Beiträge, die mit PRopaganda getaggt sind
That's all you need to know.
#TheNational | BBC admits fault over Israeli football fan violence – after 45 days
#Media #BBC #Journalism #Gaza #Genocide #Amsterdam #propaganda
BBC admits fault over Israeli football fan violence – after 45 days
THE BBC has finally issued a correction after it showed a video of Israeli football supporters attacking Dutch locals when reporting that Israeli…Xander Elliards (The National)
by Caitlin Johnson in Caitlin’s Newsletter on Substack
“There are a lot of people who see through the imperial lies about Gaza but still buy into the imperial lies about Syria, largely because the lies about Gaza are so much easier to see through.”
#Press #Syria #Gaza #Iraq #Libya #Ukraine #Lies #ImperialLies #RegimeChange #US #UK #Empire #Propaganda #Disinformation #Misinformation #Distraction
They Lied About Gaza, And They're Lying About Syria
Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative MatrixCaitlin Johnstone (Caitlin’s Newsletter)
The Global Engagement Center, a State Department unit established in 2016, shuttered on Monday at a time when officials and experts tracking propaganda have been warning of the risk of disinformation campaigns from US adversaries such as Russia and China. Congress failed to extend its funding following years of Republican criticism.
US agency focused on foreign disinformation shuts down
A leading US government agency that tracks foreign disinformation has terminated its operations, the State Department said Tuesday.AFP (Hong Kong Free Press HKFP)
#ThankMastodon #ThankYouMastodon
#Twitter #BirdSite #ElonMusk #MAGA #RightWing #HateSpeech #AltRight #propaganda #misinformation #disinformation #media
Τρομοκρατιστής ✭ (
4.42K Posts, 682 Following, 971 Followers · Atheist, materialist. Hates: Idealism, Capitalism, West-culture, NAZI, USA, NATO, EU.kafeneio
Im Gespräch: Bert Ehgartner (Aluminium in Impfstoffen und Trinkwasser)
Seit der #Corona-Zeit und einer Dokumentation über die #Risiken der #Corona-Genmanipulation im Gewand einer sogenannten "Impfung" kann er beim #ÖRR keine Filme mehr veröffentlichen und wird in der Wikipedia als Staatsfeind Nr.1 behandelt und nach allen Regeln der #Propaganda diskreditiert.
Bert Ehgartner erzählt im Gespräch mit Markus Fiedler über seine Erkenntnisse zu #Aluminiumverbindungen, Impfungen und die öffentlichen Anfeindungen, denen er wegen seiner unbequemen Veröffentlichungen ausgesetzt ist.
it's just unbelievable that in 2024 we are fed such ridiculous lies and most people don't seem to care...
#Media #CNN #propaganda #Syria #ChemicalWeapon
Fuck your #NATO #propaganda @BBCNews @top-stories-BBCNews
by Caitlin Johnstone in Caitlin’s Newsletter on Substack
“Plutocrats like Thiel are constantly thinking about the fact that ordinary people vastly outnumber them and can kill them at any time. They think about it way more often than ordinary people do.”
#Press #Thiel #Palantir #DeepState #Oligarch #CIA #Israel #Genocide #Propaganda #ManufacturingConsent #Autonomous #Robot #Weapons #WestBank
Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):Caitlin Johnstone (Caitlin’s Newsletter)
Golan heights is NOT "claimed by Syria", it's Syrian land illegally occupied by #israel
Not only does Syria reject claims over Golan Heights, but most of the world does.. except the ring kissing US of course.
These land grabs by israel will not be forgiven nor forgotten. They are going to suffer consequences for generations and the US can't stop it.
It's just a matter of time.
They WILL be stopped.
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(Unconfirmed) Israeli sources:
The bombing of various areas in Syria was carried out at the request of Maher al-Assad (brother of Bashar al-Assad).
Maher al-Assad asked Israel to destroy the passport office, the building of the Ministry of Intelligence, the headquarters of the 5th Division of the Syrian Army, and Maher al-Assad's personal house adjacent to the headquarters of the 5th Division of the Syrian Army.
There was information in these places that proved that Maher al-Assad had close ties with Mossad and Israel.
