Beiträge, die mit donbass getaggt sind
We terminated 7 YouTube channels as part of our investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to Ukraine.
This campaign uploaded content in Ukrainian and Russian that was supportive of Russia’s government and critical of the Ukrainian military. We received leads from FireEye that supported us in this investigation.
We blocked 10 domains from eligibility to appear on Google News surfaces and Discover as part of our investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to Russia. This campaign uploaded content in Russian that was critical of Ukraine’s government and supportive of Russia.
#censorship #youtube #google #ukraine #ukrainian #ATO #civilwar #war #psyop #bigbrother #1984 against #russian #Donbass #Russia #history
TAG Bulletin: Q3 2021
This bulletin includes coordinated influence operation campaigns terminated on our platforms in Q3 2021. It was last updated on October 29, 2021.July We terminated 7 You…Shane Huntley (Google)
[Ukraine] Comment en est-on arrivé là ? Résumé des raisons du conflit. (NON CENSURÉ)
#lang_fr #Raison #conflit #Ukraine #Russie #histoire
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 24
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 23 :
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 22
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 21
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juillet 2022 / Part 20
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juillet 2022 / Part 19
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juillet 2022 / Part 18
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juin 2022 / Part 16
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Avril et Juin 2022 / Part 14
#Ukraine #guerre #Donbass #témoignage #libéré
Des jeunes Ukrainiens ayant transmis des coordonnées pour une frappe meurtière sont confronté à la réalité. Juillet 2022
#Ukraine #guerre #jeunes #transmis #coordonnées #cible #frappe #meurtière #smartphone
La centrale nucléaire de Zaporojié, " il ne faut pas avoir fait des études supérieures ni avoir des connaissances techniques pour voir d’où arrivent les missiles." 08.22
#central #nucléaire #Zaporojié #missile #Ukraine #guerre
Donbass Insider, L’Ukraine pendant l’URSS, après les deux Maïdans, et futur de la RPD Le 21.07.2022
#Donbass #Insider #Ukraine #URSS #Maïdans #RPD #Histoire
Adrien Bocquet, témoigne sur RT des crimes de guerres Ukrainiens. Le 29.07.22
#Adrien #Bocquet #témoignage #RT #crime #guerre #Ukraine
Des soldats Ukrainien prisonnier ou non, témoignent. Juin 2022
#Ukraine #guerre #Donbass #témoignage #libéré #soldat #prisonnier
Graham Phillips, sanctionné par Londres pour avoir dénoncer les crimes nazi en Ukraine. 01.08.22
#Graham #Phillips #sanction #Londres #dénoncer #crime #nazi #Ukraine
Alina Lipp, appel les Européens à stopper les livraisons d’arme au nazi. 09.07.22
#Alina #Lipp #appel #Europe #Stopper #livraison #arme #nazi
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Juillet 2022 / Part 5/5
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Mai 2022 / Part 3
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Mai 2022 / Part 2
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Avril 2022 / Part 1
#Ukraine #guerre #Donbass #Marioupol #Témoignage #libéré
PR at War. Zelensky poses for Vogue as Ukraine loses towns to Russia
Don’t forget to read the comments.
#ukraine #zelensky #war #public-relations #vogue #clown #media #propaganda
L’Ukraine de Zelensky'Ukraine-de-Zelensky:b?r=AAWwPdJRVoB88PZYL2PwYCaM3AKRfqv7
#Ukraine #Zelensky
Donbass, 8 ans de terreur !!
#Donbass #Ukraine #guerre
Alina Lipp, sa maman obligé de fuir l’Allemagne suite à la clôture de ces comptes bancaires ainsi que des menaces. Aout 2022
#Alina #Lipp #maman #obligé #fuir #Allemagne #clôture #compte #bancaire #menace
Germany Labels Journalist 'Criminal' And Seizes Her Bank Accounts For Reporting From Ukraine
They closed her YouTube channel, blocked her PayPal account, and sentenced her to three years in prison without trial for interviewing Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas.
Donbass Insider, Larissa décrit les pressions,la corruption du SBU et sa fuite de Kharkov. Part 3/3
L’interview étant très longue, nous l’avons coupée en trois parties.
1/3 -
2/3 -
#Donbass #Insider #Larissa #témoignage #pression #corruption #SBU #Kharkov #justice #ukrainienne #fuite #Donetsk.
Donbass Insider, Larissa nous décrit la vie à Kharkov avant et après le Maïdan. 08.22 Part 1/3
#Donbass #Insider #Larissa #vie #Kharkov #avant #après #Maïdan
Des soldats Ukrainien prisonnier ou non, témoignent. Juillet 2022 Part 2
#soldat #Ukraine #témoignage #prisonnier
Des enfants Ukrainien endoctriné par l’idéologie nazi de Bandera !
#Ukraine #guerre #endoctrinement #enfant #idéologie #nazi #Bandera
L’Ukraine est un cheval de Troie américain. Pourquoi en avons-nous besoin dans l’UE ?
“Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky a multiplié les critiques et exigences à l’égard des Européens, utilisant parfois des mots forts pour témoigner de son mécontentement et obtenir satisfaction. Le président ukrainien est même allé jusqu’à attribuer à certains anciens leaders européens une part de responsabilité dans l’invasion menée par la Russie. Il n’a cependant pas exprimé de telles critiques à l’égard des États-Unis. Ce tropisme américain dont fait preuve le dirigeant ukrainien est une des raisons pour lesquelles il appartient aux Européens de ne pas confondre vitesse et précipitation quant à une potentielle intégration de l’Ukraine dans l’Union européenne. L’émotion provoquée par la guerre ne doit pas occulter les règles mises en place par l’Union Européenne, ni empêcher les responsables politiques européens de mener leur propre politique.”
