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Beiträge, die mit CLIMATE getaggt sind

Good to see the UK step up and increase its funding for International Development Association (IDA) the part of the World Bank which funds (among other things) climate projects in low-income countries.

Critics will argue in a fiscally constrained UK should not be raising the amount passed to the IDA, but while there are good moral reasons for funding the IDA, it also begins to make good on green promises that will help us all deal with the climate crisis.


https://www.europesays.com/1646823/ Maine becomes latest US state to sue oil companies over climate change – World #Climate #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #lawsuit #Maine #US
Maine becomes latest US state to sue oil companies over climate change - World

#europe Cruise Ships Produce Toxic Sulphur Emissions Equivalent to 1 Billion Cars, Study Finds

Cruise ships are producing higher levels of toxic air pollutants than they did before the pandemic, according to a new study by the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E). #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #environment https://www.ecowatch.com/europe-cruise-ships-sulphur-emissions-air-pollution.html

A few days ago, Greta Thunberg said this…

As the COP29 climate meeting reaches its end, it should not come as a surprise that yet another COP is failing. The current draft is a complete disaster. But even if our expectations are close to non-existent, we must never find ourselves reacting to these continuous betrayals with anything but rage.

The people in power are again about to agree to a death sentence to the countless people whose lives have been or will be ruined by the climate crisis. The current text is full of false solutions and empty promises. The money from the Global North countries needed to pay back their climate debt is still nowhere to be seen. The host country, Azerbaijan, is a repressive and authoritarian petrostate that has committed ethnic cleansing and genocidal acts towards Armenians. Civil society present at COP29 are being silenced, yet continue fighting and pushing negotiators towards the bare minimum.

All of this while oppression, inequalities, wars, and genocides all over the world continue to intensify. Those in power are worsening the destabilization and destruction of our life-supporting ecosystems. We are on track to experience the hottest year ever recorded, with global greenhouse gases reaching an all-time high just last year.

It is clear that the current systems are not working in our favor. The COP processes aren’t just failing us, they are part of a larger system built on injustice and designed to sacrifice current and future generations for the opportunity of a few to keep making unimaginable profits and to continue exploiting planet and people.

With every negotiation, with every speech made by a world leader, and with every agreement they sign, it becomes clear that it is up to us as a global collective to take the action we so desperately need, and to show where the leadership truly lies. They are not going to do it for us, as this COP29 yet again proves.

#Politics #Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice
Photo of Greta Thunberg, holding a microphone and speaking at a recent event.

"How effective are #climate #protests at swaying policy — and what could make a difference?" https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03721-z

Experts say the world needs a global treaty to cut toxic #plastics pollution that could double by 2050: “if plastics were a country, it would be the world’s fifth-highest emitter of greenhouse gases.”
nytimes.com/2024/11/24/cli… via @NYTimes @HirokoTabuchi @nytimes #climate #climatechange

For a while in my life I did a good bit of this. It is quite an incredible place, and all this freezes and melts in Earth's second largest seasonal cycle...

...yet we still know so little about it...

#seaice #lidar #climate #calval #Antarctica
A helicopter flying over vast fields of sea ice off East Antarctica

If (like me) you've despaired of the COP process recently, you might want to look at the defence mounted by Ashish Ghadiali (Radical Ecology), which focusses on the longer term contribution of the process, and (although he doesn't use this phrase) suggests we need to be careful of making the perfect the enemy of the good; I may not be totally convinced, but neither can I easily dismiss his position. Have a read & see what you think?

#COP29 #climate #UnitedNations


#Cop29: $250bn climate finance offer from rich world an insult, critics say https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/22/cop29-250bn-climate-finance-offer-from-rich-world-an-insult-critics-say
Draft text under fire as poor nations wanted more of the money to come directly from developed countries. #climate #finance

Meanwhile in Baku, while the International Maritime Organisation tries to conclude negotiations on a global climate levy on shipping (accounting for around 3% of all emissions), airlines & oil firs each try to get the other sector to be next to find themselves being targeted for a global levy to help fund the green transition...

Which is all very well, but as we might suspect by the time any negotiations in COP or elsewhere are complete we'll be under water in any case.

#climate #COP29
h/t FT

Climate scientists talking about dragons and monsters?!!

Why? Because they're scared and terribly worried about our future as capitalist-driven global warming races past the old 1.5°C do-not-cross line.

“The goal to avoid exceeding 1.5C is deader than a doornail. It’s almost impossible to avoid at this point because we’ve just waited too long to act,” said Zeke Hausfather, a research scientist at Berkeley Earth. “We are speeding past the 1.5C line in an accelerating way, and that will continue until global emissions stop climbing.”

The 1.5C target now appears to be simply a rhetorical rather than scientifically achievable one. “I never thought 1.5C was a conceivable goal. I thought it was a pointless thing,” said Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist at NASA.

