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Beiträge, die mit AUSPol getaggt sind

I've just finished this fascinating and important book, which was recommended to me on this platform, so thanks to the person who did that.

It should probably be compulsory reading for all Australian students.

I've got to get it back to the library tomorrow because there are 8 reservations waiting for it

#Bookstodon #AusPol #History
Blue softback book cover with white writing. Warra Warra Wai: How Indigenous Australians discovered Captain Cook & what they tell about the coming of the Ghost People, by Darren Rix and Craig Cormick

This is not news. There are Chinese warships close to Australian waters all the time, and vice versa.

It is being made into news because the Australian defence establishment is literally kacking its dacks because the entire basis of their strategic planning has been shown to be based on assumptions that were always questionable and are now obviously invalid.


Watchdog rules "clean gas" claims from Gina Rinehart company are false, misleading | RenewEconomy #AusPol


You know what journalistic euphemism I haven't seen in years?

"...feeling tired and emotional"

#journalism #Australia #AusPol

State by state, quality Independent political candidates – from world-record athletes to renowned surgeons. Candidates motivated by climate & environment action, and equity
#auspol #australia #democracy #politics #justice


This article is so concerned with portraying the risks with Putin (as if there is some hope that Trump is not already complicit) that it can't see Trump for who he is. At the very least, it is softly playing the 'too close' line instead of asking: what sort of person wants to do this?

This is the line by which the article signals its intention to engage in both-sides diplomacy, instead of unconstrained reporting:

"Dialogues, however, are nothing new."

And with that, it's in the can for another day, and continuity of thought is broken.

#uspol #auspol #journalism


Inhaltswarnung: #uspol #auspol #worldpol

'This under-explored topic is particularly important to consider in the wake of controversial new laws in Australia which will require jail time for some specific terrorism offences.' #Gaza #Palestine #genocide #warcrime #Israel #Netanyahu #USA #Trump #australia #auspol https://johnmenadue.com/sourcing-antisemitism-paid-actors-and-urgent-questions-to-be-asked/

Jane Hume: "The average mortgage holder... has paid an additional $50k a YEAR..."

Angus Taylor: "...an extra $50k in interests costs since we started seeing interest rate increases"

James Glenday has his homework to do.

#LNP #InterestRates #journalism #misinformation #auspol

I propose that we stop selling aluminium to countries that can't spell or pronounce the word properly


For threatening Brittany Higgins, David Sharaz & Alex Greenwich, David William Wonnocott sentenced to three years & two months gaol, minimum of 16 months. The 51-year-old was living in NNSW with his mother. He has previous convictions. #auspol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/feb/19/david-william-wonnocott-death-threats-against-brittany-higgins-prison-sentence-ntwnfb

For the record, and in the full knowledge that nobody cares, I am no longer a member of a political party. I'm staying on the sidelines in the imminent federal election. What I do in future elections is as yet unknowable.

#auspol I guess.

Jefferson Investments donated $71,680 in 2023-24. That was $29,680 to Labor and $42,000 to the Coalition. {7531} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol Fish and chips shouldn’t come with a catch: how Australia can keep illegal seafood off our plates Read more…https://theconversation.com/fish-and-chips-shouldnt-come-with-a-catch-how-australia-can-keep-illegal-seafood-off-our-plates-249481

Pathological LNP liars like Peter Dutton, Jane Hume and Angus Taylor are so unaccustomed to being fact-checked they turn into spluttering stuttering messes when faced with the smallest amount of push-back.

#inflation #InterestRates #misinformation #afternoonbriefing #auspol

We have another Well Done Angus moment. RBA lowers the cash rate by 0.25% to 4.10%. However, he thinks they increased it.

"Australian families have done the hard work here & they deserve this interest rate increase because they're the ones that have done the work." #auspol

Investigative journalist Wendy Bacon covers the recent Cairo Takeaway stunt, and examines the record of Israeli Australian Ofir Birenbaum https://michaelwest.com.au/newscorp-ofir-birenbaum-cairo-takeaway-stunt-backfires/ #Israel #GazaGenocide #auspol

Did #albo say anything about the attack on two Muslim women in Melbourne? No?

Didn't they say: "We value every Australian, regardless of their faith, race, gender or LGBTIQ+ status,” ?

Someone reminds me, what do we call it when actions don't match the words?

