Beiträge, die mit ZELENSKY getaggt sind
1) End all #aid to #Ukraine,
2) Change #leadership in #Kyiv,
3) Lift Russia #sanctions
Right now, the #Kremlin’s #disinformation mainly focuses on demonizing Ukraine’s leadership, especially President #Zelensky.
“No one in this world wants to live in a world where it’s the #law of the strongest & international borders can be violated from one day to the next,‘” Macron said. This is a line Trump would never say — he talks of making a deal, but does not accuse #Russia of taking Ukrainian land.
#geopolitics #StandWithUkraine
Macron adds a line about “our support for President #Zelensky,” whom #Trump called a dictator a few days ago.
#geopolitics #Ukraine #Russia #StandWithUkraine
#Ukraine-#Russia war latest: #Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Ukraine #Nato membership
Ukraine-Russia war latest: Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Ukraine Nato membership
In response to a question, the Ukrainian President says he would give up his position for peace.BBC News
[Ukraine] Comment en est-on arrivé là ? Résumé des raisons du conflit. (NON CENSURÉ)
#lang_fr #Raison #conflit #Ukraine #Russie #histoire
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 24
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 23 :
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 22
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Aout 2022 Part 21
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juillet 2022 / Part 20
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juillet 2022 / Part 19
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juillet 2022 / Part 18
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Juin 2022 / Part 16
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans le Donbass. Avril et Juin 2022 / Part 14
#Ukraine #guerre #Donbass #témoignage #libéré
Des jeunes Ukrainiens ayant transmis des coordonnées pour une frappe meurtière sont confronté à la réalité. Juillet 2022
#Ukraine #guerre #jeunes #transmis #coordonnées #cible #frappe #meurtière #smartphone
La centrale nucléaire de Zaporojié, " il ne faut pas avoir fait des études supérieures ni avoir des connaissances techniques pour voir d’où arrivent les missiles." 08.22
#central #nucléaire #Zaporojié #missile #Ukraine #guerre
Donbass Insider, L’Ukraine pendant l’URSS, après les deux Maïdans, et futur de la RPD Le 21.07.2022
#Donbass #Insider #Ukraine #URSS #Maïdans #RPD #Histoire
Adrien Bocquet, témoigne sur RT des crimes de guerres Ukrainiens. Le 29.07.22
#Adrien #Bocquet #témoignage #RT #crime #guerre #Ukraine
Des soldats Ukrainien prisonnier ou non, témoignent. Juin 2022
#Ukraine #guerre #Donbass #témoignage #libéré #soldat #prisonnier
Graham Phillips, sanctionné par Londres pour avoir dénoncer les crimes nazi en Ukraine. 01.08.22
#Graham #Phillips #sanction #Londres #dénoncer #crime #nazi #Ukraine
Alina Lipp, appel les Européens à stopper les livraisons d’arme au nazi. 09.07.22
#Alina #Lipp #appel #Europe #Stopper #livraison #arme #nazi
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Juillet 2022 / Part 5/5
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Mai 2022 / Part 3
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Mai 2022 / Part 2
Témoignages des Ukrainiens libéré dans Marioupol. Avril 2022 / Part 1
#Ukraine #guerre #Donbass #Marioupol #Témoignage #libéré
PR at War. Zelensky poses for Vogue as Ukraine loses towns to Russia
Don’t forget to read the comments.
#ukraine #zelensky #war #public-relations #vogue #clown #media #propaganda
L’Ukraine de Zelensky'Ukraine-de-Zelensky:b?r=AAWwPdJRVoB88PZYL2PwYCaM3AKRfqv7
#Ukraine #Zelensky
Donbass, 8 ans de terreur !!
#Donbass #Ukraine #guerre
Alina Lipp, sa maman obligé de fuir l’Allemagne suite à la clôture de ces comptes bancaires ainsi que des menaces. Aout 2022
#Alina #Lipp #maman #obligé #fuir #Allemagne #clôture #compte #bancaire #menace
Germany Labels Journalist 'Criminal' And Seizes Her Bank Accounts For Reporting From Ukraine
They closed her YouTube channel, blocked her PayPal account, and sentenced her to three years in prison without trial for interviewing Ukrainian citizens in the Donbas.
