Beiträge, die mit CLIMATE getaggt sind
Where's the EPA and state department of environmental control when you need them?
Or Captain Planet. If he's still around.
#Environment #Climate
Start at the top, then slowly scroll down…
#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
"77-year-old activist sent back to prison due to issues fitting tag"
#ukpolitics #ukpol #HumanRights #juststopoil #climate #green
Climate change slowly killing Europe’s beech forests, says new study
A new study finds that beech trees in Europe will be massively affected by climate change. Experts argue that damage is already quite severe and recommend introducing drought-tolerant species.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Sea level rise, however, is very uneven. Thanks to a complex set of factors, water levels are not rising at the same speed everywhere. And these factors have made the U.S. South particularly vulnerable
#USA #US #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
AI is guzzling gas
Big Tech is paying for gas plants and pipelines to directly power data centers, threatening global climate goals.Arielle Samuelson (HEATED)
As environmental law currently exists, she doesn’t have a legal basis to refuse the approval. #environment #law
#vote for environment / #climate #climateaction oriented independents or Greens #auspol we need a Labor minority govt
Isn't the real answer obvious?
We do not need fridges connected to the internet and washing machines you control from your phone in another country.
#climate #climatechange #capitalism #industry #tech
#USA #US #ClimateChange #climate
Well, of course you could limit that by stop building on flood plains (which they're still doing round here) or by making estates better able to deal with flooding... less hardscaping etc.
But, what we *will* see is both more costly insurance & cover withdrawal!
#housing #climate
h/t FT
by The Canary @thecanaryuk
“[..] on 19 June the now-prime minister, Starmer, then leader of the opposition, posted on Twitter that ‘the damage done to Stonehenge is outrageous. Just Stop Oil are pathetic. Those responsible must face the full force of the law’.”
#Press #UK #Labour #Starmer #Climate #Crisis #Stonehenge #JustStopOil #Darrragh #Storm #PowerCuts
Stonehenge Just Stop Oil activists appear in court
After Keir Starmer called the Just Stop Oil Stonehenge Three "outrageous", now they're appearing in court on trumped-up chargesThe Canary
by James Wright in The Canary @thecanaryuk
“Of 12 recommendations for government transparency and the lobbying register on Spotlight on Corruption’s ‘scorecard‘, the Tories fully met three, while Labour has fully met just one proposal.”
#Press #UK #Labour #Starmer #Lobbying #Transparency #Corruption #Weapons #Climate #Financial #Regulation #Accountability
Labour doing even less than the Tories to stop corporate lobbying
Labour has shockingly committed to even less recommendations on lobbying from the Committee on Standards in Public Life than the Tories didJames Wright (The Canary)
#Autism #autistic #neurodiverse #ActuallyAutistic #climate #ClimateCollapse #environment
Greta Thunberg is far from the only neurodivergent climate activist – many who see the world differently also want to change it
Activists with autism, bipolar disorder and other conditions spoke about finding purpose in environmental activism.The Conversation
#UK #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #ClimateStrike
Nearly one in five UK climate and environmental protests involve arrests
Nearly one in five climate and environmental protests in the UK involve arrests, far above the international average, according to a new report. Researchers at the University of Bristol say 17.Irish Legal News
AI : « Your planet is going to burn up faster than expected »
« #AI predicts that most of the world will see temperatures rise to 3°C much faster than previously expected » … due to energy burned by AI ? 🐍 🤔
#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
AI predicts that most of the world will see temperatures rise to 3°C much faster than previously expected
Three leading climate scientists have combined insights from 10 global climate models and, with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), conclude that regional warming thresholds are likely to be reached faster than previously estimated.IOP Publishing (
#electricity #renewableEnergy #climate
by Tim Woollings, et al.
13 Jan 2023
"Recent Arctic warming has fuelled interest in the weather and climate of the polar regions and how this interacts with lower latitudes. Several interesting theories of polar-midlatitude linkages involve Rossby wave propagation as a key process even though the meridional gradient in planetary vorticity, crucial for these waves, is weak at high latitudes. Here we review some basic theory and suggest that Rossby waves can indeed explain some features of polar variability, especially when relative vorticity gradients are present.
