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Beiträge, die mit SILICONVALLEY getaggt sind

"A couple years ago, Oliver Habryka, the CEO of Lightcone, a company affiliated with LessWrong, published an essay asking why people in the rationalism, effective altruism and AI communities “sometimes go crazy”.

Habryka was writing not long after Sam Bankman-Fried, a major funder of AI research, had begun a spectacular downfall that would end in his conviction for $10bn of fraud. Habryka speculated that when a community is defined by a specific, high-stakes goal (such as making sure humanity isn’t destroyed by AI), members feel pressure to conspicuously live up to the “demanding standard” of that goal.

Habryka used the word “crazy” in the non-clinical sense, to mean extreme or questionable behavior. Yet during the period when Ziz was making her way toward what she would call “the dark side”, the Berkeley AI scene seemed to have a lot of mental health crises.

“This community was rife with nervous breakdown,” a rationalist told me, in a sentiment others echoed, “and it wasn’t random.” People working on the alignment problem “were having these psychological breakdowns because they were in this environment”. There were even suicides, including of two people who were part of the Zizians’ circle.

Wolford, the startup founder and former rationalist, described a chicken-and-egg situation: “If you take the earnestness that defines this community, and you look at civilization-ending risks of a scale that are not particularly implausible at this point, and you are somebody with poor emotional regulation, which also happens to be pretty common among the people that we’re talking about – yeah, why wouldn’t you freak the hell out? It keeps me up at night, and I have stuff to distract me.”

A high rate of pre-existing mental illnesses or neurodevelopmental disorders was probably also a factor, she and others told me."


#SiliconValley #Transhumanism #EffectiveAltruism #Rationalism #AI

They wanted to save us from a dark AI future. Then six people were killed


How a group of Silicon Valley math prodigies, AI researchers and internet burnouts descended into an alleged violent cult

Illustration: Matt Rota/The Guardian

❓ Comment expliquer l’emprise de Silicon Valley sur le gouvernement américain?
👍 Une contre-histoire d’Internet
Par Félix Tréguer
▶️ Une fresque historique remarquable présentée sous l’angle des combats pour les libertés, à contre-courant de l’idée d’un progrès linéaire du libéralisme qui caractérise l’histoire dominante des médias.
#Internet #histoire #entreprise #politique #société #capitalisme #néolibéralisme #libertés #démocratie #SiliconValley #libéralisme #média

"Karp and Zamiska’s basic historical claim that Silicon Valley owes its modern origins to Cold War defense spending is broadly true, even if the ethical mandate they derive from it—making the U.S. armed forces more lethal in order to uphold American global supremacy—is question-begging. Still, at times, their critique of the post–Cold War commercialization of Silicon Valley is surprisingly lacerating: “Far too much capital, intellectual and otherwise, has been dedicated to sating the often capricious and passing needs of late capitalism’s hordes,” they write, decrying a generation of software engineers for applying its prodigious talents to building the next food delivery or social media app.

But their critique of tech-enabled consumerism only goes so far. In one of the book’s many unintentionally funny moments, they single out the early retail website eToys, a darling of pre-dot-com-bubble Silicon Valley, and castigate it for the “shallowness” of its ambition and “abdication of everything beyond the light hedonism of the moment.” But they’re quick to clarify: “To desire, even a toy, is to be human.” The point of refashioning the government in the image of a Silicon Valley start-up, they write elsewhere, is to ensure it delivers “the goods and services that are essential to our lives.” How did we get from “late capitalism’s hordes” to “goods and services”? It helps to remember that Palantir also runs a commercial business accounting for nearly half of its revenue.
This tonal seesawing—for every Karpian truth-bomb, a lawyerly qualification; for each saber rattled, a pitch-deck cliché—is symptomatic of this book’s generic incoherence. [I]t reads as though you asked an AI chatbot to write a set of Gladwellian think pieces in defense of American techno-militarism, with as many smart-sounding yet ultimately vacuous quotes as possible."


