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Beiträge, die mit Mecfs getaggt sind

Inhaltswarnung: Long-covid, request for advice

Medical Costs & Housing


"In March of 2020 I was attacked on my way home from work.
The man grabbed me, shook me, coughed in my face & laughed ‘You’re sick now’
I thought it was a cruel joke. I was wrong.
I had contracted Covid & I never recovered.

I have been diagnosed with ME/CFS, POTS & MCAS.
I am mostly bed bound & barely able to manage the most basic of tasks.
I have no financial support from from family or government & no supplemental insurance.
I have been unable to work since, after over 2 years my savings have been wiped out & my hope of a spontaneous recovery has dwindled.
I’ve lost my business & my autonomy."

#Covid #LongCovid #MutualAid #Disability #MECFS #POTS #MCAS #CFS

Save Millie's life - Royal Lancaster Infirmary must STOP causing Millie harm


"I have set up this petition on behalf of Millie, who is 18 years old and has very Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). She is currently in The Royal Lancaster Infirmary part of the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust. Some staff at the hospital have stated that they don’t believe or take seriously ME symptoms and are speculating that it is a mental illness/eating disorder, even though it is stated by WHO and NICE that ME is a physical and complex neurological illness."

#ME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ME/CFS #MECFS

Hab grad über Insta erfahren, dass Faraz Fallahi gestorben ist.
Meine Gedanken sind bei seiner Frau, seiner Familie und bei allen, denen Faraz eine Stimme gab.

Ich habe in solchen Momenten eine shyce Angst, dass es sich auch bei mir verschlechtern könnte, obwohl es bei mir bei weitem nicht so schlimm ausgeprägt ist.

Wir lassen die Betroffenen und ihre Angehörigen brutalst allein.
Ruhe in Frieden Faraz.


Possible Racial Disparities in the Diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) — Jones and Younger


Image is from latest Science for ME weekly update

#MEcfs #CFS @mecfs
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Possible Racial Disparities in the Diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) — Jones and Younger
"White respondents had significantly greater odds of being diagnosed with ME/CFS than non-White respondents. These findings suggest racial disparities in the diagnostic processes for ME/CFS. Furthermore, diagnosis of ME/CFS, but not meeting ME/CFS criteria, was associated with poorer satisfaction with healthcare, suggesting the diagnosis itself may present barriers in the management of symptoms."

Possible Racial Disparities in the Diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)


"White respondents had 2.94 greater odds of being diagnosed with ME/CFS than non-White respondents"

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) a chronic, disabling illness with no established etiopathology. It has been indicated in some population-based studies that Black and ethnic minority populations are underdiagnosed with ME/CFS. The aims of the present study were to (1) identify the agreement between receiving an ME/CFS diagnosis and meeting diagnostic criteria, (2) identify the demographic characteristics associated with receiving a diagnosis, and (3) explore patient satisfaction with healthcare. Self-reported medical history and symptoms were collected via online survey from respondents with and without fatigue. The agreement between self-reporting an ME/CFS diagnosis and meeting the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) ME/CFS criteria or Institute of Medicine (IOM) criteria was assessed with Cohen’s kappa. Patient characteristics predicting a physician diagnosis were analyzed with logistic regression. Associations between diagnosis, demographics, and healthcare satisfaction were assessed with chi-square tests of independence. There were 1110 responses. The agreement between meeting ME/CFS criteria and reporting an ME/CFS diagnosis was fair (CDC: κ = 0.29; SE = 0.02; IOM: κ = 0.28, SE = 0.03). White respondents had 2.94 greater odds of being diagnosed with ME/CFS than non-White respondents. Having an ME/CFS diagnosis was associated with dissatisfaction with healthcare (χ2 (3, N = 1063) = 14.17, p = 0.003).

„Chronisch krank, chronisch ignoriert“ – die #Doku über #MECFS auf #Arte zeigt das Leid der Betroffenen. Doch was passiert, wenn Forschung und Versorgung nicht Schritt halten? Mehr dazu im morgigen #Postviral-Newsletter. Jetzt kostenlos anmelden: #covid https://www.riffreporter.de/de/genossenschaft/recherche-kollektive/postviral

It’s high time we start being honest about what’s behind a lot of the push towards “wellness”.

It’s ableism and eugenics. Its scared people who can’t face the fact that they could lose their health at any moment.

It’s people who desperately need to cling to control.

First of all I’m not at all opposed to a healthy lifestyle.

I was an avid hiker and yogi who followed a whole foods diet, did regular meditation and followed a lot of wellness influencers.

I still became chronically ill.

When the “wellness” activities didn’t cure me, that community abandoned me.

They looked at me as a failure. They believed I wasn’t “wellness-ing hard enough”.

If it were them, they would be getting better.

The root cause of this is ableism. Disability terrifies people.

The idea that there are conditions which won’t necessarily kill you but will rob you of your quality of life? Its scary.

Knowing there’s no treatments or cure? Terrifying.

But it’s not fair to blame the ones who are suffering. To scrutinize their past behaviour for signs that they brought it on themselves.

To hammer them with unsolicited advice and “tips” for things they could do if they really wanted to get better.

No one asks to be chronically ill. It just happens.

And everyone is one virus, infection, accident or stroke of bad luck away from it happening to them.

The odds that they will be the “exception” are incredibly low.

Let’s not forget that “wellness” costs money. A healthy lifestyle doesn’t come cheap

Disability is expensive. Nothing can prepare you for how devastating it is to spend every cent trying to stay ahead of your dwindling health, only to be told you’re not doing enough

Most of us can’t afford the lifestyle that wellness folks peddle. It’s big business. They’re not helping for altruistic reasons, they’re lining their pockets.