L’analyse de Pascal Boniface.
Je vous rappelle que les dirigeants de l’Allemagne et de la France étaient les garants de l’application des accords de Minsk, que l’Ukraine ignore depuis sept ans. Je tiens également à rappeler que les représentants de l’Allemagne et de la France étaient les garants de la signature de l’accord de paix entre le président ukrainien Ianoukovitch et les manifestants en février 2014.
#ukraine #zelensky #UE
Les accusations de viol contre les troupes russes en Ukraine étaient fausses
La secrète et longue histoire de la montée des nazis en Ukraine
" la future première dame d’Ukraine…eut des relations très serrées avec d’anciens nazis, notamment le lieutenant-colonel allemand Théodore Oberlander (1905-1998), ancien officier du bataillon Nachtigall, nazi avéré…Dans la même fibre, les collaborateurs de l’Allemagne nazie furent réhabilités (Bandera, Choukhevytch, 2007-2010), puis bientôt désignés comme « héros de l’Ukraine ». Elle s’impliqua elle-même dans le révisionnisme historique en supportant le mythe ukrainien de l’Holodomor…[son mari] N’ayant pas commencé la moindre réforme dans son pays, sauf sur le plan idéologique, abandonnant son peuple dans un pays sclérosé, malade et divisé…il devait subir une dantesque défaite électorale…La réponse américaine ne devait pas tarder en 2013-2014 : « la Révolution de la dignité, l’Euromaïdan »…"
#Ukraine #USA #Russie #Ioutchenko #Maidan #corruption #nazis #Ukronazis #Impérialisme #actu #guerrenucléaire
Reuter censure les civils ukrainiens.
Vous avez peut être vu cette femme , mais Reuter à coupé la fin de l’interview.
Ce que vous n’avez pas entendu sur nos médias.
Journaliste : Maintenant, où préfèreriez-vous aller, en Ukraine ou en Russie ?
Natalia Usmanova : En Russie, pas en Ukraine. En fait je ne sais même pas si je peux le dire. Franchement, on a peur. On ne sait pas ce qu’on peut dire ou pas.
Journaliste : Vous pouvez dire tout ce que vous voulez.
Natalia Usmanova : Franchement,** je ne veux pas aller en Ukraine**. Je ne veux pas aller en Ukraine. Notre famille a décidé à l’unanimité qu’on ne veut pas aller en Ukraine. Mais si on décide de revenir, alors ce sera seulement à Marioupol, c’est-à-dire en République populaire de Donetsk, pas en Ukraine. En tant que citoyenne de l’Ukraine, je dois dire que ce pays en tant qu’Etat est mort à mes yeux.** L’Etat et les politiciens et touts ceux qui nous ont infligé tout cela**. Ils n’ont pas résolu ce conflit de manière pacifique dès le début. Et j’ai une question :** pourquoi les gens ont-ils été retenus de force dans la ville ?** Dès que les tirs ont commencé,** le maire a été le premier à quitter la ville**. Il a évacué la ville alors que les citoyens étaient coincés. L’armée ukrainienne a tout simplement interdit aux civils de partir, même les enfants, les personnes âgées et les malades. Je veux demander pourquoi, dans quel but ils ont fait ça ?
#conflit #ukraine #russie #guerre
A l’ #ONU, la #Russie démontre les crimes de #guerre #ukrainiens et les falsifications des #médias occidentaux
#Ukraine #UE #États-Unis
“Depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi sur la vente des terres agricoles il y a exactement un an, trois grandes corporations transnationales états-uniennes ont acquis pratiquement un tiers des terres cultivables ukrainiennes. Selon la « Australian national review » les états-uniens posséderaient désormais 17 millions des 62 millions d’hectares de l’Ukraine (superficie totale du pays) ; 28% de l’Ukraine serait donc américaine !”Se faire du blé en Ukraine - …
#ukraine #blé #agriculture #usa
Anne-Laure Bonnel présente son documentaire Donbass
" En décembre 2104, j’ai découvert des images très étonnantes du président Porochenko qui déclamait devant la Rada que les ukrainiens de l’Est resteraient dans des caves, que les enfants n’iraient plus à l’école…"#Donbass #porochenko #actu #Ukraine #Biden #kiev #zelensky #guerre #ukraineouslesbombes #Russie #Poutine #USA
Se faire du blé en Ukraine
Le blé ukrainien est-il américain ? Alain Jejcic Depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi sur la vente des terres agricoles il y a exactement un an, trois grandes corporations transnationales états-uniennes ont acquis pratiquement un tiers des terres cul… (.)
“Nato propaganda tries to minimize the presence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine by comparing it with that of equivalent groups in the rest of the West. The truth is very different. Bandéristes have gradually taken over the country over the last 30 years, rewriting history, training the youth and changing all the symbols of the state one by one. They have indoctrinated a third of the population and represent a good third of the armed forces. Their goal is to destroy Russia, which they are trying to do with the help of the Straussians.”