So violent attacks are not ok if inflicted on Christians or Jews but it's apparently acceptable if inflicted on #Muslims , #women , #indigenous or #lgbtqia community. Because hey it's too complicated and hard to protect anyone other than Christians and Jewish people.

And Albo calls Dutton divisive, while he follows in his footsteps.

#trans #transgender #lgbtq #lgbt #women ##humanrights #auspol


Great to hear the City of Sydney Council has passed a #BDS motion to confirm that it does not do business with companies complicit in #Israel’s illegal occupation. #auspol

#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol Lethal second-generation rat poisons are killing endangered quolls and Tasmanian devils Read more…https://theconversation.com/lethal-second-generation-rat-poisons-are-killing-endangered-quolls-and-tasmanian-devils-250035

Jane Hume:
- AVERAGE #inflation up from 2.2% for the LNP to 4.1% for Labor
- The RBA partially blames spending.

- Inflation down from 6.1% to 3.2% under Labor.
- RBA: Spending not a problem.

James Glenday does a good job.

#LNP #misinformation #journalism #auspol

In a discord I'm in a discussion is happening about politics.

Someone said the chances of the Libs having a workable senate were low.

Person responds with gambling odds. -sigh-

Australia has a gambling problem. Australians collectively are in denial about it. #GamblingHarm #AusPol

"When we win the election." Peter Dutton expects insurance companies to lower premiums by the time he forms government. If they don't, he's going to "deal with them". #auspol

Hey Albo, Marles and Wong, what are your bestie Israel friends up to this week?
#auspol #gaza https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/2/16/israeli-soldiers-used-80-year-old-palestinian-as-gaza-human-shield-report

Really #abc "More signs the government has switched into election mode"?

Moldymort there is NOT the government. That's the opposition, you know, the one you shill for. You could at least use an honest title for the video.

Here's one, "We brownnose for moldymort" or "Today in moldymort's world".

You've let #Australia down by becoming another right wing media suck. You may as well give up and join #murdoch


Just saw the Casey Briggs report on YouGov bullshittery on ABC 7pm News. It utterly beggars belief that the moronic Strayan Great Unwashed seriously think that ShitParty1 cares about them [other than deceiving them into giving them their vote], much less having any talent to genuinely help them. Not to mention, ofc, all the other shit that would accompany giving these creeps the treasury keys again. Just how stupid is Straya? 🙄🤦‍♀️

#AusPol #Greens #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WeAreTotallyFscked #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #Misanthropy #FsckOffDutton! #ShitParty1 #ShitParty2 #ComeOnTanya! #WhyIsLabor #NatsAreNuts #NoNukes #racism #FuckRacists

Dave Milner at his best. So many quotable phrases, "the Nerd Reich" being my fave.

"Trump wants to turn Gaza into a casino resort. Ita Buttrose thinks only an ‘activist’ could object"

Here is the opening para:

"We have crossed both the Rubicon and the Rhine these last few weeks, and the next liberal who screeches “this is not who we are!” when talking about America needs to leave the room and go read some fucking books."


Israel and the dark legacy of Sir Mark Sykes - Pearls and Irritations #AusPol


Inhaltswarnung: auspol


Faced with an electorate clearly sick of poor judgement and bad legislation, Labor battle on making poor judgements and bad legislation.


Thank you for your explanation. I will be happy to call it the hakenkreuz from now on. I did have a hazy memory of this distinction, but I had forgotten the details.
#auspol #NoRoomForSpudRacism

Trump talks crap, Albanese listens, and tariffs are “under consideration”. That’s what we get from making a $500 million AUKUS payment. The latest New Politics podcast. LISTEN IN, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE! #auspol @dlew919
Apple: https://bit.ly/4hC5wo3
Spotify: https://bit.ly/3D07PCg

Rizvi speaks of morale broken by Pezzullo’s authoritarian leadership. “The message was clear. He dressed a lot of people up in very dark uniforms. He introduced guns. And having done all of that, it led to a massive exodus of senior staff from the department.”

The hard edge was the perfect fit for both Dutton and Pezzullo. According to the last Coalition home affairs minister, Karen Andrews, Pezzullo ran the department with an “iron fist” for six year

Dutton and Pezzullo - a lethal combination for a vast and authoritarian department.