Donbass Insider, Larissa décrit les pressions,la corruption du SBU et sa fuite de Kharkov. Part 3/3
L’interview étant très longue, nous l’avons coupée en trois parties.
1/3 -
2/3 -
#Donbass #Insider #Larissa #témoignage #pression #corruption #SBU #Kharkov #justice #ukrainienne #fuite #Donetsk.
Donbass Insider, Larissa nous décrit la vie à Kharkov avant et après le Maïdan. 08.22 Part 1/3
#Donbass #Insider #Larissa #vie #Kharkov #avant #après #Maïdan
Des soldats Ukrainien prisonnier ou non, témoignent. Juillet 2022 Part 2
#soldat #Ukraine #témoignage #prisonnier
Des enfants Ukrainien endoctriné par l’idéologie nazi de Bandera !
#Ukraine #guerre #endoctrinement #enfant #idéologie #nazi #Bandera
L’Ukraine est un cheval de Troie américain. Pourquoi en avons-nous besoin dans l’UE ?
“Le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky a multiplié les critiques et exigences à l’égard des Européens, utilisant parfois des mots forts pour témoigner de son mécontentement et obtenir satisfaction. Le président ukrainien est même allé jusqu’à attribuer à certains anciens leaders européens une part de responsabilité dans l’invasion menée par la Russie. Il n’a cependant pas exprimé de telles critiques à l’égard des États-Unis. Ce tropisme américain dont fait preuve le dirigeant ukrainien est une des raisons pour lesquelles il appartient aux Européens de ne pas confondre vitesse et précipitation quant à une potentielle intégration de l’Ukraine dans l’Union européenne. L’émotion provoquée par la guerre ne doit pas occulter les règles mises en place par l’Union Européenne, ni empêcher les responsables politiques européens de mener leur propre politique.”
L’analyse de Pascal Boniface.
Je vous rappelle que les dirigeants de l’Allemagne et de la France étaient les garants de l’application des accords de Minsk, que l’Ukraine ignore depuis sept ans. Je tiens également à rappeler que les représentants de l’Allemagne et de la France étaient les garants de la signature de l’accord de paix entre le président ukrainien Ianoukovitch et les manifestants en février 2014.
#ukraine #zelensky #UE
Les accusations de viol contre les troupes russes en Ukraine étaient fausses
La secrète et longue histoire de la montée des nazis en Ukraine
" la future première dame d’Ukraine…eut des relations très serrées avec d’anciens nazis, notamment le lieutenant-colonel allemand Théodore Oberlander (1905-1998), ancien officier du bataillon Nachtigall, nazi avéré…Dans la même fibre, les collaborateurs de l’Allemagne nazie furent réhabilités (Bandera, Choukhevytch, 2007-2010), puis bientôt désignés comme « héros de l’Ukraine ». Elle s’impliqua elle-même dans le révisionnisme historique en supportant le mythe ukrainien de l’Holodomor…[son mari] N’ayant pas commencé la moindre réforme dans son pays, sauf sur le plan idéologique, abandonnant son peuple dans un pays sclérosé, malade et divisé…il devait subir une dantesque défaite électorale…La réponse américaine ne devait pas tarder en 2013-2014 : « la Révolution de la dignité, l’Euromaïdan »…"
#Ukraine #USA #Russie #Ioutchenko #Maidan #corruption #nazis #Ukronazis #Impérialisme #actu #guerrenucléaire
Reuter censure les civils ukrainiens.
Vous avez peut être vu cette femme , mais Reuter à coupé la fin de l’interview.
Ce que vous n’avez pas entendu sur nos médias.
Journaliste : Maintenant, où préfèreriez-vous aller, en Ukraine ou en Russie ?
Natalia Usmanova : En Russie, pas en Ukraine. En fait je ne sais même pas si je peux le dire. Franchement, on a peur. On ne sait pas ce qu’on peut dire ou pas.
