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Beiträge, die mit BOOKS getaggt sind

What I've listened to, watched, read, and did in February.

I haven't finished any book book this month :(

I've done 5040 push-ups for the #50kPushUps challenge!

I watched 4 movies for the #EuroKino 📽️

#podcast #movies #books #blogging #blog #photography #workout #sport

#100DaysToOffload : 31/100


Finished reading this, thankfully an easy read cos I struggle with books these days. Filled in a lot of gaps. It’s thorough, though intro level. This resources page isn’t linked from the main site.


#books #jews #israel #palestine #history

At the beginning the 'enemies' were the #Jews
(Jude Will Not Replace us)
Then the #Media
(believe only me)
Then #liberal/#Democrats ('woke')
then #Latin immigrants
(parasitic criminals that bring diseases)
& (they eat the pets!)
Then the #FBi
Then Women (in general)
then #Gays to follow #Trans
('god' does not want them !!! the children the children ..)
Then #Books
Now #People who work for the #Government

#MAGAs have so many 'enemies'
they'll find more
to justify their idiocy of hatred.

Started reading American Hippo

Where has this band of queer misfit cowboys riding hippos in the bayou been all my life?!

(Also, I know exactly who the cast would be if this was a movie.)


#bookstodon #books #AmReading #queer #fiction


Data Skills with Python for Journalists: The Code Behind the Story https://leanpub.com/python-for-journalists by Amr Eleraqi is the featured book on the Leanpub homepage! https://leanpub.com #ComputerProgramming #Python #Education #books #ebooks #journalism

Each chapter features hands-on exercises, real-world case studies, and step-by-step guides, so you’ll quickly gain practical skills.

Find it on Leanpub!

"Hospitals run by lesbian couples during the world wars" is a nonfiction topic I keep coming across, and I am here for it.

#bookstodon #nonfiction #books #AmReading #history #lgbtq #queer #LGBTHistoryMonth

Подробнее о деятельности еврейской секты Хабад можно прочесть у Эдуарда Ходоса (раввина Харьковской хоральной синагоги):
– «Нужен ли Украине мессия из Бруклина? Захват власти — Реальная угроза» (1993)
– «Власть оборотней» (1994)
– «Топор над Православием, или Кто убил отца Меня. Версия, оставшаяся за кадром» (1999)
– «Леонид Кучма — Президент всех евреев, или Почему я голосую за другого» (1999)
– «Моя борьба. Как это было» (1999)
– «Пришествие Иуды. Книга сказаний и предсказаний» (2000)
– «Христос — брат мой. Уроки еврейской грамоты» (2001)
– «Еврейский синдром» (2001)
– «Еврейский синдром-2. В вопросах и ответах» (2001)
– «Еврейский синдром-2 1/2. Реальные события в мире иллюзий» (2002)
– «Еврейский синдром-3. Забавные протоколы сионских мудрецов» (2002)
– «Еврейская рулетка, или пир во время Кучмы» (2002)
– «Еврейский Удар, или П-дец подкрался незаметно. Монолог с петлей на шее» (2003)
– «Когда евреи маршируют… Три письма Эдуарда Ходоса к ситуации вокруг газеты „Сільські Вісті“» (2004)
– «Еврейский Норд-Ост, или Портрет Зверя в полный рост. Откровения Эдуарда Ходоса» (2004)
– «Еврейский фашизм, или Хабад — дорога в ад. Тайный знак — черная метка» (2005)
– «Выбор-2006: между Спасителем и Антихристом. Оранжевая цель сквозь еврейский прицел» (2005)
– «Бригада Хабада, или Хіба ревуть жиди, як ясла повні?» (2006)
– «У края могилы, или Дикие хазарские пляски. Открытая книга Президенту Украины» (2006)
– «Еврейский Смерч или Украинский прикуп в 30 сребренников» (2007)
– «Мир православия, отравленный Хабадом»
– «Русь - Хабад. Кому - рай, кому - ад»

As you will know I'm no stranger to typos, so this cartoon goes out to anyone who sent me a massage about a typo in a post (as always thanks for your help, much appreciated) bit also to my Mastodon friend @h4890 who will appreciate this on a Saturday morning.

#Libraries #libertarianism #reading #books
Cartoon: Due to a typo in the job listing, the vacancy at the public library was filled by a libertarian.... And, the Libertarian angrily says to a family with piles of books to take out: 'Wake up, people! The state is lending you these books to blunt your natural acquisitive urges & keep you compliant!'

So, by law in Hungary books with any #LGBTQ content have to be sold with the warning "Non-traditional content!"

On top of being sinister, his system is also:

1. Ironically useful, because Hungarian bookshops didn't have queer sections before, so the label actually makes queer content a lot easier to find

2. Low key surreal when the label is put on folktales, Greek mythology, or biographies like Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls...

3. Useless and dumb

#bookstodon #books #BookBanning #queer

Another story behind the stories in my new collection, The Gates of Polished Horn:

I've always admired Italo Calvino, particularly his experimental novel, Invisible Cities. So much so that one of those cities inspired one of the stories in the new book!


#book #books #ItaloCalvino #InvisibleCities #shortfiction #fantasy #sciencefiction #SFF
An AI-generated image of Eutropia -- a city that is made out of many ruined cities -- depicting ruins that run from the mountains to the distant sea

Hoopla, which provides U.S. public libraries with ebooks, says it will do more to prevent their distribution after @404mediaco showed they were common on the platform. An AI-generated book about Elon Musk and a cookbook about fatty liver by an author who does not appear to exist were highlighted in the original report by @emanuelmaiberg. Some librarians say that Hoopla’s “light on details” statement avoids accountability.