“I’m totally unsurprised, like almost all climate scientists, that we are shooting past it at a rapid clip," Schmidt said. "But what matters is we have to reduce emissions. Once we stop warming the planet, the better it will be for the people and ecosystems that live here.”

As the world barrels past 1.5C there lie alarming uncertainties in the form of runaway climate “tipping points,” which once set off cannot be halted on human timescales, such as the Amazon turning into a savanna, the collapse of the great polar ice sheets, and huge pulses of carbon released from melting permafrost.

“1.5C is not a cliff edge, but the further we warm up, the closer we get to unwittingly setting off tipping points that will bring dramatic climate consequences,” said Grahame Madge, a climate spokesman at the UK Met Office.

“We are edging ever closer to tipping points in the climate system that we won’t be able to come back from; it’s uncertain when they will arrive, they are almost like monsters in the darkness,” Madge said.

Hausfather added, “Every tenth of a degree matters. All we know is that the more we push the climate system away from where it has been for the last few million years, there be dragons.”

FULL STORY -- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/18/climate-crisis-world-temperature-target

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

NEW: In Indonesia, two islands have already disappeared and thousands more are at the mercy of the oceans as global sea levels rise and threaten coastlines.

But even Java, one of the largest islands in the country, can’t escape this fate. Now, millions are at risk.

This is the second story in our two-part photojournalism series “Parched and Drenched” on the water crisis in Indonesia by Garry Lotulung.


#indonesia #java #environment #climate #photography #journalism

The lie of net-zero by 2050
#climate #COP29 #auspol #world #politics
spot on as usual


🛑 Business As Usual will lead to our demise. 🛑

Sooner or later, perhaps within years, certainly within a decade or two, the fragile and tenuous structure of our complex modern industrial society will break down. It won’t take much — overlapping natural disasters, collapse of the marine food web, an even worse pandemic, serious supply chain disruption, a major crop failure — some of these, or maybe all at once, and everything falls apart.

That’s not an outcome we should welcome. It can only lead to widespread suffering and starvation, with millions and possibly billions of human deaths.

If we are to have any hope of avoiding such a catastrophic societal collapse, we must rapidly reduce the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. But that will never happen as long as capitalism remains in charge.

So capitalism must go. The system must be changed.

Those at the top, however, will not give up easily. They will have to be forced to surrender, to step down and relinquish their power. The only way I can see that happening, short of violent revolution, is through a critical mass of people agreeing that it’s time for ACTION, then joining together for coordinated civil disobedience at a level never seen before.

The primary tactic is a prolonged general strike.

But it must be carefully thought out, every step meticulously organized. This would start with activists and neighborhood leaders meeting up and developing practical plans, locating resources, evaluating areas of strength and also of weakness.

Community groups could then begin stockpiling food and basic supplies and organizing voluntary systems of local/regional assistance, whether with transportation, health care, or finances, in preparation for the strike.

And when it begins:

⦿ No one goes to work

 ⦿ No one buys anything

 ⦿ No one pays any bills

If a wide-scale action like this could last at least a month, or even better two or three months, then I think we *might* have a chance of getting our demands met.

We’re at an inflection point, a moment of decision: either stay with capitalism and face disaster, or do whatever is necessary to bring about degrowth.

#Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateAction

This is truly scary.

It might be another example of Mother Nature saying: FAFO, you fools.

An international team of scientists using observations from satellites found evidence that Earth's total amount of freshwater dropped abruptly starting in May 2014 and has remained low ever since. The researchers say the shift could indicate Earth's continents have entered a persistently drier phase.

From 2015 through 2023, satellite measurements showed that the average amount of freshwater stored on land — that includes liquid surface water like lakes and rivers, plus water in aquifers underground — was 290 cubic miles (1,200 cubic km) lower than the average levels from 2002 through 2014. According to Matthew Rodell, one of the study's authors, "That's two and a half times the volume of Lake Erie lost."

It remains to be seen whether global freshwater will rebound to pre-2015 values, hold steady, or resume its decline. Considering that the nine warmest years in the modern temperature record coincided with the abrupt freshwater decline, Rodell said, "We don't think this is a coincidence, and it could be a harbinger of what's to come."

FULL ARTICLE -- https://phys.org/news/2024-11-nasa-satellites-reveal-abrupt-global.html

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "NASA satellites reveal abrupt drop in global freshwater levels." Below this is an artist's conception of the GRACE satellite orbiting the Earth. (See first comment below.)

As we saw yesterday, in 15 out of the last 16 months — from July 2023 to October 2024 — the average global temperature has already exceeded the 1.5°C do-not-cross line.
➡️ https://climatejustice.social/@breadandcircuses/113504612194113421

And that titanic amount of extra heat is doing serious damage to Earth's climate and environment.