Journaliste : Vous pouvez dire tout ce que vous voulez.
Natalia Usmanova : Franchement,** je ne veux pas aller en Ukraine**. Je ne veux pas aller en Ukraine. Notre famille a décidé à l’unanimité qu’on ne veut pas aller en Ukraine. Mais si on décide de revenir, alors ce sera seulement à Marioupol, c’est-à-dire en République populaire de Donetsk, pas en Ukraine. En tant que citoyenne de l’Ukraine, je dois dire que ce pays en tant qu’Etat est mort à mes yeux.** L’Etat et les politiciens et touts ceux qui nous ont infligé tout cela**. Ils n’ont pas résolu ce conflit de manière pacifique dès le début. Et j’ai une question :** pourquoi les gens ont-ils été retenus de force dans la ville ?** Dès que les tirs ont commencé,** le maire a été le premier à quitter la ville**. Il a évacué la ville alors que les citoyens étaient coincés. L’armée ukrainienne a tout simplement interdit aux civils de partir, même les enfants, les personnes âgées et les malades. Je veux demander pourquoi, dans quel but ils ont fait ça ?
#conflit #ukraine #russie #guerre
A l’ #ONU, la #Russie démontre les crimes de #guerre #ukrainiens et les falsifications des #médias occidentaux
#Ukraine #UE #États-Unis
“Depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi sur la vente des terres agricoles il y a exactement un an, trois grandes corporations transnationales états-uniennes ont acquis pratiquement un tiers des terres cultivables ukrainiennes. Selon la « Australian national review » les états-uniens posséderaient désormais 17 millions des 62 millions d’hectares de l’Ukraine (superficie totale du pays) ; 28% de l’Ukraine serait donc américaine !”Se faire du blé en Ukraine - …
#ukraine #blé #agriculture #usa
Anne-Laure Bonnel présente son documentaire Donbass
" En décembre 2104, j’ai découvert des images très étonnantes du président Porochenko qui déclamait devant la Rada que les ukrainiens de l’Est resteraient dans des caves, que les enfants n’iraient plus à l’école…"#Donbass #porochenko #actu #Ukraine #Biden #kiev #zelensky #guerre #ukraineouslesbombes #Russie #Poutine #USA
Se faire du blé en Ukraine
Le blé ukrainien est-il américain ? Alain Jejcic Depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi sur la vente des terres agricoles il y a exactement un an, trois grandes corporations transnationales états-uniennes ont acquis pratiquement un tiers des terres cul… (.)
“Nato propaganda tries to minimize the presence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine by comparing it with that of equivalent groups in the rest of the West. The truth is very different. Bandéristes have gradually taken over the country over the last 30 years, rewriting history, training the youth and changing all the symbols of the state one by one. They have indoctrinated a third of the population and represent a good third of the armed forces. Their goal is to destroy Russia, which they are trying to do with the help of the Straussians.”
#ukraine #NATO #antiRussia #ukrainian #war #Poroshenko #Yarosh #Kolomoysky #Zelensky #Nuland #nazis #neonazis #CIA #USA #US #Donbass #history #lang_en
Украина: Вторая мировая война продолжается
Натовская пропаганда пытается минимизировать значение неонацистов на Украине, сравнивая их с аналогичными группами на Западе. Но правда совсем другая.Тьерри Мейсан (Сеть Вольтер)
"#Zelensky is an actor who committed a common mistake of theater kids: He started to think he's the character he plays on TV," a White House official involved in the talks said. ""
Zelensky's five moves that set off Trump
Gansers Syndrome (cf. A person acting 'crazy' for a gubmint check becomes the crazy they were acting like, prison psychosis) #Ukraine
Oh, wait.
Trump says Zelensky "has no cards" and is not "important to be at meetings"
#Trussia #Trump #Russia #Zelensky #Ukraine #press
Around 57% of Ukrainians trust #Zelensky as of February, marking an increase of 5 percentage points since December
The poll, carried out between Feb. 4 and 9, was published shortly after U.S. President Donald #Trump alleged that Zelensky holds a “4% approval rating” without providing a source to back his claim.
