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Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind

Bombs Over Beirut: Hezbollah and Israel go to War

#Anarchy #Anarchism #Socialist #Socialism #Lebanon #Israel #War #History #Politics #Economics #Philosophy


From #dropsitenews
State of Siege: #Israel is conducting its largest mass expulsion campaign in the #WestBank since 1967
More than 40,000 Palestinians have been forced from their homes in a violent Israeli rampage that at times has been aided by the Palestinian Authority
Mariam Barghouti
Mar 07, 2025

The #hypocrisy, complicity & the silent of the #media exposing it is truly nauseating.

It's just sickening to keep reading these BS coming from the shit-for-brain orange Hitler that everyone criticizing, but they just ignore his genocidal comments about #Palestinians.

#Israel #Palestine #History #Inhumanity #Politics #USPol #Trump

Kudos to the ethical Hague Group: 'While the world’s biggest powers have remained silent or actively supported #Israel’s ongoing genocide, The Hague Group member countries have been among the most vocal in condemning the Zionist state.' https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/hague-group-forms-hold-israel-accountable-under-international-law-its-genocide #GazaGenocide

Shir Hever: "when the level of atrocities committed by #Israel, when the dehumanization, which is an essential part of genocide, reaches this level, then even companies that were very pro-Israeli feel like they have to take a step back." https://truthout.org/articles/prospects-for-a-big-tent-bds-campaign-are-larger-than-ever/ #BDS

Israeli-American Activist DESTROYS #BillMaher's Zionist Garbage (w/ #MikoPeled)


#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide

Israeli-American Activist DESTROYS #BillMaher's Zionist Garbage (w/ #MikoPeled)


#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide

https://www.europesays.com/1893721/ après les menaces « de mort » de Trump, le Hamas se dit engagé à respecter l’accord #Israel
après les menaces « de mort » de Trump, le Hamas se dit engagé à respecter l’accord

https://www.europesays.com/1893696/ Israel’s F-35I Adir Fighter Jets Crippled Iran’s Air Defenses #Conflicts #défense #F35 #F35I #F35IAdir #Israel #military
F-35I Adir Fighter from Israel

🔰 #ConflictoEnOrienteMedio

Benjamin Netanyahu reiteró su política de “lograr el éxito y la victoria” en los “siete frentes” que #Israel tiene abiertos como parte de una ‘guerra de renacimiento’. El jefe del Gobierno israelí se refiere así a las organizaciones político-militares en los #TerritoriosPalestinos; «Hezbolá» en #Líbano; las milicias proiraníes de #Siria; la «Resistencia Islámica» de #Irak; los hutíes de #Yemen y, en última instancia, las fuerzas armadas de #Irán.

Gallup poll: Number of American's who are sympathetic towards #Israel falls to 46%, support for a #Palestinian state (as part of a two state solution) is at 55% https://news.gallup.com/poll/657404/less-half-sympathetic-toward-israelis.aspx

Israel allows limited amount of Muslims to enter Temple Mount on Ramadan https://www.byteseu.com/?p=805703 #Israel

US proposes 60-day ceasefire in Gaza, Israel PM Netanyahu not happy with Washington-Hamas talks: Reports – Firstpost https://www.byteseu.com/805684/ #60DayCeasefire #AbuObeida #Conflicts #Gaza #GazaCeasefire #Hamas #Israel #trump #TrumpHamasDeal #US
US proposes 60-day ceasefire in Gaza, Israel PM Netanyahu not happy with Washington-Hamas talks: Reports – Firstpost

The Trump Administration decided to negotiate with the terrorist group Hamas.
Trump's people did not ask Israelis for permission to do this,
they did not even tell the Israeli government they will speak to Hamas.
MSNBC reported that the Israeli government found out about these talks
after the talks began. Netanyahu cannot be happy about this, but he has to accept it.
#politics #Israel #humanrights

Residents across five towns in Vermont voted to cut ties with Israeli apartheid making the state the first in the country where municipalities have voted to cut economic ties with Israel.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

Welcome to The Hunger Games #Palestine #Israel https://youtube.com/shorts/KCw6Lff5XcU?si=j1Pwq5Tzn-dbyJ9C

https://www.europesays.com/1893427/ Hamas says Trump’s threats encourage Israel to back out of Gaza ceasefire | Israel-Gaza war #Israel
Hamas says Trump’s threats encourage Israel to back out of Gaza ceasefire | Israel-Gaza war

Excellent reporting by #972Magazine:

#Israel is training their new, giant "#AI" model on mass recordings of conversations originating from #surveillance of the #WestBank.

Remember: What gets "tested" on #Palestinians will be presented at fairs (blood stains removed, of course), bought by your governments, and get used against you.