#USA #Militarism #SiliconValley #Pentagon #TechnoMilitarism #BigTech

"Techno-fascism’s cold-blooded pursuit of efficiency quickly results in a state of alienation that may not be appealing to either side of the political spectrum. If Japan is any example, the collaboration between technocrats and right-wing politicians is unlikely to last forever. In 1940, the Japanese Prime Minister announced the New Order movement, which sought to overhaul the government’s structure to create a single-party state with absolute power. Mimura, the historian, said, “It reminds you a little bit of now: everything needs to be fixed, all at once. It is a little eerie to draw that historical comparison: this is the New Order in America.” Yet the power of Japan’s technocrats began to wane. When the country started faring poorly in the war, the military pushed to continue the campaign past the point that technocrats considered feasible. Kishi, the architect of technocratic Manchuria, left the government in 1944. Still, as Mimura explained, the bureaucrats had no political constituency or party to hold them accountable for their techno-fascistic program. When the U.S. sought to rebuild Japan, in part as a counterbalance to Soviet power in the region, Kishi and his colleagues were the ones who set about industrializing the nation once more. Their status as unelected officials meant, ironically, that they could stage a return to politics without “any blood on their hands,” Mimura said. In 1955, Kishi helped establish a new political party, and a few years later he became Prime Minister."


#TechnoFascism #USA #BigTech #SiliconValley #Japan #PoliticalEconomy

“Swisher’s memoir, #BurnBook, (yes, it’s a reference to the classic teen film, Mean Girls) was released early last year in the US, but in light of what’s going on in America now, it’s more pertinent than ever.

While it’s a memoir of Swisher’s career as a #journalist who was practically embedded in Silicon Valley from the industry’s earliest days (with a contact book that featured everyone from #SteveJobs to #Musk), Burn Book also offers insights into the entrepreneurs and investors, and the backstories behind companies including #Amazon, #Yahoo and #Google, notably detailing the dysfunctional tech bros behind the scenes. She’s regarded as Silicon Valley’s “most feared” but also “most liked” journalist.

Burn Book is also, Swisher says, “a warning, in many ways” of what’s happening in the US now.

And just what the hell is going on? “It’s a constitutional crisis – that’s what we’re calling it here,” Swisher says.

She is shocked by Musk’s new role.”

Bugger I missed Kara talking at my Alma Mater, guess this article and the book will do.

#KaraSwisher / #startup / #SiliconValley <https://smh.com.au/culture/books/kara-swisher-on-tech-s-sad-little-victimised-arrested-development-men-20250224-p5leny.html> #PayWall

Reuters: Google, Meta face penalties for anti-competitive behaviour towards South African news media. “Google could be required to pay up to 500 million rand ($27.29 million) a year in compensation to South African media outlets after the country’s competition watchdog found the tech giant guilty of anti-competitive practices, while Meta and X also face fines.”


"A document authored by an anonymous group of whistleblowers accuses Elon Musk of attempting to spearhead a private hostile takeover of the US Government on behalf of an extremist anti-democracy philosophy known as the ‘neo-reactionary’ movement, by effectively hijacking the Republican Party.

The group, who are withholding their identity for fears of being targeted, includes former Silicon Valley and US technology leaders. They describe themselves as former followers of the neo-reactionary movement, also known as the ‘Dark Enlightenment’ – a burgeoning Internet philosophy which seeks to abolish the drive for greater equality and the very existence of democracy itself.

The extraordinary whistleblower memorandum was published on Friday 7 February through Dave Troy, an American technologist and investigative journalist.

The memo describes Elon Musk, the eponymous billionaire CEO of Tesla – now a US Government official in charge of the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) – as attempting to exploit his position in the Trump administration to exert unilateral control of the entire US federal Government. It says that this is happening at the expense of both Donald Trump and the Republican Party. "


#USA #Trump Musk #DOGE #DarkEnlightenment #SiliconValley

#LeMédia #LeStagirite #OnSortLesDossiers #Gaza : les gourous de la #SiliconValley derrière le projet fou de #Trump ?


