Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind
Israeli forces tear down mosque in West Bank’s Jenin
LIVE: Israel-Hamas ceasefire holds, Palestinians stream back to north Gaza
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are returning to north Gaza to find what remains of their homes and families.Stephen Quillen (Al Jazeera)
One year ago, Musk did not perform the Hitler-salute. Instead, how wore a kippah.
He did that while lighting a candle in former concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.
He was in "good" company: the maintainers of that camp are hypocrits too. In they state, among other things:
Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.
Both Musk and them make a joke of "Never Again". They don't care that Gaza is a concentration camp. Neither that Palestinians on the Westbank are robbed and murdered (including a "terrorist", a 2 years old girl who was shot in the head, see
Musk was invited to Auschwitz by the EJA (remember that name if you favor equal human rights for every person - the #EJA does *NOT* represent all Jews).
And Musk does *NOT* hate Jews (he earns money from them too). He is a populist and demands attention 24x7. He hates people who cannot or do not make him even richer and powerful than he already is.
He just HELPED Zionists worldwide by FAKING an increase in antisemitism - which is a LIE.
OTOH, (hopefully) an increasing number of people hate Zionists because the Israeli Destruction Forces commit genocide ordered by Netanyahu et al.
Western governments, enticed (or bribed, think #AIPAC) by Zionists, WANT everyone to believe that being anti-genocide and pro-equal-human-rights means you're an antisemite.
It's a TRICK, see the image in (I stole that image from @LALegault).
The screenshot below was taken from
#Antisemitism #GazaGenocide #Propaganda #Lies #Warcrimes #Hypocrisy #DefintionOfAntisemitism #Auschwitz #AmnestyIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #HRWIsRight #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #Silencing #Censorship #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
Elon Musk says he was 'naive' on antisemitism as he visits Auschwitz
The billionaire has said he sees 'almost no antisemitism' in his circles, while defending X as a place for freedom of speech and re-instating the accounts of controversial far-right figures on the platform.Le Monde with AP (Le Monde)
Two-year-old Laila Mohammad Ayman Khatib was having dinner with her mother and grandparents when an Israeli sniper shot her in the head through the window of their livingroom. This happened in Muthallath Al-Shuhada in the occupied #WestBank on January 25.
The residents of the town were not aware that Israeli soldiers had infiltrated that evening.
#Gaza #Palestine #genocide
Israeli forces interrogate, abuse detained Palestinians in occupied West Bank: Report
LIVE: More than 300,000 Palestinians return to devastated northern Gaza
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are returning to north Gaza to find what remains of their homes and families.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
— Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt (#FranceskAlbs) January 27, 2025
🌃 Night Shift News rundown 00:30 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
Why is Jenin the ‘capital of Palestinian resistance’? (video via link)
LIVE: Israel allows displaced Palestinians to finally return to north Gaza
Israel’s army opens roads to the war-battered northern Gaza Strip as mass movement home to the unknown gets under way.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
Israeli forces cause blackout after attacking Tulkarem infrastructure
(video in link)
LIVE: Israel allows displaced Palestinians to finally return to north Gaza
Israel’s army opens roads to the war-battered northern Gaza Strip as mass movement home to the unknown gets under way.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
It's clear that that instance has zionist moderators and I'm happy to be away from it if this is how they treat the current situation in #Gaza and the #WestBank .
The #Palestinians have done nothing but get villified and systemically repressed and pushed off their lands since the first #Nakba .
If you don't agree with me on that, kindly mute or block me.
UN Special Procedures:
"Israel’s intensified military assault against the occupied WestBank marks a dangerous escalation against Palestinians – UN experts warn of catastrophic ramifications if States fail to intervene to protect the Palestinian people in line with int'l law."
#genocide #GenocideJoeBiden #Israel #Palestinians #Gaza #WestBank #Biden
Paid by Israel is a funny thing to say when all the money came from Biden
- ‘A continuation of the war is not realistic’, former Israeli justice minister says
- Israeli military claims Tulkarem strike killed Hamas ‘terrorists’
- Two more killed people in Gaza: Health Ministry
- Smotrich says he is working on turning Trump’s proposal to ‘clean out’ Gaza into policy
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel allows displaced Palestinians to finally return to north Gaza
Israel’s army opens roads to the war-battered northern Strip as mass movement home to the unknown gets under way.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
IDF investigation into killing of two children by UAV in the West Bank: "It was difficult to identify that these were minors".
Without paywall:
#Palestine #WestBank #WarCrimes #Impunity #Israel
Dat is een hondenfluitje voor minister Smotrich, voormalig minister Ben Gvir en Donald Trump om de vernietiging van de Palestijnen zo snel als mogelijk te kunnen hervatten.
