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Beiträge, die mit USPOl getaggt sind

Perfide an dem Staatsstreich in den USA ist ja, dass a) der Supreme Court dem Praesidenten einen Persilschein ausgestellt hat und b) der Praesident nun alle am Putsch Beteiligten auch vorab begnadigen kann.
Sollte es also je wieder eine demokratisch gewaehlte Regierung in den USA geben, die diesen Coup aufarbeiten moechte, wird das vermutlich aus den genannten Gruenden nicht moeglich sein, es sei denn, man ignoriert selber solche rechtlichen Eckpfeiler wie Begnadigungen etc.

Verzwickte Situation.


🧵1/Ω @ProPublica is reporting that Gautier Cole Killian, the 24 year old engineer on the #DOGE team, worked at #JumpTrading.

This seem to not be entirely correct - Cole Killian is a crypto bro who apparently worked at Jump's crypto subsidiary (cleverly named #JumpCrypto), a company which was notorious among traders for market manipulation and ended up getting whacked for over a hundred million dollars for financial crimes before having its CEO forced out (which is possibly why Mr. Killian has time to DOGE).

Among other things Jump Crypto was intimately involved in the spectacular collapse of the $40 billion Terra/Luna ponzi scheme, a financial cataclysm that ruined tens of thousands of people's lives.

Put less gently, no one who worked at Jump Crypto should be anywhere near any financial job ever again, period.


#uspol #uspolitics #elonmusk #Trump #TerraLuna #crypto #NerdReich #networkState

For over a year we've watched on - our government doing nothing - as the Israeli government slaughtered half-a-hundred thousand people and maimed, starved, brutalised and displaced many and more.

And now our so-called closest ally wants to finish the job. Scorch earth all of Gaza. Make all Gazans refugees. And build a resort.

Alliance with the United States demeans all Australians and makes us complicit to genocide.



#auspol #uspol #gaza #israel

Onpa yllättävää.

Siinä missä #YleAtalk-vieraat #BenitaHeiskanen ja #CharlySaloniusPasternak kuvaavat #USA:n meininkejä tyyliin dystooppinen salamasota ja tekno-oligarkin johtama laiton vallananastusyritys, on #MarkkuRuotsila ollut, et #Dump tekee vain sitä, mitä hänet on tilattu tekemään.

Koska, voi koska #media lopettaa #Ruotsila n haastattelemisen?

#journalismi #tasapuolisuusharha #Musk #Trump #USpol #Yhdysvallat #Heiskanen #SaloniusPasternak #politiikka


Undocumented immigrants in the US have substantially lower crime rates than US-born citizens. Immigrants are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than US-born citizens.

#Immigration #IllegalAliens #GOPLies #NoRepublicansEverAgain #Crime #USPol
Chart of arrest rates from 2012 to 2018 in Texas show lower rates for all crimes by both legal and undocumented immigrants than for US Citizens.

*Agents* of #billionaire #ElonMusk’s #DOGE have gained access to highly restricted government records on millions of federal employees — including #Treasury & #State Dept officials in sensitive #security positions — as part of a broader effort to wrest control over the government’s main personnel agency, according to 4 US officials with direct knowledge of the developments.

#law #USpol #NationalSecurity #Trump #TrumpCoup

#ElonMusk’s #DOGE agents access sensitive #OPM data, alarming #NationalSecurity officials

The highly restricted data includes personally identifiable information for millions of federal employees maintained by the Office of Personnel Management.

#law #USpol #security #Trump #TrumpCoup #Gestapo #SecretPolice

Sen. Slotkin NAILS IT! Very much worth watching. Please do so and share.

#Politics #USPolitics #USPol #News #Project2025 #Fascism

Senator Slotkin in red at podium giving speech

I was having a hard time figuring out why the Nazis made another Nazi resign, until I read his comments about marrying outside his race and normalizing Indian hate.
J.D. Vance's wife is Indian. 🤔
#politics #USPol

The USA is experiencing a Constitutional Crisis. Now that it's begun, there's no quick or easy way to halt or reverse the slide into fascism. It's fair to say the USA is no longer a Democracy and has become a failed state.

