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Beiträge, die mit Nonbinary getaggt sind

I used to catch cold approximately three times a year. Like clockwork, once in the fall, another one in the spring, once during a vacation. This has changed in the recent years.

It started with my therapy and has progressed as I understood I'm a non-binary autistic person. I've carved a way more fitting life for myself even though the changes have been relatively small. I feel 100% more free.

It's not that I don't work properly. In fact, I work more than I used to. What has changed is that as I can now read myself much better, I can make adjustments as I go to facilitate my well-being. I've learned to regulate my tasks. Now I also take a short fall vacation and another vacation during spring. This all has lead to me being healthier.

I suspect my colds have mostly been my body's way of pushing the break pedal. Furthermore, I suspect I've had autistic burnouts but haven't just understood it.

#ActuallyAutistic #NonBinary @actuallyautistic

I sometimes see people asking whether they should come out to friends/family. This is how I decide whether I should come out (as nonbinary and autistic, in my case).

If the reason I want to come out is *because I desperately hope for a particular reaction* from the person, like understanding and acceptance, and I'm scared an unfriendly or judgemental reaction might devastate me, then I might not be ready.

If the reason is that *I want the person to know who and what I am*, no matter what their reaction might be, even if their reaction hurts me, then it might be ok for me to come out to that person. I might worry about their reaction, but I know that I still want to tell them even if it's not what I hope.

Of course, my situation is different from other peoples. I have a lot of privilege as a middle class white person who can sort of pass for cis and neurotypical if I have to. So your mileage will definitely vary!

#ActuallyAutistic #nonbinary

In these difficult times there sometimes still is progress:

Today (actually, yesterday), the European Court of Justice (CJEU) issued a judgment in the case of Deldits (C-247/23), stating that national authorities responsible for keeping public registers (such as asylum registers) should correct data on gender identity when it is inaccurately recorded. This decision carries significant implications for advancing human rights protections in the EU, at a time when trans people and human rights in general are under massive attack.


#trans #queer #nonbinary #humanrights #transrefugees

EMERGENCY: Help Natou stay off the streets & find stability!


#Nonbinary #Queer #MutualAid #LGBT #LGBTQ
#lgbtq #LGBTQIA #MastodonForHarris

help a black nonbinary person survive cancer and get rid of medical debt!

*they were also evicted last week


"i'm asking you to step in & help me to pay off medical debt that has been piling up over the last 19 months

last year, i had 2 separate er visits + a gallbladder removal. this year, i have been admitted twice with intestinal issues.

(on 04/17) i have been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. i'm scared.

pls consider helping me to pay off some of this debt & pay for future cancer treatment."

#Disability #MutualAid #Trans #TransMutualAid #Nonbinary #LGBT #LGBTQIA #LGBTQI #LGBTQ

Getting ready for Cape Town pride. Made both the shirt and the sign this morning!

#pride #nonbinary #SouthAfrica
Black t shirt with big blocky white letters saying "ONE OF THEM" and a cardboard sign that says FCK MSK" in big red and blue letters

Between Two Worlds: Gender Non-Conforming Deities

March 27, 2019 by Brianne Raven Wolf

"As a transwoman, I have often wondered if there were others like me in Ancient Mythology. Were there ancient deities who were trans, non-binary, or gender non-conforming? Turns out there were. Ancient Greece had a prominent culture of gender fluidity, as did many other ancient societies.

"#Aphroditus was sometimes referred to as the male form of Aphrodite. Statues of him showed him with a female figure, breasts, narrow waist, long hair, women’s clothing, but also with a penis and testes. He is said to have originated on the island of Cyprus, and arrived in Athens in the 4th century BCE. He was sometimes celebrated there in #transvestite rites. It is said the festivals allowed 'women to act the part of men, and men to put on woman’s clothing and play the part of women' (from Wikipedia). He was definitely gender #NonConforming.

"Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes, messenger of the gods, and Aphrodite, Goddess of love. His name is a combination of both of his parents. From Wikipedia: 'According to Ovid, he was born a remarkably handsome boy with whom the water nymph Salmacis fell in love with and prayed to be united forever. The gods granted the request, so that he and the nymph became united in such a manner that the two could not be called a man or a woman, but were both' (Metamorphoses IV, pp. 274-388 , 8 AD). Hermaphroditus is the god of hermaphrodites and effeminates. I believe in today’s society, Hermaphroditus would be a modern day pre-operative transwoman.

"#Loki, a Norse god, also called the trickster god, would many times disguise himself as a woman. Some myths said that Loki was bisexual. Loki was an accomplished shape-shifter and according to legend has also appeared as a salmon, a mare, a fly, and of course a woman.

"Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Met. 9, pp. 666-797) mentions #Iphis and #Ianthe. Iphis was born a girl, but her mother passed her off as a boy so that she wouldn’t be killed. The name was fitting for a boy and a girl, so that wasn’t too much of a problem. According to the myth, Iphis as a 15 year old boy, fell in love with another girl, Ianthe. Iphis’s mother appealed to the Goddess Isis for help. Isis transformed Iphis into a male before Iphis and Ianthe got married. I believe this may have been the first sex change. At least they ended up happily ever after according to the myth.

"#Ikapati was a #GreatMother Goddess of the Tagalog society in the #Philippines. She was a protector of crops, animals that were domesticated and, according to myth, gave mankind agriculture. It was said that she appeared many times dressed in male clothes. This would have made sense as she was frequently seen in the fields. In many indigenous cultures, including in the Americas, it was accepted that more than two genders were socially and spiritually accepted. These gender non-conforming individuals were seen as people who were very spiritual, and many became leaders and healers in their societies. In Native American culture, many who were called #TwoSpirit became shamans.

"#Ometeotl was an Aztec God of duality. He was considered both male and female, using the names Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl. He had an equivalent god in Mayan mythology, #Itzamna, who identified with #HunabKu, an invisible god. Both gods could be considered self-created gods according to myth. Ometeotl was to the Aztecs the idea that their Universe consisted of dark and light, night and day, order and war, and things like that.

"I’m of the opinion that if more people would understand that there are more than binary people in this world, it would be a better and safer place for all. I think the ancients got it right in their beliefs. People were just human beings, and not judged only on their biological sex. A good book to consider reading is this excellent book by Gerald N. Callahan, PhD., Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes. From the book: 'On October 10, 1970, the day she was born, she was named Dorothy Maree Alaniz–a baby girl. Curiously, though, no one filled out a birth certificate that day. When the certificate was finally filed on November 5, the name on it was Rudolph Andrew Alaniz. Within less than one month after her birth, this girl became a boy.' The book is available from Amazon and other book sources."

#WorldHistory #Histodon #WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransPeople #AncientHistory #TransAndNonBinaryRightsAreHumanRights

LGBTQ+ in the Ancient World

by Joshua J. Mark
published on 25 June 2021

"What is today referred to as '#NonBinary' gender was recognized over three thousand years ago as a #ThirdGender created by the #DivineWill."

Read more:
#WorldHistory #Histodon #WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransPeople

Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Histories

There are rich histories of people crossing gender throughout English history that resonate for trans and #genderqueer identities today. Gender-crossing people appear in court records, popular broadsheet ballads and newspapers. In most cases they were tried and punished for crimes such as theft and fraud, rather than for cross-dressing. Men arrested for passing as women were often assumed to be prostitutes."

Read more:
#WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransPeople

"Non-binary people in history have always been around. They are people who identify as neither male nor female. In this article, we explore the various cases of historical figures who may have been non-binary.

"They may have been somewhere in the middle of the gender spectrum, have had a fluid identity, or not have had a gender at all. In fact, non-binary doesn’t describe a single gender identity. The term describes a vast range of identities that don’t fit into a binary gender structure of male or female."

#WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary

[Thread] Just because #TrumptyDumpty says we don't exist doesn't mean we don't exist!

