Beiträge, die mit PRIVACY getaggt sind
Rob Braxman Tech
Alt-Tech. The Internet Privacy Guy. Public interest hacker and technologist. I use my extensive knowledge of cybersecurity and tech to serve the public good. I care about privacy.YouTube
Having Barcelona become a crucial regional outpost for offensive cybersecurity companies puts the spyware problem squarely on the doorstep of Europe, which has a fractious relationship with surveillance tech, due to scandals in Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, and Poland — all involving Israeli spyware makers.
#Barcelona #spain #israel #spyware #startups #business #malware #security #cybersecurity #privacy #surveillance
How Barcelona became an unlikely hub for spyware startups | TechCrunch
Barcelona's mix of affordable cost of living and quality of life has helped create a vibrant startup community — and become a hotbed for the creation of surveillance technologies.Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai (TechCrunch)
„Ab Ende Februar will der IT-Dienstleister #Doctolib die Daten seiner Nutzer:innen für das Training sogenannter Künstlicher Intelligenz einsetzen. Wenn sie einwilligen, sollen auch ihre #Gesundheitsdaten dafür genutzt werden. Das geht aus den aktualisierten Datenschutzhinweisen hervor….“
#Datenschutz #Privacy #Gesundheit #Kapitalismus #Antireport #KI
Neue Datenschutzhinweise: Doctolib will KI-Modelle mit Gesundheitsdaten trainieren
Ab Ende Februar will der IT-Dienstleister Doctolib die Daten seiner Nutzer:innen für das Training sogenannter Künstlicher Intelligenz einsetzen. Wenn sie einwilligen, sollen auch ihre Gesundheitsdaten dafür genutzt
"Die #Bundesregierung will das Gesundheitswesen digitalisieren. In einer ersten Lesung stießen zwei Gesetzentwürfe im Bundestag auf breite Zustimmung. Kritik kam vor allem von der Linkspartei, die vor „gläsernen Patient:innen“, Datenlecks und Hacks warnte...."
#netzpolitik #Datenschutz #Privacy #Überwachung #Deutschland
Debatte im Bundestag: Abgeordnete schwärmen von fließenden Gesundheitsdaten
Die Bundesregierung will das Gesundheitswesen digitalisieren. In einer ersten Lesung stießen zwei Gesetzentwürfe im Bundestag auf breite Zustimmung. Kritik kam vor allem von der Linkspartei, die
"Jetzt steht es fest: Die europäische digitale Brieftasche kommt․ Aus Sicht von Beobachtern bringt der im Trilog erzielte Kompromiss etliche Verbesserungen im Vergleich zum ursprünglichen Kommissionsentwurf․ Bürgerrechtsgruppen und Datenschützer:innen warnen jedoch davor, dass Staaten durch die Wallet eine "panoptische Vogelperspektive" erhielten․"
#Überwachung #Datenschutz #digitaleidentität #eidas #epicenterworks #EU #EUKommission #IDWallet #Privacy #Netzpolitik
eIDAS-Reform: Digitale Brieftasche mit Ausspähgarantie
Jetzt steht es fest: Die europäische digitale Brieftasche kommt. Aus Sicht von Beobachtern bringt der im Trilog erzielte Kompromiss etliche Verbesserungen im Vergleich zum ursprünglichen
eIDAS-Trilog: Hunderte Wissenschaftler:innen und NGOs warnen vor #Massenüberwachung
"Die #EU will eine digitale Brieftasche für alle Bürger:innen einführen․ Rund 400 Forschende und 30 NGOs kritisieren in einem offenen Brief, dass die aktuellen Pläne staatlichen Behörden ermöglichen, die Kommunikation aller EU-Bürger:innen auszuspähen․"
#eiDAS #Überwachung #EU #Surveillance #Privacy #Data
eIDAS-Trilog: Hunderte Wissenschaftler:innen und dutzende NGOs warnen vor Massenüberwachung
Die EU will eine digitale Brieftasche für alle Bürger:innen einführen. Rund 400 Forschende und 30 NGOs kritisieren in einem offenen Brief, dass die aktuellen Pläne es staatlichen Behörden ermöglichen würden, die Kommunikation aller EU-Bürger:innen au…
Last Chance to fix #eIDAS
"New legislative articles, introduced in recent closed-door meetings and not yet public, envision that all web browsers distributed in Europe will be required to trust the certificate authorities and cryptographic keys selected by EU governments.