"We suggest that large-scale polar flow can be conceptualised as a mix of geostrophic turbulence and Rossby wave propagation, as in the midlatitudes, but with the balance tipped further in favour of turbulent flow. Hence, isolated vortices often dominate but some wavelike features remain. As an example, quasi-stationary or weakly westward-propagating subpolar anomalies emerge from statistical analysis of observed data, and these are consistent with some role for wave propagation. The noted persistence of polar cyclones and anticyclones is attributed in part to the weakened effects of wave dispersion, the mechanism responsible for the decay of midlatitude anomalies in downstream development. We also suggest that the vortex-dominated nature of polar dynamics encourages the emergence of annular mode structures in principal component analyses of extratropical circulation.
"Finally, we consider how Rossby waves may be triggered from high latitudes. The linear mechanisms known to balance localised heating at lower latitudes are shown to be less efficient in the polar regions. Instead, we suggest the direct response to sea ice loss often manifests as a heat low, with radiative cooling balancing the heating. If the relative vorticity gradient is favourable this does have the potential to trigger a Rossby wave response, although this will often be weak compared to waves forced from lower latitudes."
Read more:
#Copernicus #Weather #ClimateChange #ArcticMelt #ArcticWarming #GlobalWarming #GlobalHotSpots
The role of Rossby waves in polar weather and climate
Abstract. Recent Arctic warming has fuelled interest in the weather and climate of the polar regions and how this interacts with lower
A Range Of Ideas On Applications
True colour satellite image of the Earth centred on Asia and Oceania with cloud coverage. This image ... in orthographic projection was compiled from data acquired by LANDSAT 5 & 7 satellites.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
The Biden administration awarded $1.2 billion in grants to states to accelerate the use of cleaner asphalt, concrete, glass, and steel in transportation infrastructure. #environment #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #transportation #transport
INVESTING IN AMERICA: USDOT Awards $1.2 Billion in Grants to Help State Departments of Transportation Utilize Cleaner Construction Materials
Contact: Tel.: (202)
#News #Journalism #Agriculture #Misinformation #FossilFuels #Climate #Environment #Ohio
The Secret Playbook Behind Effort to Kill Solar in an Ohio County
A retired gas industry executive, a shadowy “grassroots” group and a controversial media company are spreading misinformation while turning residents against a proposed solar farm — and each other.ProPublica
I'm a #climate and #water scientist, co-founder and Senior Fellow at the Pacific Institute in Oakland.
I'm interested in all things sustainability, but also birds, mandolin, and random other things. Politics too.
I'm a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and various professional scientific organizations.
Most of my publications and musings are at
I’ve Looked At Clouds From Both Sides Now: AI For Climate Science - EUROPE SAYS
SimMIke Pritchard It’s a complex problem that we face with the climate – and it would take aEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Well duh. Nobody can do anything about it because you made that illegal, dumbass!! 🙄
#Florida #Republican Introduces #Bill to #Ban #Government From Controlling #Weather and #Sunlight
#StupidMAGA #Stupid #Floriduh #Climate #IAmDB
Florida Republican Introduces Bill to Ban Government From Controlling Weather and Sunlight
In a strange move, a Florida Republican lawmaker has introduced a bill that seeks to ban the government from "controlling" the weather and sunlight. Yes, this is real.Staff Writer (The Daily Boulder)
But, second — a realistic look at the world today makes it clear how totally unlikely that would be. No matter how much we want it, how loudly we yell, or how hard we protest, I just can’t see it happening.
Therefore, third — what should we do?
My answer has always been that the most important steps you can take are personal and local. No, I don’t mean just lowering your carbon footprint, although of course that’s a good idea. I mean beginning to make the big changes now on a local level that are coming to us, sooner or later, whether we like it or not.
We must simplify. At some point, we will be *forced* to simplify our lives due to the eroding conditions around us, so why not start now?
Be an example. Find others who want to change, and join with them. Build a community. Create co-ops, clothing and furniture exchanges, neighborhood gardens, seed libraries, tool libraries, and establish teaching and training sessions.
