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Beiträge, die mit update getaggt sind

Die zwölf Jahre alte #FritzBox 7490 erhält von #AVM jetzt noch einmal ein #Firmware-#Update auf eine neue Version von #FritzOS. Die bringt unter anderem stabileres WLAN für den #Router. https://winfuture.de/news,148510.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

:apple_inc: Apple patches first exploited iOS Zero-Day of 2025.

Apple has released security updates to fix this year's first zero-day vulnerability, tagged as actively exploited in attacks targeting iPhone users. The zero-day tracked as [CVE-2025-24085], is a privilege escalation security flaw in Apple's Core Media framework.


#apple #update #ios #zeroday #coremedia #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news

Nach über acht Jahren verrät #Apple erstmals in einer offiziellen #Anleitung, wie Besitzer von #AirPods ein #Firmware-#Update für ihre #Kopfhörer starten können. Die notwendigen Schritte sind denkbar einfach. https://winfuture.de/news,148469.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Mit einem #Update auf Version 0.88 erhält #Microsoft #PowerToys mit #ZoomIt ein neues #Modul. Zudem werden Probleme behoben, die zum Teil zu Abstürzen führten. Das #Tool steht ab sofort zum #Download bereit. https://winfuture.de/news,148464.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Mit dem optionalen Januar-#Update behebt #Microsoft ein weiteres #Problem unter #Windows11 #24H2. Die im Dezember eingeführte Update-Sperre für das #Betriebssystem bleibt aber dennoch bestehen. https://winfuture.de/news,148457.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Die #EpicGames Store App für #Android und #iOS erhält ein großes #Update. Jetzt sind erstmals auch #Spiele von Drittanbietern erhältlich. Ähnlich wie auf dem PC werden zudem regelmäßig Spiele verschenkt. https://winfuture.de/news,148387.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Für Nutzer von #Windows10 wird es erheblich einfacher, auf #Windows11 #24H2 zu upgraden. Das geht ab sofort nämlich direkt über die im #Betriebssystem von #Microsoft integrierte #Update-Funktion. https://winfuture.de/news,148385.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Die quartalsweise Aktualisierung der https://basemap.de Web Raster (Q1-2025) ist am 02. Januar 2025 Online gegangen

ℹ️ Die WMS- und WMTS-Dienste enthalten nun den Stand der Datenlieferungen der Länder bis Anfang September 2024.
#update #frischeKarten#Karten #amtlich #basemap

This is a great #update at the beginning of the year. Many thanks to the entire #VIVALDI team for their fantastic work. Happy #release day. 🥳🥂🍾🎈🎉🎊

Der erste #FritzBox-#Router aus dem Hause #AVM erhält ein #Firmware-#Update auf #FritzOS8.03. Damit werden einige Verbesserungen vorgenommen und Fehler behoben. https://winfuture.de/news,148332.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Einen wunderschönen Guten Morgen zusammen, wir haben 3 Grad (immerhin über Null!), Regen steht an, der erste Kaffee ist bereits getrunken. :coffee

#MeineTimeline berichtet über Med-Fluencer, das sind Medizin-Influencer, die teilweise gefährliche Gesundheitstipps oder Halbwahrheiten verbreiten, Computerspendevereine, heute ist "Feiere-das-Leben-Tag", Linux auf alter Hardware und Nvidia empfiehlt ein dringendes Update.

Ich möchte ich noch mal genauer auf die #Computerspendevereine eingehen, ich finde das ja eine tolle Sache. Bedürftige Menschen, Menschen die #Armutsbetroffen sind, haben hierrüber die Möglichkeit, an Hardware zu kommen und somit auch am digitalen Leben teilzunehmen. @caos hatte da gestern eine schöne Übersicht zusammen gestellt:

Link: Überblick: Computerspendevereine

Außerdem, wie bereits erwähnt, hat Nvidia mehrere gefährliche Schwachstellen in seinen GPU-Treibern für Windows und Linux entdeckt. Diese Sicherheitslücken ermöglichen Angreifern den Zugriff auf sensible Daten und können zur Manipulation des Systems führen. Um die Gefahr zu bannen, hat Nvidia neue Treiber veröffentlicht, die die Sicherheitslücken schließen. Die neuen Treiber für Windows haben die Versionsnummern 553.62 und 539.19.

Link: PCs weltweit in Gefahr: Nvidia rät zu dringendem Grafikkarten-Update

Ich geh mir jetzt den 2. Kaffee holen, habt noch einen feinen Tag!

#gm, #GutenMorgen, #Spende, #Spenden, #Nvidia, #Treiber, #Hardware, #Schwachstelle, #Update

Dank eines Patches von #Ubisoft entfernt #Microsoft eine weitere #Update-Sperre für #Windows11 #24H2. Damit wird es weiteren Nutzern ermöglicht, ihr #Betriebssystem auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. https://winfuture.de/news,148247.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Das nächste #BIOS-#Update von #Intel steht bereit. Es soll die Leistung der enttäuschenden #CoreUltra 200S #CPUs unter manchen Bedingungen um bis zu 97% steigern. https://winfuture.de/news,148243.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Update your Mac ⚠️RIGHT NOW⚠️.
[:apple_inc: Sequoia 15.2]

Apple recently addressed a macOS vulnerability that allows attackers to bypass System Integrity Protection (SIP) and install malicious kernel drivers by loading third-party kernel extensions.