Noord-Gaza is het deel boven de "Netzarim corridor" waar je meer over kunt lezen in
Gazanen keren vandaag weer terug naar het noorden (waar ook Gaza-stad gelegen is) - om daar weinig anders dan een enorme verwoesting aan te treffen. Ziekenhuizen zijn voorlopig onbruikbaar, en alle infrastructuur (waaronder wegen) zijn verwoest.
Zolang Israël geen humanitaire hulp vanuit het noorden gaat toelaten, zitten Palestijnen in noord-Gaza voorlopig letterlijk en figuurlijk in de kou.
#GeneralsPlan #Gaza #GazaGenocide #ICCIsRight #Auschwitz80 #AuschwitzHypocrisy #Netanyahu #Smotrich #BenGvir #CeaseFire #Westbank #Libanon #Lebanon #Syrie #Syria #AmnestyIsRight #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #ICJIsRight
LIVE: Israel allows displaced Palestinians to finally return to north Gaza
Israel’s army opens roads to the war-battered northern Strip as mass movement home to the unknown gets under way.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
Israel’s deadly assault on Jenin enters 7th day (video in link)
LIVE: Israel lets Palestinians return to north Gaza for 1st time since war
Palestinians in Gaza celebrate following a deal that allows displaced people to return to the north of the Strip.Urooba Jamal (Al Jazeera)
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Reem Al-Rayashi, a 22-year-old mother of two from Gaza, became the first female martyr of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades and the seventh Palestinian woman to carry out a resistance operation against the Zionist occupation. Her martyrdom marked a pivotal moment in the history of resistance...
#AlQassam #feminism #gaza #hamas #palestine #resistance #WestAsia #WestBank
Trump sprach von ethnischen Säuberungen.
#Tagesschau lügt:
ZDF lügt:
#ÖRR #Medienproblem #Journalismus #Imperialismus #Neokolonialismus #Rassismus #Klassismus #Gaza #Westbank #Israel
Trump will Umsiedlungen der Gaza-Bewohner in arabische Länder
Der Gaza-Streifen ist zu großen Teilen zerstört, die humanitäre Lage prekär. US-Präsident Trump will, dass die Bewohner in arabische Länder gebracht werden.ZDFheute
Israel hits bomb-making terror lab in West Bank, Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon: IDF - EUROPE SAYS
The Israeli military struck a bomb-making terror lab in the West Bank on Sunday — and fired atEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
++ 📢 Researcher warns of imminent implementation of "Rose Marine" colonial project to expand Jerusalem colony ++ ⚠️ ISR forces raid villages and towns in occupied #westbank ++ 📢 Egypt categorically rejects any displacement of Palestinians from their land be it 'short term' or 'long term': Foreign Ministry ++🕯Death toll of Israeli attack on southern Lebanese residents rises to 22 ++🕯Two killed in #gaza in violation of ceasefire ++
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
Musk is een nietsontziende POPULIST. Hij wil aandacht en probeert dat te krijgen door een controversiële clown uit te hangen. Met enorm succes. Hij geniet van elke toot waarin hij te zien is, hóe maakt niet uit (ook ik ben schuldig, zie onder).
Musk maak handig misbruik van de (door Joden zelf!) gecreëerde leugen dat, sinds 7 okt. 2023, antisemitisme enorm zou zijn toegenomen. Bijna iedereen trapt daar in.
In Duitsland is het strafbaar om "From the river to the sea" te zeggen als je Palestina bedoelt. Als je Israël bedoelt, word je op handen gedragen. De meeste boosts van toots van het Auschwitz Memorial zijn van Duitsers.
Let op: ik ontken niet dat er echte en zelfs levensgevaarlijke Jodenhaters rondlopen. Maar hun aantal is eerder áf dan toegenomen. Het zijn niet langer RIJKE mensen (waaronder veel Joden) die worden gehaat. Integendeel.
Musk profiteert van het opzetten van grote bevolkingsgroepen tegen kwetsbare minderheden met weinig geld - in westerse landen degenen die sowieso nooit op de gangbare politieke partijen stemmen. Er valt namelijk niks te halen bij hen: geen geld, geen stem en geen waardevolle informatie.
Sneu voor die paar Joden die denken dat het OPNIEUW om HÉN te doen is (Netanyahu et al. begrijpen het prima).
Je telt wél mee als je wat te besteden hebt. Geloofsovertuiging en huidskleur maken dán nauwelijks nog uit. Anders is het ook acceptabel - mits je, in het stemhokje, aantoont een beïnvloedbare marionet te zijn.