#ukraine #NATO #antiRussia #ukrainian #war #Poroshenko #Yarosh #Kolomoysky #Zelensky #Nuland #nazis #neonazis #CIA #USA #US #Donbass #history #lang_en
Украина: Вторая мировая война продолжается
Натовская пропаганда пытается минимизировать значение неонацистов на Украине, сравнивая их с аналогичными группами на Западе. Но правда совсем другая.Тьерри Мейсан (Сеть Вольтер)
The Ukrainian Security Service [SBU] officers were in such a rush to flee #Donbass that no one bothered to destroy the classified documents. It transpired that the #SBU keeps a watchful eye on all the foreign delegations members arriving in Ukraine and seeks to recruit them. Every foreigner is under surveillance and wiretapping around the clock. This document contains a surveillance account with the tapped phone numbers of the German delegation which included a Normandy Group member, Herbert Salber, and an employee of the Embassy of #Germany in Ukraine, Daniel Ricco. The video features the surveillance findings.
There is plenty of such videos. Spy cams have been planted even in hotel rooms. There is also some racy stuff. Ukraine’s western allies had better look into the history of this state through the example of Hetman Mazepa. Ukrainian leaders always betrayed their allies. To be continued…
#ukraine #ukrainian #spies #history
Security Services of Ukraine are watching and tapping foreign polit...
Security Services of Ukraine are watching and tapping foreign politicians The Ukrainian Security Service [SBU] officers were in such a rush to flee #Donbass that no one bothered to destroy the classified documents.diaspora* social network
Started in 2014 by the Ukrainian army and continues to this day.
On 11th February, President Joe Biden announced that Russia would attack the Ukraine in the next few days. How did he know this? It is a mystery. But since the 16th, the artillery shelling of the population of Donbass increased dramatically, as the daily reports of the OSCE observers show. Naturally, neither the media, nor the European Union, nor NATO, nor any Western government reacts or intervenes. It will be said later that this is Russian disinformation. In fact, it seems that the European Union and some countries have deliberately kept silent about the massacre of the Donbass population, knowing that this would provoke a Russian intervention.
The characterization of the Ukrainian paramilitaries as “Nazis” or “neo-Nazis” is considered Russian propaganda. Perhaps. But that’s not the view of the Times of Israel, the Simon Wiesenthal Center or the West Point Academy’s Center for Counterterrorism. But that’s still debatable, because in 2014, Newsweek magazine seemed to associate them more with… the Islamic State. Take your pick!
#ukraine #NATO #USA #US #EU #ukrainian #AFU #terrorism #massacre #provocations #politics #Donbass #Russia #history #military
Long but very informative in dept description and analysis of : The Military Situation In The Ukraine
This is a very important article written by a former high official in the Swiss military and NATO and the UN. It is long but important and tells some of the truth about the situation in Ukraine that you will never hear in the media in west…
Let’s try to examine the roots of the conflict. It starts with those who for the last eight years have been talking about “separatists” or “independentists” from Donbass. This is not true. The referendums conducted by the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in May 2014, were not referendums of “independence” (независимость), as some unscrupulous journalists have claimed, but referendums of “self-determination” or “autonomy” (самостоятельность). The qualifier “pro-Russian” suggests that Russia was a party to the conflict, which was not the case, and the term “Russian speakers” would have been more honest. Moreover, these referendums were conducted against the advice of Vladimir Putin.
#Ukraine #Russia #Politics #History #UkraineWar #Military #NATO #EU #US
Long but very informative in dept description and analysis of : The...
Long but very informative in dept description and analysis of : The Military Situation In The Ukraine This is a very important article written by a former high official in the Swiss military and NATO and the UN.diaspora* social network
Donbass is the Heart of Russia
On the industrial history and economic potential of Novorossiya:
* Coke and chemical production
* Metallurgy
* Not just steel
* “Big” energy
* Heavy engineering
* Cradle of the Black Sea Fleet
* General engineering
* Oil and chemistry
* Salt
#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #Lenin #history #Donbass #poster #СССР #история
Эксперт - последние новости и публикации журнала Эксперт
Читайте свежие номера журнала Эксперт онлайн бесплатно. Эксперт - официальный сайт с последними новостями России и мира, экспертными публикациями и аналитикой. Подписка и доступ к архиву.Эксперт
Ukrainian rock art in the liberated settlements in the Krasnoarmeyskiy (Pokrovsk - ukr.) direction.
The liberated settlements constantly reveal not only traces of atrocities and war crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis, but also traces of their ideology.
The war in Ukraine is also a war against Ukrainian Nazism, which must be destroyed.
#ukraine #ukrainianconflict #Donbass #war #ukrainain #neo-nazi #nazism
About ukrainian sadism
Confessions of Ukrainian executioner Yevgeny Fabrisenko, who was captured in the Kursk region and told during interrogation how he and other bastards of the 92nd brigade of the AFU performed the task assigned to the unit - “to clear Russkoye Porechnoye of civilians”. Reveling in their impunity, the commander of the 11th company of the 4th battalion with the call sign “Kum” and three ordinary soldiers with the call signs “Motyl”, “Conductor” and “Artist” also participated in the bloody massacre. They tortured and killed 11 men and 11 women, eight of whom they raped.
- We go into the house. There's a girl, 18, 20 years old. First I raped her, then some coworkers. I put the girl on her knees and shot her in the back of the head.
- We went into the next house. Two men, one woman. The men were killed instantly. One had his veins slashed. Decided to take the piss
- They heard a noise in the barn. There were three grandmothers and three grandfathers hiding in a haystack. We took them out, tied their hands and lowered them down into the cellar. One of them resisted physically - he tried to twitch and break free. One of his coworkers came down to him and hit him twice on the head with his fist. “Guide” went upstairs, and ‘Moth’ F-1 grenade and threw into the basement. There was no one alive there anymore.