»“Spoken Arabic is data that is [hardly] available on the internet,” the source explained. […]

Israeli intelligence sources emphasized that in the West Bank, the most pressing issue is not necessarily the accuracy of these models, but rather the vast scope of arrests they enable. […]

Several sources stated that a vague or general “suspicion” is often enough to justify placing Palestinians in administrative detention — an extendable prison sentence of six months without charge or trial, on the basis of undisclosed “evidence.”«


Revolut°Permanente🚩 Gaza : vers la reprise du génocide ?: Alors qu'Israël sabote les négociations avec le Hamas et que les échanges secrets entre l'impérialisme étasunien et le mouvement ont échoué, le gouvernement israélien menace de reprendre le génocide, en déclenchant un plan surnommé « Hell ».International / États-Unis / Palestine / Principal2 / Donald Trump / Israël / Impérialisme / Benyamin Netanyahou / Bande de Gaza… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Gaza-vers-la-reprise-du-genocide?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #Gaza #Génocide #Israël #Hamas #MoyenOrient

Revolut°Permanente🚩 Gaza : vers la reprise du génocide ?: Alors qu'Israël sabote les négociations avec le Hamas et que les échanges secrets entre l'impérialisme étasunien et le mouvement ont échoué, le gouvernement israélien menace de reprendre le… 🚩RP #Gaza #Génocide #Israël #Hamas #MoyenOrient

Gaza : vers la reprise du géno...

What to Know About the State of the Gaza Cease-Fire Deal https://www.byteseu.com/805364/ #Conflicts #DonaldJ #Egypt #GazaStrip #Hamas #Israel #palestinians #PeaceProcess #Qatar #trump #UnitedStatesInternationalRelations
What to Know About the State of the Gaza Cease-Fire Deal

Sie warnt davor, dass Benjamin Netanyahu Raubbau an Israels Demokratie betreibe. Nun versucht die Regierung, die Generalstaatsanwältin loszuwerden. Der Oppositionsführer brandmarkt den Vorstoß als »kriminell«.#Israel #BenjaminNetanyahu

Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem hit new record https://www.972mag.com/israeli-demolitions-palestinian-homes-east-jerusalem-2024/ #Israel #Gaza #Palestine @palestine

LIVE: Trump issues ‘last warning’ to Hamas, Israel maintains Gaza blockade | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Israel’s new defence chief of staff to present plans for resumed Gaza fighting
- WATCH: PM Netanyahu ‘in difficulties internally’ over restarting Gaza war
- US-Hamas talks ‘not promising’
- Report: Israel tries to interfere in Hamas-US talks
- West Bank mayor arrested over ‘incitement’: Report

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

Sie warnt davor, dass Benjamin Netanyahu Raubbau an Israels Demokratie betreibe. Nun versucht die Regierung, die Generalstaatsanwältin loszuwerden. Der Oppositionsführer brandmarkt den Vorstoß als »kriminell«.#Israel #BenjaminNetanyahu

https://www.europesays.com/?p=1893120 Yemen’s Houthis may attack Israel again when fighting in Gaza resumes – Israel News #DonaldTrump #Gaza #Houthi #idf #Israel #Yemen

Fabian Molinas Treffen mit einem Sprachrohr des Terrors und des Märtyrerkults

Am vergangenen Donnerstag hat Atef Abu Saif, Schriftsteller, ehemaliger «Kulturminister» der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde und Sprecher der #Fatah , in Basel sein neues Buch «Schau nicht nach links» vorgestellt.


#Schweiz #Israel #PA

#Jadaliyya Long Form pod ep 2

"In this sit down conversation with #BassamHaddad and #SinanAntoon, #TalalAsad takes a bird’s eye look at the political landscape since #Israel’s genocidal war against #Gaza and reflects on the state of our world."


#Palestine #oPt #GazaGenocide #colonialViolence #imperialism #PalestineSolidarity @palestine
image (at top): photo of Talal Asad (@ left) in a sit-down conversation with Bassam Haddad (front, @ right) and Sinan Antoon (rear, @ right) 



Talal Asad, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Middle East Studies at CUNY, was born in Saudi Arabia in 1932 but spent most of his childhood in British India (Pakistan). At eighteen he went to Britain to study, and spent most of his early life there. After graduating from Oxford he taught anthropology in Britain, Sudan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. He also taught at various universities in the United States and now lives in New York.

In this sit down conversation with Bassam Haddad and Sinan Antoon, Talal Asad takes a bird’s eye look at the political landscape since Israel’s genocidal war against Gaza and reflects on the state of our world. Candid and uncompromisingly critical, but with hints of hope. In this lengthy conversation, Asad also addresses colonialism, violence, media and Hamas, Gaza Genocide and Terminology, Liberalism, Aaron Bushnell, Western values, Universities and Academic Freedom, and collective liberation.


#israel #palestine : #gaza / #humanitarianaid / #blockade / #civilianpopulation

„After more than 16 months of war, Gaza’s population is entirely dependent on trucked-in food and other aid. Most are displaced from their homes, and many need shelter. Fuel is needed to keep hospitals, water pumps, bakeries and telecommunications — as well as trucks delivering the aid — operating.“


#usa #israel #palestine : #gaza / #hamas / #hostages / #threat

„As the White House said Wednesday it is holding secret talks with Hamas, President Donald Trump took to social media to threaten not just the Palestinian militant and political group but also the entire population of Gaza.“