These changes radically expand the capability of EU governments to surveil their citizens by ensuring cryptographic keys under government control can be used to intercept encrypted web traffic across the EU. Any EU member state has the ability to designate cryptographic keys for distribution in web browsers and browsers are forbidden from revoking trust in these keys without government permission.
#Europe #Surveillance #Privacy #Data #Antireport
Last Chance for eIDAS
13 days before the first eIDAS vote, still no public
Während andere autoritäre Staaten wie beispielsweiße #Russland bereits weiter sind, könnte sich auch in der Europäischen Union schon bald eine Verifikations- bzw Identifizierungspflicht im #Internet durchsetzen. Diese wird im Gesetzesvorhaben zur #Chatkontrolle jedenfalls für bestimmte Seiten, Inhalte und für den Download und die Nutzung bestimmter Software, wie zB Chatprogrammen wie Signal und Co., ebenso erwogen. Durch die in der #EU und ihren Mitgliedsstaaten ebenfalls vorangetriebene Einführung von "Digitalen Identitäten" (eIDAS, BundID, etc.) können derartige Kontrollen zukünftig auch leichter erfolgen und nach möglichen Einschränkungen anfangs, später mit beliebigem Anlass ausgeweitet werden. Schließlich werden die Autoritären in der #EU sich gewiss nicht gerne von Russland abhängen lassen, was ihre Visionen für digitale Überwachungs- und Kontrollgesellschaften angeht.
So dann.
"In #Frankreich und im #EU-Parlament gewinnt die Debatte über ein Ende der Online-Anonymität an Fahrt. Auch die geplante europäische #eID spielt dabei eine Rolle."
#EU #FightTheFortress #FightTheFortress #Überwachung #Datenschutz #Privacy
Online-Ausweis und VPN-Verbot: Streit über Anonymität im Netz kocht wieder hoch
In Frankreich und im EU-Parlament gewinnt die Debatte über ein Ende der Online-Anonymität an Fahrt. Auch die geplante europäische eID spielt dabei eine Rolle.Stefan Krempl (heise online)
"Ein neues russisches Gesetz macht Identitätsfeststellungen im Internet verpflichtend. Vor allem Online-Plattformen und Hosting-Provider unterliegen künftig strengen Auflagen. Eine anonyme Nutzung des Internets ist in Russland damit kaum noch möglich.
Doch nicht nur Online-Plattformen nimmt das neue Gesetz ins Visier, sondern auch Hosting-Provider, die Speicher für Webseiten oder Internetdienste bereitstellen.
Hosting-Provider und Online-Plattformen, welche die neuen Auflagen erfüllen, werden in Zukunft in einem staatlichen Register mit „erlaubten“ Anbietern aufgeführt. Das Register obliegt der Aufsicht einer staatlichen Behörde, die noch bis zum 1. Februar 2024 bestimmt wird.
#Russland #Internet #Privacy #Data #Antireport
Dass Staaten und #EU in diesem Zusammenhang jetzt sogar noch auf die Echtzeit-Überwachung von Audiokommunikation hinarbeiten, zeigt, wie weit und maßlos die autoritären Bestrebungen der Herrschenden offensichtlich reichen und wie gefährlich "digitale Vorhaben" der EU ganz allgemein sind.
Es sollte aber auch bedacht werden, dass es sich bei so etwas um taktische Maximalforderung handeln kann. Nach dem Muster, dass alles andere dann "nicht mehr so schlimm" wirkt und im Falle einer vermeintlichen Abschwächung des Vorhabens oder eines Gerichtsurteils, zwar ein "Immerhin ist das mit der Audioüberwachung nicht durchgekommen" steht und irgendwelche Seiten und Parteien sich mal wieder für irgendwelche faulen Kompromisse feiern lassen, während trotzdem die #Massenüberwachung von persönlicher Text-Kommunikation, Identifizierungspflichten für Chatprogramme, Websites und App-Stores sowie Netzsperren durchgesetzt werden.
