Beiträge, die mit Nato getaggt sind
The Russians are fighting an old-fashioned drone war.
Project Maven was meant to revolutionize modern warfare. But the conflict in Ukraine has underscored how difficult it is to get 21st-century data into 19th-century trenches.
Russia’s Electronic-Warfare Troops Knocked Out 90 Percent Of Ukraine’s Drones
#Western #media #lie about #Russia #russian #war #ukraine #NATO #Pentagon #fail in #failstate
Russia’s Electronic-Warfare Troops Knocked Out 90 Percent Of Ukraine’s Drones
The electronic suppression of Ukraine’s unmanned aerial vehicles blunted one of Kyiv’s biggest advantages in the early months of the war.David Axe (Forbes)
The Challenger 2 is too heavy, lacks protection and needs too much support
#NATO #britain #england #uk #weapons #Challenger #Western #fail on #ukraine
The British Challenger 2 Is The Wrong Tank For Ukraine
Challenger 2s amount to a rounding error in Ukraine’s order of battle. They barely are worth the effort to maintain and arm them. Oh, and to tow them when they get stuck.David Axe (Forbes)
Moscow Terror Attack — Rogue Ukrainian Op or Western Backed? (https...
Moscow Terror Attack — Rogue Ukrainian Op or Western Backed? ( #Moscow #Terror #Attack — #Rogue #Ukrainian #Op or #Western #Backed ? #Crocus #City #Hall #Russia ...diaspora* social network
Ukrainian neo-Nazis in the service of capitalists
The presenter is a bit mistaken, there was no territory of Ukraine until the 20th century, for hundreds of years it was Malorossia ( #littleRussia ), with urban population predominantly Russian.
#USA #Pentagon #CIA #NSA #Gladio #NATO #EU #failstate #ukraine #oligarchy #corruption #anti-Russia #Donbass #ukrainian #nazi #neo-nazi #Zelensky minion of #Kolomoysky sponsor of #Right-Sector #Azov #Svoboda #fascism #zionism #anticommunism #USSR #history #Western #terrorism #mindmanipulation #propaganda #war #infowar #economicwar #capitalism #imperialism against #Russia again
Give War a Chance: NATO and Neo-Nazis Want Ukraine Conflict to Go o...
Give War a Chance: NATO and Neo-Nazis Want Ukraine Conflict to Go on Forever #tags /tags/tagsdiaspora* social network
Ukrainian soldiers have to buy their own uniforms, which costs about $5,800 for one set
By the way, the Ukrainian military confirm that they have to buy their own "equipment", because the state provision in this matter is, to put it mildly, "lame" - issued clothes, underwear and shoes of poor quality, frequent incomplete uniforms, very heavy "armor", etc. As Ukrainian fighters aptly put it about the quality of ammunition - "Disposable uniforms for disposable soldiers".
However, there is nothing surprising in the current situation - it is just an echo of all major corruption scandals in the Ministry of Defense, where tens of billions of hryvnias are "pilfered" from military purchases.
#war #ukraine #economy #ukrainian infinity #corruption #military #ammunition #cannon-fodder for #NATO #Pentagon #fail #failstate
Estados Unidos incrementó las ventas de armas a Europa del 35% al 55% en cinco años
Cazas F-18 de la compañía norteamericana Boeing en un portaviones. Las tensiones geopolíticas que Estados Unidos alimenta cuidadosamente en Europa (Ucrania-Rusia), Cercano Oriente (Siria, Irán, Yem…Socied@d Reticular
About ukrainian hutzpah
“The armed forces of Ukraine will not survive the conflict with Russia without the help of the West. The Russians have more of everything. Tanks, artillery, manpower and aircraft. “We have much less. And they have been preparing for this conflict for a long time. Unfortunately, we didn't do this. We can only survive if the West comes to our aid and gives us more weapons,” said a Ukrainian Armed Forces officer.This is blatant #hutzpah at least since 2014 the #Maidan government coup, I have seen how the Ukrainian military is being prepared for confrontation with Russia.
#ukraine #war #failstate #US #EU #NATO #military #fail with #ukrainian #lie officer #AFU
SITREP 3/11/24: Patriots Blown Up as Mix-Messaged NATO Fumbles On
Last time we spoke on the sudden upswell of threatening rhetoric booming up from the crumbling sepulcher of Old Europe.Simplicius The Thinker (Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge)
Americans in Ukraine
#USA #US #military #NATO #ukraine #ukrainian #AFU #history after #Maidan #map of #american #invasion
SITREP 3/11/24: Patriots Blown Up as Mix-Messaged NATO Fumbles On
Last time we spoke on the sudden upswell of threatening rhetoric booming up from the crumbling sepulcher of Old Europe.Simplicius The Thinker (Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge)
The Russians in Ukraine
The Russians — “Putin” if you like — were right all along. The Ukraine crisis is merely the latest phase of the West’s long campaign to surround the Russian Federation up to its borders, destabilize it and finally subvert it. Regime change in Moscow was and remains the final objective.
This is not a war in defense of “Ukrainian democracy” — a phrase that causes one either to laugh or do the other thing. It is the West’s proxy war, start to finish, Ukrainians cynically cast as cannon fodder, expendable stooges.
Russia had no choice when it intervened two years ago, this after eight years’ patience as the Europeans — Germany and France, this is to say — broke every promise they made by way of supporting a settlement. The Americans didn’t break any promises because they never made any — and no one would take them seriously if they had.
I come to the judgment I offered when the war that began in 2014 erupted into open conflict two years ago. The Russian intervention was regrettable but necessary.
#ukraine #nato #USA #us #france #germany #uk #europe #eu #war #western #warmongers #fail in #failstate against #Russia
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Russians in Ukraine
Recent disclosures provide an incomplete inventory of the West’s covert activities in Ukraine. There is more than we have been told,
The war in Ukraine is based on lies — lies about how it started, how it’s going, and how it will end.
We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing. We are told that the war makes NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the U.S. Congress when in fact the West can’t produce enough ammunition — a problem that will take years to fix. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers — another problem money can’t fix.
#USA #us #ukraine #nato #lies about #ukrainian #war #deepstate is #warmongers
The recent destruction of the first Abrams tank in Ukraine by Russian forces raises questions about the vulnerability of advanced military equipment in the conflict, impacting future arms supplies and international support for Ukraine.
#USA #us #american #pentagon #nato #military #weapons #Abrams #fail #war #Donbass #Avdeevka #Russia #russian #history
First Abrams Tank Supplied to Ukraine Destroyed in Avdiivka, Marks a Turning Point in Conflict Dynamics
Explore the recent destruction of the first Abrams tank by Russian forces in Ukraine, highlighting the strategic significance of Avdiivka and the vulnerability of advanced military equipment in the conflict.Rizwan Shah (BNN)
About the CIA in Ukraine
Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine's intelligence services has "transformed" the former Soviet state and its capabilities into "Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today."#ukrainian #vassalage #USA #us #pentagon #nato #military #CIA #terrorism #anti-Russia #history
This has included the agency having secretly trained and equipped Ukrainian intelligence officers spanning back to just after the 2014 #Maidan coup events, as well constructing a network of 12 secret bases along the Russian border—work which began eight years ago.
#cia #ukraine #biolabs puzzle: why did the #nytimes publish this NO...
#cia #ukraine #biolabs puzzle: why did the #nytimes publish this NOW?* social network
About different understandings of war
They add that, in essence, Western military engineering is made for peacetime conditions—in real war conditions, a totally new rough-and-tumble ethos must be adopted. Where have we heard that before? Recall my article pasted above, which speaks precisely of that philosophical clash, and how Russia had already long learned the lesson having been habituated to real existential Total Wars on its territory, rather than the predatory wars of opportunity the West is accustomed to waging.
+ In The Spirit Of Russian 'Total War'
#western #nato #military #weapons #fail against #Russia #russian #war
The Future of the SMO [Part 2]
Note: I have decided to make the final, most important part of the analysis, which will revolve around the coming Russian offensive strategies, free in an upcoming regular article.Simplicius The Thinker (Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge)
How U.S. Took Out The Nord Stream Pipelines
The Mission Behind Operation Ivy Bells and How It Was Discovered
At the beginning of the 1970s, divers from the submarine USS Halibut left their decompression chamber to start a bold and dangerous mission, codenamed "Ivy Bells."
This time, too, the failed launch was first reported not by the defense ministry but by a London tabloid, The Sun, which said the missile’s boosters failed and it landed in the water not far from the submarine, the H.M.S. Vanguard, which had just come out of a seven-year refurbishment.
#uk #britain #military #nato #nuclear #weapons #fail
#nato #USA #us #pentagon #american #warmongers #deepstate #neocons #war #ukraine #ukrainian #vassalage #Donbass #Avdeevka #Russia
SITREP 2/18/24: Avdeevka Liberated
Well, it finally happened: Avdeevka has fallen, or should I say Avdeyevka, as it’s being styled by many outlets like Sputnik now that it has returned home.Simplicius The Thinker (Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge)
¿Quién pagará la factura del rearme en Europa?, por Manel Pérez
El desarrollo del Estado de bienestar europeo ha venido a caballo de la caída del gasto en defensaLa Vanguardia
Wrong turn
In the vicinity of the village of Pobeda (south of Maryinka), another Leopard drove the wrong way, turning a corner into a funnel from a FAB.