A Brief History of #Nonbinary Gender: From Ancient Times to the Early Modern Period

By Ahmed Kamran
July 8, 2021

"Despite some claiming the contrary, the concepts of a tertiary gender identity or an identity outside of the gender binary is not new. While it is certain that people on average have become much more aware of the existence of these identities, they have been recorded for millennia. In fact, they are mentioned in some of the earliest written records of human civilization. To understand gender as we know it today, it is important to see how it was viewed yesterday and beyond, as it shows that a variance in identities is a part of humanity.

"Mesopotamian myths, which contain religious beliefs of the earliest human civilization, featured many references to individuals that were neither male nor female or were not what we would know today to be cisgender. One of the most powerful deities was known as Inanna (and later on as Ishtar) and had a particularly strong relationship with gender. Inanna was the goddess of sex, war, and justice as well as the queen of heaven. It was believed that she had the power to change a person’s gender, something noted by a follower as early as the 23rd century BCE. Thus, individuals with nonbinary identities were often involved in religious practices surrounding her, with 'her cult members and priests were known for their androgyny and blurring or destroying the gender binary' (Academus).

"One such group referred to its members as pilipili, or individuals who played roles in celebratory festivals honoring Inanna. The pilipili were originally raised in society as women (ki-sikil) but were then blessed by Inanna, who handed them a spear 'as if she were a man' and renamed them (Academus). It is debated whether the handing of a spear is literal, with the pilipili becoming warriors and as a result defying traditional binary roles or if the spear refers to a physical transformation of the individual.

"Another segment of Inanna’s followers was the gala or her priests. Priests were recorded to have been cisgender women, married or unwed, or women with children, but there were gala that were biologically male as well. In these cases, these individuals adopted women’s names and became women 'for all intents and purposes' (Academus). They even sang in a Sumerian dialect known as eme-sal, a pattern of speech solely reserved for women to deliver the words of goddesses.

"Other relics have been found showing the existence of individuals who were outside the gender binary, suggesting that it is possible that ancient Sumer recognized these identities in ordinary society and not in just religious spheres. Of course, this is speculative because the Sumerian language did not use gendered pronouns, but it is a common interpretation of these ancient texts and remaining art.

"Another gender variant recorded all of the way back to before the common era (BCE) was that of hijras in the Indian subcontinent. These individuals were noted in the Kama Sutra and other ancient Hindu texts, and the term included eunuchs, #intersex people, and transgender people. Despite attempts to wipe out this identity by the British following their passing of the Criminal Tribes Act in India in 1871, #hijras are still present today and are legally recognized as a part of a third gender category by the state. Sadly, the efforts of the British during #colonization have had an impact on society’s view of hijras, being the beginning 'of a mainstream discomfort… [with] transgender people and hijras' (New York Times).

"Around the same time of the Kama Sutra, approximately 385-380 BCE, Aristophanes detailed a creation myth revolving three sexes or genders. Males were believed to be 'born of the sun', while females were 'born of the earth' (Diogenes). A tertiary category, androgynos (now translated to androgynous), was believed to have been born from the moon and androgynos individuals had combined male and female traits. Aristophanes claimed that androgynos no longer existed. Today, it is often suggested that Aristophanes was solely referring to intersex individuals, explaining the different physical and biological traits of males and females existing in one person, but it is interesting to speculate on the potential for the features to represent the individual’s understanding of the gender expression as well.

"Finally, it is necessary to highlight the history of the #TwoSpirit identity in different Native cultures. More than 150 Native American tribes recognized third genders in their communities prior to colonization, with many of these identities having unique names and cultural significance. Most tribes considered two-spirit individuals a third gender, being neither men nor women, and the same terminology was used in reference to them. Other tribes, however, had a distinct word for two-spirit females, making them a fourth gender variant. What is apparent, however, is that the concept of gender had much more fluidity in Native American society than its European counterpart.

"Two-spirit people in some tribes held special roles in their communities, sometimes as healers or religious leaders. Unfortunately, many traditions in Native communities have been lost due to colonization, and 'two-spirit roles, in particular, were singled out for condemnation, interference, and many times violence' (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Much of what is known has survived by being passed down orally through generations.

