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Beiträge, die mit IMPERIALISM getaggt sind

The long history of land-thieving war criminal #Netanyahu’s & US neocons' campaign for emasculation of #Syria. https://johnmenadue.com/how-the-us-and-israel-destroyed-syria-and-called-it-peace/ #fascism #imperialism

“Terrorist Organization” Means Whatever The US Wants It To Mean – Caitlin Johnstone


> "The US government is simultaneously (A) preparing to remove from its list of designated terrorist organizations the group which led the charge to oust Bashar al-Assad in Syria and (B) justifying Israel’s land grab in Syria by saying the nation has been taken over by terrorists."

#Imperialism #USA #Terrorism #HTS #Israel #Genocide #Syria
picture of a US politician speaking. There's a US flag and another flag with some North American seal. I judge his looks to be deceptive, like having no remorse to do whatever it takes to stay in power, or to gain more, be it his own or USA's, although I suspect his own is in a much higher priority.

#RichardMedhurst is back with his latest stream unpacking the fog of war in #Syria and what it means for the struggle against #ZIonism and #USA #imperialism .


#Iran #Israel #terrorism #AlQaeda #HTS #Damascus #CeasarSanctions #alJolani

Rise up, fallen fighters
Rise and take your stance again
'Tis he who fight and run away
Live to fight another day
. . .

As a man sow, shall he reap
And I know that talk is cheap
But the hotter the battle
Ah, the sweeter Jah victory.


#Gaza #Palestine #Genocide #antiwar #peace #imperialism #riseup #Syria #Lebanon #Africa #Sudan #Congo #Haiti #SouthKorea #Georgia

US/Israel regime change "logic" -
Islamist Salafis in Syria = good, free the civilians.
Hamas = exterminate, and all civilians as well.
The US and #Israel are scum.
Meanwhile, land thief Israel moves its criminal troops into Syria wanting to shift the border already.

Additionally, with Assad out of the way, supplies to the resistance in Lebanon can be cut off, meaning criminal #Israel has less resistance to its putrid land thieving goals in South Lebanon.

'The United States spent billions over years arming and training militants in #Syria, many linked to Al-Qaeda and #ISIS. The extremist "rebels" who took over #Aleppo (and rule #Idlib) said they "love #Israel". Ben Norton documents the Western dirty war on Syria, and how Washington is trying to divide and conquer the anti-colonial Axis of Resistance in West Asia (the Middle East).'

#US #imperialism #AlQaeda #Nusra #CIA #NATO #AxisOfResistance #Iran #Russia


Gerald Horne The Rise and Fall of the Associated Negro Press & Russophobia, Black/Red Scare and more


#imperialism #racism #racism #anticapitalisme #anticapitalism
#free #freepress #media #reds #socialism

I think the abstract of the white paper is better presented than this summary in the sense that it clarifies that Public != Government and Public != State. As a citizen of a country who, for almost 50 years, had a political police for surveilling common people, I'm very unease with the concept of sovereignty. And while I'm not a full-fledged anarchist, I see myself very much as a libertarian communist. As such, I give much importance to the concept of democratic deliberation throughout all social sectors. At the same time, there's no solution to capitalism that doesn't include a stronger internationalism.

"In a new white paper I co-authored with Cecilia Rikap, Cédric Durand, Edemilson Paraná, and Paolo Gerbaudo, we make the case that countries have another option. Instead of being forced to choose between the US and China, governments should work together to make the necessary investments to build physical infrastructure and develop digital platforms and services that serve their people and the planet, instead of the dominant geopolitical forces.

We lay out a series of policy proposals that envision a wholly different vision for digital technology — one that returns power to governments and their citizens outside the United States and China, and that ensures technological development is reoriented toward public flourishing instead of maximizing the profits of tech companies and the power of the countries they’re headquartered in. Tech discourse often positions the government as an inherent threat to people’s rights, while far too often letting corporations off the hook. But if we’re ever to seriously challenge the power of major tech companies, the power of government will need to play an essential role.

Our proposal is an ambitious one — and a radical one as well. But given the circumstances, it’s time to be bold..."


#DigitalSovereignty #BigTech #SiliconValley #Imperialism

Yesterday in Labor History, November 29, 2023: Mass murderer and War Criminal Henry Kissinger is finally dead!

He won the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Lê Đức Thọ, for their work in orchestrating a ceasefire in the Vietnam War. Two Nobel Prize committee members resigned in protest. During his diplomatic career, Kissinger was involved in orchestrating and/or supporting the Chilean coup and Pinochet dictatorship (over 3,000 killed); the Argentine Dirty War (up to 30,000 killed); the Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh (3 million killed); and the Genocide in East Timor (up to 300,000 killed).

#kissinger #WarCrimes #genocide #HumanRights #imperialism #MassMurder #dictatorship #NobelPrize #vietnam #chile #EastTimor #bangladesh #argentina
Cartoon of Henry Kissinger, by Gary Huck. Reads: Crime of the Century. Henry Kissinger turns 100 without having paid for his many war crimes.

How more then a century ago, empires cut out the Middle East and paved the way to the dumpster fire of suffering and traumas we're witnessing.


#Imperialism #middleEast #foreverWars #history #RoyCasagranda #Palestine #Iran #Lebanon #Syria #Turkey #Irak #Jordan

"Western hypocrisy knows no bounds"


"France on #ICC arrest warrant for #Putin: No-one should escape justice"

"#France believes Israel's #Netanyahu has immunity from ICC arrest warrant"

#Palestine #Gaza #Westbank #Ukraine #UkraineWar ##Europr racism #colonialism #imperialism

'The #ICC has issued arrest warrants for #Israel PM #Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav #Gallant...

👉No such arrest warrants were issued for President #Biden or any of the other western officials which is a bit like a judge issuing a warrant for a #massmurder-er but not for the guy who gave him the gun; stood next to him handing him ammunition; drove the getaway car, and lied to the police...👈" -#CaitlinJohnstone

Today In #Imperialism Recklessness And Insanity

The United States has once again voted against a Security Council Resolution calling for a cease fire in the Middle East. There is an exception to the Unanimous Consent Clause of the United Nations Charter and the United States has violated that exception and what little International Law we have over sixty times in support of Israeli genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
America has been a party to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict since the 1920s when the United States and Great Britain decided to to create a modern Israeli State to curb Jewish extremist immigration to the USA and England. The United States of America has actively participated in this war and has supplied the 2000 pound bombs that have already killed tens of thousands of civilians. We have also actively engage in combat in this conflict. We are a party to this dispute.
Article 27 paragraph 3 states: Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members including the concurring votes of the permanent members; provided that, in decisions under Chapter VI, and under paragraph 3 of Article 52, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting. The United States and Great Britain must abstain.
As we have seen in the Middle East and in Eastern Europe it is impossible to end armed conflicts when a party to the dispute can block all UN action. It is time to put the question before the International Court of Justice and it is time to end Imperialism, end the war in the Middle East, and end the war in Ukraine.

#OurExistentialCrisis #NoMoreWar #UN #religion #globalwarming #gaza #ukraine #politics #imperialism

If for someone is not clear. Here we have the highest proof of a terrorist entity supported be the Big Power in front of a state that the Big Power and its allies call "terrorist". So, look at this and decide who is the terrorist and who has legitimate rights.
#imperialism #FuckTheUsa #Uspol #IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState #terrorism #israel
Jean-Pierre also reiterated the US argument that the ICC has no jurisdiction over Israeli officials because Israel is not a party to the court.

But the court has rejected that rationale, asserting that it has jurisdiction on the matter because Palestine — where the suspected crimes occurred — accepts the court’s authority.

"For Chomsky and Robinson, these claims are nonsense. Not only did the young American republic fulfill its Manifest Destiny by waging a genocidal campaign against the indigenous population, but it has since backed a bevy of brutal dictatorships, intervened to thwart democratic processes in many countries, and waged or backed wars that killed millions of people in Indochina, Latin America, and the Middle East, all while falsely claiming to be defending freedom, democracy, human rights, and other cherished ideals. U.S. officials are quick to condemn others when they violate international law, but they refuse to join the International Criminal Court, the Law of the Sea Treaty, and many other global conventions. Nor do they hesitate to violate the United Nations Charter themselves, as U.S. President Bill Clinton did when he went to war against Serbia in 1999 or as President George W. Bush did when he invaded Iraq in 2003. Even when undeniably evil acts are exposed—such as the My Lai massacre, the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, and the CIA’s torture program—it is low-level personnel who get punished while the architects of these policies remain respected members of the establishment.

The record of hypocrisy recounted by Chomsky and Robinson is sobering and convincing. No open-minded reader could absorb this book and continue to believe the pious rationales that U.S. leaders invoke to justify their bare-knuckled actions."


#USA #Imperialism #Idealism #ForeignPolicy #Chomsky #Warmongers

Is migration the answer to falling birth rates in rich countries, or as Paul Morland implies, just one further stage in imperial exploration of poorer countries?:

He notes 'the developed world routinely strips the developing world of its brightest and most dynamic people in what amounts to a post-colonial raid on those economies'...

The failure(s) to increase productivity are not only impact our economies, they are stripping others of workers.

#workers #imperialism


Anti-Communism Is A Fundamentalist Religion, Now Followed By Billions| Countercurrents

it is not the socialist revolution that provokes mass violence, but the bourgeois counter-revolution, that begins when capital realises that it is losing its property and power.

Beyond that, the picture was of a “triumphal procession of Soviet power” (this heading in Soviet textbooks was no accident). In the winter of 1917-1918 the relationship of forces saw half a million members of the workers’ militia, the Red Guard, pitted against a few tens of thousand White Guard members in the south of Russia. Everything was quiet until the counter-revolution received vast sums of money from the Triple Alliance (primarily from Germany) as well as from the Entente, and all these imperialist countries launched aggression against the young Soviet power.

And this applies to countless examples, all over the world, where the West first provoked and brutally antagonized socialist or communist countries, then accused them of cruelty, and finally “liberated” them in the name of freedom and democracy, literally raping the will of their people. All this just so European and North American imperialism would survive and thrive.

Ask the common men and women of the streets of London, Paris or New York, what they know about Stalin’s era, or the famines in the early years of the USSR, or in Communist China?

99.99% know nothing. Where these famines took place, or why? But they are absolutely certain that they took place. No doubts, whatsoever. No doubts that they happened “because of Communism”. Westerners are intellectually obedient, like sheep. Most of them do not question the propaganda unleashed by their regime. Are they really “free”?

The famine in the Soviet Union actually took place because the young revolutionary country was totally devastated by the Western and Japanese invasions, which tried to break and plunder the country. British, French, U.S., Czech, Polish, German, Japanese invasions, to name just a few.

But ask, for instance, the Czechs, how much they know about their Legions that controlled the Trans-Siberian railroad, on their way from Europe to Vladivostok. Plundering, rape, and mass killing. I tried. I asked, in Prague and Pilsen. They thought I was a lunatic. The Legions are portrayed as heroic, in their history books.

In both cases, Western propaganda made people believe that the real cause for the loss of lives in Russia and China was Communism! The brainwashing has been so successful, that even in Russia and China, millions of people have been fully indoctrinated by these countlessly repeated lies coming out of the West.

But ask in London, whether people know anything about the fact that under the British occupation of India, tens of millions of people died from starvation; victims of the famines triggered by London, for many reasons, one of them being an attempt to lower the population. Over 50 million Indian people, cumulatively, died in these famines, between 1769 to 1943, in British administered India.

Should we, as a result, ban the British political system? I am convinced that we should! But that is usually not what the people of the world, including the victims of the British colonialist barbarity, are demanding.

The goal of Western propaganda has always been to equate Communism and Fascism, the two most antagonistic systems in history, in the world. It was the Soviet Communist system, which smashed Nazism to pieces, saving the world, at an enormous cost of approximately 25 million human lives.

Only Western imperialism can be compared to German Nazism. The two are made of the same stuff.
#capitalism #imperialism #europe #Western #intervention #mccarthyism #anticommunism #anti-Russia #USSR #Stalin #bolsheviks #socialism #communism #soviet #russian #history #China

Anti-Communism Is A Fundamentalist Religion, Now Followed By Billions| Countercurrents — https://countercurrents.org/2020/06/anti-communism-is-a-fundamentalist-religion-now-followed-by-billions/

About American Great Economic Fail

The U.S. has wasted its entire blood and treasure on war. Imagine what the U.S. could have built with $14 trillion dollars? Where the U.S. could have been in relation to China for that amount? As someone else noted, the U.S. could have very well built its own “one belt and road” project for that money, connecting the world and reaping untold benefits.
#Western system is based on the actual institutionalized economic sabotage and subversion of the developing world.

#China #economy #compare with #USA as Golem #Israel #Mossad #vassalage #Pentagon #deepstate #MIC #banksters #capitalism #imperialism #military #american #money #investment in #debt #Bidenomics #US #finances is #fail

Ukrainian neo-Nazis in the service of capitalists

I confirm, everything the professor says is absolutely true, here in Ukraine, after the #Maidan 2014 government coup, the order and dictatorship of the oligarchs became like in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Only he does not mention President bloody confectioner #Poroshenko, who is responsible for shelling the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine (Donbass) from 2014 to 2019. It was because of Poroshenko bloodthirsty Russophobia that Zelensky won over 70% of the vote in the presidential election.
The presenter is a bit mistaken, there was no territory of Ukraine until the 20th century, for hundreds of years it was Malorossia ( #littleRussia ), with urban population predominantly Russian.

Give War a Chance: NATO and Neo-Nazis Want Ukraine Conflict to Go on Forever https://yewtu.be/watch?v=0C1O2WWqyPQ&t=17s #<a href=tags" title="#tags">

#USA #Pentagon #CIA #NSA #Gladio #NATO #EU #failstate #ukraine #oligarchy #corruption #anti-Russia #Donbass #ukrainian #nazi #neo-nazi #Zelensky minion of #Kolomoysky sponsor of #Right-Sector #Azov #Svoboda #fascism #zionism #anticommunism #USSR #history #Western #terrorism #mindmanipulation #propaganda #war #infowar #economicwar #capitalism #imperialism against #Russia again

February 20, 1933: At a meeting between Hitler and industrialists, campaign aid of three million Reichsmarks is demanded for the NSDAP and the Black-White-Red Campaign Front for the upcoming Reichstag elections.


Heute ist Dienstag, der 20. Februar 2024. KW 08.
Today is Sweetmorn, the 51st day of Chaos in the YOLD 3190.

Am 20. Februar 1933: Bei einem Treffen Hitlers mit Industriellen wird eine Wahlkampfhilfe in Höhe von drei Millionen Reichsmark für die NSDAP und die Kampffront Schwarz-Weiß-Rot für die kommende Reichstagswahl verlangt.
#history #germany #money #capitalism #imperialism #fascism

In Biden’s case today, these are the actions of a desperado, a war-loving bumbling puppet who is over or under or out of his head as he feigns outrage at the killing of three soldiers who were placed in a spot where their lives were at risk because they were cogs in an imperial war machine.

Pawns in the game. A very dangerous game in which the Zionists leaders of Israel are as desperate as Biden and whose secret operatives are no doubt plotting a desperate scheme to try to expand the war. Who is jerking whose chain may be questionable, but the dogs of war are barking.
#zionism #imperialism #deepstate #warmongers #fail in #war

The guardians of morality sometimes give voice, but it's a pity it's very rare.

Archbishop Viganò Denounces Globalist Elite’s ‘Coup d’état’ at National Congress: A Call for Resistance Against New World Order
We are now facing an epochal threat, in the form of a coup d’état perpetrated by the globalist elite. This coup d’état has only recently appeared in full evidence, but the rambling statements of the participants in the Davos Forum that has just ended are the result of a subversive project carried out for decades. A project that is based on lies, blackmail, and corruption.
Lies. All the reasons given by the globalist network to legitimize their action are false, or rather: they are false pretexts that deliberately hide other unmentionable reasons.

He is mistaken here about the unification of liberalism and communism, but otherwise his reasoning is correct.
#western #us #eu #globalists #corruption #lie #lies for #power of #capitalism #imperialism #deepstate #anti-humanity

Ukraine : les investisseurs-vautours planifient le dépeçage du pays

21 et 22 juin 2023. Baptisée « Conférence sur le redressement de l’Ukraine », la réunion qui s’est tenue à Londres a été l’occasion pour les gouvernements des pays membres de l’OTAN, leurs banques et leurs entreprises, de planifier leurs opérations de pillage néolibéral en Ukraine.
Les vautours tournoient et s’acharnent sur les ressources et l’économie ukrainienne dévastées par la guerre entre l’OTAN et la Russie. Ils préparent la captation des ressources énergétiques et la super-exploitation des classes dominées. L’Union européenne est dans les starting-blocks. Des milliards d’investissements juteux sont programmés. En notre nom ?!

