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Beiträge, die mit altText getaggt sind

It might be worth pointing out that not only people with visual and/or auditory impairments benefit from #AltText. It can be useful in many other ways, too.

To me, as an #autistic person whose perception and information processing work in quite different ways, it is not always clear what the point of an image is. Some good alt text can help a lot.

Some clarifying background info in alt text can also be very useful for the general public (which helps to normalise the use of alt text).

Your thoughts, please...

How can we advocate for more #AltText on #Pixelfed ? I see so many obvious #Instagram migrants there, posting lots of images without AltText. For me, it's especially frustrating when I see comic strip panels with tiny text in the balloons, that I can't even read when zoomed on my phone.

I've politely mentioned it a few times privately to those accounts that most need it, and left one AltText suggestion in one comment, but I don't think the community there feels about it as strongly as we do here on #Mastodon .

What can we do to encourage it there, also?

Alt-Text Selfies



#AltText TAGESSPIEGEL ABO [Photography mit 7 Windräder im unter wolkig blauem Himmel. Im Vordergrund ist ein gelber Kran mit der Errichtung eines achten Windrads befasst.] dpa/Jens Büttner Windkraft-Ausbau auf Rekordniveau Kein anderes EU-Land baut so viele neue Windräder wie Deutschland Deutschland ist Musterschüler beim Windkraftausbau, doch europaweit bleibt das Wachstum hinter den Erwartungen. Der Verband WindEurope zeigt die Probleme auf. Heute, 11:30 Uhr @hart

Woop woop!

I just manadged to get a shot of polar stratospheric clouds from my balcony right now. They are very rare where I live (a bit to far south).

Lucky me 🧡 💜 💙 💚 💛

Read #AltText for image description.
A dark silhouette of a roog top with three chimneys on and above the blue and a bit cloudy sky at dusk. There are four small stripes of polar stratospheric clouds near the roof. The one to the left, a bit higher up than the rest of them.

Forest Creatures on the Move in the Mist.

The two photographs are made with in-camera double exposures.

Read #AltText for descriptions of the photos.
Another vertical image of trees in the misty forest. It is mostly pine trees but there is one small deciduous tree to the left. The soil is covered in lichens, moss and some fallen down branches. At the center of the photo stands a big and old deciduous tree that ends with two big brances aboute two thirds up, and those big branches looks like curved horns like an antelope have. The image is black and white.
A vertical image of pine trees in a misty forest. A bit to the left one of the pines have grown a bit curly and makes it look like some sort of creature with long hair standing up and are reaching out with one of its arms. Most of the trees have old and crakced bark, but one pine to the left has lost some of its bark, perhaps made of a woodpeckers work. The soil is filled with lingonberry twigs and moss. It is a photo with dull and pale colours due to the mist.

Fascinated by Northern flickers since I 1st learned they exist. The spot pattern on their chest (not seen here) looks JUST like the holes they make in trees! Remarkable coloring & that shock of red! Was lucky to catch this beauty drinking from the Iowa River in 2023.

#StormHour #wildlife #Phototgraphy #AltText
Photograph of a northern flicker standing on a bark-less dead tree branch that is partially submerged in dark brown water. The flicker is facing away from the camera and has turned its head to the right in profile leaving one eye visible. The flicker has a water droplet running down its beak indicating it has just taken a drink. Flickers have brown back and tail feathers with black barring and scalloping, yellow undertail and underwing feathers, light brown abdomen and chest feathers with black spotting, a prominent black bib, tan neck and face feathers, gray head feathers with a vivid red crescent across the back of the head, a long black patch next to the beak, a slightly curved black beak, and gray legs and feet.

Silent Sunday

Read #AltText for image description.
A close-up of a withered flower most likely from a wild carrot, dausus carota. The flower is filled with frost and has a shape simillar to a basket. The background is blurry and smooth with no texture and changes colours from warm to cold.

Via https://thecatapi.com
#Bot #CatsOfMastodon #Catstodon #Cat #Caturday #AltText
A group of seven tiny kittens with spotted coats are cuddled together on a light blue towel inside a cardboard box. They appear to be sleeping closely, forming a cluster with their eyes closed.