"All of these examples scratch the surface of what is known in regard to gender expression prior to the early modern period. It is difficult to truly measure the scale because the further back one goes, the harder it is to find a wide array of text and relics from the period. What can be said for certain, however, is that individuals who identified outside of the gender binary have been a part of civilization since its infancy and have played valuable roles in a wide array of societies. This knowledge should help bring understanding that overall, human gender is quite fluid, and being aware and accepting this is part of long-practiced human traditions."

#GenderFluid #GenderFascists #USPol #Colonialism #Fascism #Androgyny #WeExist

My very first digital #zine after making black & white//cut & paste xerox style all my life. I made it for kids and I think these stories deserve to be in full color 🌈

I say I made it for them, but I learned so, so much and had so many realizations while making this zine. A small, bright act of resistance.

#QueerYouth #LGBTQyouth #GenderIdentity #Florida #LGBTQ #nonbinary #transgender #colonization #TwoSpirit #ShotgunSeamstress #ZinesByOsa


🏳️‍🌈 If You’re LGBTQ+ Like Me, Read This! 🌈

As a gender-fluid person, I recently created an Instagram account to explore how the algorithm works. I wanted to see what kind of content it would show me if I actively engaged with LGBTQ+ creators and hashtags.

Over the past few weeks, I intentionally liked and followed LGBTQ+ posts to get into that part of the algorithm. What I saw was deeply upsetting, but let me be clear: this was my experience, and yours might be different.

If you’re curious about what’s out there, here’s what I did:

1. Open Instagram.
2. Search for any post about transgender issues or LGBTQ+ topics.
3. Scroll through the comments.

For me, the comments were filled with hateful, harmful, and cruel rhetoric directed at people like us. It was heartbreaking to see so much ignorance and bigotry. 🤮

That said, your experience might not be the same, you may see supportive and uplifting content instead. But for me, it was a stark reminder of how much hate now exists on Instagram.

If you’ve had enough of Instagram after seeing this (trust me, I get it), here’s how you can delete your account:

1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
2. Tap the three horizontal lines (menu) in the top-right corner.
3. Select Accounts Center > Personal Details.
4. Tap Account Ownership and Control > Deactivation or Deletion.
5. Choose the account you want to delete and select Delete Account.
6. Follow the steps, confirm with your password, and tap Continue.

Instagram gives you 30 days to change your mind before it permanently deletes your account.

#Disgusting #Harmful #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #LGBT #Pride #LoveIsLove #Equality #Queer #Gay #Lesbian #Bisexual #Transgender #Asexual #Pansexual #NonBinary #TwoSpirit #GenderFluidity #GenderFluid #Intersex #Progress #Community #ChosenFamily #LoveWins #CelebratePride #LGBTQRights #QueerVisibility #OutAndProud #Acceptance

"I don't understand trans people!"

I don't understand Dutch. This doesn't give me license to deny the existence of Amsterdam.

#transgender #nonbinary

💖 MUTUAL AID POST 160/1800 💖

hey, I'm Sky (ae/aer pronouns)!

I'm a #disabled #native #nonbinary #transfem with #audhd and #ptsd living in southern #virginia

I support my two disabled partners and my autistic little boy

I've been having heart problems lately and missed work

I'm behind on my water bill and I need help with my heating bill

I need $1000 for the water and $800 for the heating

it's urgent, and anything you can spare helps

boost for visibility :boost_request:

thanks so much, love y'all fedi


#mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transmutualaid #disabledmutualaid #trans #autism #adhd #enby #begpost #help #bills #emergency

My gender is illegal now? Cool... cool... very normal thing to happen to a person.

#trans #transgender #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #nonbinary
A close up photo of Raye's passport with focus blur highlighting the "X" marker listed for sex.

Hi, I am Anouk, a german queer nonbinary lesbian (100% millennial 😁) that loves to connect with people from all over the world - say 'Hi' if we got some interests in common 👋🏼😊


Saw someone describing themselves as a "biological female" in their bio and thought "You know thats impossible to linguistically define in a way that agrees, 100%, with every possible woman you could meet, right?"

