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Beiträge, die mit GAS getaggt sind

Die #EU wird liebendgerne #Gas aus #Russland nehmen. So jedenfalls die #Wirtschaft im EU-Raum. Auch so manche #Energieversorger würden wieder russisches Gas für #Strom und #Wärme nehmen. Das es im Vergleich zu #Erneuerbaren #Energien teurer ist, das fällt stillschweigend unter den Teppich. Denn es würde #Frieden für die #Ukraine bedeuten.

Sorry, wer erpresst hier wen?

Was mir grad noch zur #Allianz einfällt, deren CEO #OliverBäte jetzt so engagiert für "Leistungskürzungen im Sozialbereich" wirbt:
"Die Allianz versichert aktuell [im Mai 2024] ein belgisches Unternehmen mit, das in Europa #Gas - #Pipelines und #LNG -Terminals betreibt.
Über die Terminals gelangt auch russisches Gas nach Europa."

Menschenfeinde sind keine Freunde von #Frieden #Freiheit + #Demokratie !

Romania amid Rising Gas and Electricity Prices https://www.byteseu.com/676769/ #analysis #Electric #Energy #Event #Gas #industry #interview #magazine #Media #Metals #mining #oil #Opinion #power #print #Renewables #review #Romania #TECH
Romania amid Rising Gas and Electricity Prices

US-Präsident Trump will die Öl- und Gasproduktion massiv ausweiten. Das wird die Energiepreise auf dem Weltmarkt tendenziell dämpfen - und Deutschlands Abhängigkeit verschärfen. Von Detlev Landmesser.#Energie #Energiemarkt #Trump #Öl #Gas

Transnistrien und Moldau: Kein Gas mehr - mitten im Winter

Teile von Moldau und das abtrünnige Transnistrien leiden unter einem massiven Energiemangel. Russland liefert kein Gas mehr, und die Ukraine hat den Transport russischen Gases eingestellt. Wie leben die Menschen damit? Von B. Blaschke.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/transnistrien-ukraine-russland-gas-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Ukraine #Transnistrien #Russland #GAS

The Mount Vernon News was family owned from 1939 until it was sold in 2020 to a “pink slime” media company with ties to conservative billionaires. Then it began publishing one-sided articles that make dubious claims about solar power.

(Published Oct. 2024)

#News #Oil #Gas #FossilFuels #Solar #Energy #Billionaires #Journalism

#Ukraine to end transit of russian #gas into #Europe

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country would not allow russia to "earn additional billions on our blood" and had given the EU a year to prepare.

russian gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine are to end on Wednesday, when a five-year deal between Ukraine's gas transit operator Naftogaz and russia's gazprom expires.


Largest Ever Physical Solar Offtake Agreement in Romania https://www.byteseu.com/609319/ #analysis #Electric #Energy #Event #Gas #industry #interview #magazine #Media #Metals #mining #oil #Opinion #power #print #Renewables #review #Romania #TECH

🇺🇦 pushed back 🇷🇺 in #Kruglennoye

🇺🇦 killed/wounded 2,010 🇷🇺 troops

🇷🇺 made nominal advances along the #Donetsk front

Fire at a #gas station in #Grozny

🇺🇦 struck 🇷🇺 Druzhba #oil pipeline in #Bryansk

🇺🇸 announced a new military support package for 🇺🇦 worth $2.5 billion, including the delivery of 100,000s of artillery rounds, 1,000s of rockets, and 100s of armoured vehicles

🇺🇦 FM is in #Damascus, #Syria to restore diplomatic relations

Since Feb 2022, 🇺🇦 destroyed 20,000 🇷🇺 APVs

1 USD 🇺🇸 = 111,93 RUB 🇷🇺

Hey folks. Shit news but we all knew it was coming. Caval ridge, Lake Vermont, and Boggabri have all been approved just now #fossilfuels #coal #gas #auspol #energy #corporategreed #money #australia
A list of the new coal approvals (listed above)

#Blog #Liander krijgt 54%
#Energie #Gas #Elektriciteit #Vastrecht #Belasting

Just Stop Oil activist jailed for six months for taking part in slow march

Stephen Gingell, 57, thought to be first to receive prison sentence under new Public Order Act

by Damien Gayle
Fri 15 Dec 2023

"A #ClimateActivist has been jailed for six months after pleading guilty to taking part in a peaceful #SlowMarch protest on a London road.

"The sentence handed to Stephen Gingell, 57, is thought to be the first jailing under a new law that critics say makes anyone walking in a road liable for prosecution for 'interference with key national infrastructure'.