Ibland är en på rätt plats och tid, kvällens solnedgång som varade i ungefär 5 minuter.

Läs #AltText för bildbeskrivning
En vy över en vik med is i solnedgången. Himlen glöder i rosarött på undersidan av molnen som speglar sig i de blanka fläckarna på isen. Vid horisonten syns skogen på andra sidan vattnet  och där emellan en liten ö med några träd i mitten. Till vänster syns skogen och även till höger.

Icicles in a row

Read #AltText for image description
A close-up of nine icicles in a row. They are a bit reasonably smooth at the top but very lumpy and bubbly at the bottom, and looks like they where made of glass. It is a high contrast image.

Ich finde ja, zu Medienkompetenz gehört auch, Sharepics in sozialen Netzwerken mit #alttext zu versehen...😉

ich bin auch entsetzt!

Ich kann euren post leider nicht boosten, weil der #AltText fehlt. Denkt bitte in Zukunft dran.

the official Palestinian BDS movement updated their list recently. since @pupchester posted this one in image form but couldn't fit the #AltText due to character limitations of their instance, I'm reposting it with his own transcription as the Alt Text, posted originally on these two toots:

1. https://4bear.com/@pupchester/113977301685245656
2. https://4bear.com/@pupchester/113977305039959312

#BDS #BoycottIsrael #Palestine
"Boycott these companies now for their complicity in Israel's occupation, apartheid and genocide against Palestinians.

Priority boycott targets of the BDS movement: Chevron, Caltex, Texaco, Intel, Dell, Siemens, HP, Carrefour, AXA, sodastream, Disney+, RE/MAX;

Pressure targets (lobbying, social pressure, etc - check their website for more specifications): Google, Amazon, Airbnb, Expedia, Booking.com, Teva;

Organic targets (not started by the BDS committee but supported): McDonald's, Burger King, Coca Cola, Papa John's, Pizza Hut, Wix"

Abstract ice in a puddle

Read #AltText for image description
A detail of ice in a puddle with abstract patterns, almost as if there were to hang fabric or strips of paper on the diagonal from the upper left side down towards the right. A bit to the right is a shape of a heart uppside down with a airbubble at the top. A lot of tiny air bubbles at the low right end. The surface of the ice almost looks like some sort of metal being polished.

Slumber I & II

Read #AltText for image descriptions

Two almost simillar black and white images of mossy rocks in the forest from todays stroll. In-camera double exposures to make the "faces" pop out.
Some mossy rocks to the right and a couple to the left a branch is hanging down in front of the rocks to the left. There is a bit brighter light out of focus on parts of the moss.
This photo is a bit closer look at the mossy rocks that where on the right in the first image, and with a little bit different angle that makes the rock look like a big face.

Posts mit Fotos ohne #AltText häufen sich gerade in meiner tl.
Das soll eine freundliche Erinnerung sein!

Saturday 8th February

Demonstrate your support for Brithdir Mawr Housing Co-operative, say #RadicalRoutes

This 30 year old #Pembrokeshire land working community is under threat - their new landlord intends to evict them.

The community are now refusing to leave their homes, which they have sustainably renovated and cared for over decades.

Brithdir Mawr, Cilgeyn Road, Newport SA42 0QJ



Full details in image #AltText


Brithdir Mawr Housing Co-operative's (BMHC) new landlord intends to evict them...

and start a "healing retreat centre" here instead.

BMHC are committed to the land, peacefully staying in their home (operating within the law).

They want to work with their new landlord and find a way to share the land.












Britodin Mawr
Photograph by Dimitris Legakis from Guardian article at https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/feb/01/this-is-sacred-land-an-off-grid-wales-community-battles-to-keep-their-home

Photo shows stone house in countryside, with  community members in front

Guardian article is headed: "Ethical and green living - This is sacred land': an off-grid Wales community battles to keep their home

Legal action has begun to remove the tenants after the 80-acre site was sold to be turned into a healing retreat.

The community: Billy, Nick Ward, Will Cooke, Ann, Sally, Paul French, Rosie Gillam and Esme Darling

Cold & blue

Read #AltText for description of the photo.
Two icicles haning on a branch over a brook. One of them is in front of the other and they look like a pair of boots. Some light is shining throuh them and make them look like they where made of glass.

Folks, look at alt text not as a thankless burden imposed by others on you, but an engagement engine that will consistently bring grateful content consumers to your doorstep.

The power is yours. #alttext #accessibility

How do I get notifications or some other way to nudge me to write alt text when I create a post on Pixelfed?

I am prone to forgetting, unfortunately. Most of my pictures posted on Mastodon have alt text since there is a bot that reminds me to do it whenever I forget.

#alttext #pixelfed #accessibility

is there a description generator for #alttext that can you use by the end user for any image - again not the original poster of an image but for an end user.... whether social media or news images?

Walked to the pond this morning. Very solidly frozen. The dam waterfall was extraordinary with fantastical ice formations. What do you see? Mushrooms? Coral? Flowstone? A lobster tail? Cracked open geode?
See #AltText for better descriptions.
Anyone understand #Ice formation?
What is this!? Where the water emerges from the dam and flows across the rock wall, it has formed a clear ice structure that looks like a segmented carapace of an arthropod. There are three of these large, about a meter, curved structures. One has formed against the rock dam wall. A second is lower and has formed over a large rock that fell from the wall and leans against it. And the third is across from the later and curved away from the dam. Each “segment” in the larger structure is about 8-10 cm tall and nestles into the segment below it, which sticks out beyond. They are weird and wonderful and ephemeral and I’d love to understand how they form. Some kind of freeze thaw with gravity process and water coming from above?
Looking down from the top of the dam into the ice pile formed from the flowing water. While the outer surface of the ice is smooth and slightly yellowish, the inner part where the water splatters is a delicate crystal matrix. It looks like a cut open geode. The wet rocks of the stream bed are seen through this crystal lined opening.
Side view of the dam from above. The north wall of the dam stretches into the forest and you can see a little of the pond through the gap where the stream has eroded the wall. Below this, the flowing water has created a luminous pile of lumpy ice.
The dam waterfall viewed from a small bridge downstream. The dam is made of stacked dry stone but is falling apart at the point the water flows over. Streams of water are emerging through the stones to create the stream. It has been very cold for about a week so the water coming through the dam has frozen into a large lumpy smooth pile with a yellowish cast due to tannin in the water. It looks like a clump of just emerging mushrooms or coral. Beyond the dam is blue sky and forest and some bare trees are growing from the dam wall.

FYI the #altText is incomplete: ‘When the Atheists are backing the bishop that speaks like Jesus and the "Christians" want her hung, you know something's up.’

Gentle Reminder About Alt-Text :mastodon:

Remember FediFriends that alt-text actually has a function and should be describing the media you are including in your post.

Please refrain from just writing "image" or "gif" or anything similar (yes I have seen this regularly, and worse).

It's okay if the description is short,
but please write what the media actually represents. For example: "Photo of a tabby cat sitting on a couch."

This is important for accessibility 💚

Here's how to add alt-text to your posts: https://infosec.exchange/@Em0nM4stodon/109323425237412179

#Mastodon #AltText #Accessibility

As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.

#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology

From #claypit to #pottery. I use commercial #clay to make my forms and I use #wildclay to decorate the surfaces. Check the photo #alttext for details.
Clay mine in Ocala, Florida. A steep, exposed cliff face with stratified layers of reddish and tan clay soil, indicating excavation. At the base, there is stagnant water with a yellowish tint, surrounded by mounds of loose earth. Sparse vegetation, including trees, is visible at the top of the cliff against a clear blue sky.
A close-up image of my hand holding a clump of reddish-brown clay or soil, showcasing its moist and compact texture. The background is blurred with similar earth tones of clay.
A lump of moist, tan clay (the same clay from the mine) next to an oval test tile showing what that same clay looks like when turned to terra sigillata,  brushed on top of commercial clay and fired to cone 5 (over 2100°F). The tile is a rich, brownish-orange color and has a cracked surface texture, kind of like aged leather.
A closeup of the upper half of a vase I made. The neck flares out at an angle and is painted with the brownish-red crackle clay. The vase is decorated with geometric patterns, diamonds, lines and dots. The other colors are shiny brown, light yellow and light blue-green.  The photo is a studio lit with a plain, black background.