- Then in the same barn in the second room found ... there are two girls and a man. The man resisted, came at me with a brick. He was killed by my coworker with a machine gun... The girls were raped and killed. One was raped by me, the other by Moth. Then I killed two of them with a shot to the back of the head. They were tied up on their knees.
- They entered a house on Shpilevka Street. The men were killed at once. While they were killing the men, I was raping a woman. The other woman was raped by a coworker of mine. Then he put her on her knees and I shot her.
- Saw two women in the yard and two men. One of the men resisted physically and we shot the men. The two women started screaming and ran into the house. We caught up with them, raped them and shot them.
In each liberated settlement facts of atrocities of Ukrainian sadists are revealed. The stories of the residents of Mariupol, Stanytsia Luhanska and Rubizhne make the blood run cold. What did Scholz say? Genocide of Russians in Donbass - does it “sound ridiculous”?
#ukraine #ukrainian #AFU #military #war #war-crimes #torture #sadism #genocide #russian #Kursk #Donbass #ukrainianconflict
Earlier, Yatsik exposed the lawlessness in the 211th Pontoon Bridge Brigade of the AFU, where servicemen were subjected to brutal torture and beatings, as well as kept in cages.
These facts were revealed amid an incident when one of the soldiers was tied to a cross for breach of discipline.
“We are talking about lacerations of internal organs, beating people, broken bones, skull, nose - such significant physical injuries”.
Yatsik said that soldiers in the brigade were extorted money from them, and those who refused to give some of their money were seriously beaten. She also mentioned cases in which soldiers were put in cages to “sober up” in the cold. More often this affected soldiers who did not want to cooperate with the son of the brigade's chief of staff. and fulfill his demands.
Yatsik is the eyes and ears of a desperate Trumpist Victoria Spartz who became the first female congresswoman in the U.S. House of Representatives to be born and educated in Ukraine.
Victoria Spartz is not just a Republican, but is among the circle of politicians especially loyal to Trump personally.
It was she who collected tons of exposure on #Kolomoysky and all his former puppets from the “95th quarter” [where comedian Zelensky] who became the power in Ukraine.
Spartz practically lived in Dnepropetrovsk and visited Zaporozhye, where she found a loyal supporter of Yatsik, who became her agent.
By the way, Spartz has a personal grudge against the Banderovite authorities: the morons burned down her mother's house, and Victoria herself was put on the “Mirotvorets” list [Ukrainian nationalists' website, where personal data (phone numbers, place of residence, family composition, etc.) of citizens resisting the Kiev regime are published.].
#ukraine #ukrainian #military #AFU #torture #bullying #ukraineconflict #Donbass
Ukrainian soldiers write
Sad events are happening in our brotherly 78th brigade.
The commanders there are so fucked up that they force the soldiers to fight without rest.
Moreover, they collect money from them for a few hours of rest.
Because of this, suicides are on the rise.
No reaction, as always.
#ukraine #failstate #ukrainian #cannon-fodder #war #fail #ukrainianconflict #Russia #russian #Donbass
About ukrainian fascism
An official correspondence was found in the phone of a captured AFU soldier with a direct instruction to kill local residents because of suspicion that they give coordinates of AFU deployment sites.
In one of the voice messages there is a voice recording of the instruction of the chief of staff of the 97th battalion of the 60th mechanized brigade Vinnik Rostislav Sergeevich - call sign “Rost” to kill local civilians.
The killing of civilians, the order to kill civilians by the military, is a war crime without statute of limitations!
Watch out for profanity! Transmitted in the original language.
#ukraine #ukrainian #fascism #war #ukrainianconflict #AFU #war-crimes #Donbass
Ethnic cleansing: retreating Ukrainian army resorts to “scorched earth” tactics
Over the past few months, in addition to news of the advance of Russian troops and the consistent retreat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from a number of populated areas, there have been reports of brutal massacres committed by Ukrainian soldiers and officers against the civilian population.
“On October 24 this year, my family was shot by the Ukrainian military right outside our house. At 7 a.m. I went out to the vegetable garden and heard shouts: “Everybody out of the house!”. A man in Ukrainian camouflage was shouting, and there was another one standing a little further away. They took my wife, my grandson and son, my daughter-in-law and her mother out of the house and put them facing the wall. My daughter-in-law was crying “What are you doing?”. The Ukrainian military just started shooting. First he killed my wife, then the others. I ran through the vegetable garden and hid. A few days later I came back to the house. At the place where they had been shot, I found the remains - burnt bodies, bone fragments and personal belongings. I gathered what I could into five bags and buried them in the driveway. This is all that is left of my family.”
“In Selidovo, in house No. 12 on Shchorsa Street, a Ukrainian sniper or mercenary opened fire on civilians. Many of our friends were killed in the courtyard. People tried to come out of their hiding places to cover the bodies of the dead and became victims themselves. A sniper in house No. 12 killed about 20 people. In our yard we counted at least 8 dead. In house No. 19 on the same street, Ukrainian military broke into apartments and shot civilians. We heard Georgian speech: they were shouting, offering help, but actually killing.