You might as well just say, "If you saw me you'd think I was a woman."

#lgbtq #women #feminism #queer #trans #nonbinary

My name is Zee, I'm a #AuDHD #Queer #Demigirl #Nonbinary #Transfem #Demi #Pan #t4t #Polyam entity and I’m very likely a mess most of the time.

When I am not losing my mind, #gaming and #tech are my deal also a huge #linux nerd. MMO's are my go to, and I'm a pretty huge #GuildWars2 and #FFXIV fan as well a massive #Charr lover

I’ve been trying to get into #blender as well, love 3D art and all the joys that come from working #3dmodeling stuff. Huge into #art and expressing creativity of all kinds, hoping to do more so myself 🎨

Very much a #furry likely a #wyvern or something although still working and exploring that and hoping to find more furry friends here. #kinky and pretty lewd at times 😅

​Feel free to follow me? if I seem cool or something lol or dont idk. Oh and boost are greatly appreciated. :neocat_floof_happy:

#introduction #intro

Someone has created a petition for the UK government to legally recognise non-binary as a gender :NonBinaryHeart:

We're certain that the UK government will refuse to act on it, but it'd be nice if such a large number of people voted for it that they couldn't ignore it :PleadingFaceWithRedHearts: :NonBinaryButterfly:

Boosts welcome :BoostsOKPrideSymbol:

#UKGovernment #UK #petition #NonBinary #queer #LGBTQIA+ #LGBTQIA2S+ #TransRightsAreHumanRights #NonBinaryPeopleExist

People don’t have to understand your gender. There will always be those who don’t know about what it is to be nonbinary, and those who refuse to learn.

Earning the acceptance of other people isn’t your job. Your job is to be as satisfied with yourself as you can.

#NonBinaryPositivity #NonBinary #NonBinaryPride #SelfAcceptance

On my list of cunts Wes Streeting is certainly up there. Imagine banning a medical treatment not because it doesn't work or is operationally dangerous but because it does. A health secretary who actually wants to cause children harm for his own sordid and disgusting sectarian reasons (and probably a nice wad from some rich people).

The hate for trans people in official spaces is off the scale. Never let these haters forget how ugly they are as human beings.

#trans #lgbtq #nonbinary

Zero tolerance for transphobes OR those who support the work of transphobes "cos my kids like it".

Fuck you. You are my enemy. You picked a side.

#trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #nonbinary #queer

Walk into a room full of CIS people and say, "Hold up your hand any one of you if you want to be treated like trans people are."

When no one raises their hand you will understand that CIS people understand the problem. They just don't want to do anything about it.

#trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #nonbinary #queer

I'm not sure how I feel about sharing my mental health and physical disability conditions and info or how much to do it in good taste.

On one hand I'm an extremely straight forward and obsessively honest person. I like sharing because it's genuinely just authentic for me and I also just have nothing to hide. In a way I'm doing it right now.
As well as, it's useful. Speaking up about disabilities can and does inspire others to feel more comfortable and confident about themselves, understanding they're not alone with their difficulties.

On the other hand, the victim card sickens me. I've had enough of being a victim. I've had enough of people feeling sorry for me and of identity based conversations saying that just because I have certain conditions it somehow gives me a greater right for attention or support when in reality so many people have massive difficulties that may not be as clearly diagnosable and still hugely impact their lives and the way they deal with failures and successes.

I am deeply grateful for the many people who have supported me because of my traumas, abuse, physical chronic illnesses and many trauma related mental disabilities. Empathy is powerful and when someone shares the least we can do is listen with open curiosity and kindness.

But if I keep emphasizing how much of a victim I am, I might just be a victim forever. If I keep inviting people to feel sorry for me, I might create a reality in which I'm forever weak. And is it my fault? No. But is it my responsibility to change it? Absofuckinglutely.

I'm already on this path but sometimes I stumble. Sometimes I still use the victim card with myself and others.

The line is thin but critical, between being aware and taking good care of my many disabilities, to letting them disable me completely, or even just, more than they must.