#disinformation #DictatorTrump #TrumpLies
Zelensky's trust rating increases to 57%, survey shows, contradicting Trump's claims
The poll, carried out between Feb. 4 and 9, was published shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump alleged that Zelensky holds a "4% approval rating" without providing a source to back his claim.Martin Fornusek (The Kyiv Independent)
In a post on his X social media site, Elon Musk said Zelensky was "despised by the people of Ukraine."
Zelensky calls for strong ties with US, Musk slams Ukraine's leader as 'despised'
The United States is urging Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to sign deal on US access to Ukraine's critical minerals, White House national security adviser Mike Waltz has said. Zelensky has refused the offer, saying: "I can't sell our state.FRANCE 24
He also accused #Ukraine of derailing a rare earth metals deal.
While politics differs from personal relationships, such statements would normally lead to a complete breakdown. However, Ukraine remains dependent on the #US.
A #media assault is underway, with Elon #Musk, Tucker #Carlson, and others amplifying #Russian #propaganda.
Trump has started a war to destroy Zelensky
Trump called Zelensky a dictator without elections, a comedian with modest success, and accused him of derailing a deal on rare earth metals. This is already a war for political destruction.Moscow Migrant
In full below😎 Fuck #UkraineNazis
Ps @CBSNews @u-s-news-CBSNews "#Zelenskyy better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left" 🤣
Trump calls Zelenskyy a "dictator" after blaming Ukraine for Russia's invasion
"A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left," President Trump wrote.Caitlin Yilek (CBS News)
The official request to the head of Kolomyya’s Jewish community is dated Feb. 18, 2020, according to a photograph of the document that Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian #Jewish #Committee, shared on Twitter Sunday.
“Please provide us the following information regarding the Orthodox Jewish religious community of Kolomyya, namely: The organization’s charter; list of members of the Jewish religious community, with indication of data, mobile phones and their places of residence,” read the letter.
The letter was signed by Myhaylo Bank, a high-ranking officer in the national #police force who handles organized crime. The letter did not explain his unit’s particular interest in Kolomyya’s Jews.
#zionism #Chabad #Zelensky #ukrainian #politics #ukraine #history
Ukrainian Police Chief Investigating Organized Crime Requests List Of City's Orthodox Jews - Christians for Truth
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A high-ranking police official in the Ukraine requested a list of all Jews in the western city of Kolomyya as part of an inquiry into organized crime, which elicited the perfunctory accusations of ‘antisemitism’ from the c…CFT Team (Christians for Truth)
#Ukraine #TrumpRussia
Ukraine War, Day 1,092: Trump - Zelensky is Illegitimate Leader of "Massive Demolition Site" - EA WorldView
Echoing the Kremlin's line, Donald Trump says President Zelensky is an illegitimate leader, and labels Ukraine as a "massive demolition site"Scott Lucas (EA WorldView)
"#Ukraine "President" Volodymyr #Zelensky said Monday that Ukraine will “not recognize” upcoming talks between the US and #Russia"
Zelensky Says Ukraine Will ‘Not Recognize’ Upcoming US-Russia Talks
Zelensky Says Ukraine Will ‘Not Recognize’ Upcoming US-Russia Talks
The Ukrainian leader said his country was not invited to participate in the talks, which will take place in Saudi
Agent Zelensky
#anti-Russia #russophobia #failstate #ukraine #history #vassalage #oligarchy #ukrainian #president #Zelensky is #showman with #lie and #corruption #Maidan #britain #USA #nato #CIA #MI-6 #sbu support #terrorism #mindmanipulation #psyop #politics #fraud #nazism #Kolomoysky #Kolomoisky
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#Politique #BHL #Libye #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Ukraine #Zelensky #Macron #Diplomatie #Guerre
Ukraine, Israël-Gaza, Libye : la diplomatie parallèle de BHL, l’éminence grise de Macron
Il a conquis le chef d’Etat, comme ses prédécesseurs, à force d’entregent et d’audaces diplomatiques, au grand dam du Quai d’Orsay. Bernard-Henri Lévy continue d’œuvrer en coulisses, avec une influence très sensible en géopolitique.Sophie des Déserts (Libération)
USAID y las ONG para el secuestro de la sociedad civil
La decisión del presidente Trump de recortar la financiación a USAID reveló hasta qué punto el gobierno estadounidense ha estado financiando medios de comunicación, protestas y otros medios para se…Rafael Poch de Feliu
Russia says Ukraine will be involved in peace talks as Zelensky warns against trusting Putin - live updates
It comes after US President Donald Trump spoke to both the Ukrainian and Russian leaders, and suggested negotiations to end the war would follow.BBC News
#Trump speaks with #Putin, says negotiations to end war in #Ukraine will begin ‘immediately’
"Donald Trump speaks with Vladimir Putin to begin Ukraine war negotiations"
"The strikes on Kyiv were so strong that people started to lose consciousness from the blast wave, not only windows and doors blew out in the buildings, but also sockets."