"#Section7 of the #PublicOrderAct2023 bans any act that prevents newspaper printing presses, power plants, #oil and #gas extraction or distribution sites, #harbours, #airports, #railways or #roads 'from being used or operated to any extent', with a potential penalty of 12 months in jail.

"Gingell, a father of three from #Manchester, was one of about 40 supporters of #JustStopOil who spent about 30 minutes marching on #HollowayRoad in north #London at about 4pm on 12 November, the climate campaign group said.

"He pleaded guilty to breach of section 7 at a hearing that same month at Wimbledon magistrates court. On Thursday, his case was transferred to Manchester magistrates court, where he was sentenced to six months.

"Just Stop Oil has been campaigning since 2022 for the UK government to stop all new fossil fuel production. The campaign’s 'guerrilla tactics' were cited by the Home Office when it introduced the Public Order Act’s tough new #AntiProtest measures to parliament.

"Police began using section 7 to tackle Just Stop Oil’s protests at the end of October, arresting 60 people taking part in a march in Parliament Square. In a campaign of slow march protests carried out by the group between then and 4 December, 470 of the group’s supporters were arrested 630 times, with about half of those arrests under the new law.

"A spokesperson for the campaign said: 'Section 7 of the Public Order Act 2023, a law drafted by the #FossilFuel lobby, was introduced in April by Priti Patel, and covers ‘interference with the use or operation of key national infrastructure’. It seems this government has now made walking down the road, walking on the public highway an illegal act that is worthy of imprisonment.

"'How many fathers will be imprisoned before those planning to kill us are stopped? New oil and gas will see millions upon millions lose their homes, livelihoods and lives. Protected by the government, by failed politicians, by the police, those committing genocide continue to walk free, those protesting the killings are banged up. Whose side are you on?'

"The human rights organisation Liberty criticised Gingell’s sentencing. Katy Watts, a lawyer at Liberty, said: “It is shocking to see such harsh sentences handed down to protesters. This is yet another unnecessary and draconian law introduced by a government that is hell-bent on discouraging people from standing up for what they believe in. It is a clear attempt to silence people and for the government to hide from all accountability.

"Protest is a fundamental right, not a gift from the state. Government should be protecting our right to protest, not criminalising it.'"

#BigOilAndGas #WaterProtectors #DirectAction #CriminalizingDissent #DefendTheForest #EnvironmentalActivists #ClimateActivists #ClimateJustice #ACAB #Fascism #SilencingDissent #CorporateColonialism #EcoActivists #Censorship #HumanRightsViolations #Article20 #AbolishTheMonarchy #RightToProtest

Ora che il leader siriano Bashar al-#Assad, è fuggito in #Russia, il progetto della mega infrastruttura del #gasdotto #Qatar-#Turchia potrebbe essere rilanciato.

Il progetto, respinto nel 2009 da Bashar al-Assad, per proteggere gli interessi della #Russia, paese alleato, che era allora il principale fornitore di gas naturale in #Europa, porterebbe a un importante sviluppo del mercato: i mercati dell'#UnioneEuropea potrebbero ricevere #gas #qatariota in condotta..1/2👇

https://www.europesays.com/1669183/ 48 detained in crackdown on pro-EU protests in Georgia – POLITICO #elections #ElectionsInEurope #europe #gas #Georgia #media #Russia #Ukraine
48 detained in crackdown on pro-EU protests in Georgia – POLITICO

48 detained in crackdown on pro-EU protests in Georgia – POLITICO https://www.byteseu.com/538310/ #Elections #ElectionsInEurope #Europe #Gas #Georgia #Media #Russia #Ukraine
48 detained in crackdown on pro-EU protests in Georgia – POLITICO

I knew Klee's grandmother, #RobertaBlackgoat -- and supported her with #MutualAid and telling her side of the story in the early days of the web. Rest in Power, Klee!
💔 :anarchoheart2:

#KleeBenally 'Carry On'

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, April 9, 2024

"Klee, discussing resource extraction, and how the #NavajoTribalCouncil was created to sign #oil and #gas leases, quotes our friend, the gentle, soft-spoken farmer from Shiprock, who received his doctorate degree before passing, Larry Emerson.

"'There is no point in trying to #decolonize the Navajo government -- it was not right for us from the start. Its structure and process is a replica of the American system, and the American system appears to be edging toward the possibility of failure like the great #RomanEmpire.'

"Writing on these monsters, oil and gas extraction, and coal mining, Klee quotes #LouiseBenally of #BigMountain, his aunt, whose family spent their lives resisting coal mining, #ForcedRelocation, and the machinery of the tribal government.

"Louise said, 'The natural laws and the Indigenous Peoples were already here in a good relationship before the coming of the #colonial society who draws laws and boundaries. However, we #IndigenousPeoples will always have ties with these lands, we will continue to live that way with #nature and we will carry on.'