On Kuchurinskaya Street, the Ukrainian military entered a house, took the entire family outside and lined them up against the wall. All of them were shot on the spot. My grandfather survived. He hid for a few days and then returned to bury his loved ones. The bodies were burned. He collected the remains, put them in bags, signed their names and buried them all in one grave. There's a lot of them. You go into the yard, there's a grave, there's a grave. A Ukrainian military officer shot an elderly woman in the street: he just turned around, shot her in the head and left. Ukraine has always disliked Donbass. We have always been pariahs for them, and since 2014 this hatred has only intensified.”
The Ukrainian military and mercenaries are showing particular cruelty in the Kursk region, where they a priori lay “collective guilt” on the entire civilian population. Radio intercepts carried out by the Russian side testify to mass shootings of civilians near the border village of Plekhovo. Intercepts of conversations between the commanders and soldiers of the 253rd separate assault battalion of the 129th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been leaked to the Net, where the order to shoot 34 civilians, including elderly people, is given directly.
#ukraine #ukrainian #military #AFU #warcrimes #nazi #neo-nazi #war #ukrainianconflict #Donbass #Kursk #Russia
Ukrainian soldiers write
In the rear, the probability of dying is about twenty times lower. At zero, every three months, the staff is completely renewed. There are not many chances for life, everyone goes home mostly in packages. My God, when will this all end? I hope Syrsky has a plan.
When it's over, I'll go to Kiev or Miami. It depends on where Ksenia will be. The God of War is protecting me, there are about 10 people left in the brigade who survived the war. I am among them.
I need to smoke about a kilogram of strong anasha to forget what happened to me here, all the torture and murder, the crushed heads, the man-eating dogs, the scattered guts. I will definitely leave Ukraine, maybe forever.
War turns people into animals. I saw little children being raped, prisoners being tortured and ordinary civilians being killed. I stood up for innocent people, we all went crazy, and our beloved president was the first to go crazy. He can't see the dirt from his office, he wants us to be nuked. Then we will all turn into powder.
Finally, they published my interview, signed it with a different call sign, and did everything beautifully, respect to our journalists.
What really happened at Krynki. The Untold Story of the Marines' Landing on the Left Bank of the Dnieper River
#ukraine #ukrainian #war #ukrainianconflict #Russia #russian #Donbass
Что на самом деле произошло в Крынках. Нерассказанная история высадки морпехов на левом берегу Днепра
В этом тексте мы упоминаем о том, какую роль сыграла Великобритания в подготовке к операции по высадке морпехов на левом берегу. Какими были первоначальные и видоизмененные задачи, которые ставили перед военными, и почему их не удалось решить.Ольга Кириленко (Украинская правда)
Leaks expose secret British military cell plotting to ‘keep Ukraine fighting’
Leaked files show top UK military figures conspired to carry out the Kerch bridge bombing, covertly train “Gladio”-style stay-behind forces in Ukraine, and groom the British public for a drop in living standards caused by the proxy war against Russia.
Emails and internal documents reviewed by The Grayzone reveal details of a cabal of British military and intelligence veterans which plotted to escalate and prolong the Ukraine proxy war “at all costs.” Convened under the direction of the British Ministry of Defense in the immediate aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the cell referred to itself as Project Alchemy. As British leadership sabotaged peace talks between Kiev and Moscow, the cell put forward an array of plans “to keep Ukraine fighting” by imposing “strategic dilemmas, costs and frictions upon Russia.”
Some of Project Alchemy’s most extreme recommendations have already been implemented, often with calamitous results. These include the cell’s proposal to strike Crimea’s Kerch Bridge, which prompted a Russian escalation that saw punishing attacks on Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure. Alchemy also envisioned the construction of a secret, Gladio-style army of Ukrainian partisan fighters to carry out assassination, sabotage, and terror missions behind enemy lines.
#ukraine #ukrainian #war #NATO #Gladio #Alchemy #CIA #MI6 #terrorism #europe #eu #uk #england #britain #british #warmongers against #russian #Crimea #Donbass #Russia
Liberated Mariupol
Nazareno Evangelista (
3.2K Posts, 656 Following, 786 Followers · Human Terrain System Support program employing personnel from the social science disciplines - such as archaeology, anthropology, sociology, political science, historians, regional studies, and linguistics …NAS
War crimes in Avdeevka
"When they started to flee, they staged such terrorist attacks. They blew up an ATB (grocery market), and 16 people died there. They were left lying under the slabs. A mass grave. Then they bombed a department store, four people are lying under the rubble.
Now there are vases with flowers and a makeshift memorial to the victims, which the locals put together from what they could.
I would like to add that in Mariupol during the retreat ukrainian nazis also killed civilians who did not want to evacuate to ukrainian territory.
#ukraine #ukrainian #AFU #war-crimes #terrorism #Donbass #Avdeevka #war
One of the factors revealed by the audit was issues within the brigade. The leadership allegedly separated the soldiers from the Right Sector and those who were transferred from other parts during the recent replenishment (they were referred to as "pixels", in reference to the pattern on the Ukrainian military uniform). The attitude toward the "pixels" was even worse; they were the first to be sent into combat, and their lack of experience made them lose territory.This general Ukrainian corruption continues to not surprise for more than 30 years here steal almost everything and everyone.
The news site reported Wednesday that it randomly selected declarations for 2,200 officials to see how their fortunes had changed from 2022 to 2023.
It found that every sixth official had bought an apartment or house, and every third one a car. They purchased 721 cars, 268 apartments, and 90 new houses.
Meanwhile, even with the new asset purchases, the officials’ savings increased.