The Constitution of the United States of America says the US Federal Government is made of three branches:
- The Executive: dictatorial President Trump, and a bunch of hand-picked cronies, yes-men, and unelected but paid-up oligarchs like Elon Musk.
- Legislative: GOP-owned Senate and GOP-owned House of Representatives due to voter-suppression, voter-disenfranchisement, and high voter-apathy leading to low voter-turnout in 2024.
- Judicial: GOP-owned Supreme Court and GOP-owned lower Courts.

#USPol #USA #Trump #ElonMusk #ConstitutionalCrisis #FailedStateUSA #Democracy #Fascism

5 CALLS app makes it easier and more organized to call your congresspeople or appropriate offices in D.C. by issue.
#uspol #resist #opposition #fight #uspolitics


Israeli Channel 7 in Hebrew: Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu met today (Thursday) at the Capitol building in #Washington with the leaders of the #US #Senate from both parties. Netanyahu's office said in a statement, "The prime minister was received with great warmth, and the meeting was warm and friendly. The Senate leadership expressed its unconditional support for the prime minister and #Israel, and praised Israel's achievements in the war." In the meeting, the prime minister explained Israel's position, saying, "We must prevent #Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and eliminate #Hamas in #Gaza." His words were met with sympathy and approval from representatives of both parties.

#US #USpol #WarCrime #ICC #ICJ
@palestine group @israel group

A side-effect of having USDS listed in my LinkedIn bio right now is journalists keep asking me to talk with them. I just heard from a reporter at #WashingtonPost. This is what I told him.
#WaPo #journalism #politics #USPol
WaPo does some amazing journalism, but the decision to kill the Harris endorsement and the (literal and metaphorical) fact that Bezos was in the front seat at Trump's inauguration means I can't work with you or anyone from your paper. There were other problems with WaPo before, but those were really the last nails in the coffin.
Regardless of how good your personal reporting is, your employer is in league with the fascists.
Take care.

Don Jr looks like he snorts everything snortable within a 25 metre radius.

If he did kill those endangered ducks in Venice, he probably had them dried and powdered so he could snort them too.

Where’s Ivanka gone? Oh, Don-Don snorted her.


#Trump to sign an executive order sanctioning the International Criminal Court


> The order accuses the #ICC of improperly targeting the #UnitedStates and #Israel, according to a copy of a fact sheet supporting the order.


What's truly contemptible about Australia's leaders is we know - everyone knows - they privately use expletives like 'Fuckwit,' 'Idiot' and 'Shitcunt' to describe Trump and Musk, while publicly mouthing pleasantries and platitudes.

True cowards. And fuckwits, idiots and shitcunts by proxy.

#auspol #uspol

Great piece by Arwa Mahdawi: Trump’s Gaza remarks are no surprise: ethnic cleansing was always the plan https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/feb/05/trump-gaza-ethnic-cleansing

#gaza #trump #uspol

#Aldi Süd: Discounter entfernt Bekenntnis zu #Diversität von #US-Website


>> Etliche US-Unternehmen knicken vor Donald Trumps Anti-Wokeness-Feldzug ein und fahren ihre Gleichstellungsinitiativen zurück. Nun hat auch Aldi Süd Informationen über Diversitätsprogramme von seiner US-Karriereseite gelöscht.

Danke für nichts, Aldi. Wenn Bekenntnisse gegen Diskriminierung nur Softwashing in guten Zeiten sind, waren sie nie was wert.

#uspol #depol #lgbtqrights

Did you know that the US military pays soldiers, sailors & airmen w/direct deposit on the 15th & 30th of each month? Did you know they use the Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS), a US Treasury system, to do that?

Did you know chucklefuck musk and his merry band of chucklenuts started messing with US treasury systems on the 31st?

Do adversaries anticipate our military pay could be broken, and in 10 days if pay doesn't deposit...will morale be dangerously low?

#USpol #coup

Very specific US government (gov’t) dates:

March 14 — gov’t funding will run out

Prepare for a shutdown (imo). It is very likely the powers-that-be will use this opportunity to further grind spending and attack gov’t employees.

Sept 30 — gov’t funding will run out again

This is the end of the govt’s fiscal year.

December 31— Tax Cuts and Jobs Act individual income tax provisions will expire.

Congress will need to act.

#USA #USPol #USGovernment


Many will wonder whether mass demonstrations can achieve anything. They will point to past failures, flash their discouragement, obey in advance.

Here are some things we can accomplish:

1. Cultivate active, engaged citizenship.

2. Build and foster broad solidarity.

3. Incentivize political leadership.

4. Take control of the narrative.

5. Signal to non-Americans that we are not done yet.

5. Take the temperature of police and security forces.

6. Enact a culture of non-violence.


Protest and mass mobilization carry risks:

1. Police/military could escalate and crack down.

2. Black bloc might rush into reciprocal violence.

3. Decentralized movements can splinter and lose coherence.

There are resources that can help point the way.

Gene Sharp (RIP): From Dictatorship to Democracy


Also, Erica Chenoweth, Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know


#uspol #democracy #resistance #civildisobedience #nonviolence

The #50501movement will need substantial growth in size to surpass the scale of the protests during Trump’s first term. It’s evident that Democrats in Congress are unwilling to take any legally viable action, yet they haven’t. Will the courts even be effective since Trump has packed them? Large-scale nationwide protests, coupled with digital actions and financial boycotts, are the most effective tools we have. #uspol

"They have no relevant experience.

Most of them aren't old enough to rent a car.

And you're going to let them mess with airline safety that's already deteriorated on your watch?"
-H Clinton

Republicans will be complicit until there's a disaster or crisis in their states that was caused by #TrumpMusk -or because the Trump admin refuses to compensate, or fund the recovery.

#USPol #AI #DOGE #Sabotage #DOT #AirlineSafety #PublicSafety #Betrayal #GOPDeathCult
DOT Sec Duff:

Big News - Talked to the Doge team. They are going to plug in to help upgrade our aviation system.

Elon Musk bought a president and stole all of U.S. money. Trump is full hd fascist dictator like he promised. USians are like: "that sucks but we will win the next election!"
Donald Trump is your God now and Elon Musk is Jesus. There won't be elections anymore.

#musk #elonmusk #presidentmusk #trump #donaldtrump #nazi #nazis #fascism #fascist #USA #USpol #USPolitics #religion #jesus #wwjd #god #dictator #billionaires #eattherich

The Germans know.

"Tesla sales dropped 60% in Germany"

...and throughout Europe.

"Ist that a dirty Nazi? JA! Dat IS a dirty Nazi!" *

* Quote Moe Howard, Three Stooges film, "You Nazty Spy"


#coup #musk #threestooges #climate #ev #uspol
Tesla sales dropped 60% in Germany
Avatar for Fred Lambert	
Fred Lambert | Feb 5 2025 - 8:47 am PT

Tesla’s sales have dropped nearly 60% in January in Germany compared to the same period last year. The same thing is happening throughout Europe

He’s a definitely a horrible person. A narcissistic sociopath.

But I also think he’s not all there, just spewing random words like he’s in some boardroom closing another golf course deal.

Handlers used to hide this type of stuff, but now they don’t bother because they know his followers will twist anything he says to some narrative that maintains their reality. Then the media “sane washes” it for general consumption. They don’t even have to try.

#uspol #gaza


Infuriating how casually the hosts on Triple J radio discuss an ethnic cleansing plan, as if it's just another political policy. I mean discuss it, sure, but start from the basis that it *is* ethnic cleansing, an aid to genocide and a gross violation of human rights.

Sigh you can just imagine these people back in the 1930s chattily discussing Hitler's latest oppressive laws. They'd probably play an audio clip of him too.

#USpol #Gaza