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Beiträge, die mit Türkey getaggt sind

Cyprus’ new air defense system launched, Greece to follow https://www.byteseu.com/532042/ #Cyprus #Defense #FOREIGNAFFAIRS #Israel #Politics #Turkey
Cyprus’ new air defense system launched, Greece to follow

Strategic hill Jabal Kafra' has been captured by Turkey/Israel/Ukraine backed rebels north east of Hama., #Syria

They are using #Ukraine made drones, backed by American artillery, weapons from #Turkey and money from #Israel.

IED attack against the car of an officer of the Syrian Arab Army in Damascus earlier today!

Bashar al-Assad's cousin, Ali Munir al-Assad, was killed by rebels in Hama!

#Syria #Civilwar #Politics #US #Turkey #Israel

US-backed Arab tribal forces within the SDF have officially launched an assault on a cluster of SAA-controlled towns East of the Euphrates River near Deir Ezzor

The assault is being carried out under direct cover of U.S. artillery from the nearby American bases in Conoco oil field and Al-Omar oil field, as well as possibly airstrikes.

Video available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/3032?single
#Syria #US #Israel #Turkey #Iraq

The Syrian Arab Army has regained control of the strategic town of Khanaser, southern Aleppo countryside

A large number of Iraqi volunteers from various fractions of Shia militias have arrived in Syria to help fighting against Turkey/Israeli backed fighters. Despite US attacking several convoys of the fighters on the way to Syria, large number of fighters managed to join the Syrian army to help taking back Aleppo from the rebels.

#Syria #Aleppo #Politics #Iraq #US #Military #Israel #Turkey

Bürgerkrieg in #Syrien : Rebellen stossen in der Provinz #Hama weiter vor

Mehr als 13 Jahre nach Beginn des Aufstands kontrolliert Bashar al- #Asad wieder zwei Drittel Syriens. Der Konflikt ist aber nicht gelöst, nur eingefroren. Auch in den Gebieten des Regimes leiden die Menschen an Armut und Hunger.


#Türkey #Iran #Hisbollah #Libanon #Kurden #Russland #Israel #Islamisten #USA #UNO #UN #EU #IS

Rückkehr nach #Aleppo – was der Vormarsch der Rebellen in #Nordsyrien bedeutet

Islamistische Kämpfer haben in einem dreitägigen Blitzkrieg Teile Nordsyriens erobert und stehen kurz vor der Einnahme von Aleppo. Nicht nur für Syriens Herrscher Bashar al- #Asad wäre der Fall der Stadt eine schwere Niederlage.


#Syrien #Türkey #Iran #Hisbollah #Libanon #Kurden #Russland #Israel

Nach dem Vormarsch der #Islamisten in #Syrien : #Asad kündigt eine Gegenoffensive an

Die Aufständischen in Syrien sind Richtung Süden vorgerückt und haben etliche Orte unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht. Das Regime von Bashar al-Asad ist geschwächt. Wie lange kann es sich noch an der Macht halten?


#Türkey #Iran #Russland #Hisbollah #Israel

The world's media doesn't know what to think about Syria's rebels overrunning Assad forces - backed by weakened #hezbollah / Iranian / #russia forces, with the #israel, #turkey dimensions to the story...

They don't want to offend factions and ideologies, so they would just assume ignore actual news of Syrians, ridding themselves of control by a brutal dictator who used chemical weapons on his own people.

Right now, for a lot of Syrians, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Understandably so.

How more then a century ago, empires cut out the Middle East and paved the way to the dumpster fire of suffering and traumas we're witnessing.


#Imperialism #middleEast #foreverWars #history #RoyCasagranda #Palestine #Iran #Lebanon #Syria #Turkey #Irak #Jordan

🔥 It turns out that the game of "diverting resources from #Ukraine" can be played by two people. While #Belousov (the #ruZZian Defence Minister) was flying to #North_Korea and #Putin to #Astana.

#Syrian rebels, with the support of #Turkey and possibly (but unlikely) #Israel, literally nullified #Moscow's 10-year financial and human investment in the #Assad regime.

The #Kremlin clearly did not expect such a disgrace.

#ukraine #putinisamasskiller #putinisawarcriminal @kardinal691

So my amateur analysis, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia are severely weakened and can not support Assad. Anti-assad forces with the support of Turkiye, grab their chance. Syria is a large country, the capture of Aleppo is only the beginning of this fight however. No headlines in mainstream media, they probably don't understand the significance.
#Assad #Iran #Russia #Turkiye #Turkey #Aleppo #Geopolitics #Syria @geopolitics

#Kurdish people in North #London are currently protesting.

Members of London’s Kurdish community have initiated a protest encampment and hunger strike, aimed at defending Haringey’s Kurdish Community Centre (KCC) against police repression.



Seriously, don't let Gladys carve the turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving to my Toots in the USA!

#thanksgiving #thanks #humor #humour #vintage #turkey
vintage 50s0style art of woman in ugly dress holding a rusty axe over a roasted turkey

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.1 strikes 24 km NE of #Muş (#Turkey) 14 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1735472

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.5 strikes 17 km E of #Divriği (#Turkey) 19 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1734868

"Turkey is not Honduras, Brazil, or Bahrain, to list some of the dozen-odd countries that have likewise broken diplomatic ties with Israel. A NATO member with a critical geostrategic position in the region & one of the largest land armies in Europe, Turkey is also the conduit for as much as 40 percent of Israel’s energy, piped in from Azerbaijan via Turkey"

#Turkey #Israel
Will Washington pressure Ankara to reverse its anti-Israel actions? Turkey Turns Screws on Israel

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.4 strikes 25 km SW of #Malatya (#Turkey) 8 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1734007

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.0 strikes 20 km W of #Bolu (#Turkey) 11 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1733954

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.8 strikes 20 km W of #Bolu (#Turkey) 7 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1733953

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M3.1 strikes 22 km SW of Yemişli Mahallesi (#Turkey) 9 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1733472

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.8 strikes 20 km NW of #Besni (#Turkey) 10 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1732336

🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.7 strikes 26 km SW of #Ayvacık (#Turkey) 3 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1732323

Sux it up #WarCriminal 😂 "Ankara reportedly denied an Israeli request for the president's aircraft to fly through Turkish airspace to go to the #COP29 conference in Baku" 😂

#Turkey blocked #Israel-i president from entering Turkish airspace
https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-blocked-israeli-president-entering-turkish-airspace-reports-claim @palestine @israel