#Überwachung #Autoritarisierung #Digitalisierung #Staat #Herrschaft #privacy #Datenschutz
Live-Überwachung: Mehrheit der EU-Staaten drängt auf Audio-Chatkontrolle
Für Datenschützer ist es ein rotes Tuch, doch viele EU-Mitgliedsländer drängen jetzt auch auf Scans von Sprachnachrichten. Die Begründung: Kinderschutz.Stefan Krempl (heise online)
-DuckDuckGo (big corporation, dabbling in AI)
-Simple Login (Proton, whose CEO is being weird)
-addy dot io (there were some posts on here awhile back about why the io domain is shitty but it doesn't look like I bookmarked any of them, the gist was imperialism so I like to avoid the domain)
-figuring out how to generate them using an email provider itself (clunky, usually end up with really long addresses, may not even hide your original address, may only be able to generate a limited number which kinda defeats the purpose for me because I want single-use ones)
#Email #Alias #Aliasing #Privacy
Self-hosted: SearXNG, Redlib, NextCloud, Immich.
Network: Pi-hole + Unbound DNS, VPN, DNS leak tests.
Email: ProtonMail, alias sign-ups.
What am I missing? Any tips?
Just go Tor 24/7 at this point?
added strike-through
#Privacy #Anonymity #Infosec #CyberSecurity
#uttarakhand #dehradun #india #news #press #JaiHindProject #inspirational #RealLifeChampions #InspiringStories #SocialChange #CommunityImpact #BetterTomorrow
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Dehradun: Outstanding Presentation of Real-Life Stories of Champions and Transformative Changes.
A special event was organised by the Doon Library and Research Centre this evening at the centre’s auditorium, showcasing inspiring stories of real-life heroes.Prem Pancholi (Aliyesha)
#bihar #purnia #india #news #press #politics #bjp #KarpooriThakur #SocialJusticePioneer #BiharPride #BiharHistory #DalitRights #InspirationalLeader #LegacyOfSimplicity #PublicServiceIcon
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Purnia: Karpoori Thakur Ji was a Torchbearer of Social Justice: Dr. Dilip Jaiswal.
The BJP District Office in Purnia hosted a grand event today to commemorate the 101st birth anniversary of India’s Bharat Ratna, Jananayak Karpoori Thakur Ji.Alok Sharma (Aliyesha)
#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #elections2025 #elections #bjp #aap #congress #pmmodi #kejriwal #RahulGandhi #VoteBank
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नई दिल्ली: दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव: कांग्रेस और बीजेपी की रणनीति बिखरे वोटों को साधने पर केंद्रित।
दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव में आम आदमी पार्टी (आप) के खिलाफ आक्रामक अभियान चला रही बीजेपी और कांग्रेस ने अब अपना ध्यान बिखरे वोटों को समेटने पर केंद्रित।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #government #governance #CMSukhu #tanda #TandaMedicalCollege #RoboticSurgery #medical #HealthCare #PatientCare #AdvancedMedicalServices
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Dharamshala: Robotic Surgery to Establish New Milestones in Healthcare at Tanda Medical College, Kangra.
Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, approved a budget of ₹28 crore for the establishment of a robotic surgery in Tanda.Rajesh (Aliyesha)
Some advocates of these censorship schemes argue we can nerd our way out of the many harms they cause to speech, equity, privacy, and infosec. Their silver bullet? “Age estimation” technology that scans our faces, applies an algorithm, and guesses how old we are – before letting us access online content and opportunities to communicate with others. But when confronted with age estimation face scans, many people will refrain from accessing restricted websites, even when they have a legal right to use them. Why?
Because quite simply, age estimation face scans are creepy AF – and harmful. First, age estimation is inaccurate and discriminatory. Second, its underlying technology can be used to try to estimate our other demographics, like ethnicity and gender, as well as our names. Third, law enforcement wants to use its underlying technology to guess our emotions and honesty, which in the hands of jumpy officers is likely to endanger innocent people. Fourth, age estimation face scans create privacy and infosec threats for the people scanned. In short, government should be restraining this hazardous technology, not normalizing it through age verification mandates."
#USA #AgeVerification #AgeEstimation #Surveillance #Privacy #CyberSecurity #FaceScans
Face Scans to Estimate Our Age: Creepy AF and Harmful
Government must stop restricting website access with laws requiring age verification. Some advocates of these censorship schemes argue we can nerd our way out of the many harms they cause to speech, equity, privacy, and infosec.Electronic Frontier Foundation
Webscript security company c/side discovered during an incident response engagement for one of their clients that the malicious activity uses the wp3[.]xyz domain to exfiltrate data but have yet to determine the initial infection vector.
#wordpress #malicious #plugin #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Over 5,000 WordPress sites caught in WP3[.]XYZ malware attack
We’ve uncovered a widespread malware campaign targeting WordPress websites, affecting over 5,000 sites globally. The malicious domain: "[.]php".c/side
According to Google’s own testing, DoH is more private, secure, and performant than DoT on Android. There is no reason whatsoever to limit it to a handful of Google-approved servers.
Just like with Manifest V3 in Chrome, this arbitrary restriction on what DNS servers can use the most modern technologies in Android is a clear example of Google abusing their position to campaign against blocking invasive trackers. One of the clearest uses for custom DNS servers is the ability to block privacy-invasive services like Google’s at the DNS level.
Further details & discussion on our forum:
#android #google #privacy #dns
Google rejects feature request for arbitrary DNS-over-HTTPS server support Some background, since 2022 Android has used DNS-over-HTTP/3 instead of DNS-over-TLS for its Private DNS setting, but only for two predefined servers (Google and Cloudflare).Privacy Guides Community
That’s a big ask that feels insurmountable at this moment, but it’s a movement can start now with people who are fed up with our current de facto abusive tech business models. I think eventually we will get there anyway, because the I am not sure the current extractive model is sustainable without encountering massive social unrest within the next decade. The alternative to change, if taken to an extreme, may be the collapse of personal liberty for everyone.
In the meantime, while these lofty goals simmer and take shape, you can also continue to take personal steps to preserve your own tech liberty. Support nonprofits like the EFF that fight for privacy and user rights, strong encryption, open source, use local storage, and so on. I highly encourage it.
Ultimately I hope these thoughts can be a starting point for others to pick up the torch and build off of. I will also be thinking of constructive solutions for a future follow-up."
#USA #Privacy #BigTech #SurveillanceCapitalism #DMCA #RightToRepair #Oligopolies
The PC is Dead: It’s Time to Make Computing Personal Again
How surveillance capitalism and DRM turned home tech from friend to foe. For a while—in the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s—it felt like nerds were [...]
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #government #governance #CmSukhu #congress #ConventionCentre #RoadDevelopment #PublicWelfare
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Dharamshala: ₹150 Crore International Convention Centre to Be Built Near Tapovan in Dharamshala.
Announcement made by CM Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu from Daddi Ground.Rajesh (Aliyesha)
#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #elections2025 #elections #bjp #aap #yogiadityanath #kejriwal #ganga #yamuna #rivers #WaterPollution #IllegalImmigrants
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नई दिल्ली: योगी आदित्यनाथ ने दिल्ली चुनाव में किया प्रचार, आप सरकार पर साधा निशाना।
उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने दिल्ली चुनावी मैदान में भाजपा के लिए प्रचार करते हुए आप और कांग्रेस पर तीखा हमला बोला।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #government #governance #CmSukhu #congress #dairy #milk #farmers #employment #DairyFarmers #RuralDevelopment
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Dharamshala: Dhagwar Dairy Processing Plant to be Ready in One Year: CM Sukhu.
State to fully finance the Plant; 35,000 farmers to benefit.Rajesh (Aliyesha)
Thirty-five years ago, as December 1989 turned into January 1990, the then-largest ever cybercrime investigation was launched in response to the world's first known example of ransomware.
#ransomware #history #retrocomputing #retro #it #security #privacy #engineer #media #tech #news
Missing Link: Die Ära der Ransomware beginnt mit einer 5,25"-Diskette
Vor 35 Jahren markierte eine schlichte 5,25 Zoll-Diskette mit der Aufschrift "AIDS Information" den Beginn einer der größten Geißeln der vernetzten Menschheit.Stefan Krempl (heise online)
Last year, a New York Times investigation highlighted how G.M. was sharing information with insurance companies without clear knowledge from the driver. This resulted in people’s insurance premiums increasing, sometimes without them realizing why that was happening. This data sharing problem was common amongst many carmakers, not just G.M., but figuring out what your car was sharing was often a Sisyphean task, somehow managing to be more complicated than trying to learn similar details about apps or websites."
#USA #FTC #GM #OnStar #Privacy #LocationData #GeoLocation #DataProtection
#USA #Surveillance #PoliceState #Section702 #Backdoors #CyberSecurity #Privacy
VICTORY! Federal Court (Finally) Rules Backdoor Searches of 702 Data Unconstitutional
Better late than never: last night a federal district court held that backdoor searches of databases full of Americans’ private communications collected under Section 702 ordinarily require a warrant.Electronic Frontier Foundation
Jemand, den ich gar nicht kenne ( die #Gemini KI) erfährt also, welche #Wochenendaktivitäten ich plane und auch noch, mit wem. Das ist sowas von #Anti-#Privacy.