https://www.europesays.com/1830020/ Silicon Valley Syrian engineers host tech conference in Damascus amid rebuilding efforts #AnadoluAjansı #Conflicts #SiliconValley #Syria #tech
Silicon Valley Syrian engineers host tech conference in Damascus amid rebuilding efforts

Google, a brief history

2004: Don’t be evil
2018: OK, be evil but at least don’t kill people
2025: Fuck it, kill people


#Google #BigTech #AI #SiliconValley #USA #capitalism #fascism

Engadget: Google reportedly made sure Israel’s military had access to its AI tools. “Google has been a much larger facilitator of tools to Israel during its war with Hamas than previously disclosed. A new report from The Washington Post found that Google employees have repeatedly worked with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israel’s Defense Ministry (IDM) to expand the government’s […]


"El renacimiento militar de Silicon Valley" | ctxt.es


> "Gaza y el regreso de Trump impulsan la colaboración en tecnología de vigilancia y de guerra controlada por IA entre la industria de defensa israelí, grandes empresas estadounidenses y fondos de capital riesgo"

Esta parte ma encuentro estremecedora:

> «La visión de futuro empresarial de Palantir la sintetizó su CEO Alex Karp en el Fórum de Defensa Ronald Reagan, que se celebró en Simi Valley, en California, solo unos días antes de la cumbre de Tel Aviv. “La gente quiere vivir en paz, quiere marcharse a su casa... no quiere escuchar vuestra ideología woke pagana”, exclamó. “Quieren saber que están a salvo, y estar a salvo implica que el otro tenga miedo: así es como se consigue que alguien esté a salvo”.»

#SiliconValley #Guerra #Militarismo #Palantir #Israel #Genocidio #Gaza #IA #Google

South Carolina - Silicon Valley of the East? C'mon, get real!

#SouthCarolina #SCPol #SCPolitics #Technology #AI #SiliconValley


MediaPost: Google Sends Promised Funds To Canadian Journalism Collective. “Google has sent $100 million (U.S. $69 million) it agreed to pay Canadian news outlets in exchange for an exemption from the Online News Act to a journalism organization designed to distribute funds.”


Engadget: Australia demands big social platforms pay local news publishers. “Australia is not messing around when it comes to big tech. Last month the country introduced a law that, if passed, would ban all people 16 and younger from social media. Now, its coming after social media and search engines alike, ensuring they pay publishers for their content after Meta backed out of doing so, the […]



The tech industry has had quite a year with its billionaires revealing who they really are for all to see. Who will be the WORST PERSON IN TECH?

🗳️ Voting is now open: https://forms.gle/XYERvxNFTBV1XV6A8

#tech #techwontsaveus #siliconvalley
Full bracket of 32 names for The Worst Person in Tech 2024

I think the abstract of the white paper is better presented than this summary in the sense that it clarifies that Public != Government and Public != State. As a citizen of a country who, for almost 50 years, had a political police for surveilling common people, I'm very unease with the concept of sovereignty. And while I'm not a full-fledged anarchist, I see myself very much as a libertarian communist. As such, I give much importance to the concept of democratic deliberation throughout all social sectors. At the same time, there's no solution to capitalism that doesn't include a stronger internationalism.

"In a new white paper I co-authored with Cecilia Rikap, Cédric Durand, Edemilson Paraná, and Paolo Gerbaudo, we make the case that countries have another option. Instead of being forced to choose between the US and China, governments should work together to make the necessary investments to build physical infrastructure and develop digital platforms and services that serve their people and the planet, instead of the dominant geopolitical forces.

We lay out a series of policy proposals that envision a wholly different vision for digital technology — one that returns power to governments and their citizens outside the United States and China, and that ensures technological development is reoriented toward public flourishing instead of maximizing the profits of tech companies and the power of the countries they’re headquartered in. Tech discourse often positions the government as an inherent threat to people’s rights, while far too often letting corporations off the hook. But if we’re ever to seriously challenge the power of major tech companies, the power of government will need to play an essential role.

Our proposal is an ambitious one — and a radical one as well. But given the circumstances, it’s time to be bold..."