Uit van 1 jaar geleden:
Elon Musk says he was 'naive' on antisemitism as he visits Auschwitz
P.S. Dat voor meer dan 1 miljoen kinderen het leven in een hel is veranderd, is "collateral damage". Zij worden sowieso geen big spenders. Who cares? (I do:
#IsraelMaaktMeerKapotDanJeLiefIs #TrapErNietIn #GeveinsdAntisemitisme #Antisemitisme #Jodenhaat #Moslimhaat #Vreemdelingenhaat #Racisme #Discriminatie #Minderheden #DefinitieVanAntisemitisme #Auschwitz #Auschwitz80 #AuschwitzMemorial #RichSupremacy #Musk #Wilders #Yesilgoz #VanDerPlas #CVI #CIDI #AIPAC #Kapitalisme #Genocide #GazaGenocide #Jenin #Westbank #Libanon #Lebanon #Syrie #Syria #Populisme #Populist #Propaganda #ICCisRight #ICJisRight #AmnestyIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #EnWatDiesMeerZij
Elon Musk says he was 'naive' on antisemitism as he visits Auschwitz
The billionaire has said he sees 'almost no antisemitism' in his circles, while defending X as a place for freedom of speech and re-instating the accounts of controversial far-right figures on the platform.Le Monde with AP (Le Monde)
Questo accade per l'impunità di cui godono i militari israeliani che, dato che i palestinesi sono considerati "animali umani", possono sparare senza problemi a chiunque.
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #26gennaio
Two-year-old Palestinian Killed by IDF Fire in West Bank Raid; Army: Investigating Incident.
Laila Al-Khatib, a two-and-a-half-year-old from the Palestinian village of Muthallat Ash Shuhada near Jenin, was killed on Saturday evening by IDF gunfire.
#Palestine #WestBank #WarCrimes #Israel
"Palestinian child dies after being shot in the head during Israeli raid
Earlier, we reported that a two-year-old girl had been shot in the head during an Israeli raid on a village south of Jenin in the occupied West Bank.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health has now announced that she has died after being taken to a hospital."
Updates: Israel raids homes of freed Palestinians, shoots at Gaza residents
Homes of at least two prisoners have been raided on the day of their release, as Israel stops movement to north Gaza.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
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Israel will use them to kill more #Palestinians and destroy anything left of #Gaza and the #WestBank. @palestine @israel #Biden
„The Israeli operation in Jenin sends a clear message about the Israeli government's long-term intentions: to eliminate any future role for the Palestinian Authority, in both the West Bank and Gaza.“
- Photos: Aid trucks continue to enter the Gaza Strip
- Palestinian child dies after being shot in the head during Israeli raid
- Palestinian prisoners arrive in Egypt in bittersweet release
- Video shows moment Israeli forces open fire on Palestinians in central Gaza
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel, Hamas due to exchange 4 Gaza captives for jailed Palestinians
Hamas is scheduled to release four female Israeli soldiers in Gaza and Israel is expected to then free 200 Palestinians.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
Das Völkerrecht ist im Westen nicht existent." #CDU #CSU
Imperialistische Außenpolitik.
#Imperialismus #Neokolonialismzs #Rechtsextremismus #Rassismus #Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #IStGH #ICC
"A #UnitedNations inquiry has found Israel carried out a concerted policy of destroying #Gaza's health care system in the Gaza war, actions amounting to both #warcrimes and the crime against humanity of 👉extermination👈." @palestine @israel #Israel #Genocide
U.N. inquiry accuses Israel of crime of 'extermination' in Gaza
Israel has not cooperated with the inquiry, which it says has an anti-Israel bias.Emma Farge (The Japan Times)
- Northern Gaza at the centre of Israel’s strategy
- White House says US will continue to push the release of all Israeli captives
- It’s no surprise that Israel and Hamas are accusing each other of violations
- Hamas accuses Israel of delaying ceasefire implementation
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel, Hamas due to exchange 4 Gaza captives for jailed Palestinians
Hamas is scheduled to release four female Israeli soldiers in Gaza and Israel is expected to then free 200 Palestinians.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
'#Auschwitz liberated 80 years ago. Spotlight on survivors as their numbers dwindle'
My spotlight is on how they feel about the attempted #Vernichtung (annihilation) of #Palestinians Arabs. Fuck #Nazis #Zionists. My E Eu C Asian Jewish grandparents had Ethics. No support whatsoever. Not even household discussion of that Entity called @israel @palestine #Gaza #WestBank
Descendant of Holocaust survivors calls for peace in Gaza
People around the world have responded to the conflict between Israel and Hamas in different ways. Haim Bresheeth, a child of Auschwitz survivors, grew up in Israel and co-founded the Jewish Network for Palestine (JNP) in Britain.Maddie Rose Baker (NHK WORLD)