#apple #macos #update #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news

Wie #Microsoft mitteilt, zwingt man Nutzer ab sofort zum #Update auf #Windows11 #24H2. Die #Aktualisierung für das #Betriebssystem wird ungefragt aufgespielt. Das zu verhindern geht, birgt aber ein Risiko. https://winfuture.de/news,148233.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

⚡️ #Update 4 martyrs, including a child, as a result of a Zionist bombing of a civilian vehicle in the Al-Manara neighborhood, southeast of Khan Yunis, in the southern #Gaza Strip.

Windows 11 Installation Media Bug causes Security Update Failures. :microsoft:

Microsoft is warning of an issue when using a media support to install Windows 11 [version 24H2], that causes the operating system to not accept further security updates.


#microsoft #windows #update #failures #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
"When using media to install Windows 11, version 24H2, the device might remain in a state where it cannot accept further Windows security updates," Microsoft is warning. "This occurs only when the media is created to include the October 2024, or November 2024, security updates as part of the installation," the company also explains.

The bug does not impact security updates applied via Windows Update or the Microsoft Update Catalog website and does not occur when the latest December 2024 security update is used.

Microsoft is currently working on a permanent fix and recommends that media-based Windows 11 24H2 installations use the December 2024 security update, released on December 10, to avoid encountering subsequent updating problems.

The installation media issue is added to a long string of problems that impacts 24H2, the latest major feature update for Microsoft's operating system, which was released earlier this year to offer enhanced security, usability and performance.

#website #update

A fourth tab has been added on the front page.


Microsoft holds last Patch of the Year with 72 Gifts for Admins.

Microsoft resolved 72 vulnerabilities in a variety of its products, including a zero-day [CVE-2024-49138 (CVSS score: 7.8)] that’s been exploited by attackers in the wild to execute code with higher privileges, and 16 critical vulnerabilities (all of which are remote code execution flaws).


#microsoft #windows #update #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
It's worth noting that CVE-2024-49138 is the fifth actively exploited CLFS privilege escalation flaw since 2022 after CVE-2022-24521, CVE-2022-37969, CVE-2023-23376 and CVE-2023-28252 (CVSS scores: 7.8). It's also the ninth vulnerability in the same component to be patched this year.

The fact that CLFS has become an attractive attack pathway for malicious actors has not gone unnoticed by Microsoft, which said it's working to add a new verification step when parsing such log files.

The number of fixed bugs in each vulnerability category is listed below:

• 27 Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilities
• 30 Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
• 7 Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities
• 5 Denial of Service Vulnerabilities
• 1 Spoofing Vulnerabilities
[This count does not include two Edge flaws that were previously fixed on December 5 and 6th.]

#News #SouthKorea #Update

South Korea's parliament voted to block the president's martial law degree. What happens next?

The president must then notify the National Assembly of his decision — but if a majority of lawmakers vote to lift martial law, “the president shall comply,” according to the constitution.

The president’s cabinet must then “deliberate” and review the decision to lift martial law, according to the constitution.

Half-Life 2 is getting a huge 20th Anniversary Update.

Half-Life 2 is getting a major update in celebration of the classic title’s 20th anniversary. In addition to Steam Workshop support directly within the game, Valve has fixed bugs and restored some content, added new graphics settings, updated gamepad controls and a whole lot more.


#halflife2 #20th #anniversary #update #valve #retro #gaming #art #engineer #media #tech #news
Valve is now including the Episode One and Episode Two expansions with the base game. They’ll be accessible from the Half-Life 2 menu, and Valve says that “you will automatically advance to the next expansion after completing each one.” You’ll also be able to access the Steam Workshop within the Extras menu, which means you’ll no longer have to leave the game to enable mods.

If you want to access the older version of Half-Life 2, that’s still an option: you’ll just have to roll back to “a publicly visible Beta branch named ‘steam_legacy’” and grab the “Pre-20th Anniversary Build,” Valve says.
[ImageSource: Valve]

Valve says it also made massive updates to Half-Life 2’s maps, which will fix “longstanding bugs, restore content and features lost to time, and improve the quality of a few things like lightmap resolution and fog.” There’s a new option to play with the original launch day blood and fire effects as well, and Valve has updated Half-Life 2’s gamepad controls to “match” last year’s Half-Life 1 anniversary update.


And finally Valve added 3.5 hours of new developer commentary within the game. The company also is printing an expanded second edition of the Raising the Bar book about the game’s development, which includes “the Half-Life 2 development story, with never-before-seen concept art from Episode One and Episode Two, along with ideas and experiments for the third episode that never came to be.” The book will return to print in 2025.

Maybe soon we’ll get Half-Life 3? Maybe?

#Gaza documentation.

#website #update: the page about how to use the website.