- local resident on the Russian attack this morning
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Kyiv #Breaking #BreakingNews
Ukraine Daily summary - Saturday, February 8 2025
Saturday, February 8
Russia’s war against Ukraine
A man prepares to board up windows of a residential building damaged by shelling in Kostyantynivka, Donetsk Oblast, on Feb. 7, 2025. (Roman Pilipey / AFP via Getty Images)
'Let's do a deal' — Zelensky tells Reuters he's open to Trump's mineral partnership. President Volodymyr Zelensky stressed in an interview with Reuters on Feb. 7 that Ukraine was not offering to "give away" its resources but seeking a mutually beneficial partnership.
Zelensky, Trump may meet in Washington next week. "I will probably be meeting with President (Volodymyr) Zelensky next week, and I will probably be talking to President (Vladimir) Putin. I'd like to see the war end," U.S. President Donald Trump said.
37 Ukrainian MPs visit US to strengthen bilateral relations. "Ukraine is facing a critical task — to restart our relations with our strategic partner, the United States. And we are doing this systematically at all levels, including restoring relations with the U.S. Congress," Parliament Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk said.
Ukraine to host Trump's envoy Kellogg in February, top official says. Presidential Office head Andriy Yermak said that Kyiv wants Washington to be fully informed about Ukraine's mobilization efforts and the supply of weapons and equipment.
North Korean soldiers 'brought in again' to fight in Kursk Oblast. "A significant number of occupiers have been eliminated, we are re talking hundreds of Russian and North Korean servicemen," President Volodymyr Zelensky said.
Ukraine expecting important decisions at Ramstein meeting. Ukraine is actively preparing and expects important decisions to be made at the upcoming Ramstein meeting, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi said during a press conference on Feb. 7.
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Trump's ICC sanctions won't hinder Russian war crimes investigation**, Kyiv says.** "I think that the U.S. decisions are not related to the Ukrainian context, and we hope that they will not affect the court's ability to achieve justice and justice for the victims of Russian aggression," said Heorhii Tykhyi, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson.
Kyiv denies reports of alleged failed Russian Oreshnik missile launch at Ukraine. Ukraine's Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security on Feb. 7 refuted media reports of Russia's alleged failed launch of its new intermediate-range ballistic missile, the Oreshnik, at Ukraine.
Bucha massacre suspect becomes top official in Russian region. As a platoon commander at the 76th Airborne Assault Division, Mussagaleyev allegedly participated in Russia's brutal occupation of Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv, in February and March 2022, according to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Hundreds of civilians were massacred by Russian troops in Bucha at the time.
2 Ukrainian military officers appointed as deputy defense ministers. "These decisions are part of a comprehensive approach to strengthening our Armed Forces, modernizing management, and advancing military technology," Defense Minister Rustem Umerov said.
Russia designates Register of Damage against Ukraine as undesirable organization. Russia’s Justice Ministry declared the Register of Damage Caused by Russian Aggression against Ukraine an "undesirable organization" on Feb. 7.
