Beiträge, die mit DEGROWTH getaggt sind
Dann lernt man im besten Falle selbst mehr dazu und verbraucht vor allem weder auf einem entlegenen Server noch lokal bei sich unnötig viel Strom. #degrowth
auf Deutsch aufgeschrieben.
"Ressourcenverbrauch von AI
Oder: wie AI uns wirklich umbringen wird"
Der Talk ist hier
Der #degrowth Teil kommt in einem extra Artikel. Wer inhaltliche Fehler findet,
bitte Bescheid sagen! Auch sprachlich ist noch Luft nach oben.
@bitsundbaeume @bitsundbaeume_berlin @SheDrivesMobility @mfeilner @fff @parents4future @S4F @Fischblog
Resource Consumption of AI - Degrow or Die
Not only the energy consumption of AI is exploding. Less known is that other resources like water or metal are also affected. The talk
The other articles are worth checking out too. Environmental news from all around the west and northwest, e.g. the Pacific herring population appears to be in collapse.
*I don't know why the fuck I thought the .ca ending meant fucking California, please excuse my USA-poisoned brain
#DeGrowth #Watershed #Fisheries #EnvironmentalNews #News
- YouTube
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"Historians and social scientists have sought to explain the origins of the political hegemony of growth: the dominance of the pursuit of GDP growth as a political objective. Growth might not be an economic imperative in the abstract, this literature suggests, but rather a political imperative, locked in by power relations, institutions, and accounting systems geared towards its pursuit. The contemporary preoccupation with GDP first emerged as a response to the need of governments to manage economic production during the Great Depression and the Second World War, whereas growth-targeting became entrenched during the Cold War, linked to the arms race between the two blocs. An iterative process between accounting and targeting, and the institutions geared towards the measurement and pursuit of GDP, gradually made growth appear as a natural and unquestionable objective. But the success of growth, as a political objective, stems from its function, which was to appease and deflect distributional conflict, becoming a core factor of state legitimacy and political stability."Btw basically every sentence in this has citations, in case you want to read MORE. I'm taking the citation numbers out to make for easier reading.
#Degrowth #history #WWII #ColdWar #Growth #EconomicGrowth @histodons
They have a table listing post-growth oriented policies, their good points, and the critiques against them.
-Universal basic income
-work time reduction
-universal basic services
-job guarantee
-maximum income
-wealth tax
-public money
-replacing GDP
-cap and adapt
-green new deal
-carbon taxes or dividends
"Economic research has shown that the desired (or optimal) rate of consumption growth might decline to close to zero if (environmental) risks associated with new technologies and people's preferences for safety are taken into account. From a post-growth perspective, the problem then is not that growth might be coming to an end, but rather that, given that economic and political systems are dependent on growth for their stability, stagnation under capitalism poses substantial risks to institutional stability. How to prosper without growth therefore becomes a crucial question."
#DeGrowth #capitalism
"The social limits hypothesis holds that there is a limit to the extent that growth improves subjective wellbeing, because humans adapt to higher levels of income, and compare themselves to others who are also getting richer, or because additional production goes towards zero-sum status goods. The social cost hypothesis is that above a certain level of GDP, the costs of growth (eg, congestion, pollution, mental health, social upheaval) might offset its wellbeing benefits.90 Growth is said to become uneconomic."
#DeGrowth #GDP #Capitalism
#DeGrowth #PostGrowth #Decoupling
"Scientists have also sought to assess the validity of the Limits to Growth model by looking at how well it fits historical trends since its publication. Previous studies have explored how the various runs of the Limits to Growth model compare with actual trends and suggest that the world is most closely tracking the Double Resources scenario, which differs from the Standard Run in its assumption that the initial stock of non-renewable resources is twice as large as the Standard Run resource stock (figure 1). In this scenario, collapse occurs later and is driven not by scarcity of non-renewable resources (ie, a source limit), as in the Standard Run, but by persistent pollution and its impact on ecosystem stability (ie, a sink limit, otherwise known as a regenerative capacity limit)."
#DeGrowth #LimitsToGrowth
"Doughnut, wellbeing, and steady-state economics generally position their proposals within the current capitalist system, whereas degrowth is critical of the possibilities of an egalitarian slowdown within capitalism given that capitalist competition is structurally geared towards growth. Degrowth therefore emphasises the need for a planned, democratic transformation of the economic system to drastically reduce ecological impact and inequality and improve wellbeing. Degrowth, similarly to steady-state economics, regards a lower GDP as a probable outcome of efforts to substantially reduce resource use. Reducing GDP is not a goal of these approaches, however, but, it is seen as something that economies need to be made resilient to. The Doughnut and wellbeing approaches are more agnostic about GDP growth, but still view it as a poor measure of progress. Post-growth is plural and open to all these perspectives. All approaches converge on the need for qualitative improvement without relying on quantitative growth, and on selectively decreasing the production of less necessary and more damaging goods and services, while increasing beneficial ones."
