Beiträge, die mit BOOKS getaggt sind
I haven't finished any book book this month :(
I've done 5040 push-ups for the #50kPushUps challenge!
I watched 4 movies for the #EuroKino 📽️
#podcast #movies #books #blogging #blog #photography #workout #sport
#100DaysToOffload : 31/100
(Jude Will Not Replace us)
Then the #Media
(believe only me)
Then #liberal/#Democrats ('woke')
then #Latin immigrants
(parasitic criminals that bring diseases)
& (they eat the pets!)
Then the #FBi
Then Women (in general)
then #Gays to follow #Trans
('god' does not want them !!! the children the children ..)
Then #Books
Now #People who work for the #Government
#MAGAs have so many 'enemies'
they'll find more
to justify their idiocy of hatred.
Where has this band of queer misfit cowboys riding hippos in the bayou been all my life?!
(Also, I know exactly who the cast would be if this was a movie.)
#bookstodon #books #AmReading #queer #fiction
"Omar El Akkad wrote this full-throated indictment of the 'principal concern' of the modern American liberal. It is 'not what one does or believes or supports or opposes, but what one is seen to be.' "
#Gaza #WarOnGaza #Palestine #USpol #USpolitics #USforeignPolicy #LiberalPosturing #BlueMAGA #TheEvilOfTwoLessers #books @bookstodon @palestine
Each chapter features hands-on exercises, real-world case studies, and step-by-step guides, so you’ll quickly gain practical skills.
Find it on Leanpub!
#bookstodon #nonfiction #books #AmReading #history #lgbtq #queer #LGBTHistoryMonth
#books #review @bookstodon
– «Нужен ли Украине мессия из Бруклина? Захват власти — Реальная угроза» (1993)
– «Власть оборотней» (1994)
– «Топор над Православием, или Кто убил отца Меня. Версия, оставшаяся за кадром» (1999)
– «Леонид Кучма — Президент всех евреев, или Почему я голосую за другого» (1999)
– «Моя борьба. Как это было» (1999)
– «Пришествие Иуды. Книга сказаний и предсказаний» (2000)
– «Христос — брат мой. Уроки еврейской грамоты» (2001)
– «Еврейский синдром» (2001)
– «Еврейский синдром-2. В вопросах и ответах» (2001)
– «Еврейский синдром-2 1/2. Реальные события в мире иллюзий» (2002)
– «Еврейский синдром-3. Забавные протоколы сионских мудрецов» (2002)
– «Еврейская рулетка, или пир во время Кучмы» (2002)
– «Еврейский Удар, или П-дец подкрался незаметно. Монолог с петлей на шее» (2003)
– «Когда евреи маршируют… Три письма Эдуарда Ходоса к ситуации вокруг газеты „Сільські Вісті“» (2004)
– «Еврейский Норд-Ост, или Портрет Зверя в полный рост. Откровения Эдуарда Ходоса» (2004)
– «Еврейский фашизм, или Хабад — дорога в ад. Тайный знак — черная метка» (2005)
– «Выбор-2006: между Спасителем и Антихристом. Оранжевая цель сквозь еврейский прицел» (2005)
– «Бригада Хабада, или Хіба ревуть жиди, як ясла повні?» (2006)
– «У края могилы, или Дикие хазарские пляски. Открытая книга Президенту Украины» (2006)
– «Еврейский Смерч или Украинский прикуп в 30 сребренников» (2007)
– «Мир православия, отравленный Хабадом»
– «Русь - Хабад. Кому - рай, кому - ад»
#Libraries #libertarianism #reading #books
On top of being sinister, his system is also:
1. Ironically useful, because Hungarian bookshops didn't have queer sections before, so the label actually makes queer content a lot easier to find
2. Low key surreal when the label is put on folktales, Greek mythology, or biographies like Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls...
3. Useless and dumb
#bookstodon #books #BookBanning #queer
I've always admired Italo Calvino, particularly his experimental novel, Invisible Cities. So much so that one of those cities inspired one of the stories in the new book!