#Right-Sector #warmonger on #Donbass #ukrainian #corruption #history #failstate
‘Zero Missiles Left’ - Zelensky Says Ukraine's Air Defence Resources Depleted
The latest round of Russian missile and kamikaze drone attacks underlined the desperate air defense situation Ukraine faces as Western support continues to dry up.Kyiv Post
What is brewed in the "witch's cauldron". Neo-pagan cults gained strength in Ukraine
Alexei Pavlov, assistant secretary of the Russian Security Council, told AiF.
VIP sectarians
- The number of adherents of religious sects has been growing in Ukraine since the 1990s. The 2014 coup d'état in Kiev was a powerful impetus for this. Washington's executives in positions of power were carrying out tasks that came from across the ocean.
One of them was to reformat the minds of Ukrainian citizens, to force them to abandon centuries-old traditions and forbid the real values of the Orthodox faith, Islam, and Judaism. Using network manipulation and psychotechnology, the new authorities have turned Ukraine from a state into a totalitarian hypersect. Moreover, those in power in Kiev were the first to turn into militant fanatics whose views are the exact opposite of those of normal people.
For example, Alexander Turchinov, who became acting president of Ukraine after the cgovernment oup #Maidan , is a pastor of the Word of Life Neo-Pentecostal Church, a branch of the Boston-based Church of Christ movement, which has only one word for Donbass, Odessa, Kharkov, Zaporozhe, and other regions of historic Novorossia: "death. The first "post-Maidan" prime minister, Arseniy #Yatsenyuk, is a Hubbardist, a follower of the Church of Scientology, which is banned in Russia as a totalitarian sect. Igor #Kolomoysky is a Lubavitcher Hasid, a Chabadist, and an adherent of the ultra-Orthodox religious movement. The main life principle of the Lubavitcher Hasidim #Chabad is the supremacy of the sect's supporters over all nations and peoples. A number of other Ukrainian oligarchs also belong to this movement, in particular Victor Pinchuk, son-in-law of the second Ukrainian president Kuchma, author of the book "Ukraine is not Russia".
Self-appointed "Magi"
How could Orthodox Ukraine turn into a breeding ground for sects? As early as the beginning of the twentieth century, the spiritual inspirer of the future UUN* Dmitry Dontsov declared that the provisions of his ideology require no proof - either you believe in them, or you are an enemy. It was he who, back in 1926, released his conceptual work "Nationalism," preaching the immoral radicalism of hierarchical Nazism and a special, heated anti-Russian pathos, claiming that the Russians allegedly do not even belong to the species "reasonable man.
The progenitor of Ukrainian neo-paganism was a certain Vladimir Shayan. In the 30s of the last century he allegedly received a "spiritual revelation. Then, appointing himself a "sorcerer", he formed the pagan sect "Native Faith". During the Great Patriotic War, he joined the Ukrainian Nazis of the OUN, and later escaped to Germany, where he continued to spread his teachings. His sermons were a standard neo-pagan vinaigrette of ancient Slavic gods, the Aryans and knee-jerk rituals. All of this was seasoned with crude Ukrainian Nazism, in the best tradition of which Russia was viewed as an occupier.
Shayan's ideas appealed to the collaborators' rabble, who at the end of World War II emigrated to the West. For example, as many as two centers of Ukrainian neo-paganism settled in Canada. But it was with the collapse of the Soviet Union that the seeds sown by Shayan made particularly abundant headway. Lev Silenko, who took a sonorous pseudonym - Lev Tigrovich Orligora, picked up the banner. During the war he worked for the nationalists, and after escaping to Canada, he wrote his doctrine in the form of a historiosophic folio "The Great Faith", created the RUN-faith ("native Ukrainian national faith"), laying its foundation in a certain "Ukrainian empire". Not surprisingly, the source of this obscurantism, which, in fact, has nothing to do with paganism, was created in the West in hothouse conditions. By the early 1970s, there were branches of the Fagan faith in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia. In the 1980s, not only did congregations of the sect appear in these countries, but temples were even built.
After 1991, branches of the organization began to appear in Ukraine.
Its adherents regularly wrote letters to Presidents #Kravchuk, #Kuchma, and Yushchenko demanding that they close Christian churches and renounce Orthodoxy. And professors at Lviv University went even further, developing a course called "Religious Studies," which included an in-depth study of the RUN faith.
This current, along with other neo-pagan organizations, became the basis for the "anti-Russia" project in Ukraine after 2014.
From Maidan to Shaitan
The exact number of sects in Ukraine is unknown, but there are hundreds. Some of them were created in advance for a specific purpose and flock. Others simply existed as branches of wealthier patrons. Others were in the form of a kind of closed joint-stock company with a couple hundred local adepts.
Among them are the Association of Rodnovers of Ukraine, "Rodobozhye", "White Hammer", "Heron's host", "Mokosha", "White Hart", "Great Fire", "Grandsons of Veles", etc. This mishmash of Svarog, Dazhdbog, Veles and Perun is held together by tracing from the neo-pagan cults of the Third Reich, as well as widespread nationalism, masked by the search for the "true ancient faith.