The crew abandoned the vehicle and fled. What happened to it further, they promise to tell a little later. The mechanic's a good-looking guy. Probably one of the ones they caught up with on the street.
#nato #ukraine #military #fail #failstate #western #weapons
It is the latter role that has proved devastating to global stability and the U.S. rule of law. It is a role that the C.I.A. continues to pursue today. In effect, the C.I.A. is a secret army of the U.S., capable of creating mayhem across the world with no accountability whatsoever.#nato #deepstate #western #terrorism #warmongers #Africa #Afghanistan #Serbia #Kosovo #Russia #Caucasus #Syria #ukraine #Maidan
When President Dwight Eisenhower decided that Africa’s rising political star, democratically-elected Patrice Lumumba of Congo was the “enemy,” the C.I.A. conspired in his 1961 assassination, thus undermining the democratic hopes for Africa. He would hardly be the last African president brought down by the C.I.A.
Once in a while, a former U.S. official spills the beans, such as when Zbigniew Brzezinski revealed that he had induced Jimmy Carter to assign the C.I.A. to train Islamic jihadists to destabilize the government of Afghanistan, with the aim of inducing the Soviet Union to invade that country.
How the CIA Destabilizes the World
Jeffrey Sachs regrets that the C.I.A.’s rogue operations did not end after the crimes exposed by the 1975 Church Committee. By Jeffrey D. Sachs Common Dreams There are three basic problems with the
NATO and the CIA Are Waging a Secret War in Russia (strate...
NATO and the CIA Are Waging a Secret War in Russia ( #NATO and the #CIA Are #Waging a #Secret #War in #Russia #US #UK #MI6 #NGOs #Western #media #propagandadiaspora* social network
The latest statements highlighting personnel shortages follow statements by both Russian and Ukrainian officials highlighting extreme casualty rates suffered by Ukrainian forces in 2023. Senior conscription officer in Ukraine’s Poltava Region Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Berezhnyon, for one, stated on September 15: “Out of 100 people who joined the units last fall, 10-20 remain, the rest are dead, wounded or disabled,” indicating a casualty rate of 80-90 percent in conscript units. An unnamed commander of a battalion in a mechanised brigade informed the Washington Post his unit had been cut down by 80 percent, and was reduced to a strength of under 40 infantrymen down from 200. Another battalion commander, identifying as Alexander, said his infantry companies were staffed at about 35 percent, with his colleague from an assault brigade stating this situation was “typical” for combat units.
#ukraine #vassalage for #nato #ukrainian #cannon-fodder #war #fail #failstate
A thing isn't wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the pow…
#history #nato #us #britain #uk #france #warmongers #warcrimes #war #bombings in #Iraq #Libya #Syria #Yugoslavia #Yemen #democracy for #capitalism #imperialism #deepstate
About NATO Fails
Why the Zumwalt-Class Destroyers Failed to Meet the Navy's Expectations
And in general about aircraft carriers: any aircraft carrier because of its size and clumsiness is a very easy target for any hypersonic missiles. Those who believe in the effectiveness of aircraft carriers are stuck in the past.
#britain #uk #USA #us #british #american #navy #military #nato #warmongers #fail
Why the Zumwalt-Class Destroyers Failed to Meet the Navy's Expectations
A surface warfare role may best leverage the Zumwalt’s stealth capabilities, allowing it to range ahead of the fleet and penetrate “anti-access” zones threatened by long-range anti-ship missiles.Sebastien Roblin (The National Interest)
Aftermath of Ukrainian Terrorist Attack in Lugansk Region in Photos...
Aftermath of Ukrainian Terrorist Attack in Lugansk Region in Photos (* social network
The arms manufacturer Rheinmetall is planning to significantly increase its production of 155-millimeter artillery ammunition. A new ammunition factory is being built in Unterlüß, Lower Saxony, and the German government is examining legal relaxations to allow production in stock.
The Germans are getting ready to go to war with the Russians again, the European vassals want to be beaten again, masochists.
