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Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind

Reuters hat in Zusammenarbeit mit BTselem eine Analyse über die Toten im Zusammenhang mit dem Konflikt #Gaza-#Israel der letzten zwanzig Jahren veröffentlicht, der einen Einblick ermöglicht wer da gestorben ist. Eine visuelle Darstellung versucht greifbar zu machen wieviel Blut dort geflossen ist.

»The lives lost in Gaza
A closer look at those killed in the conflict so far.«

The USAF has flown its nuclear-capable B-52 bomber over Gaza for the first time, reportedly at a low altitude. This manoeuvre is seen as a display of power, potentially signalling a message to Hamas’ allies amid ongoing tensions in the region.
PS. Are there any targets worth carpet bombing by B-52 left in gaza other than mass murder of defenseless civilians?

#US #USAF #B_52 #Genocide #Gaza #Israel #Palestine #Trump #Military #WarCrime #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #StopTrump #BDS

Las reservas de gas de #Israel se acaban y busca robar el gas de #Gaza llevando la guerra de exterminio total


Israel is building a ChatGPT-like tool weaponizing surveillance of Palestinians https://www.972mag.com/israeli-intelligence-chatgpt-8200-surveillance-ai/ #Israel #Gaza #Palestine @palestine

President Donald Trump issues "last warning" to Hamas to release all hostages, as the U.S. holds direct talks with the Palestinian organization.

@CNN reports the talks go against the American tradition of not talking to groups it considers terrorist organizations.


#Trump #Hamas #News #Israel #Hostages #Palestine #Gaza


by Andrew Feinstein and Jack Cinamon in Declassified UK @Declassified_UK

“Norway's sovereign wealth fund holds shares in UK weapons firms that arm Israel, despite its ethical guidelines”


#Press #Norway #Sovereign #Wealth #Fund #Israel #Genocide #Gaza

The IDF reported that over the past week, security forces conducted counterterrorism operations throughout Judea and Samaria.

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Judea #Samaria

Donald Trump ist gerade mal 2 Monate im Amt – und droht bereits mit Genozid. Sein "letztes Warnung" an Gaza ist eine unverhohlene Drohung. Das ist brandgefährlich.

#Trump #Gaza #Genoziddrohung #Menschenrechte #StopptTrump #Israel #USA
Trump droht Gaza

#israel #syrien : #golan / #besetzung / #legitimationsversuche / #gewalt / #völkerrecht / #drusen / #arbeitsmigration / #interview

„In Syrien rückt die israelische Armee seit dem Fall des Assad Regimes weiter vor. Im Westen Syriens, in der Region um die Golanhöhen, bauen israelische Soldaten Stützpunkte, wie Satellitenbilder zeigen. Israel besetzt damit Gebiete, die eigentlich zu Syrien gehören.”


📰 Arabische inval in Israël gedogen


🕦 11:38 | via @chrisklomp71
🔸 #Moord #Verkrachting #Drones #Israel #TelAviv

#usa #qatar #israel #palestine : #gaza / #mediation / #diplomacy / #hamas / #agreement / #hostages / #truce

„U.S. and Hamas officials have had talks in Qatar about hostages held in the Gaza Strip, according to two Israeli officials, a Western official and a diplomat briefed on the matter, breaking with a longstanding American policy of refusing to directly engage groups that it has designated as terrorists.“

#usa #israel : #statevisit / #business

„Bezalel Smotrich, the Israeli finance minister, had drawn rebukes from the Biden administration for his opposition to a cease-fire in Gaza and his support for Jewish settlers in the West Bank.“


#uk #france #frg #rsa #israel #palestine : #gaza / #humanitarianaid / #blockade / #internationallaw

„Britain, France, and Germany jointly urged Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, amid a ceasefire deal requiring further hostages release. President Trump threatened increased military support to Israel if Hamas does not release hostages, while South Africa accused Israel of using starvation as warfare.“


🇮🇱 #Israel investigará la glorificación en #Ucrania de Stepán #Bandera

El ministro de Exteriores #israelí, Gideon Sa’ar, afirmó que desconocía que todavía quedasen monumentos y calles en honor a colaboracionistas #nazis que participaron en el genocidio contra los #judíos durante la II Guerra Mundial.

Gideon Sa’ar, por supuesto, miente...