Russia to expand seizure of foreign assets**, Reuters reports.** A draft law approved this week by the Russian government's legislative commission lays out the procedure for seizing foreign property in retaliation for freezing Russian assets abroad.
Read our exclusives
Ukraine war latest: North Korean soldiers 'brought in again' to fight in Kursk Oblast, Zelensky says
"A significant number of occupiers have been eliminated, we are talking hundreds of Russian and North Korean servicemen," the president said.
Photo: Kostiantyn Liberov/Libkos/Getty Images
Learn more
A night with Ukraine’s Vampire drone team near Kurakhove
International response
US sanctions strain Russia’s oil exports as shipping costs surge, Bloomberg reports. The number of sanctioned vessels has now reached 265, with U.S. blacklisting proving to be the most disruptive. Of the 435 ships that transported Russian crude in 2024, 112—or 26%—are now under Washington’s sanctions.
Trump ready to step up Russia sanctions to end war in Ukraine, special envoy says. Current U.S. sanctions on Russia, particularly those targeting its energy sector, amount to a "3 on a 10-point scale" regarding economic pressure, Keith Kellogg, special envoy for Ukraine and Russia said.
Czechia extends protection for Ukrainians, tightens rules for Russian applicants. Under the new provisions, temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees, set to expire in March, will be extended for another year in line with an EU-wide decision.
In other news
Ukraine secures preliminary deals to replace USAID funding for critical projects, official says. Urgent funding has already been identified for recovery efforts, energy resilience, and cyber defense projects, Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Olha Stefanishyna said.
Putin acknowledges inflation as key challenge for Russia. Speaking at a televised meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on Feb. 7, Putin noted that consumer prices in Russia rose by 9.5% in 2024 and have climbed further to 9.9% year-on-year this month.
Police investigate death of 32-year-old man at military enlistment office. The incident follows reports on the deaths of conscripts allegedly caused by beatings at military enlistment offices.
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Zelensky, Trump may meet in Washington next week
"I will probably be meeting with President (Volodymyr) Zelensky next week, and I will probably be talking to President (Vladimir) Putin. I'd like to see the war end," U.S. President Donald Trump said.Kateryna Denisova (The Kyiv Independent)
"Ukrainian President Volodymyr #Zelenskiy pored over a once-classified map of vast deposits of #rareearths and other critical minerals during an interview with Reuters on Friday,"
" 'Let's do a deal', Zelensky offers Trump ( ie. The US) minerals, seeking security"
Also What are Ukraine's rare earths and why does Trump want them?
#Ukraine @ukraine
#Ukraine #Russia #Donbas #NATO #UkraineRussiaWar #NATORussiaWar #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaNATOWar #AlexanderMercouris #TheDuran
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An astonishing level of cynicism - Zelensky was elected in fair elections and cannot be removed during wartime per the #Ukrainian Constitution.
Meanwhile, Putin ignores his own illegitimacy: #Yeltsin’s "Successor" operation, сastling with #Medvedev, killing opponents, #media control, and clinging to power by force.
Russia approves conscription reforms to target draft evaders, streamline recruitment.
Under the new legislation, draft board decisions for individuals deemed fit for service will remain valid for one year.
This allows military commissions to send individuals to the army in subsequent drafts without requiring additional medical examinations or decisions.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war
by Dmitri Kovalevich in Al Mayadeen English
“[..] Ukraine’s political elite bows to Western imperialism, with Zelensky mimicking Trump to maintain US favor while ordinary Ukrainians suffer under war, forced conscription, and economic ruin”
#Press #Russia #Ukraine #Servility #Imperialism #Zelensky #Military #Defeat #Trump #Biden #Britain #100YearTreaty #Starmer
Servility and political mimicry by Ukraine's pro-Western elites as they face military defeat
Dmitri Kovalevich explores how Ukraine’s political elite bows to Western imperialism, with Zelensky mimicking Trump to maintain US favor while ordinary Ukrainians suffer under war, forced conscription, and economic ruin.Dmitri Kovalevich (Servility and political mimicry by Ukraine's pro-Western elites as they face military defeat)