"The central idea of post-growth is to replace the goal of increasing GDP with the goal of improving human wellbeing within planetary boundaries."
Values & Principles | Explore degrowth
Degrowth Values Degrowth Principles
"Welcome to the #DegrowthDatabase! We've put together something special for everyone interested in the degrowth movement: our very own Degrowth Database. It's a cosy corner of the internet where you can find a bunch of resources all about living more #sustainably and valuing #WellBeing over #EconomicGrowth.
In this #Digital library, you can find
- Details of 300 groups worldwide doing incredible work in the degrowth & post-growth space.
- 1500 academic papers and a tool that can filter by topic, language (we’ve got 18!), and publication type.
- A media section with over 70 pieces of content, including documentaries, blogs, and playlists (podcasts, lectures, talks, music), to start the conversation and spread ideas in global languages
- 550 books discussing degrowth in nearly 30 languages.
- 100+ news articles from some of the world's most well-known news publishers.
- For those looking to learn even more, there are almost 50 educational programs listed, from master's degrees to workshops.
To connect with others or continue the dialogue, we have also highlighted the communication channels of various degrowth communities.
And as it wouldn't be a community without coming together, we've included details on over 30 conferences and 4 international assemblies where folks share, debate, and dream up the future of degrowth.
This database is constantly growing and improving with contributions from people like you. Whether you’re here to explore, find ways to get involved, or add your own discoveries to the mix, we’re glad you stopped by. Dive in, see what you find, and maybe get inspired to join the conversation.
Let’s make this journey together!"
#SolarPunkSunday #sustainability
The Degrowth Database | International Degrowth Network
Degrowth Database The Degrowth Database Degrowth knowledge Degrowth Papers Degrowth Groups Degrowth Organisations Degrowth Policies Degrowth News Degrowth Ideas Degrowth Conferences Degrowth Assemblies Post Growth Database Post-Growth
"What no Growth?"
Luckily there's a viable alternative.
#Heathrow #Growth #degrowth
-fermentation is low tech sustainable food preservation
-by allowing us to directly observe microbes transforming our food and helping our bodies, it teaches us about biodiversity and the lack of separation between humans and nature
-fermentation encourages communal, distributed approaches to food security
#Degrowth #biodiversity #FoodSecurity #fermentation
Peace Keeper Training
CALLING ALL WHO WANT TO LEARN TO KEEP OUR PEOPLE SAFE! Mujeres Marcharan prides itself on training its own Peace Keepers to ensure the safety of the attendees at International Women\'s Day.degrowth (Deceleration)

We are a (very slow) movement of idle idealists, who want to save humanity from overperformance.
Please always write our name in correct camel case.
Pressure to perform is the enemy of happiness and the good life for everybody.
Sloth is a virtue.
In this society however, being lazy is also a privilege.
We demand a universal right to be lazy.
Nobody's laziness should create more work for others though. Including machines and "AI".
The aim is to consume less and live more.
#introduction #NewHere #sloth #deceleration #mindfulness #WorkLifeBalance #SelfCare #chillax #meditation #InnerPeace #EaseOfMind #zen #irony #satire #SpareTime #procrastination #lazyness #burnout #BurnoutPrevention #avolition #anhedonia #degrowth #OverConsumption #consumption
But what must it feel like to be a young person in your teens or in your twenties and be looking at a future of near-certain disaster, the collapse of society, the destruction of everything you hold dear? I can't imagine the pain.
Here’s an article that highlights the problem while also suggesting solutions:
Of course, the best solution of ALL would be for the world to turn away from capitalism, eliminate billionaires, and pivot decisively toward degrowth and climate justice.
#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #Degrowth
Climate change threatens the mental well-being of youths. Here’s how to help them cope.
A 2022 poll of 1,500 U.S. teenagers found that 89 percent of them regularly think about the environment, “with the majority feeling more worried than hopeful.”Bernard J. Wolfson, KFF Health News (Grist)
Billionaires and fascists: Well, how about we reduce the number of people by 70%?
Corporate media: These billionaires propose a bold solution to climate change and overshoot.
#Media #oligarchy #degrowth
No matter how much we want it, how loudly we yell, or how hard we protest, I can’t see that happening.
So what’s the alternative?
Since I began posting regularly here at Mastodon a year and a half ago, many people have asked in comments: What can we do? What actions can we take?
My answer has always been that the most important steps you can take are personal and local. No, I don’t mean just lowering your carbon footprint, although of course that’s a good idea. I mean beginning to make the big changes now on a local level that are coming to us, sooner or later, whether we like it or not.