Más información y #Vídeo

#usa #israel #palästina : #krieg / #gaza / #genozid / #ptbs / #holocaust / #biografie / #interview

„Omer Bartov gehört zur ersten Generation, die im Staat Israel geboren ist. Zwanzig Jahre lang forschte der Historiker zum Holocaust in der osteuropäischen Heimatstadt seiner Mutter, nun beschäftigt ihn die Geschichte Israels und Palästinas.”


Palestinian sources: The Israeli occupation forces destroyed the house of the martyr Nidal Khazim completely during the continuous aggression on the #Jenin camp.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine group @israel group

Mooi! De onterechte aantijgingen van opperrabijn Benjamin Jacobs, CIDI en CJO waren er alleen om #Israel te beschermen. Laat je niet chanteren! Gelukkig is de raad verstandiger.

Echt antisemitisme is een groeiend gevaar. Neem het serieus. Kritiek op Israel is dat echter niet. Misbruik van de term om goedkope hasbara-punten te scoren, bemoeilijkt de bestrijding van antisemitisme.

De #NOS #RTL zullen dit wel niet vermelden.

https://www.europesays.com/1892211/ Israel’s last-minute offer that could have saved Assad #Israel
Israel's last-minute offer that could have saved Assad

Am Montag 3.03. wurden in Tel Aviv 5 Jahre #NRW #Israel Büro gefeiert u.a. mit Reden von Botschafter @GerAmbTLV Steffen Seibert, Staatsekretär @markspeich & vielen Gästen, darunter @JIssacharoff & ASB_NRW @SylviaLoehrmann und die #ARD Tel Aviv #Journalistin & Korrespondentin Bettina Meier
Geburtstagskuchen gab es auch...

The meaning of ‘dispensation’

I take a ‘dispensational interpretation’ of the Bible which is a method of interpreting history that divides God’s work and His purposes towards mankind into different periods of time in which there are different administrations according to His will.
Tony Pearce

#churchleadership #dispensation #Israel #jesus #Messiah #salvation


So it has come to this. #Israel and #Trump are openly talking about The Final Solution to the #Gaza Muslim Question."

Weeks after Israeli withdrawal, Gazans still search for the missing in Netzarim https://www.972mag.com/netzarim-corridor-gaza-missing-bodies/ #Israel #Gaza #Palestine @palestine

Em 05/05, foram descobertos + de 50 c0rp0s de civis 🇵🇸 #Palestinos ass4ssin4dos pelo exército sionista de 🇮🇱 #Israel . Estavam enterrados a vários metros de profundidade em uma vala comum em Beit Lahia, perto do Hospital Kamal Adwan -

https://bsky.app/profile/marcianobrito.bsky.social/post/3ljlzx5lm3l2x -
Via ‪@marcianobrito.bsky.social‬ - #Massacre -

🇺🇸#SUA și ☪️#Hamas confirmă că au avut contacte directe, contrar politicii 🇺🇸#America‎ne de a nu negocia cu grupurile pe care le consideră teroriste.
🇮🇱#Israel‎ul a fost consultat.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-4d8U

#Știri #Palestina #Terorism

#Israel is systematically abducting and torturing Palestinians in concentration camps. More than 61 Palestinian political #captives have been killed in zionist camps in the past 17 months.
Despite the images and testimonies of torture inflicted upon released Palestinian #hostages, mainstream #media continues to ignore their suffering at the hands of the occupation forces.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SanctionIsrael #BDS
#Palestine #Israel #Politics #Genocide #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #Ceasefire @palestine group @israel group

LIVE: Trump issues ‘last warning’ to Hamas, Israel maintains Gaza blockade | Al Jazeera

- How are Palestinians responding to Trump’s threats?
- Israeli forces carry out mass arrests across West Bank
- WATCH: Israelis join TikTok trend mocking Palestinian children’s suffering
- ‘Everything scarce’ in Gaza as Israeli blockade continues
- Mayor of Deir el-Balah sounds alarm over dwindling fuel supplies

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

‘Public execution’: The Israeli checkpoint terrorising a Palestinian town | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

"Israel put a checkpoint on Deir Sharaf’s main street in October 2022. Since then village life has suffered, businesses are failing – and Palestinians are being killed."

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

As Israel cuts off all humanitarian aid to Gaza, aid groups say they are scrambling https://www.byteseu.com/803403/ #BenjaminNetanyahu #CeaseFire #DonaldTrump #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #MiddleEast #War
As Israel cuts off all humanitarian aid to Gaza, aid groups say they are scrambling