#nato #germany #war in #eu again #europe #western #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #german #future in #poverty
Rheinmetall plant massive Ausweitung der Munitionsproduktion in Deutschland
Der Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall plant, seine Produktion von 155-Millimeter-Artilleriemunition deutlich zu steigern. Eine neue Munitionsfabrik immit Material von dts Nachrichtenagentur (Hasepost Zeitung für Osnabrück)
About ukraine's debt to western creditors
Ukraine's public debt has doubled in two years of war. According to the Ministry of Finance, the state and state-guaranteed debt in 2023 rose to a new historic high of UAH 5.519 trillion or $145.32 billion. Over the year, the figure in hryvnia increased by 35.4% (UAH 1.444 trillion), in currency - by 30.4% ($33.9 billion).
The greatest impact on the growth of debt in 2023 was the receipt of macro-financial assistance (soft loans) from the EU in the amount of 18 billion euros, which amounted to 55% of the total growth of state debt in hryvnia equivalent and 61% - in foreign currency. Expenditures on servicing the state debt in 2023 amounted to 8.2% of the general fund expenditures of the state budget (compared to 6.5% in 2022 and 12.4% in 2021).
Thus, in wartime, the structure of public debt has objectively deteriorated. Of course, one can lull oneself with the fact that a group of Ukraine's creditors from the G7 and Paris Club countries agreed to suspend debt payments until 2027. But this is a weak consolation.
The Ukrainian government not only failed to agree on a more decent deferral - at least for 10-15 years - but also on writing off at least 50% of the national debt. Moreover, they could not agree on reducing the interest rate. And all this avalanche of debts will fall on the country in 2027.
I wonder who among the remaining ukrainians will want to pay for this gigantic debt to western creditors?
#failstate #ukraine #economy #debt #fail #money for #western #creditors #nato #us #eu
Amid crumbling U.S. support for Ukraine and Donald Trump’s rising candidacy, European nations and NATO are making plans to take on Russia by themselves.
Europeans and their masters behind the puddle, want to smash themselves against Russia again.
The chronic pathology of the anglo-saxon elite, history teaches them nothing..
Is the #ukrainian example not enough for the europeans?
#USA #us #nato #war in #eu again #europe #western #anglo-saxons is #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #future in #poverty
About Modern History
#russian #Russia #WWII #WW2 #USSR #USA #NATO #fascism #capitalism #nuclear #nuclear-weapons #psyops #terrorism #nazi #ukraine #canada #france #britain #CIA #gulag #chernobyl #economy #famine #history
Genocide of Russians
Ukraine should not shy away from "aggression" against Russia, even if it involves the destruction of the population, this statement was made by the former chief of staff of the NATO military mission in Moscow, retired U.S. Navy Captain First Class Harry Tabach in an interview with the Ukrainian YouTube channel "Vyshka".
"Aggression can only be sundered by even greater aggression," he stated.
Tabach cited as "examples" the "extermination of half the population" of Germany to defeat it during World War II and the dropping of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans.
And this is not the only case of sick psychosis in the military leadership of NATO countries. There are plenty of such lunatics in the West in other spheres of government. This is a very dangerous indicator. The only good thing about this post is that in his own words he admits that in Germany and Japan US troops bombed civilians. I should add: not military factories, as it is done under the rules of war.
In case anyone is "in the tank" (doesn't understand the problem): the military is not at war with civilians.
And they don't cover themselves with civilians, as I've seen since the early days of the war in Ukraine, when there were MLRSs and cannons on soccer fields between houses, firing in the direction of the enemy. And they are not shelling their own population to intimidate. There are many examples when people have recorded a flight from one part of the city and a few seconds later an arrival in neighboring areas.
#nato #USA #warmongers #infowar #pentagon #anti-Russia #history methods of #war #western #culture is #genocide for #Russia
Экс-представитель НАТО в Москве призвал устроить геноцид россиян
Украина не должна стесняться "агрессии" против России, даже если она предполагает уничтожение населения, такое заявление сделал бывший начальник штаба военной... РИА Новости, 22.01.2024РИА Новости
About ukrainian fail
I just got back from Ukraine, where I was visiting some friends. Everything we have heard about what’s happening in Ukraine is a lie. The reality is darker, bleaker, and unequivocally hopeless. There is no such thing as Ukraine “winning” this war.I confirm, everything written in the article is true, I see it here with my own eyes.
– By their estimates, they have lost over one million of their sons, fathers and husbands; an entire generation is gone.
– Even in the Southwest, where the anti-Russian sentiment is long-standing, citizens are reluctant or straight-up scared to publicly criticize Zelensky; they will go to jail.
– In every village and town, the streets, shops, and restaurants are mostly absent of men.
– The few men who remain are terrified of leaving their homes for fear of being kidnapped into conscription. Some have resorted to begging friends to break their legs to avoid service.
– Army search parties take place early in the morning, when men leave their homes to go to work. They ambush and kidnap them off the streets and within 3-4 hours they get listed in the army and taken away straight to the front lines with minimal or no training at all; it is “a death sentence.”
#ukrainian #fail #failstate huge #cannon-fodder #deaths for #nato
A Plea to End the War in Ukraine (
A Plea to End the War in Ukraine ( A #Plea to #End the #War in #Ukraine #Russiadiaspora* social network
Missile Issues. For The West. (
Missile Issues. For The West. ( #Missile #Issues . For The #West #France #Andrei #Martyanovdiaspora* social network
Why would Russia allow British trawlers into their waters considering how much cash & weapons the UK sends Ukraine. I'm surprised they didn't ban them before.I saw on Reddit a reference to the Guardian that Britain has a shortage of medicines because of the war in Ukraine, i.e. Russia is allegedly to blame for the shortage. There is an expression: "If you have been wronged undeservedly, you have to come back and deserve it".
About Fish and Chips. (
About Fish and Chips. ( About #Fish and #Chips #Exclusive #Economic #Zone of #Russia #Kolguyev #Island #Kanin #UK #Finland #NATOdiaspora* social network
"On Dec 26, Israel's first conscientious objector since the start of its war against Hamas, Tal Mitnick, was sent to prison after refusing to serve in the army. Mitnick, however, is not alone. A small group of Israelis are refusing [are] refusing to serve in [the] conflict. "
#EU #Pentagon #Military #War #NATO #Weapons #US #NAFO #Hamas #Palestine #Israel #Syria #Iran #Russia #Lebanon #News #Gaza #Putin #Hezbollah #IDF #WestBank #Yemen #RedSea #Houthi
Israel’s ‘refuseniks’: ‘I will never justify what Israel is doing in Gaza’
On December 26, Israel's first conscientious objector since the start of its war against Hamas, Tal Mitnick, was sent to prison after refusing to serve in the army. Mitnick, however, is not alone.Assiya HAMZA (FRANCE 24)
Many people are rightly talking about a major ‘crisis of competency’ taking over the US, what with the latest Boeing Max door failure as well.#USA #nato #pentagon #military #aviation #abrams #lancer #minuteman #american #technology #fail
As if that wasn’t bad enough, we had a major revelation from Ukrainian soldiers that the reason none of their Abrams are on the front is because they don’t work. Recall the recent reports of the highly sensitive Abrams, which need their filters changed every hour. But they took it a step further and actually showed a damning video of their Abrams gun all janky, its stabilizers completely shot.
SITREP 1/9/24: Latest Leading-edge Tech-war Updates
This will be an irregular sort of scattershot update today to clear out some interesting but minor marginalia and technical items that may not fit into larger upcoming pieces.Simplicius The Thinker (Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge)
The Sky Is Falling! (
The Sky Is Falling! ( The #Sky Is #Falling ! #Ukraine #US #EU #Russia "Ben #Hodges stopped smoking whatever the shit he smoked before and he looked reality in the face. Finally." [...diaspora* social network
Ukraine itself is not our enemy whereas those who want to destroy Russian statehood and to achieve, as they say, a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield, are mainly in the West, but still, there are different people there. There are people who sympathise with us and who are with us at heart. But there are the elites who think the existence of Russia (at least in its current state and size) is unacceptable. They want to disintegrate it. As a matter of fact, you are young people, some have read about this, perhaps: they do not hide it. They speak and write about this publicly, and have been doing it for decades, if we are talking about contemporary history. For decades, they have simply been writing frankly about it: divide Russia into five parts, one is too much. I can talk about this till morning, but it is obvious.#ukrainian #vassalage #cannon-fodder
Therefore, they have been nurturing the Kiev regime for quite a long time, precisely to create this conflict. Unfortunately for us, they have achieved this: they started this conflict and are trying to achieve their objective, namely the task of fighting Russia, with the help of Ukrainians.
You probably see on the battlefield that they are gradually losing their zest. When a projectile flies, it is difficult to understand whether they are losing it or not, but in general you probably know that the situation on the battlefield is changing. This is despite the fact that the entire “civilised” West is fighting us.
Pay Attention to What Vladimir Putin Says (
Pay Attention to What Vladimir Putin Says ( #Pay #Attention to #What #Vladimir #Putin #Says #Russia #Ukraine #US #NATO #Western #countries the #enemydiaspora* social network