#Books @bookstodon #Libraries #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AISlop #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

I'm all for this idea. Who wants to open up a new bar with me? Please and thank you.

#WritingCommunity #Writer #Author #Books #BannedBooks
Reverse speakeasy: Bar in the front, secret bookstore for banned books in the back.

I considered using Ivan from Alexander Solzhenitsyn's novel for my protagonist, but it's a less common name among Millennials to Generation Alphas. So, I chose Alex as a grateful homage to Solzhenitsyn. 🙏 #books #shortstories #speculativefiction

Link to post about short story collection on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/blog/one-day-in-the-life-of-alexs-ai-book


Apparently, with this very ugly handle, you can follow my website directly from Wordpress here on mastodon.

New posts on Mondays and Wednesdays!

#writer #blog #literature #books

Eek! I'm having an HALLUCINATION! I did a search on 'best books about the history of film-making' and I got THIS slop, slung together by AI.

Just look at the creepy uncanny valley 'photos' - what language this side of H.P. Lovecraft are those titles from???

And the WEIRDEST thing is that these are from... 'factualamerica.com'.
I think we're entering the Twilight Zone, here, folks.

#ai #media #film #books #weirdness #dystopia
AI generated 'photo' of books about film with gibberish titles.

Hunter S. Thompson died by his own hand on this day, 20 years ago. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was wildly entertaining and an important book to me in my young life. I find the film of that book with Johnny Depp to be unwatchable as none of the charm of Thompson's writing comes to bear. The Rum Diary is a pretty good film though IMO.

#books #journalism
The author in profile seated on a bench in swimming trunks, his legs propped up on a table, on a beach in Puerto Rico. A large beachfront hotel is visible in the distant background. The black and white  photo appears on the cover of The Rum Diary (1959).

You can’t ask a dead man who pulled the trigger. ‘A Tangled Web’ is a fast-paced contemporary thriller set in northern Scotland.

The elusive Hermit’s Castle at Achmelvich on the west coast of Sutherland is visited by the book’s two central characters. This remarkable concrete folly was built in 1950 and is sometimes known as Europe's smallest castle: though it’s a castle in name only.

Find out more on my website:

#Books #Bookstodon
The image shows a view along a rocky promontory with grassy patches and sea on the right and in the background. In the centre of the frame is a light grey concrete structure made up of flat planes and odd angles with a chimney projecting from its centre and small square window holes in several of the surfaces. The light is grey and the sea is rough. The front cover of ‘A Tangled Web’ is shown in the top right corner.

To all you #SciFi #writers out there,

Please please please please have an astrophysicist or aerospace engineer review your book before publishing.

I'm reading an award-winning scifi book right now and while the writing is good and the author obviously tried to get the science details down, they also obviously didn't do much more than read wikipedia. It's getting painful to read.

#Authors #bookstodon #books #writing #ScienceFiction #Space

The March/April 2025 issue of Texas Observer magazine is coming soon for our members, featuring some of our best reporting, a sneak preview of Lise Olsen's new book, Justin Miller's vital political analysis, and more.

Become a member: https://texasobserver.fundjournalism.org/join/

(📸 Cover photo by Shelby Tauber)

#journalism #media #nonprofit #politics #USpol #Texas #CriminalJustice #books #culture #news #TXlege #border #MentalHealth
The cover of the March/April 2025 issue of Texas Observer magazine features a photograph of person with brown hair, wearing jeans and a denim jacket with a Southwest pattern, seen from behind at nightfall on in the countryside along a rural road, with a truck passing by. Trees are silhouetted against the darkening sky. The headline: Rural Texas’ Mental Healthcare Crisis: One family struggles in Sweetwater, by Daniel Carter. Other headlines: The Scientist and the Serial Killer by Lise Olsen. Abbott’s Operation Lone Star Bonanza, by Justin Miller.

Little Bits: Issue #21 for January 2025

Race on over to read the latest instalment of Little Bits issue #21 for January 2025 to explore the largest collection of discovered bits to date.


#blog #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #books #gaming #tech
Over top view of a wall of white binary text with a blue background that has an explosion in the middle coming towards the viewer sits large bold text that reads, 'Little Bits issue #21'.

One of the #books I've currently got going—Donato Loia's fantastic 1095 Short Sentences— helped me think through some ambiguous feelings about the rise of the #newsletter. Of course, that's over at the #blog, a medium I suspect is still a different beast from a newsletter:



Photo Descripton: Shelves filled with books line the aisles of a cozy bookstore in Chicago, Illinois, while a person sits reading by a window with a view of the street and trees outside. Soft lighting creates a calm ambiance, perfect for getting lost in a book. The Good Book - Copyright 2009 Frank J Casella.

The latest entry on my Fine Art website blog: Feed My Sheep - https://frankjcasella.pixels.com/blogs/feed-my-sheep.html

#photography #FineArt #Blog #Artist #books #FJCasellaPhoto
Photo Descripton: Shelves filled with books line the aisles of a cozy bookstore in Chicago, Illinois, while a person sits reading by a window with a view of the street and trees outside. Soft lighting creates a calm ambiance, perfect for getting lost in a book. The Good Book - Copyright 2009 Frank J Casella.

From 2023: While Texas has a long history of repression of LGBTQ+ people, it's also been a hotbed of civil rights activism that inspired nationwide movements and landmark legal decisions granting queer people human rights. https://www.texasobserver.org/before-lawrence-v-texas-book-history-lgbtqia/

#LGBTQIA+ #news #politics #USpol #Texas #history #books #bookstodon #culture #HumanRights

#LouisePenny my favorite Canadian author was supposed to debut her latest book at the Kennedy Center. She backed out.

Edited to add #books #bookstodon