#DigitalSovereignty #BigTech #SiliconValley #Imperialism

When Silicon Valley says “jump!” Ireland asks “How high, daddy?”

#Ireland #SiliconValley #digitalImperialism #institutionalCorruption #climateCrisis #climateChange #BigTech #DataCentres https://mastodon.green/@gerrymcgovern/113559988974673492

...and the rest are incapable of writing even the simplest report... 😎

"Last week, a tweet by Stanford researcher Yegor Denisov-Blanch went viral within #SiliconValley. “We have data on the performance of >50k engineers from 100s of companies,” he tweeted. “~9.5% of software engineers do virtually nothing: Ghost Engineers.”"

Are Overemployed ‘#GhostEngineers’ Making Six Figures to Do Nothing?
https://www.404media.co/are-overemployed-ghost-engineers-making-six-figures-to-do-nothing/ #TechIndustry #Engineers #BullshitJobs

"A lot of the money and people in such places come from Silicon Valley. Consider Próspera, a private town in Honduras, financed in part by funds backed by Andreessen, Thiel and Sam Altman. Here businesses can create their own bespoke regulatory frameworks, entrepreneurs can run wacky medical trials free from Food and Drug Administration standards and citizens are protected from crime (though presumably not the white-collar kind) by a private firm of armed guards. Its goal says it all: “building the future of human governance: privately run and for-profit”.

That might well be the Trump administration’s mantra, too. But investors should remember that techno-libertarianism often peaks before a fall. In 2006, Richard Haass, a former George W Bush state department official, wrote a piece arguing for corporations to be elevated to near nation state status. Companies such as Microsoft and Goldman Sachs had a role to play in “regional and global deliberations”, as the “near monopoly power” of states was eroded.

The great financial crisis made that notion both passé and politically toxic, at least for a time. Now, we are about to see what private monopoly power in the guise of government looks like. I wonder how long the dream — or perhaps nightmare — will last before the world once again wakes up."


#USA #Trump #TechnoLibertarianism #Libertarianism #Privatopia #SiliconValley #Monopolies

"With Trump’s promise to ramp up mass deportation beyond what he attempted in his last term, and this cohort of loyalists at the fore, expect to see a renewed gold rush in dubious AI-enabled surveillance tech and database systems for tracking migrant workers and dissenters. Palantir was given contracts to handle such work during the last Trump term, Oracle has been helping the Trump team assemble databases of government workers loyal to Trump (presumably to spare in a coming purge), and Musk has already called for Luckey to meet with the White House. In sum, with a rise in Sinophobia, the US invested in wars in two theaters, and promises to execute historic mass deportation, expect the boom that has already begun in defense tech to continue, and an invigorated interest in surveillance and administrative AI—and for the men who most loudly backed Trump’s campaign to benefit.

All of the above will accelerate a trend that had already been underway; big tech companies more aggressively and openly pursuing defense department contracts, and work with agencies their employees may once have deemed unethical, like ICE. As I noted after the election, for many Silicon Valley elites, the days of taking employees’ ethical concerns and protests into account are fading happily into the past. Big tech has been quick to fire dissenting workers already, and now there’s a more explicit authoritarian creep into the sector."


#USA #Trump #Oligopolies #Palantir #BigTech #SiliconValley #Musk #WarMachine

Billionaires don't want to pay taxes? Revoke their citizenship and passport!!

"Whatever its source, the broligarchs’ sense of their innate superiority has led many of them to positions on taxation quite similar to Trump’s. In 2016, the Republican presidential nominee bragged about avoiding tax payments for years—“That makes me smart,” he crowed from the debate stage. The broligarchs have quietly liberated themselves from one of the only certainties in life. As ProPublica reported in 2021, Musk paid zero federal income taxes in 2018 and a de facto tax rate of 3.3 percent from 2014 to 2018, during which his wealth grew $13.9 billion. Thiel used a government program intended to expand retirement savings by middle-class Americans to amass $5 billion in capital-gains income, completely tax-free. The Trump-friendly broligarchs’ political ascendancy turns the rallying cry of the Boston Tea Party on its head, achieving representation with minimal taxation.

