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Beiträge, die mit HEALTH getaggt sind

How organisations learn (or don't learn) from complaints can be a key indicator of how healthy the organisation's culture is... so its no real surprise that after a decade & a half to Tory attrition & engineered crisis, the NHS does not have such a greta record on companies...

Perhaps more tellingly, some people fear complaining will impact on their care, which suggests patient-staff trust is also an issue.

The Tories' shadow over the NHS remains dark

#Health #NHS


https://www.europesays.com/1797732/ Is artificial intelligence ready for the doctor’s office? #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Doctors #health #HealthCare #technology
Is artificial intelligence ready for the doctor’s office?

[Le Monde] - « La contamination du monde par les #PFAS forme une catastrophe parfaite, dystopique dans toutes ses dimensions ».

Les #PolluantsÉternels contaminent tous les compartiments de l’environnement, polluent l’eau potable et créent parfois des situations ingérables, mais la réponse des responsables politiques n’est pas à la hauteur, estime, dans sa chronique, Stéphane Foucart, journaliste au « Monde ».


#Environnement #environment #Pollution
#Santé #Health #RevueDePresse #Press

The uncle I'm named after died of tuberculosis before I was born, so news of a TB outbreak always catches my attention.


h/t @ai6yr

Wes Streeting (in the Times earlier this month via today's Guardian):

'We’ve got to identify a system of funding for healthcare that is more effective than the one we have currently got, and at the same time carries those who can’t afford to pay'.

To me this sounds like a;
a basic safety net for the poor;
a full spectrum, pay for use NHS for the bulk of the population; and
a quicker(?) private health care system for the rich?

This is not the NHS people want or voted for!

#NHS #health

On this day in 2023 I fell ill with COVID-19.
In the two years since, I've developed chilblains, IBS, CFS, and alopecia.
For the love of all you hold dear, do not give up the battle against this virus.
Become a clean air aficionado.
Stay away from others as much as possible when either you or they are sick.
And #WearAMask - for yourself and for others.
These three things really do make a difference. Our household average is 0.5 infections per capita.
#CovidIsNotOver #covid #health

[Le Canard Enchaîné] - #Lobbying : L’industrie du tabac met le paquet sur les sachets de #nicotine.
Aurel, Fanny Ruz-Guindos, Louise Colvert

Une bâche publicitaire promouvant en plein #Paris une #France sans #tabac… mais pas sans nicotine. Derrière cette manœuvre crapoteuse, la #BritishAmericanTobacco s’active pour empêcher l’interdiction imminente en France des #pouches, des sachets de nicotine aromatisés, très prisés des ados.


#MarchandsDeMort #Drogue #Dealers
#Santé #Health
#RevueDePresse #Press

More evidence that the Tory-engineered crisis of the NHS is having its intended effect as private hospitals pitch hysterectomies to patients caught in extended waiting lists for NHS gynaecological care....

The long shadow of the Tories' attrition on publicly-funded health care in the UK continues to darken people's lives at the same time as robbing them of their savings.

And Labour show little appetite for the major funding shift needed to reverse it.

#health #women

🔥🔥🔥🔥 Whoeee! Can someone verify if this ACTUALLY happened? Who would of thought the highlight of my day would happen so early, if this is true ❤️

"updated map of members of the World #Health Organization (#WHO) after US withdrawal"


This is part of the joint venture called Stargate that Trump announced yesterday. They're saying this stuff out loud now. They're literally telling us about the dystopian police/surveillance state they have planned for us. Americans are far too subservient to the rich & powerful.



Why do I mention this? There's almost no mention in the press that respiratory and other illnesses are surging. My son (a paramedic) told me "this is the worst I've seen it since the beginning of the pandemic". It's a mix of "crud" -- RSV, influenza, norovirus, COVID-19, and "everything else". Anyway, if you're able to mask, it's smart (IMHO), maybe you can dodge some of what's floating around. #health

Ambulances stacking up at the hospitals again. Not as bad as a couple of weeks ago when it was a 3 hour wait to unload patients... now a bit more than an hour. The hospital told the retirement place my relatives live in to "only call if it's life threatening" #health
Many ambulances showing still transporting to hospitals more than an hour later

As corridor nursing is normalised, perhaps training for it will become the thing....

#Health #NHS
Banx (FT) cartoon: in a corridor three nurses are talking under a sig that says: Corridor Nurse Training School. One says: 'whose turn it is to be the patient?'

An A&E nurse sums up the problems in the NHS:

'The vast majority of the time we are providing treatment, but I wouldn’t call it care'...

This view from the A&E department just reinforces the argument that its not technology or organisational realignment that will solve the health care crisis, its the better treatment of staff & the expansion of their numbers to ease the unbearable strain(s) they're currently under.

Forget the tricks focus on the staff!

#health #NHS


Do we really need another study/inquiry on social care?

After all Scotland & one London Borough have utilised free home care to alleviate aspects of the social care crisis as a practical experiment; might policy makers take advantage of such experience & more quickly re-frame adult care?