Lire la suite à https://pardem.org/ukraine-les-investisseurs-vautours-planifient-le-depecage-du-pays
#failstate #ukraine is #money for #western #warmongers #blackrock #vanguard #deepstate #capitalism #imperialism #nato

The head of Lockheed-Martin is on the line:

"It makes no sense to keep Israel from a military operation. What is the point? In further developing our industrial complex, which should account for more than 2% of GDP. There are conflicts that need to be resolved with weapons - and we are ready to provide those weapons"

With regard to the war in Ukraine, a similar logic applies. And with regard to a future war in Taiwan, too.
#USA #us #warmongers #weapons for #war #capitalism #imperialism #Israel #ukraine

On artificial hunger

The waste of a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food per year is not only causing major economic losses but also wreaking significant harm on the natural resources that humanity relies upon to feed itself, says a new FAO report.

Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources is the first study to analyze the impacts of global food wastage from an environmental perspective, looking specifically at its consequences for the climate, water and land use, and biodiversity.

Among its key findings: Each year, food that is produced but not eaten guzzles up a volume of water equivalent to the annual flow of Russia's Volga River and is responsible for adding 3.3 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases to the planet's atmosphere.

And beyond its environmental impacts, the direct economic consequences to producers of food wastage (excluding fish and seafood) run to the tune of $750 billion annually, FAO's report estimates.

"All of us - farmers and fishers; food processors and supermarkets; local and national governments; individual consumers -- must make changes at every link of the human food chain to prevent food wastage from happening in the first place, and re-use or recycle it when we can't," said FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva.

"We simply cannot allow one-third of all the food we produce to go to waste or be lost because of inappropriate practices, when 870 million people go hungry every day," he added.


#western #economy #capitalism #imperialism #waste #food #poverty #hunger #un

How Fascism Serves Capitalism

#fascism is an instrument of #capitalism #imperialism #history

NATO’s Fascist Inheritance & the Long War On the Third World, with Pawel Wargan
To understand how this new Cold War might play out, we have to understand the foundations of the original Cold War of the 20th century. What was NATO’s role? What did it mean for the Third World back then? What does it mean for the Third World today, particularly those countries that seek an independent, sovereign path? What is the danger of rising fascist movements? And what are the lessons for anti-imperialists who live and organize in the imperial core?

To discuss this and more, Rania Khalek was joined by Paweł Wargan, an organizer and researcher based in Berlin, the coordinator of the secretariat of the Progressive International and author of the recent Monthly Review article “NATO and the Long War on the Third World,” in which he looks to the past for lessons about the future, concluding that capitalism cannot be overcome until the arteries of imperial plunder are severed.
Internet Archive | |

Article being discussed :
Monthly Review - NATO and the Long War on the Third World
archived: wayback machine | archive today
#politics #nato #militarism #USA #european #vassalage #germany #france #europe #eu #japan #USSR #Russia #WWII #WW2 #coldwar #history #colonialism #nazism #fascism is an instrument of #capitalism #imperialism #anticommunism #Africa #ukraine

About Capitalists' worst nightmare

In fact, what’s startling for people used to the cronyism of the West, is that if you click through each member of the Bank of Russia’s board of directors, you’ll note that all, save one, are career state bankers, economists, or some type of career state employees. Meaning they’ve worked in various positions in the Bank of Russia or other state institutions for the majority of their careers rather than in private hedgefunds, investment firms, corporations, and the like, as is so common in the U.S. Federal Reserve system.
It’s clear that the most epochal global seachange that could happen in our lifetimes would be the dissolution of the Western fiat banking system which has controlled the globe for hundreds of years, and on which the pillars of the most toxic forms of crony capitalism were built. But also specifically, the dollar as reserve currency and its attendant ‘exorbitant privilege’, which has fueled the unipolar model of the world for decades, unleashing a wave of unfettered imperialism that drowned the developing world in oceans of blood, felled countries and continents alike, turning them into broken, impoverished, lawless slave-pits—like for example Libya, and many others.
Russia's CBDC - Exploring the Truth of Russia's Central Bank

As an appetizer:
THE MERCHANT OF VENICE by William Shakespeare

#money #finance #banking #russian #economy #Russia #USA #us #fed #rothschild #western #capitalism #imperialism #globalism #wef #usury #shakespeare