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Beiträge, die mit HEALTH getaggt sind

Trump lauds ouster of Syria’s al-Assad as ‘unfriendly takeover’ by Turkiye | Donald Trump News https://www.byteseu.com/566655/ #Conflicts #DonaldTrump #Europe #Gaza #Health #MiddleEast #News #Palestine #RussiaUkraineWar #SocialMedia #Syria #Syria'sWar #Ukraine #UnitedStates #US&Canada
Trump lauds ouster of Syria’s al-Assad as ‘unfriendly takeover’ by Turkiye | Donald Trump News

Le bruit émis par certains véhicules pourrit la vie des gens. Mais pas question de mettre en place des radars qui pourraient verbaliser les indélicats. La Loi, oui. Mais pas question de la faire respecter, c'est attentatoire aux libertés.
[RTS] - Quelque 550'000 enfants européens peinent à lire à cause de la #PollutionSonore.

La pollution sonore est responsable de difficultés de lecture chez quelque 550'000 enfants européens, alerte jeudi un rapport de l'Agence européenne de l'#environnement (AEE) concernant 32 pays du continent.


#pollution #Santé #Health #RevueDePresse #Press

Talks stop for life-changing epilepsy medications in Saskatchewan
A drug used to treat epilepsy that has been confirmed for use in both the U.S and in Europe was being eyed for Saskatchewan, but talks have suddenly stopped.
#globalnews #Canada #Health #Epilepsy #SaskatchewanHealthAuthority

When an insurance company is deciding whether to pay for your medical treatment, it generates a file, which should contain all records associated with your case, including documents explaining why the claim was denied.

You have a right to see this file.


#Health #Healthcare #Insurance #Journalism #Guide

Sex work vs. the soul, instant upstate NY health crisis and other commentary https://www.byteseu.com/563919/ #Editorial #Health #JoeBiden #journalism #Opinion #PublicHealth #SexWorkers
Sex work vs. the soul, instant upstate NY health crisis and other commentary

The problem with American health care in one graph... they spend more for worse results (measured in life expectancy).

No wonder Americans are dissatisfied with health insurers.... the gap between America & other counties can be measured either in lives shortened or in profits from health care (or, of course, both!)

#Health #USPol
Chart: Americans spend more on health - and live sorter lives - than people in peer countries. Trajectories in health spending *$) and life expectancy (years) by country from 1980 - 2022.

Shows most countries starting from a relatively similar place in 1980 with life expectancy around 75 years and spending in health spending per capita around $1000 - in 2022 life expectancy on average in peer countries had risen to around 82, with spending around $6-7,000 per capita, while in the US, leif expectance was around 76 with expenditure around $13,000 per head

Michael Moore defends anger targeted at medical insurers after UnitedHealthcare CEO killing https://www.byteseu.com/563263/ #BrianThompson #Health #HealthInsurance #LuigiMangione #MichaelMoore #USNews
Michael Moore defends anger targeted at medical insurers after UnitedHealthcare CEO killing

“The bombs we drop abroad explode at home.”

Austerity; impoverishment of our people in the West; contempt for the law/lawmakers/lawbreakers(same same); trauma; a diminished future.

A country that keeps increasing its wealth(for the 10+%) without diminishing the misery of its people(90%), does not deserve any respect and is planting the seeds of its own destruction.

#Gaza #Palestine @palestine@lemmy.ml @palestine@a.gup.pe @direkt.gnistor.se @gaza #health #unitedhealthcare

Your brain can grow from reading and learning – e-books offer the same benefit as paper books

The image shows a wall of books stacked haphazardly, creating a visually stunning texture of various colors and sizes. The foreground is dominated by the densely packed books, while the background is mostly obscured by the sheer volume of literature. The location appears to be an outdoor book market, perhaps in a Spanish-speaking country, judging by some of the visible titles. The titles visible in the image show a mix of classic and contemporary literature, suggesting a wide diversity of literary preferences.
The number of people who read for fun appears to be steadily dropping. Fifty percent of UK adults say they don’t read regularly (up from 42 percent in 2015) and almost one in four young people aged 16 to 24 say they’ve never been readers, according to research by The Reading Agency.

Two regions in the left hemisphere of the brain, which are crucial for language, are different in people who are good at reading and are likely to be shaped by the habit.