"Klee shares the words of his grandmother, Roberta Blackgoat, who never gave up the fight. 'The Coal they strip mine is the Earth's liver."
Although many have passed, and too many have died from broken hearts, there are those who live on, carry on.

"Klee writes, 'The remaining resisters to forced relocation have outlived the monster that was consuming our lands, stealing our water, and polluting our lungs.'

"Before passing, Klee described the monsters, the rage against the machine, and the ways of restoring balance and harmony. Klee Benally's book, 'No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in the Defense of the Sacred,' can be ordered at: https://detritusbooks.com/products/no-spiritual-surrender-indigenous-anarchy-in-defense-of-the-sacred
at April 09, 2024


#PeabodyCoal #BigMountainResistance #LandBack #LandBackNow #IndigenousPeoples #Dineh #NoUraniumMining #DefendTheSacred #EnvironmentalRacism #CulturalGenocide #Colonialism #CorporateColonialism #BigOilAndGas #RageAgainstTheMachine #IndigenousAnarchy #EarthDefenders #WaterIsLife

BlackRock’s Fink Calls For Energy Pragmatism, Omits ESG From Annual Letter

“I’m hearing more leaders talk about decarbonization and energy security together under the joint banner of what you might call ‘energy pragmatism.’ Last year ... I spent a lot of time talking to the people who are responsible for powering homes and businesses, everybody from prime ministers to energy grid operators. The message I heard was completely opposite to what you often hear from activists on the far left and right, who say that countries have to choose between renewables and oil and gas. These leaders believe that the world still needs both. They were far more pragmatic about energy than dogmatic. Even the most climate conscious among them saw that their long-term path to decarbonization will include hydrocarbons, albeit it less of them, for some time to come.”

“Or look at Texas. They face a similar energy challenge – not because of Russia but because of the economy. The state is one of the fastest growing in the U.S., and the additional demand for power is stretching ERCOT, Texas’ energy grid, to the limit.

Today, Texas runs on 28% renewable energy – 6% more than the U.S. as a whole. But without an additional 10 gigawatts of dispatchable power, which might need to come partially from natural gas, the state could continue to suffer devastating brownouts. In February, BlackRock helped convene a summit of investors and policymakers in Houston to help find a solution.”

“The energy market isn’t divided the way some people think, with a hard split between oil & gas producers on one side and new clean power and climate tech firms on the other. Many companies, like Occidental, do both, which is a major reason BlackRock has never supported divesting from traditional energy firms. They’re pioneers of decarbonization, too... We invest in these energy companies for one simple reason: It’s our clients’ money. If they want to invest in hydrocarbons, we give them every opportunity to do it – the same way we invest roughly $138 billion in energy transition strategies for our clients. That’s part of being an asset manager. We follow our clients’ mandates.”

#oil #gas #naturalgas #energy #energycrisis #money #investments #BlackRock #decarbonization #renewableenergy #ESG #Western #deepstate #fail #blameRussia

Azerbaijan’s 🇦🇿 state #oil & #gas company is planning to increase new production of #FossilFuels at the same time as Baku pushes other countries for climate action as host of the UN #COP29 summit starting this week, new analysis shows https://buff.ly/3YM10Ls

The European Parliament’s environment committee wants the EU 🇪🇺 to push for more major economies & polluters to contribute to a global climate adaptation fund at the #COP29 summit next month, but showed little bite when it comes to exiting #oil & #gas https://buff.ly/4eUK0th

Extended write up of our latest report: 'Petrostates of Decline' in FT Energy Source, explaining how the #EnergyTransition & declining #oil & #gas revenues 📉 will hit vulnerable #petrostate economies https://www.ft.com/content/4b1c8ecc-c4be-4194-8d08-cfa856001b7b #COP28

Woodside faces Indigenous legal challenge to seismic blasting at WA gas site https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/aug/18/woodside-faces-indigenous-legal-challenge-to-seismic-blasting-at-wa-gas-site Traditional owner alleges company failed to adequately consult on effect of Scarborough project blasting on sea country. #auslaw #auspol #IndigenousIP #UNDRIP #gas

One thing we know for sure: building and widening highways always succeeds in helping sell more cars, gas and suburban sprawl; burning more public budgets; and increasing GHG emissions. So if those are your goals, it’s the perfect thing to do.

Just don’t expect it to reduce traffic.

Pic/cartoon: André Philippe Côté

#climatechange #Nature #climate #development #gasemissions #cars #car #planet #biodiversity #people #Science #study #photo #ClimateEmergency #climatejustice #Photography #gas #oil
Many cars. Highway. Cartoon: - Can't wait for the road to be widened! 
- Finally!