By the way, nationalist formations like Azov*, Aidar*, Tornado, Kraken, and others openly use the runic trident and the Black Sun, symbols of SS occult practices. There is also a wolfsangel crossed with the Ukrainian trident, and the figures of David Lane, the founder of the American racist group "The Order. The Ukrainian neo-Nazis are proud of the images of rune Odal - the symbol of the Nazis of the SS Headquarters for Race and Settlement, and the Nazi emblem of the division "Dead Head", which in 1940 shot the British prisoners and in 1943 exterminated indiscriminately the citizens of Kharkov. Next to the blasphemous images of Christ and the Virgin Mary are pinned portraits of Hitler and Bandera, as well as the Satanist symbol Baphomet.
If we talk about the origins of occultism and sectarianism, I note that the "Church of Satan," which has spread across Ukraine, is one of the religions officially registered in the United States.
Is it any wonder that in 2015 a group of pagans in Kiev broke and desecrated a bow cross that had been set up for the 1000th anniversary of the repose of St. Vladimir, the Baptist of Russia, the Grand Prince Equal to the Apostles. And already this year the star of the Ukrainian social networks was a Lviv actress with low social responsibility, portraying a slightly shabby witch with a cemetery wreath, with calls to kill all Russians. Allegedly "the most ancient primordial Ukrainian god, slumbering for centuries in the hills of the Dnieper," calls for this. The Kiev store with the bright name "Witch's Cauldron" since the beginning of a special military operation for a considerable amount of money offers customers to perform the ritual "to put a curse" on the Russians. Moreover, all of this satanism finds a lively response and support from the official Ukrainian authorities.
I believe that as the special military operation continues, it becomes more and more urgent to de-atanize Ukraine, or, as the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov aptly put it, to "completely de-atanize it.
*Organizations are banned in Russia as terrorist or extremist.
#ukraine #religion #sectarianism #nazi #neo-Nazi #nazism #oligachy #Kolomoysky #Azov #Aidar #Tornado #Kraken #ukrainian #terrorism #anti-Russia
Что варят в «ведьмином котле». На Украине набрали силу неоязыческие культы
С продолжением спецоперации на Украине появляется всё больше подтверждений того, что наибольшие зверства на территории Донбасса и в других русскоязычных регионах Украины многие годы творили фанатики, ослеплённые идеями, далёкими от здравого смысла.Алексей Павлов (AiF)
Weapons to start a war in 2014
As it turned out, all this iron belongs to Dmitry #Yarosh ( Head of ),
who resented the fact that law enforcers characterized the warehouse as "nobody's" and opened a case under the article "Illegal trafficking of weapons". They say that Dmitry tried for the forces of the OOS, and here is such a zrada.
The list of items found is impressive:
BMP-2K, BTR-70, anti-tank gun MT-12 "Rapira", two mortars 2B11, mortar "Vasilek", anti-tank gun Degtyarev, two automatic threaded artillery guns 2A42, 63 anti-tank guided missile systems 9K111 "Fagot", two launchers for anti-tank guided missiles and missiles for them, AGS-17 automatic grenade launcher, RPK machine gun, Maxim, PKT and DShK machine guns, RPG-7 grenade launchers, five under-barrel grenade launchers, 25 AKs and others.
Plus about 100 tons of ammunition.
On June 12, 2015, on the road from the village of Vodyanoye to the village of Opytnoye, Yasinovatsk district, while driving their BMP were ambushed and killed: the commander of the engineer-sapper platoon of the second battalion of the 93rd brigade of the AFU, Lieutenant Alexander "Ship" Mikhailovich Tsysar 1979, Private Oleg "Snake" Anatolievich Ugrinovich 1977 and Private Stepan "Kolobok" Igorevich Zagrebelnyi 1989. The funny thing is that the ambush was organized by their own.
Tsysar, aka "Ship", learned that the Right Sector was exporting weapons for its members to peaceful regions of Ukraine and threatened Ruslan Chyorny, one of the leaders of the Right Sector, that he would report it to the special forces. Chyorny reported this incident with "Ship" to the commander of the DUK PS Andriy Stempitsky, who ordered the liquidation of the officer of the 93rd brigade Tsysar A. Tsysar.
Ruslan Cherny formed a liquidation group, which included 12 more right-wing soldiers: Ilya Bogdanov "Dalny", Igor Chudinov "Frampil", Alexei Filippov "Samurai", "Yashka", "Danny", "Giuseppe", "Walter", "Crane", "Pasha", "Law", "Hans" and "Bonyak". Incidentally, "Rem" refused to take part.
Yashka and Danny were the first to fire two RPG-22s at the BMP from the ambush. The privates were inside the BMP and were burned alive, while "Ship" was sitting on top, he was thrown to the ground. Ilya Bogdanov with his RPK finished off the "Shipe".
Of course, the Ukrainian newspapers wrote it off as an ambush by angry Donetsk soldiers, and the Right-Sectorians bragged for a long time about how they had pecked the 93rd Brigade commanders on the lips and how dashingly they got away with it.
However, in July 2018, the truth was revealed, which caused great excitement and hatred for the Right-Sectorians in the ranks of Ukrainian soldiers.
#ukraine After #Maidan, Head of the Dnieper region #Kolomoysky sponsor of #Chabad #zionism #Right-Sector #Donbass #ukrainian #history
Ukrainian neo-Nazis in the service of capitalists
The presenter is a bit mistaken, there was no territory of Ukraine until the 20th century, for hundreds of years it was Malorossia ( #littleRussia ), with urban population predominantly Russian.