We must simplify. We *will* simplify, at some point, so why not start now? Be an example. Find others who want to change, and join with them. Build a community. Create co-ops, clothing and furniture exchanges, neighborhood gardens, seed libraries, tool libraries, and establish teaching and training sessions.
Develop systems of sharing resources — such as low-carbon transportation, small-scale solar or wind power, engineering know-how, financial assistance, medical expertise, and more. The possibilities are endless.
You can do this. We can do it. Together, we will change our world.
#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #Degrowth
Yes, capitalism is boiling the planet. Yes, it's capitalism and not some special, uniquely corrupted system that's somehow distinct from Real Pure Equitable Regulatable Non-Toxic Capitalism(TM). Yes, capitalism may have changed and gotten worse lately, but that doesn't mean its earlier iterations were at all redeemable. They all contributed to getting us to this planet-boiling point.
Stop defending the system that's killing millions and incubating multiple infectious diseases rather than disturb business as usual. Stop letting your friends defend it. Capitalism is biocide. Capitalism is death. Abbey was right: capitalism is the ideology of a cancer cell.
#capitalism #economics #politics #EverythingIsPolitical #degrowth
Nature wastes nothing. If there is a nutrient source to be had, there is a being to benefit from it. Nurse logs, standing snags & nurse stumps play hosts to all sorts of mosses, lichens, fungi, insects & arthropods, many hidden deep inside, as well as other living beings that prey on them.
Nurse #stumps are still deeply rooted; new plant, tree & fungi life grows out of their tops. Nurse stumps & dead stumps that have no new growth atop are like anchor systems for living trees growing in forests. You destabilize the ecosystem when you remove them from their natural #environment.
#NaturalistNotes #Educational #VancouverIsland #nature #wilderness #GetOutside #photography #PacificNorthwest #PNW #Cascadia #VanIsle #mosstodon #Wsanec #CommunityForest #ForestStewardship #ForestProtection #Saanich #VictoriaBC #VancouverIsland #YYJ #ProtectTrees #SaveForests #StopDeforestation #StopEcocide #BCForestryReform #Degrowth
But, second — a realistic look at the world today makes it clear how totally unlikely that would be. No matter how much we want it, how loudly we yell, or how hard we protest, I just can’t see it happening.
Therefore, third — what should we do?
My answer has always been that the most important steps you can take are personal and local. No, I don’t mean just lowering your carbon footprint, although of course that’s a good idea. I mean beginning to make the big changes now on a local level that are coming to us, sooner or later, whether we like it or not.
We must simplify. At some point, we will be *forced* to simplify our lives due to the eroding conditions around us, so why not start now?
Be an example. Find others who want to change, and join with them. Build a community. Create co-ops, clothing and furniture exchanges, neighborhood gardens, seed libraries, tool libraries, and establish teaching and training sessions.
Develop systems of sharing resources — such as low-carbon transportation, small-scale solar or wind power, engineering know-how, financial assistance, medical expertise, and more.
If we work together, the possibilities are endless.
#Politics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Degrowth
I'm glad you asked!
Here are a couple of long articles that describe, first, "why we need degrowth," and second, "how to make degrowth happen."
These essays not only make interesting and informative reading, but also offer excellent suggestions on what you and I can do right now to take part in the essential transition away from growth-at-all-costs capitalism.
"The belief that economic growth is essential for our well-being is a myth that mainly serves the interests of a wealthy few. Instead of endlessly increasing production, we should focus on producing what is truly essential for everyone’s well-being and ensuring fair distribution."That's #Degrowth in a nutshell.
Degrowth to save the planet: activists fight back against GDP
Activists from Scientist Rebellion & Growth Kills took part in civil disobedience in several cities around the world - calling for degrowthThe Canary
🌍Somos Juventud x Clima Málaga 🌱, un movimiento de jóvenes luchando por un futuro sostenible y justo. Nos movilizamos por el clima y trabajamos para proteger nuestro entorno en Málaga y más allá 🌊
🌿 Acciones, manifestaciones y proyectos eco para un cambio real.
📢 Levantamos la voz por un planeta habitable para todes.
♻️ Únete y lucha con nosotras. ¡Juntas somos la ola de cambio!
🌍 We are Fridays for Málaga 🌱, a youth movement fighting for a sustainable and a fair future. We mobilize ourselves for climate action and we work to protect our environment in Málaga and beyond 🌊
🌿 Actions, protests, and eco projects for real change.
📢 We raise our voices for a habitable planet for everyone.
♻️ Join us and fight alongside us. Together, we are the wave of change!
#FridaysForFuture #Juventudporelclima #climatejustice #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateaction #degrowth
Politicians who claim otherwise are fooling you.
"Obsession with growth is enriching elites and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights".