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#fitness #health #news #blog
read the full article exclusively only at
Comprehensive Guide to Identifying Weakness in Children: Physical, Emotional, and Nutritional Signs - Fitnessproguru
Here are some methods to help determine whether your children might be experiencing weakness, whether physical, mental, or emotional:Fitness Guru (Fitnessproguru)
The #ProgrammingLanguage does not play the most important role for me, as I have already come into contact with all languages ( #ruby , #python & #golang ), albeit to varying degrees.
#githubpages #programming #coding #staticsitegenerator
"10 videojuegos que espero de 2025"
Espero que os entretenga.
#blog #post #gaming #videojuegos
10 videojuegos que espero de 2025
Ya hemos hablado de mis películas y mis series más esperadas de este 2025 y los videojuegos no van a ser menos. Con este post cierro la turra esta trilogía de entradas de «lo más esperado del año».…Bits de Ocio
Môže Slovensko zohrávať rolu sprostredkovateľa medzi Ukrajinou a Ruskom? - Denis Babiar - EUROPE SAYS
Premiér Robert Fico (Smer-SD) počas svojho stretnutia 22. 12. 2024 s Vladimirom Putinom v Moskve vyjadril ochotu SlovenskaEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
写博客对我而言是再自然不过的一件事情,因此年年写年终总结也毫无阻力反而成为期待新年的动力之一。每年都会有“庸庸碌碌过了一年什么也没干“的感觉,但每年写完年终总结又会发现其实还是干了很多事情的。这大概也是年终总结,乃至生活博客的强行拔高意义之一吧——把虚无缥缈的记忆变成 tangible 的文字来对抗时间流逝记忆消退的螳臂当车,还能更好地 appreciate 生活。
去年底入职新工作,恢复了两周一次发工资,外加现金流增加了,就感觉中间差值的时间让钱放在利率可以忽略不计的 checking 账户里有点亏,来回手动在 HYSA (high yeild saving account)和 checking 之间打又过于琐碎和麻烦。于是趁着新工作,一鼓作气把用了十年的现金流 workflow 连根拔起重整优化了一下。
另外,新的一年了,大家记得 contribute to IRA & 调整 401K & HSA contribution. 恭喜发财!
#blog #抠门秘诀
重新自动化一下我的现金流 workflow
我的上一份工作是一个月发两次工资(一年 24 次),因为时间固定,付房租、信用卡之类很方便。再之前的工作大多是两周发一次(一年 26 次),但现金收入没有结余太多,因此工作十年以来我都是工资打到 checking 账户,月初房租房贷自动付款,月末信用卡查账时候顺便手动付款,再有月初和月中两笔 recurring 定投,如果钱多出来再额外手动打入投资账户。 去年底入职新工作,恢复了两周一次发工资,外加现金流增加了,就感觉中间差值的时间让钱放在利率可以忽略不计的 checking 账户里有点亏,来回…
#GitHub repo is now public too!
I'll also start updating on this project on my #blog soon too over at because I don't want to completely spam Mastodon with this so check it out there!
#OperatingSystem #OSDev #Programming #Tech #Technology #Developer #Kernel #OperatingSystemDevelopment
GitHub - AFellowSpeedrunner/arikoto: Arikoto is a personal OS project that is inspired by and is aiming to have a similar nature to ToaruOS.
Arikoto is a personal OS project that is inspired by and is aiming to have a similar nature to ToaruOS. - AFellowSpeedrunner/arikotoGitHub
New Blog Post:
#Blog #Writing #BearBlog #Slavery #HumanRights #Migrants #Kafala #Gulf #Colonialism #Neocolonialism #Imperialism #Corruption #StateViolence #Kenya #RutoMustGo
I Have No Choice
There are people in such desperate and vulnerable situations that they are at an everyday• potatoing away •
#riemersione #capodanno2025 #capodannoinpiazza #capodanno #alcolismo #dipendenze #Pregabalin #psicofarmaci #sober #blogger #blog #dipendenzepatologiche
#riemersione #blog #dipendenze #alcolismo
#Gaming #VideoGames #Blog #Blogging
Backlog Bloggery: Aces & Adventures
This is an RPG deck building roguelite that incorporates some poker hand
#live updates by 🔴 MEMO: Israel 'demolished 970 facilities, seized 53 sq km in West Bank, Jerusalem in 2024'
#gaza #westbank #alquds #jerusalem
#news #blog by Middle East Monitor MEMO 👇🏽
Read here:
#Linux #Data #Tech #Blog #rsync #gzip #tar
Complete Guide to Linux Archiving and Backup for Beginners – Steve’s Data Tips and Tricks
Learn essential Linux archiving and backup techniques using tar, gzip, and rsync. A beginner’s guide to securing your data with practical examples and commands.Steve's Data Tips and Tricks
Read here:
#Linux #Backup #Tech #Blog #tar #rsync #gzip
Complete Guide to Linux Archiving and Backup for Beginners – Steve’s Data Tips and Tricks
Learn essential Linux archiving and backup techniques using tar, gzip, and rsync. A beginner’s guide to securing your data with practical examples and commands.Steve's Data Tips and Tricks
Follow updates across the web in a feed that only you control, even if the site does not offer an RSS feed
Open RSS offers feeds that are a much healthier alternative to the intrusive, algorithmic feeds on websites that harm and manipulate us. But several sites, including Tumblr and Craigslist, have removed their RSS feeds, so that you are forced into their algorithms and tracking.
This is annoying if you want to follow things without creating an account, the way you can with Bluesky and all the various Fediverse sites.
Instead of manually checking individual websites for updates, you can automatically get updates through a website’s RSS feed using an RSS Reader app. This allows you to build a single collection of updates across the web in a single feed, that only you control.
OpenRSS offers feeds for more than the apps listed on their feeds page. You can find others by adding the URL to the beginning of any website on the web—if OpenRSS offers a feed for the site, it gives it to you (and if not, you’ll see a page explaining that).
To follow any site that does not have an RSS feeds, go to the site where you’d view the news, or the social profile where posts are shown, and then prepend
to the beginning of the URL. For example my blog is at, you’d then enter it as The advantage here is that the OpenRSS service will even clean up and correct some errors for existing RSS feeds.Their site also directs you to some excellent RSS reader apps to use, with a table comparing their key features. But in many cases, quite a few browsers also have built in RSS reader capabilities such as Brave, Edge and Firefox I recall. Fluent Reader is an exceptional desktop app for RSS feeds too.
The whole point is that RSS is an open standard, so anyone can support and use it. This is why many closed corporations want to prevent their users from using RSS. They lose the ability to track you, push adverts, apply their algorithm, etc. It is also probably why Google shut down their RSS reader service. But RSS is everywhere, and gaining some ability to read RSS for sites that have disabled their RSS, is empowering for individuals.
#Blog, #adverts, #privacy, #RSS, #technology
Linden Lab Test Launches Browser-Based Streaming for Second Life — And You Can Try it Now
This works pretty well, actually. Starts up in about a minute, although on Brave browser I did have to disable Shields and uBlock Origin (may have been the latter that was blocking something).
Interestingly enough, I caught a brief glimpse of a Windows OS window during start up, so it appears to be running on a Windows emulator inside the browser (worked perfectly well on my Linux PC).
After I logged in (only needed to the first time) my avatar was where I last left it, and everything looks like the desktop app version does. Mouse control is slightly different as I could not long-click and drag the view around with my mouse, but the arrows etc all worked perfectly. The resolution also looked very sharp.
In truth, this could be easier than using the desktop app, as when you go in a second time, you don’t have to again fill the password in. And of course for new users, no installation first.
#Blog, #gaming, #secondlife, #technology
Rules for writing software tutorials · Crafting a great tutorial is easier than you think
#Software #Tutorials #Terminology #CodeSnippets #Content #Blog #WebDev #Frontend #Backend
Rules for Writing Software Tutorials
It's easier than you think to write an exceptional software tutorial. You can stand out in a sea of mediocre guides by following a few simple
Hier also die drei meistgelesenen Beiträge in meinem #Blog im #Jahr2024 als Faden 🧵
David Revoy (Deevad) (, CC-BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
David Revoy - Artist, Instructor, using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.
Website of David Revoy, artist and instructor using only Free/Libre and Open-Source software since 2009.David Revoy
Mlah de Les Négresses Vertes [...]
#photography #blog
Pasquale Beresti - Photographie, experimentations, réflexions, voyages
Au sujet de la photographie, argentique et numérique, ancienne et récente, entre expérimentations, réflexions, essais et voyages par Pasquale BerestiPasquale Beresti
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Minimalistischer geht es kaum 🙂
Sie werden dann mit Parsedown geparsed. Das Script beinhaltet einen HTML-Parser, der dir die Markdown-Dateien auch zu statischem HTML umwandeln kann.
Voraussetzung: Dein Server kann PHP & .htaccess (optional: Schreibrechte)
#blog #music #discovery
Much respect to those making their Music of 2024 to review.
Google speculates if SEO ‘is on a dying path’ · Insights from Google’s latest Search Off the Record podcast.
#Google #SearchEngine #SEO #SERP #AI #RAG #Content #Website #Blog
Google Speculates If SEO ‘Is On A Dying Path’
Googlers discuss if SEO 'is on a dying path' because of AI in Search, offering a surprising opinion of what's going onRoger Montti (Search Engine Journal)
Read it here:
#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation
#photography #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #shootfilm #35mm #blog #yashicafx3 #colorplus200 #Italy #Rome
New Year, New Desk
I was absolutely not intending to get a new desk anytime soon… but I
Should You Play One Finger Death Punch?
With epic stick figure Kung-Fu fights with weapons and destructible environment this game is so much fun and there’s Light Swords.ApexReaper Blog
Not Dead
Despite the new profile pic, let me assure you that this blog and myself are not quite dead. Welcome to 2025 I guess! A lot has happened since I last got the impetus to write about either tech or gaming, and the less said about some of it the bett…Kevin Blades Dot Com
Windhand (2012), de Windhand
#musica #doom #stoner #metal #rock #indieweb #blog #enmiblog
Windhand (2012), de Windhand
«I wanna find out / how the moon shines upon the wretched» Cuando escribo sobre discos reseño especialmente aquellos que me acompañaron durante mi vida. Prefiero escoger los que resistieron el paso…THE_CHEI$
#blog #hugo #programming #personalsite
Eine kleine Übersicht über die Zahl meiner gehörten und gelesenen Bücher, außerdem ein paar Tops und Flops. …
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#reading #blog #finance
The Stone Soup Theory of Billionaires
Do billionaires truly deserve their wealth? Great Man Theories of history think so, but the parable of the Stone Soup shows us why they don'tBrett Scott (Altered States of Monetary Consciousness)