and Muasher discuss the wider regional ramifications of Israel's war on Gaza and explore why Arab regimes have failed to make a meaningful impact.

#jordan #gaza #westbank #talk

📲 Video credit: MEE UK (YT)


"2023 stellte die #Ampel einen Rekord für Rüstungexporte auf, dieses Jahr könnte er erneut übertroffen werden. Die Waffen gehen auch an Länder wie #SaudiArabien, #Katar oder die #Türkei und zeigen, dass man es mit der Islamismus-Bekämpfung doch nicht so wichtig nimmt, wenn es einem geopolitisch in den Kram passt."


#Imperialismus #Neokolonialismus #Rassismus #Klassismus #Sexismus #Feminismus #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Baerbock #Grüne #SPD #FDP

As Americans went to the polls, UN vehicles were driving through this hellscape. How many bodies are under the rubble?

This is what genocide looks like. There is intent there


#Gaza #WestBank

Pretty crazy that Israel just introduced two laws that would sentence people to '20 years in Gaza' if they show 'sympathies' with Hamas, or have family members alleged (yes, just alleged) of being involved in terrorism. Said sympathies can be using the term martyr, showing the Palestinian flag, or wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh.

This is, as the video says, "institutionalised apartheid".

To me, it's also an admission that Gaza is a concentration camp


#Gaza #WestBank

"Premier Schoof veroordeelt 'antisemitische aanvallen' in Amsterdam" - Helemaal mee eens en goed dat hij #netanyahu even heeft gebeld. Kan #Schoof gelijk #netanyahu er even op wijzen dat hij verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van duizenden onschuldige mensen en kinderen in #gaza #libanon #westbank #syrie - Misschien ook gelijk #netanyahu erop wijzen dat het aanvallen van #unrwa niet door de beugel kan en dat #israel op dit moment een #rogue nation is.


LIVE: Israeli air strikes kill more than 100 across Gaza, Lebanon | Al Jazeera

- Lebanon labels Israeli attack in Sidon ‘war crime’
- Israeli warships kill fisherman on coast of Gaza’s Rafah city
- Sirens sound in western Galilee following rocket barrage
- UN says 13 Palestinians killed by Israeli troops in occupied West Bank
- WATCH: Fallout after armed Israeli police detain two French gendarmes in Jerusalem

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #Lebanon

++ Israel signs $5.2B deal to acquire advanced F-15 fighter jets ++ German Parliament approves controversial anti-Semitism resolution ++ Palestinian journalists condemn Moroccan journalists’ visit to Israel ++ Israeli strike on vehicle near Sidon checkpoint leaves three dead, 🔵 UNIFIL and Lebanese soldiers injured ++ 🛑🕯 New massacre claims lives of 27 civilians in Jabalia camp, north Gaza ++

#gaza #westbank #lebanon

🌃 Night Shift News rundown 22:00 CEST


Everyone who chose to not vote for Harris should read or reread The Jungle to get a clear sense of the past that will become our literal future over the next four years.

All while Trump urges Netanyahu to be more aggressive in Gaza, and to do the same in the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and, inevitably, Iran.

Great job y'all. Fantastic 👏🏿

I hope you'll be happy with the grave new world you've helped to create.

#TheJungle #USPol #Harris #Gaza #Trump #Netanyahu #WestBank #Lebanon #Syria #Iran

#israel #palestine : #war / #westbank / #assassination / #deportation / #law / #clanliability / #constitution

»It remains unclear whether the law would be applied in the occupied West Bank, where Israel already demolishes the homes of attackers' families as part of its long-standing policy.

Oded Feller, a legal adviser for the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, (…) stressed that the Interior Ministry has no legal mechanism to deport (…).“


"Arab American anger over Biden's support for Israel's wars in Gaza and Lebanon manifested in Michigan..."

I got some bad news for you folks: Prepare for a bloodbath in the Middle East.

#uspolitics #election2024 #gaza #lebanon #westbank


"Auch die Angst, von der Bild-Zeitung als Antisemit und Israelhasser diffamiert zu werden, wirkt in der Politik bis in die höchsten Ränge."


Jede #Gewerkschaft hat die komplette bürgerliche Medienlandschaft inkl. #ÖRR & Arbeitgeberlobbies gegen sich & neoliberale Politiker/innen mit 11.227,20€ Gehalt für gute Anwälte sind zu feige, sich nur mit der #HaltDieFresseBild anzulegen. 🤡

#Antisemitismus #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Ampel #SPD #Grüne #FDP #Gewerkschaften

Pressekonferenz: Massive Kritik von Wissenschaftlern und Juristen an der geplanten Resolution des Bundestages zum "Schutz jüdischen Lebens"


- Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
- Susan Neiman
- Matthias Goldmann
- Wolfgang Kaleck

Es wird auch darauf eingegangen, dass die #Ampel mit der Resolution Verfassungsrecht brechen will und die Demokratie angreift.

#Antisemitismus #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Rechtsextrremismus #SPD #Grüne #FDP #CDU #CSU #Scholz #Baerbock

Armed Israeli settlers torch Palestinian homes, cars and olive trees across West Bank

Wave of attacks on towns and villages begins on Sunday night, with residents of Burqa noting Israelis destroyed ancient trees that were older than Israel itself
Damaged cars and burnt building show the aftermath of Israeli settler arson attacks in the West Bank city of al-Bireh, 4 November, 2024 (Reuters/Mohammed Torokman)

#Terrorism #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics

@israel group @palestine group

"Yuval Abraham calls out German politicians for 'literally putting Jewish lives in danger' by emptying the term #antisemitism of meaning"


#Israel #Palestind #Gaza #WestBank #Libanon #CNN

"I coloni come dei veri fuorilegge stanno scatenando rivolte nelle terre dei palestinesi, supportati dall’esercito israeliano che se ne sta inerte a guardare. Come si può permettere che questo continui? Impossibile voltare lo sguardo dall’altra parte."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #6novembre


London -- Advocacy organizations in UK express solidarity with Palestine Action group

'Every action which disrupts the supply chain of weapons being used in the ongoing genocide is the moral thing to do and worthy of support,' says joint statement

📰 A special report by Burak Bir for Anadolu 👇🏽

#gaza #westbank #uk

Source: Anadolu Ajansi


#bibi 100% accomplished exactly what he wanted to happen with his #genocide in #Gaza .
The #westbank is next. expect carpet bombings in the very near future.