Well, of course, the budgetary implications mean its better (once again) to be kicked into the long grass, whatever the personal costs to the vulnerable!

#SocialCare #health


[RTS] - Les fleuristes exposés à de nombreux #pesticides, dont certains interdits en #Suisse.

Secouée par l'histoire d'une ancienne fleuriste française et de sa fille décédée d'une leucémie, la profession s'inquiète d'éventuels dangers lors de la manipulation de fleurs traitées. Un test mené par l’émission Mise au point montre que ces professionnels sont effectivement exposés à de nombreux pesticides, dont certains interdits d'utilisation en Suisse.


#AgroIndustrie #AgroChimie
#Fongicides #Insecticides #Herbicides
#Santé #Health
#RevueDePresse #Press

Recall issued for batches of eggs from 6 Canadian brands
The recall affects specific batches of Golden Valley, Compliments, Foremost, IGA, No Name and Western Family eggs of varying sizes and in varying package sizes.
#food #recall #safety #Canada #Health #CanadianFoodInspectionAgency

🔎 Time to show what’s behind the closed doors of shelters 👀

"Judy Rebick, writer and producer:👉 “If cats and dogs were living in the conditions shown in this secret video, people would be up in arms. How can we tolerate homeless people in Toronto [this is across Canada not only Toronto] sleeping in conditions worse than a UN refugee camp?”

#News #Canada #Housing #Health


While the details are not as yet clear, it *does* seem that Labour's strategy for helping ease the crisis in the NHS will involve halving the number of targets the NHS is required to work to from 32 to 16... definitely a move in the right direction, although a lot will depend on which targets are retained, and how they are expected to be met... but still likely good news

#NHS #health

h/t FT

Johns Hopkins Health Security Decoded - new issue


#hpai #birdflu #h5n1 #health
Additional human H5N1 case reported in California child with unknown exposure; Biden administration briefs incoming administration officials on bird flu response

Since our last report on January 9, the US CDC confirmed another human H5N1 case in California, bringing the national total to 67 confirmed cases since early 2024, with 38 cases in California alone. The case likely reflects follow-up testing of a presumed positive case in a child from San Francisco, first reported on January 10. This is the second child in California to test positive for H5N1 with no known contact with sick or dead birds or other sick animals. Both children had mild symptoms, and both have recovered.  

Cases in animals

Multiple cases of H5N1 in domestic cats have been linked to the consumption of contaminated raw pet food and raw milk. Officials have confirmed infections and deaths in cats in California, Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon, and South Dakota. Health officials and veterinarians strongly advise pet owners against feeding pets commercially available raw foods, raw meat, raw poultry, or raw milk due to the risks associated with the virus. Additionally, the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago reported the bird flu-related

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has formally authorized the sale of Zyn, a popular nicotine pouch, after an “extensive scientific review” about their safety. Read more from @AssociatedPress


#FDA #Tobacco #Nicotine #Regulation #Safety #Health #Smoking

⚠️The first US Bird Flu Death is a stark Warning.⚠️

A Louisiana patient is the first person in the US to die as a result of H5N1 infection. The Louisiana health department noted that the person who was infected was over the age of 65 and had underlying medical conditions, which made the person particularly vulnerable to severe disease.


#h5n1 #birdflu #virus #infection #human #death #us #pandemic #healthcare #engineer #media #science #health #tech #nature #news
Without sustained human-to-human transmission or other dangerous changes to the virus, the risk to the general population remains low [at this time]. But, both the CDC and Harris emphasized that people who work with birds and other animals are at greater risk of infection and should take precautions.

According to data collected by the WHO, there have been 954 documented cases between 2003 and 2024. Of those, 464 were fatal, leading to a fatality rate of about 49 percent among documented cases.


A 13-year-old girl in Canada also developed severe disease from an H5N1 infection in November and required intensive care, intubation and the use of the life-support therapy extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). The teenager is, fortunately, recovering, according to a medical report published December 31 in the New England Journal of Medicine.


[With the continued spread in birds and other animals, the virus has more opportunities to adapt to humans. Health experts have criticized the US handling of the outbreaks and not doing more to curb the spread of the virus.]

If nutrition & eating are central to good health (and mental acuity), then the TUC's finding that one in six workers are skipping meals because they cannot afford the food, is not just a health issue (which may be contributing to the UK continued health crisis), but also could be (yet one more) factor underlying the productivity puzzle...

Incremental productivity gains often come from the shopfloor, but hungry workers seem less likely to innovate!

#workers #health


Israeli siege of north Gaza leaves 5,000 dead, missing after 100 days | Israel-Palestine conflict News https://www.byteseu.com/646053/ #BenjaminNetanyahu #ChildRights #Hamas #Health #HumanitarianCrises #Israel #IsraelPalestineConflict #MentalHealth #MiddleEast #News #Palestine
Israeli siege of north Gaza leaves 5,000 dead, missing after 100 days | Israel-Palestine conflict News