PS my guess is that they are spreading these stories to justify their criminal actions in Syria.
#Syria #Israel #Propaganda #Politics #Military #Occupation #StopIsrael #SaveSyria
"Ganz ehrlich, das ist glaub ich einer der besten wenn nicht sogar der beste Artikel den ich, in über 1 Jahr #krieg , zu diesem Thema gelesen habe. Und klar kann man den noch vielfach ergänzen v.a. im Bereich was nicht berichtet wurde (die #Videos der israelischen #Soldaten oder auch genozidale Äußerungen von hochrangigen israelischen Politikern). ..."
Medien und Nahost: Anatomie eines Systemversagens - Schantall und Scharia
Nach einem Jahr Krieg liegen große Teile des Nahen Osten in Trümmern. Und mit ihnen die Glaubwürdigkeit des deutschen Journalismus.fag (Schantall und die Scharia)
"Wir als LeserInnen / ZuschauerInnen haben uns von Juni - Oktober 2024 intensiv mit der Berichterstattung deutscher Medien, konkret mit der #tagesschau auseinandergesetzt & sehen eine Einseitigkeit zugunsten der israelischen Perspektive, als auch eine Entmenschlichung der palästinensischen Bevölkerung. Unsere Bedenken konzentrieren sich auf die Punkte"
#israel #jews #antisemitism
'Death to Jews': Inside the Home of 2 SJP Leaders at George Mason University, Police Find Guns, Ammo, and Terrorist Flags
When police searched the home of two Students for Justice in Palestine leaders, a pair of sisters at George Mason University, their allies painted a sympathetic picture.Collin Anderson (Washington Free Beacon)
I would not be surprised if more health insurance workers have died in the last year from untreated conditions than bullets.
#unitedhealthcare #propaganda
#USA #Propaganda #imperialism #hegemony #capitalism #Ukraine #Gaza #Russia #China #Iraq #msm #assange #wikileaks
Silencing the Lambs: How Propaganda Works -
In the 1970s, I met one of Hitler’s leading propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl, whose epic films glorified the Nazis.John Pilger (
Maybe it's not propagandized and it's just my extremely jaded, cynical view of the world, but it really reads that way.
The articles from the main sites, the CNNs, MSNBCs, etc. all are focusing on how his family has money, how he comes from privilege, how he went to great schools.
All I see is them trying to make him unlikable.
Look at the first round of reporting. I don't think they knew what to make of the public response that not only didn't balk at him shooting a #ceo but full-on praised him and attacked #uhc broadly and #brianthompson specifically for contributing to the deaths of so many thousands.
It feels like we responded differently than the media parent companies wanted us to respond, and so now they're ratcheting up rhetoric to steer that emotional response back to where they want it to be.
Like I said though, that just might be me looking at all of this through an extremely jaded lens. If I hadn't been the one writing this I feel like I'd be inclined to dismiss it as just another old white dude on the internet with conspiracy theories. Certainly no judgement on my part if you dismiss this as I *am* just another old white dude on the Internet.
But just feels manipulative and try as I might, I can't shake the feeling that it's all intentional because folks responded in an unplanned way. I'm curious if I'm not the only one seeing it that way.
"Internat. anerkannt als Teil #Syrien''s, wurden die #Golanhöhen im Sechstagekrieg 1967 von #Israel besetzt & 1981 annektiert. Im Jahr 1967 zerstörte Israel nach Angaben in der Haaretz 194 syrische Dörfer & Bauernhöfe mit 82.709 Einwohnern. Vor der israel. Besetzung lebten fast 130.000 Syrer auf den Gh.; 2 Monate später waren es nur mehr 6.396."
Angriffe in Syrien: Israels »Aufräumaktion«
Israel hat die entmilitarisierte Zone auf dem Golan besetzt, fliegt Luftangriffe tief im Nachbarland. Nach dem Sturz von Baschar al-Assad ist die Armee mit Vorwärtsverteidigung beschäftigt. Das könnte zum Dauerzustand werden.Thore Schröder (DER SPIEGEL)
#Syria #journalism #misinformation #propaganda
Appeasement in the New Age of Trump
It is an ominous sign that Morning Joe felt it had to apologize for something I said.David Frum (The Atlantic)