I may forever have times in which I'll suffer from OCD episodes, panic attacks, mental breakdowns and clinical depression. But I'll do my best to limit those symptoms as much as I possibly can and not allow them from avoiding me of a good life.

I will forever have NVLD, but instead of letting it define what I can or can not do, I'll find alternative ways to do and understand anything I need to achieve my goals.

I may forever suffer from IBD and anemia. But I'll do what I can to manage and if I find a way, heal. And as much as possible, as much as healthy, continue my life with those illnesses, and aspire for joy and health as much as anybody else.

I won't beg for government support of any kind, I'll never take a loan ever in my life, I won't depend mentally on loved ones. I know others may have to. I had times in which I had to as well. But as long as I can change my mindset and health to be more capable of full independence, I place my responsibility and focus on doing so.

I'm a fully independent business owner and I am happy. Inconsistently happy, struggling but happy, overly stressed but happy. In love and happy, studying and working what I love and happy. Living a very strange reality impacted by war but happy. And yes, I have illnesses. And yes, I have many disabilities. But as for my identity, I can recognize my illnesses and take care of them, but I am healthy, I am not ill. I can acknowledge and understand my disabilities, I have many differences and many things I can do better than others naturally and many that I am naturally a lot worse at than most people. But I am not disabled. In fact, I'm completely capable of reaching my goals, it just requires different ways which I'm creative enough to figure out.

It's very hard. It's mind shattering sometimes. It's my body crumbling other times. But it's the truth.

So here I give up my victim card in society and in front of myself and consider myself an equally capable human being.

Capable of artistic, financial and wellness growth.

Capable of everything I want, but most importantly - capable of good influence on others through art.


#disablity #mentalhealth #ocd #ptsd #anemia #ibd #nonbinary #jewish #israel #israeli #art #artist #artists
A mirror selfie of me in black high heels and a tight olive green dress with a split of it on my left leg.

Source: The Lumberjack - Oct 20, 2023

From the article: "The constant hate and fear-mongering of queer people portrayed in the news greatly impact the mental health and well-being of those in the community. The news should dedicate more coverage to the positives of the LGBTQ+ community.

"With how supportive and open the queer community is, it’s genuinely disheartening to see how we get portrayed. Drag shows and school clubs bring people together to uplift one another in a safe place, regardless of how someone identifies.

"However, if queer people are not exposed to these safe spaces and only ever see the lies and hate spread about their community, they may be hesitant to be open about themselves. Negative media coverage can contribute to a diminished sense of hope and confidence a person may have regarding coming out."

#Media #NewsMedia #SocialMedia
#Pride #AcceptanceMatters #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIAPlus #Lesbian #Gay #Bisexual #Transgender #Queer #Intersex #Asexual #NonBinary


Queer media really needs to tone down the "trigger" headlines and focus more the facts so the community is better prepared to protect itself.

#Media #NewsMedia #SocialMedia
#Pride #AcceptanceMatters #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIAPlus #Lesbian #Gay #Bisexual #Transgender #Queer #Intersex #Asexual #NonBinary
The image features a colorful illustration of a hand holding a toy water gun that is spraying out streams of water in various colors. The background is light, and there is text on the image. The text reads:

"Dear Queer News Media:
While 'trigger' headlines may attract readers and viewers.

The negativity doesn't help an already triggered Queer community. Facts matter now more than ever."

This AI generated meme is free to use for promoting factual news to the Queer community.

#Media #NewsMedia #SocialMedia
#Pride #AcceptanceMatters #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIAPlus #Lesbian #Gay #Bisexual #Transgender #Queer #Intersex #Asexual #NonBinary

Hi! I'm new to the instance. This is my #introduction My art tag is #spaitialhordearts . I'm a #trans #nonbinary #queer #DisabledArtist. I am a #physicalmedia and #digitalmedia artist. I work with #acrylic #oilpaint #oilpastel #spraypaint #ink #digital . My works have been described as #whimsical_fantasy. I'm often complemented for my colors and textures. I am looking for more #artfriends . I have a #kofi which is https://ko-fi.com/spaitialhordearts.com and has most of my works. #MastoArtist