In August and September, huge portions of South America were shrouded in intense smoke from wildfires raging in the Amazon and other parts of Brazil and Bolivia. The Brazilian Pantanal — the world’s largest tropical wetland — had an almost eightfold increase in wildfires this year compared to 2023. From Manaus to São Paulo and Buenos Aires, the smoke, visible from space, blurred sunlight for weeks and posed a threat to the health of millions.

The occurrence raised alarms, but some experts warn that in the future, it might not be such an extraordinary episode.

South America is becoming drier, warmer, and more flammable, according to a new study. These conditions favor not only natural wildfires but also the uncontrolled spread of human-caused fire.

FULL STORY -- https://eos.org/articles/south-america-is-drying-up

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "South America is drying up. A new study shows that dry, warm, and flammable conditions have skyrocketed across the continent, favoring the spread of uncontrolled fire." Below this is a photo of a firefighter in the Brazilian Pantanal, standing amid the charred remains of a blaze.

Denialism isn't a political stance, it's a philosophical one. That's why both right- and left-wing people indulge in it.

Anybody who can be convinced that something is true against evidence otherwise is wide open to being convinced regarding denialism — of anything. HIV/AIDS, COVID, transgender, sexism, racism, etc.

Which is why political efforts to defeat denialism will never work. The only way to defeat it is through education, from kindergarten up. All age groups, all the time.

#Denialism #Climate #Racism #Bigotry #Sexism #Hate #Health #Religion #Science #Facts #Education

For 15 out of the last 16 months — beginning in July 2023 and continuing through October 2024 — the average global temperature has been more than 1.5°C above the pre-industrial average.

That’s what Business As Usual is doing to us.

VIDEO REPORT -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RfkyquTEec

DATA SOURCE -- https://climate.copernicus.eu/copernicus-2024-virtually-certain-be-warmest-year-and-first-year-above-15degc

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Screengrab from linked video. We see a chart of monthly global surface air temperature anomalies, measured from January 2023 through October 2024. Caption says: "October was 1.65°C above pre-industrial levels. The 15th month out of the last 16 to cross the 1.5°C do-not-cross line."

More than 140 banks worldwide have "pledged" to cut emissions associated with their lending and investments to almost zero by 2050.

But meanwhile...

Less than a hundred miles from where world leaders are discussing how to meet their climate pledges, BP is drilling for gas. The project, a sprawling gas field off the Azerbaijani coast, could inject more than 1 billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere, striking a major blow to efforts to slow global warming.

BP has said it intends to invest heavily in new oil and gas fields in the coming years. But it would be unable to pursue these dirty projects without billions in support from big banks. Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo, along with a number of other banks, all helped BP raise more than $5 billion last year.

Since May 2021, global banks committed to "Net-zero" have poured almost $1 trillion into companies pursuing expansion of oil and gas projects that would push the world beyond its survivable limits. Taken together, these projects would produce almost seven times the annual emissions of the U.S.

FULL STORY -- https://grist.org/accountability/net-zero-banks-raised-1-trillion-for-fossil-fuel-giants/

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Economics #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "Net-zero banks raised $1 trillion for fossil fuel giants." Below this is a composite image of oil wells against a background of dollar bills.

If you're a supporter of Business As Usual — and especially if you're an investor in oil and gas — there's good news! 🙄

One year after world leaders made a splashy promise to shift away from fossil fuels, countries are burning more oil, natural gas, and coal than ever before, researchers said this week.

Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are on track to reach a record 37.4 billion metric tons in 2024, a 0.8 percent increase over 2023 levels, according to new data from the Global Carbon Project.

It’s a trend that puts countries farther from their goal of stopping global warming.

FULL STORY -- https://archive.ph/4zcDX

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange
#Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "Fossil fuels are still winning – global emissions head for a record." Below this is a photo of a liquid natural gas terminal in India.

World’s 1.5C climate target ‘deader than a doornail’, experts say https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/18/climate-crisis-world-temperature-target
Scientists say goal to keep world’s temperature rise below 1.5C is not going to happen despite talks at Cop29 in Baku
#climate #COP29

The world put the brakes on nuclear weapons. Is it time to do the same with fossil fuels?
Isabella Kaminski
#COP29 #climate #fossilfuels

Countries must set aside differences and agree climate finance deal, says Cop29 negotiator https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/17/countries-must-set-aside-differences-and-agree-climate-finance-deal-says-german-minister

Jochen Flasbarth called on Cop29 delegates to press on as world faces increasing crises and drop in solidarity. #COP29 #climate #finance

Are you ready for a world without #flowers? Apparently they're having less #sex according to researchers and will not be able to adapt to #climate #change ( #climatechaos) leading to #extinction.


Bad news from the ocean:
Plankton populations, essential to marine ecosystems, are declining due to warming oceans and rising acidification. Plankton also play a key role in climate regulation by trapping carbon in their shells, which sink to the seafloor.
#climate #ClimateChange #ocean #acidification #globalwarming