Clearly, brain structure can tell us a lot about reading skills. Importantly, though, the brain is malleable—it changes when we learn a new skill or practice an already acquired one. Reading is likely to shape the structure of the left Heschl’s gyrus and temporal pole. So, if you want to keep your Heschl’s thick and thriving, pick up a good book and start reading.

Reading is the same whether you read an e-book or a paper book. The big difference is e-books are generally a lot more accessible, are cheaper, take up less space, and usually have some form of dictionary for quick word lookups.

There is really no excuse not to read: Books are freely available in libraries, many classics are in the public domain, and there are very diverse topics to cover ever possible interest type. Time though is typically the excuse most give, but this is also not very true, if you consider carefully what a 24-hour day looks like. I set aside 30 mins, when going to bed at night, to read. It also has the added bonus of relaxing the mind and readying it for sleep.

See https://www.wired.com/story/good-at-reading-your-brain-may-be-structured-differently
#Blog, #ebooks, #health, #reading, #technology

#BrianThompson’s a hero, huh? Yeah, gotcha.

#UnitedHealth Is Strategically Limiting Access to Critical Treatment for Kids With #Autism.

Leaked internal documents show that the #insurance giant is culling providers of applied behavior analysis from its network and scrutinizing the medical necessity of #therapy. Advocates say the company’s strategy may be illegal. https://www.propublica.org/article/unitedhealthcare-insurance-autism-denials-applied-behavior-analysis-medicaid #health #medicine #healthcare #LuigiMangione


#Gaza #Palestine #Syria #Lebanon #Iraq #Somalia #Sudan #DRC #Congo #health #trauma #unitedhealthcare #socialism #socialworker #ptsd

Texas sues New York doctor accused of posting #abortion pills.
"New York is one of eight Democratic-led states with shield laws.

Abortion is legal in New York up until the point of foetal viability, around 24 weeks of pregnancy, and after that point with restrictions."
#Texas vs #NY

US healthcare corporations reap profit from human misery
Slain health CEO Brian Thompson’s tenure was marked by skyrocketing prior authorization denials, leading to increased profits


#unitedhealthcare #health #humanrights #justice

"Sin embargo, Hightower añade que bajo la administración entrante, la #regulación de las puntuaciones de riesgo clínico puede resultar 'particularmente desafiante, dado su énfasis en la desregulación y la oposición a la Ley de Atención Médica Asequible y ciertas políticas de no discriminación'". https://news.mit.edu/2024/ai-health-should-be-regulated-dont-forget-about-algorithms-1212 #ai #health #regulation #USA

What would a world without modern medicine look like? We don’t have to wonder because it happened. @TheConversationUS looks at how Victorian novels showcase the reality and devastating grief of large-scale child mortality.


#Books @bookstodon #Lifestyle #Health #PublicHealth #DiseasePrevention #Vaccination #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

JUN 20, 2023
The System Makes Patients Sick And CEOs Rich

Healthcare executives' pay topped $335 million last year while 100 million Americans were saddled with medical debt.



#unitedhealthcare #health #humanrights

Friday's papers: Hospital cuts, property questions and cats' right to roam

Should cats be allowed to prowl outside their owners' properties?


#Politics #Media #Home #Health

More evidence that a health service which has ben starved of investment,& defunded more generally, driving over-work for staff & crumbling infrastructure, will make expensive mistakes.

While this report is necessary & needs to drive improvements in the health service, Tories will have got what they wanted; a scare story to help people (who can afford it) decide to go private.... but of course private health care is often no safer (if for different reasons)


Egypt’s Health Minister highlights urgency of providing medical support for Syria, calls for Arab solidarity https://www.byteseu.com/553663/ #ArabSolidarity #Egypt #Health #KhaledAbdelGhaffar #Lebanon #Palestine #Sudan #Syria
Egypt’s Health Minister highlights urgency of providing medical support for Syria, calls for Arab solidarity

Red. :

New Yorkers are putting up “Wanted” posters of private healthcare insurance CEOs for “denying medical care for corporate profit.” Videos from TikTok users show posters of Brian Thompson, the slain United Healthcare head executive, with a cross through the middle

#health #healthcare #unitedhealthcare #ceo #humanrights #socialism

[Alternatives économiques] - La #France continue d’exporter des #pesticides interdits chez elle.

La #LoiEgalim devait proscrire l’exportation de #pesticides interdits d’usage en #Europe en raison de leur toxicité, mais la France se l’autorise à la faveur de failles réglementaires. Des associations se mobilisent.