#cybersecurity #datenkrakegoogle
#IKITAO #Privacy #Tech
US Cloud soon illegal? Trump punches first hole in EU-US Data Deal.
Trump seeks to "paralyze" the "Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board" (PCLOB). A key element of the EU-US data transfer deal ("TADPF") that allows EU-US data
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Forum discussion thread:
#GrapheneOS #privacy #security #browser
Release 132.0.6834.122.0 · GrapheneOS/Vanadium
Changes in version 132.0.6834.122.0: update to Chromium 132.0.6834.122 A full list of changes from the previous release (version 132.0.6834.79.2) is available through the Git commit log between t...GitHub
#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #elections2025 #elections #MiddleClass #kejriwal #pmmodi #aap #bjp #IncomeTax #budget #retirement #EconomicJustice
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नई दिल्ली: मोदी सरकार ने मिडिल क्लास को एटीएम बनाकर रख दिया: केजरीवाल।
दिल्ली के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने बुधवार को एक प्रेस वार्ता में मिडिल क्लास का मुद्दा उठाते हुए भाजपा और कांग्रेस पर निशाना साधा।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
#bihar #patna #india #news #press #politics #bjp #jdu #nda #rjd #elections #elections2025 #AssemblyElections #ElectionPromotion #ElectionCampaign #WorkerConference
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Patna: The Grand Alliance lacks both policy and intent: Dr. Dilip Jaiswal.
Gopalganj witnessed a significant political event today as the NDA worker's conference caravan concluded its first phase.Alok Sharma (Aliyesha)
- Direct messages on Fedi are not encrypted.
- If your instance is hosted in the US, the admin has to comply with US law.
- Discord text chat is not encrypted. Video is.
- Encrypted group chats are only as secure as the people with access and their security practices.
If you're interested in protecting the contents of your conversations or work, follow the #privacy tag. People posts some really interesting things on there.
Your privacy protects your friends too. Do it for all of us.
An excellent step-by-step executable guide to implementing better privacy.
Recommended privacy people:
- @Em0nM4stodon
- @techlore
- @privacyguides
- @thenewoil
More advice from smarter people:
- Passwords & General Privacy hygiene:
- VPNs:
Recommended privacy communities:
The rest of this thread describes options that I'm considering and my personal privacy journey.
(Thanks to @joeturner and everyone else in the community for your recommendations.)
Tracking bits of this migration via the #MayDeFAANGing tag.
The Cyber-Cleanse: Take Back Your Digital Footprint
New Year, New Digital You! New Years are an opportunity for committing to resolutions, starting new habits, discarding what no…Janet Vertesi
Please read up on whether your messaging system is *end-to-end* encrypted, not just “encrypted”, and think about whether you trust the developers to write good code and not lie to you about how things work.
Mastodon DMs are *not* end-to-end encrypted! You should not write anything on Mastodon that you don’t want published in the open (given sufficient incentive).
Some systems *can* be end-to-end encrypted but are not by default. RCS, FB Messenger, and Instagram DMs fall into this category AFAICT. Some systems don’t even offer it, like Discord.
Please consider moving your private messages to a system that is private by design! I’m partial to Signal, but feel free to choose your own.
#privacy #encryption
#GrapheneOS #Privacy #Security #TechReview #890Blog #OpenSource #Android
My thoughts on GrapheneOS
I've been using GrapheneOS on my Google Pixel 9 Pro XL for about six months now, and it's been great. It's considerably better than standard Android 14. Plus, unlike Google's Android 14 flavor, it's completely FOSS (Free and Open Source Software).Marco Liberale (890 Blog)
#fdroid #security #privacy #certpinning #signature
GitHub - obfusk/fdroid-fakesigner-poc: F-Droid Fake Signer PoC
F-Droid Fake Signer PoC. Contribute to obfusk/fdroid-fakesigner-poc development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
#himachal #dharamshala #india #news #press #education #university #CentralUniversity #CUHP #FoundationDay #UniversityEvents #CulturalProgrammes
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Dharamshala: Central University of Himachal Pradesh to Celebrate 15th Foundation Day with Week-Long Programmes.
The Central University of Himachal Pradesh (CUHP) is celebrating its 15th Foundation Day with a series of programmes scheduled from 20th to 26th January.Rajesh (Aliyesha)