Develop systems of sharing resources — such as low-carbon transportation, small-scale solar or wind power, engineering know-how, financial assistance, medical expertise, and more.
If we work together, the possibilities are endless.
#Politics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Degrowth
Earth Began Absorbing More Sunlight in 2023, Climate Researchers Find - Slashdot
Today a group of German scientists presented data suggesting Earth is absorbing more sunlight than in the past, reports Ars Technica, "largely due to reduced cloud
A long battle pitting dedicated climate scientists on one side versus billionaire capitalists and neoliberal politicians on the other side.
Guess who won.
And this is not Hollywood. There will be no "happy ending" to the story.
#Politics #History #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
How the world gave up on 1.5 degrees
A decade after the Paris Agreement, Andreas Malm and Wim Carton trace how we've kept on with business as usual.Lylla Younes (Grist)
That can mean only one thing. A collapse of our fragile, tenuous, global industrial civilization. It might happen gradually, it might happen suddenly, but it will happen and it will be catastrophic.
Our rulers know about this. And yet they've chosen to do nothing. Or, actually, they've chosen to go all in, pushing for increased consumption, stronger economic growth, and even more fossil fuel use — because it's incredibly profitable. 💵 💵 💵
So, what can you and I do?
Jem Bendell says our best choice is to accept what is happening to our world, embrace the collapse, and turn our efforts toward what comes next. He says: "We’re going to collapse into community, and what we can play for is what we find there when it’s all we have."
#History #Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange
Yet another indicator that we're on the eve of destruction. But it's massively underreported.
Don't look up?
#News #Newstodon #NewsTooter #Climate #ClimateChange #Antartic #IceCollapse #AntarticIceCollapse
An unexpected ice collapse hints at worrying changes on the Antarctic coast
The Conger Ice Shelf disintegrated in 2022. Satellite data leading up to the collapse hint at worrying changes in a supposedly stable ice sheet.Douglas Fox (Science News)
The Arctic Could Be Functionally Ice-Free in Just a Few Years - EUROPE SAYS
The Arctic Could Be Functionally Ice-Free in Just a Few Years handuderEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Below is a link to a dramatic presentation on the impact of billions and billions of plastic bottles sold every year.
This is from the intro...
Around the world, almost 1 million plastic bottles are purchased every minute. As the environmental impact of that tide of plastic becomes a growing political issue, major packaged goods sellers are under pressure to cut the flow of the single-use bottles and containers that are clogging the world’s waterways.
Plastic production has surged in the last 50 years, leading to widespread use of inexpensive disposable products that are having a devastating effect on the environment. Images of plastic debris-strewn beaches and dead animals with stomachs full of plastic have sparked outrage.
#Environment #Climate #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Pollution
Bread and Circuses (
Attached: 1 image In the least surprising news of the day, we find that UN-sponsored talks aimed at producing a treaty to reduce plastic production and pollution have failed.Climate Justice Social
Vanuatu leads the charge of several nations arguing developed nations have a legal responsibility beyond non binding promises #auslaw #auspol #climate #ICJ #Vanuatu
'Food price shocks are only one aspect of the climate crisis, but their growing frequency is a warning sign that we are entering a new, more volatile era, with a policy toolkit created in calmer times'!
But perhaps once the link is made between food price inflation & (not wages as the BoE would want to argue), but climate change, then a wider appreciation of the actions needed to tackle the climate crisis will be clearer!
#climate #food
The amount increases with vehicle weight; so electric vehicles with heavy batteries will makes this worse.
Maybe replacement of all internal combustion engines with electric powered motors is not the solution...
#News #NewsTooter #Newstodon #Climate #Microplatics #Pollution #Transport #ElectricVehicles #ElectricVehicle
Almost 30% of Microplastics Come From a Hugely Overlooked Source : ScienceAlert
Every year, billions of vehicles worldwide shed an estimated 6 million tonnes of tire fragments.The Conversation (ScienceAlert)
#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #IrreversibleOverheating #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
Conceptual model illuminates role of polar ice sheets in climate tipping points
Polar ice sheets are critical for climate projections, according to new research published Nov. 27 in the journal Nature Communications Earth & Environment.British Antarctic Survey (