#Pollution #PollutionAgricole
#AgroIndustrie #AgroChimie
#Santé #Health #RevueDePresse #Press

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #hamas / #legitimationofviolence / #idf / #destruction / #health / #uno / #icc

„Andrew Cayley, who is leading the ICC’s Palestine investigation, questioned the reliability of claims about military activity in Gaza’s hospitals which have been made to justify Israeli attacks on healthcare facilities in the territory.“



“ It’s fine to defend vigilantes when they kill unarmed Black people or anti-racist activists, but when a CEO’s life is taken, we must solemnly stay silent on the reasons why such a person might be targeted or why bystanders might not be crying.”


#unitedhealthcare #ceo #health #justice #health

The Fallout From UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassination

On today's episode, Brian and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's assassination and the reverberations across the country—not of sympathy, but with widespread outrage against the health insurance industry.

#health #healthcare #socialism #Justice #unitedhealthcare


People in the U.S. live with illness for 12.4 years on average — up from 10.9 years in 2000 and more than any other country. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/12/world/science-health/americans-poor-health-study/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #sciencehealth #us #lifeexpectancy #health

A single Mutation could bring Bird Flu a critical Step closer to a New Pandemic.

With the H5N1 bird flu virus spreading quickly across animals in the US, experts are on high alert for signs of human-to-human transmission. Such a jump could become far easier with just a single mutation, according to new research.


#birdflu #h5n1 #pandemic #nature #healthcare #media #science #tech #health #engineering #news
The virus has a fatality rate of 50 percent in humans, so animal infections need to be carefully monitored and tightly controlled to stop the spreading strain of H5N1 adapting into something that one person can give directly to another.

"Our experiments revealed that the Q226L mutation could significantly increase the virus ability to target and attach to human-type receptors," says biochemist James Paulson. "This mutation gives the virus a foothold on human cells that it didn't have before, which is why this finding is a red flag for possible adaptation to people."
[ImageSource: Scripps Research]

<Receptor binding site of the A/Texas/37/2024 hemagglutinin Leu226 mutant (yellow) in complex with the human receptor analog LSTc (cyan).>

While several of these morphing mutations are usually needed to put humans in danger from avian influenza, this time the transformation process could be quicker, scientists from the Scripps Research Institute in California found.

"The findings demonstrate how easily this virus could evolve to recognize human-type receptors," says infectious disease scientist Ting-Hui Lin, first author of the new study.

The researchers also investigated the H5N1 strain of the virus found in recent human infections, finding that a single amino acid mutation in a key protein would be enough to switch the virus target from avian-type receptors to human-type receptors.

#press #news #health #usa #luigi #manifest

"Aber viele haben die #Korruption und #Gier (z. B. Rosenthal, Moore) vor Jahrzehnten beleuchtet und die Probleme bleiben einfach bestehen. Es ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt kein Thema des Bewusstseins, sondern eindeutig Machtspiele. Offensichtlich bin ich der erste, der sich mit solch brutaler Ehrlichkeit dem stellt."


Après toutes les fermetures des petites maternités, étonnant non ?
[Midi Libre] - "On nous a volé ce moment" : elle accouche sur le parking de l’hôpital après avoir été refoulée par les urgences de nuit

Le vendredi 1er novembre 2024, une mère de famille, refoulée par les urgences de nuit, a dû accoucher sur le parking de l’hôpital et a donné naissance à son fils avec l’aide de son mari.


#SantéEnRuine #HéritageMacron #Santé #Health
#RevueDePresse #Press

"The only arguments against abortion are not scientific but theological."

(Scientific American)

#abortion #health #women

How to Reduce #Formaldehyde Exposure in Your #Home

Formaldehyde creates an inescapable #cancer risk for everyone in America. It’s in our homes, coming from our couches, our clothes and our babies’ cribs — sometimes at levels that can trigger breathing problems. Here’s how to reduce your exposure.

#News #Health #EPA #Regulation #Car #Furniture #Family #Parents


Whatever gripes we may have about publicly funded health care, privatization sure as hell isn’t the answer.
#health #healthcare
A graph from Our World in Data plotting life expectancy versus health expenditure shows that citizens in most of a basket of countries with public health care enjoy average life expectancies of between 80 and 88 years and expend between $2,000 and $6,000 per capita on health care. The outlier is the USA in which, despite a per capita expenditure of more than $10,000, life expectancy is slightly above 78 and, in recent yesrs, has dropped.