In their hostility to taxation and regulation, the men who rule Wall Street and Silicon Valley resemble earlier generations of wealthy capitalists who enjoyed outsize influence on American politics. Even some tech barons who supported Kamala Harris clamored for the firing of Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan, who favors vigorous antitrust enforcement. But the broligarchs are distinct from old-school American oligarchs in one key respect: Their political vision seeks to undermine the nation-state system globally. Musk, among others, has set his sights on the privatization and colonization of space with little or no government involvement. Thiel and Andreessen have invested heavily in creating alternatives to the nation-state here on Earth, including libertarian colonies with minimal taxation."


#USA #Trump #Musk #Billionaires #BigTech #SiliconValley

🔍 Attention Mastadon ! Check out this new News article I wrote on GitHub called HARRIS, released by mi6paulino. It contains IHEARTRADIO DOCUMENTS for semantic review of me deciphering the trends of Media Spending leading up to #electionday Give it a read and let us know your findings! https://github.com/mi6paulino/20R00mz/tree/main/HARRIS%20 #HarrisWalz #news #github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #news #iheartradio #fcc #securedrop #freedomofpress

Bizarrely brilliant! Did you know that some species of jellyfish are IMMORTAL?! The Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the "immortal jellyfish", can transform its body into a younger state through a process called transdifferentiation, essentially making it immune to aging! #ImmortalJellyfish #BiologicalMiracle
#github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #llama #meta #gemini #charity # #philanthropy #

🚨 Attention: Do you have any confidential documents or inside information that you'd like to share with us? We assure you that your identity will remain anonymous. Please send your tips or stories to our email address mikez_petm@yahoo.com. Together, we can uncover the truth and expose wrongdoings.#ExposeTheTruth #LeakedDocuments #AnonymousSources #ProtectYourIdentity #InvestigativeJournalism #github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #michaelpaulino #michaelpaulinostudios

In the era of connected everything, embedded designers face complexities with diverse comm techs & standards. Adding security to internal & external comms, without extra power, is crucial for IoT/sensor apps. Microchip's hardware, tools, boards & devices simplify connectivity & offer reliable security solutions. (#EmbeddedDesign #huggingface
#github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #llama ##michaelpaulino #michaelpaulinostudios

Did you know that the human brain contains more than 100 billion neurons, enough to fill a stadium 10 times over? Or that the largest structure in the universe is a supercluster of galaxies, spanning over 10 billion light-years? These mind-blowing facts remind us of the vastness and complexity of the universe! #MindBlowingFacts #Universe #Brain #github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #llama #michaelpaulino #michaelpaulinostudios

Did you know that the CERN Collider is not just a scientific marvel, but also an engineering feat? The collider's 27 km tunnel is so long that it could circle the Earth three times, and the magnets that guide the particles are so strong that they could lift a Boeing 747! #CERN #Collider #EngineeringFeat #github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #llama #meta #gemini #charity # #philanthropy #michaelpaulino #michaelpaulinostudios

Cybercrime is a growing threat in our increasingly digital world. Cybercronals, or organized criminal gangs operating in the digital realm, are becoming more sophisticated in their methods and causing significant damage. Let's prioritize cybersecurity and work together to combat cybercrime and protect our digital infrastructure. #Cybercrime #Cybersecurity ##github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #michaelpaulino #michaelpaulinostudios

"FOIA, or the Freedom of Information Act, is a critical tool for transparency and accountability in government. It allows citizens to request access to previously unreleased information. Let's protect and strengthen FOIA to ensure that the public has access to the information they need to hold their elected officials accountable. #FOIA #github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #llama #meta #michaelpaulino #michaelpaulinostudios

"Quantum physics and social media might seem like two worlds apart, but both challenge the way we perceive reality. Just as quantum particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, our online personas allow us to present different versions of ourselves to different audiences. The question is, which one is the 'real' #quantumthoughts #socialmediaphilosophy #identityintransition ##github mastadon #microsoft #siliconvalley #foia #journalism #nyc #boston #nft #digitalart #google #llm #nyc