Apple fixes 2 Zero-Days exploited to breach MacOS Systems. :apple_inc:

Apple has released emergency security updates for macOS Sequoia that fix two zero-day vulnerabilities that “may have been actively exploited on Intel-based Mac systems”. As per usual, Apple didn’t share details about the attacks in which patched vulnerabilities are exploited.

[CVE-2024-44309 & CVE-2024-44308]


#apple #macos #update #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Apple has transitioned to using Intel processors on Macs in June 2006 and stopped shipping them altogether in June 2023, after starting using its own silicon in 2020.

The two vulnerabilities “may have been actively exploited on Intel-based Mac systems”, but it’s unclear at this time whether that means that they can’t be exploited on Apple-based Macs.

[⚠️In any case, all MacOS Sequoia users should update their systems as soon as possible.⚠️]

CVE-2024-44309 affects WebKit, the browser engine used in the Safari web browser and all iOS and iPadOS web browsers, and can be triggered when it’s made to process maliciously crafted web content. It can enable a cross site scripting (XSS) attack.

CVE-2024-44308 affects JavaScriptCore (the built-in JavaScript engine for WebKit) and can likewise be exploited via maliciously crafted web content. It can lead to arbitrary code execution.

<Both vulnerabilities have been reported by security researchers Clément Lecigne and Benoît Sevens of Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG).>
Apple has also released security patches for iOS, iPadOS, visionOS and its Safari web browser. The updates are available for the following devices and operating systems:

• iOS 18.1.1 and iPadOS 18.1.1 - iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
• iOS 17.7.2 and iPadOS 17.7.2 - iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation and later, iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 6th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
• macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 - Macs running macOS Sequoia
• visionOS 2.1.1 - Apple Vision Pro
• Safari 18.1.1 - Macs running macOS Ventura and macOS Sonoma

Microsoft fixes 91 Vulnerabilities & 4 Zero-Days.

Microsoft’s November Patch Update fixes 91 Windows security vulnerabilities, including 4 zero-days. The critical fixes address actively exploited flaws in Windows. It is strongly recommended that users apply these updates as soon as possible to mitigate possible security risks. Updates can be installed via Windows Update.


#microsoft #windows #update #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
It is worth noting that, four vulnerabilities are rated as critical, including two remote code executions and two elevations of privilege flaws.

The two actively exploited zero-day vulnerabilities are:

• CVE-2024-43451: An NTLM Hash Disclosure Spoofing Vulnerability that exposes NTLMv2 hashes to remote attackers with minimal user interaction, such as selecting or right-clicking a malicious file.
• CVE-2024-49039: A Windows Task Scheduler Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability allowing attackers to execute RPC functions typically restricted to privileged accounts, potentially leading to unauthorized code execution or resource access.

Additionally, two publicly disclosed but not actively exploited vulnerabilities were addressed:

• CVE-2024-49040: A Microsoft Exchange Server Spoofing Vulnerability enabling threat actors to spoof sender email addresses to local recipients.
• CVE-2024-49041: A Windows MSHTML Platform Spoofing Vulnerability that could be leveraged to deceive users into interacting with malicious content.

The 91 vulnerabilities fixed in this update are categorized as follows:

• 3 Spoofing vulnerabilities
• 4 Denial of Service vulnerabilities
• 1 Information Disclosure vulnerability
• 26 Elevation of Privilege vulnerabilities
• 2 Security Feature Bypass vulnerabilities
• 52 Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities.

[Important Update] Google patches two Android Zero-Days used in targeted Attacks. :android:

Google fixed two actively exploited Android zero-day flaws as part of its November security updates, addressing a total of 51 vulnerabilities. Tracked as CVE-2024-43047 & CVE-2024-43093, the two issues are marked as exploited in limited, targeted attacks.


#google #android #update #zerodays #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
The security issues fixed this month impact Android versions between 12 and 15.

• The CVE-2024-43047 flaw is a high-severity use-after-free issue in closed-source Qualcomm components within the Android kernel that elevates privileges. The flaw was first disclosed in early October 2024 by Qualcomm as a problem in its Digital Signal Processor (DSP) service.

• CVE-2024-43093 is also a high-severity elevation of privilege flaw, this time impacting the Android Framework component and Google Play system updates, specifically in the Documents UI. Google did not disclose who discovered the CVE-2024-43093 vulnerability.

To apply the latest update, head to Settings > System > Software updates > System update. Alternatively, go to Settings > Security & privacy > System & updates > Security update. A restart will be required to apply the update.

More than 1,500 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's ongoing offensive in the northern Gaza Strip since last month, the Health Ministry said on Thursday

#gaza #jabalia #kamaladwan #who #icj #icc #ihl

🔴 The Middle East Monitor #update:

Source: MEMO


Attention Citizens:
2 + 2 now equals 5.3187.
Please update your devices and minds accordingly.

Thank you for your compliance.

#Paranoia #ttrpg #rpg #math #update

"Cyber-security firm Crowdstrike has admitted that the problem was caused by an update to its antivirus software, which is designed to protect Microsoft Windows devices from malicious attacks."

Any sufficiently bad update is indistinguishable from a malicious attack :neocat_floof_mug:

#CrowdStrike #Windows #Update as #CyberAttack