#USA #Pentagon #CIA #NSA #Gladio #NATO #EU #failstate #ukraine #oligarchy #corruption #anti-Russia #Donbass #ukrainian #nazi #neo-nazi #Zelensky minion of #Kolomoysky sponsor of #Right-Sector #Azov #Svoboda #fascism #zionism #anticommunism #USSR #history #Western #terrorism #mindmanipulation #propaganda #war #infowar #economicwar #capitalism #imperialism against #Russia again
Give War a Chance: NATO and Neo-Nazis Want Ukraine Conflict to Go o...
Give War a Chance: NATO and Neo-Nazis Want Ukraine Conflict to Go on Forever #tags /tags/tagsdiaspora* social network
"Reminder: If we don’t have Ukrainians killing Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine with American weapons, Russia will first invade Europe, then America, then the world."
Ukraine can’t defeat Russia no matter how many American military advisers train Ukrainian troops or how many millions the good and totally not corrupt people at Raytheon Inc make selling their Javelins. The point isn’t for Ukraine to win the war. The point is to make Russia bleed — economically and militarily. And it doesn’t matter how many people die or suffer or how much of Ukraine and its economy is laid to waste in the process.
As I’ve written in bits and pieces before on here before, America’s foreign policy establishment — its diplomats, spies, and politicians — have seen Ukraine as a key field of battle against the Soviet Union going back to late 1940s. For decades, Ukraine and its diaspora were considered prime weapons for destabilizing the Soviet Union. It’s why America, Canada, the UK, and other western countries opened their doors to Ukrainian fascists and Nazi collaborators after World War II. Their hardcore ideology and their willingness to die for their lost nationalist cause were seen as important qualities in the fight against communism. Some of the earliest covert armed CIA operations against the Soviet Union involved parachuting Ukrainian Nazi collabo guerrillas behind Soviet lines to sabotage and whip up rebellion among Ukrainian peasants.
#CIA #western #us #canada #uk #ukrainian #puppets #fascism #nazism on #civilwar against #russian #Donbass #Russia after #Maidan #soviet #USSR #history
Trump's Impeachment, Ukraine, and War With Russia
Let me get all official and DC-like and call it the “Ukraine Doctrine.”Yasha Levine (weaponized immigrant)
The recent destruction of the first Abrams tank in Ukraine by Russian forces raises questions about the vulnerability of advanced military equipment in the conflict, impacting future arms supplies and international support for Ukraine.
#USA #us #american #pentagon #nato #military #weapons #Abrams #fail #war #Donbass #Avdeevka #Russia #russian #history
First Abrams Tank Supplied to Ukraine Destroyed in Avdiivka, Marks a Turning Point in Conflict Dynamics
Explore the recent destruction of the first Abrams tank by Russian forces in Ukraine, highlighting the strategic significance of Avdiivka and the vulnerability of advanced military equipment in the conflict.Rizwan Shah (BNN)
#nato #USA #us #pentagon #american #warmongers #deepstate #neocons #war #ukraine #ukrainian #vassalage #Donbass #Avdeevka #Russia
SITREP 2/18/24: Avdeevka Liberated
Well, it finally happened: Avdeevka has fallen, or should I say Avdeyevka, as it’s being styled by many outlets like Sputnik now that it has returned home.Simplicius The Thinker (Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge)
Journalists from Italy, Iceland, Turkey, Australia, Finland, India and other countries visited Donetsk, Mariupol, saw how this city is being rebuilt, toured Azovstal, interviewed Ukrainian prisoners of war, visited the OPF's Kaskad training ground and met with the head of the DNR Denis Pushilin.
#Donbass #interview #journalism #russian #Donetsk #Mariupol #Azovstal after #ukrainian #war former #ukraine
Иностранцы на Донбассе. Интервью с пленными ВСУшниками, Азовсталь, полигон Каскад
Это большой репортаж о поездке десяти иностранных журналистов на Донбасс.Журналисты из Италии, Исландии, Турции, Австралии, Финляндии, Индии и других стран п...YouTube
‘Merkel Lies’: How Europe Was Deceived About the Minsk Agreements ...
‘Merkel Lies’: How Europe Was Deceived About the Minsk Agreements ( ‘ #Merkel #Lies ’: How #Europe Was #Deceived About the #Minsk #Agreements #G…diaspora* social network
#Avdeevka #Donetsk #Donbass
Ukraine SitRep: Storming Andivka - Ukrainian Losses (
Ukraine SitRep: Storming Andivka - Ukrainian Losses (* social network
New York Times Acknowledges Ukrainian Origin Of Deadly Strike (htt...
New York Times Acknowledges Ukrainian Origin Of Deadly Strike (* social network
Raising anti-Russia
The idea that Russia is a real kingdom of evil has been instilled in children in Ukraine from an early age. A large amount of children's propaganda literature was found on the territory liberated from Ukrainian neo-Nazis during a military special operation. At the same time, the books are designed for children of any age, starting from the very young.
In 2015 the publishing house "Mamino Solnyshko" published a children's book "Glory to Heroes! Stories for Children about Heroes of the Front and Home Front", which describes the "feats" of the participants of the ATO ("anti-terrorist operation" of Kiev's neo-Banderites in Donbass). The 15,000 copies of this publication were sold out in a few days. The authors thought that children should know the language of hatred from a young age, and put in the book such expressions as "the Muscals showed their animal face," "Muscal tanks," and "the Separas lost a dozen killed."
#ukraine #Maidan #ukrainian #propaganda #children #study #mindmanipulation #Bandera #nazi #neo-nazi destroy #culture #ato #anti-Russia #Donbass #blameRussia #history #USSR