#book #books #ItaloCalvino #InvisibleCities #shortfiction #fantasy #sciencefiction #SFF
Italo Calvino and His Invisible Cities » mark a. rayner
Mark discusses the inspiration for his short story, "This Ambiguous Miracle:" It's a vignette from Italo Calvino and his Invisible Cities.Mark A. Rayner (mark a rayner)
#Books @bookstodon #Libraries #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AISlop #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
Public Library Ebook Service to Cull AI Slop After 404 Media Investigation
Hoopla has emailed librarians saying it’s removing AI-generated books from the platform people use to borrow ebooks from public libraries.Emanuel Maiberg (404 Media)
#WritingCommunity #Writer #Author #Books #BannedBooks
Link to post about short story collection on Tall And True:
One Day in the Life of Alex's AI (book)
One Day in the Life of Alex's AI and Other Speculative Fiction is a collection of twenty speculative fiction short stories.Tall And True
Apparently, with this very ugly handle, you can follow my website directly from Wordpress here on mastodon.
New posts on Mondays and Wednesdays!
#writer #blog #literature #books
#Books #Bookstadon
Just look at the creepy uncanny valley 'photos' - what language this side of H.P. Lovecraft are those titles from???
And the WEIRDEST thing is that these are from... ''.
I think we're entering the Twilight Zone, here, folks.
#ai #media #film #books #weirdness #dystopia
11 Must-Read Books About the History of Cinema
Delve into the rich history of cinema with these 11 essential books. From the silent era to modern blockbusters, these books offer valuable insights into the evolution and impact of filmmaking.Hasnain Matloob (Factual America Podcast)
#books #journalism
The elusive Hermit’s Castle at Achmelvich on the west coast of Sutherland is visited by the book’s two central characters. This remarkable concrete folly was built in 1950 and is sometimes known as Europe's smallest castle: though it’s a castle in name only.
Find out more on my website:
#Books #Bookstodon
Ken Lussey, Author of Contemporary Thriller A Tangled Web: Book Main Page
Ken Lussey, author of contemporary thriller A Tangled Web: information about The High
Please please please please have an astrophysicist or aerospace engineer review your book before publishing.
I'm reading an award-winning scifi book right now and while the writing is good and the author obviously tried to get the science details down, they also obviously didn't do much more than read wikipedia. It's getting painful to read.
#Authors #bookstodon #books #writing #ScienceFiction #Space
#books #lornemichaels SNL 50
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(📸 Cover photo by Shelby Tauber)
#journalism #media #nonprofit #politics #USpol #Texas #CriminalJustice #books #culture #news #TXlege #border #MentalHealth
Race on over to read the latest instalment of Little Bits issue #21 for January 2025 to explore the largest collection of discovered bits to date.
#blog #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #books #gaming #tech
Little Bits: Issue #21 for January 2025
Race on over to read the latest installment of Little Bits issue #21 for January 2025 to explore the largest collection of discovered bits to date.Adam Douglas
#Palestinians #Palestine #48Palestinians #PalestinianDiaspora #USpol #PalestineLiberation #PalestinianActivism #PalestineSolidarity #books @palestine @bookstodon
#bihar #patna #india #news #press #arts #literature #books #LiteraryHonour #RenownedWriter #BiharPride #HindiLiterature #ShortStories #WomenWriters
Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters
Patna: Dr. Poonam Anand Honoured with 'Lalita Smriti Samman' in Bhopal.
Renowned writer from Bihar, Dr. Poonam Anand, has been honoured with the 'Lalita Smriti Katha-Samman' for her short story collection.Alok Sharma (Aliyesha)
#humor #humour #writing #writingcommunity #book #books #Bookstodon Broadcast a digital library of challenged or banned books with a portable anti-censorship e-book server. …
#books #calibre #HowTo #solarpunk #technology
#essay #Gaza #books #bookstodon #reading #writingcommunity #poetry #politics #peace #love
Palestine Wail: Poems
Renowned aphorist Yahia Lababidi’s Palestine Wail writes alongside a catastrophe beyond words, trying to shelter in words what remains of our humanity. To be a Minister of Loneliness and Ligh…DarajaPress
The latest entry on my Fine Art website blog: Feed My Sheep -
#photography #FineArt #Blog #Artist #books #FJCasellaPhoto
Feed My Sheep
Photo Descripton: Shelves filled with books line the aisles of a cozy bookstore in Chicago, Illinois, while a person sits reading by a window with a view of the street and trees outside. Soft
#LGBTQIA+ #news #politics #USpol #Texas #history #books #bookstodon #culture #HumanRights
Before 'Lawrence': From Sodomy to Queer Liberation
Wesley G. Phelps’ new history book reveals how gay persecution in the Lone Star State spurred the struggle for LGBTQ+ civil rights nationwide.Kit O'Connell (The Texas Observer)
Edited to add #books #bookstodon