They don’t even care if their recommendations are harmful (and they definitely don’t care if they aren’t helpful)

Please, don’t blame someone for their disabilities. Don’t comb through their past looking for points of “weakness” that can absolve you of facing your own fear of chronic illness

No one is perfect. We’ve all done things that aren’t “healthy”. No one deserves chronic illness

If someone in your life is blaming you, know that you can set firm boundaries to protect yourself.

You don’t have to put up with that kind of gaslighting behaviour

I know it hurts, I’ve been there many many times. But you have the right to walk away

Remind yourself it’s not about you. It’s their fear of the unknown. Their fear of disability. Their own internalized ableism.

One day when they lose their health they will be forced to confront their false beliefs, and there will be a reckoning.
Until that day comes the best we can do is protect ourselves from the toxicity of people who can’t face the reality of our conditions.

We can fight for one another. We can support one another. We can be loud, visible and unashamed.

#disability #chronicillness #longcovid #mecfs #spoonie #ableism #wellness #Maha #eugenics #fascism #disabilityrights

Stell dir vor, du bist permanent erschöpft. Dein Körper spielt nicht mehr mit, der Kreislauf schwankt, die Konzentration bricht weg, Schmerzen und Überempfindlichkeit begleiten jeden Tag. Jede Anstrengung macht es schlimmer. Arbeiten? Unmöglich. Schule? Keine Chance. Dein Leben ändert sich von jetzt auf gleich. Behandlungsmöglichkeiten gibt es kaum.

So ließe sich das Leben mit #MECFS beschreiben – einer Krankheit, die viel zu oft als „Müdigkeit“ abgetan wird. Dabei betrifft sie weltweit über 40 Millionen Menschen, darunter auch Kinder. Eine Krankheit, die Aufmerksamkeit, Forschung und eine besseren Gesundheitsversorgung braucht.

Betroffene haben deshalb mit der #LemonChallengeMECFS 🍋 eine Initiative ins Leben gerufen, die ins Bewusstsein rufen soll, was sonst oft gar nicht sichtbar ist. Dabei unterstütze ich gern. Denn solche Aktionen erinnern uns daran: Es geht nicht nur um Zahlen oder Diagnosen. Es geht um Menschen.

(geteilt vom offiziellen Account)
#Habeck #RobertHabeck
Robert Habeck beißt in eine Zitrone

Es ist ein Film, der Menschen zum Weinen bringen soll: @arte zeigt am 25.2. eine Doku über das Leben und Sterben mit #MECFS - ich konnte sie vorab sehen. Besonders bereits, dass eine der Autorinnen, @sibylle_berlin, selbst schwer betroffen ist und nur aus ihrer Wohnung in #Berlin an dem Projekt arbeiten konnte. Was in den 90 bewegenden Minuten zu erwarten ist, habe ich für @riffreporter aufgeschrieben: https://www.riffreporter.de/de/gesellschaft/arte-dokumentation-mecfs-chronisch-krank-chronisch-ignoriert

"Most participants grieved for lost hobbies, abilities and opportunities and most participants spoke about inconsistent, fluctuating educational support for their ME/CFS needs"


Screenshot from latest Science for ME weekly update

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
Thesis: The University of Manchester
What is the psychological and educational impact of being an emerging adult living with ME/CFS? A qualitative interpretative phenomenological analysis — Emma Williams
"Feeling misunderstood was at the heart of many psychological and educational experiences." "All participants reported ME/CFS has restricted their lives, bodies or future. A detrimental tendency to push beyond energy capacity was exacerbated by pressure, frustration and/or denial. Most participants grieved for lost hobbies, abilities and opportunities and most participants spoke about inconsistent, fluctuating educational support for their ME/CFS needs."

Good Practice Guidelines for Psychologists Working with People with ME/CFS November 2024 Update


Although this isn't brand new, I found it interesting so I'm going to post some extracts to this thread.

#MEcfs #CFS #PwME @mecfs
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome

Logos for the British Psychological Society, Action for ME & ME Association

Good Practice Guidelines for Psychologists Working with People with ME/CFS
November 2024 Update 

Screenshot of 1st 2 paragraphs

Ich war auf ner Demo. Mit meiner Frau.

Trotz #mecfs dank Rollstuhl.
Antifa Logo.
Auf dem Sofa trotzdem da
ME/CFS Antifa

From The Sick Times:

"My husband and I have both had ME for decades, then our son got Long COVID"


"I think we were able to pass on this important lesson of being chronically ill: that to have and achieve a goal each day, however small or insignificant it might appear to others, is how you get through this."

@mecfs @longcovid

#COVID19 #LongCovid #MEcfs #CovidIsNotOver

"We found family histories of ME/CFS were significantly higher (18%) among the ME/CFS group than the non-ME/CFS controls (3.9%)."


Image is from free AMMES February 2025 e-newsletter

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
Image of a man and woman both holding the hands of a young child
with the text:

The influence of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) family history on patients with ME/CFS
Confirming findings from prior studies, those with ME/CFS were more likely to have family members with ME/CFS than controls. We found family histories of ME/CFS were significantly higher (18%) among the ME/CFS group than the non-ME/CFS controls (3.9%). In addition, patients with ME/CFS who had family histories of ME/CFS were more likely to have gastrointestinal symptoms than those with ME/CFS without those family histories.
Read more here>>

A thread for nine #MECFS, #LongCovid, and related research papers from w/c 27th January 2025.

Links are to our forum discussion threads, where abstracts, links to paper, analysis and discussion can be found. Inclusion does not equal recommendation.


Recently I have taken to calling resting in bed as "radical resting", because genuinely trying to look after myself and properly rest in a world that sees you resting and thinks you aren't "trying", is a radical act.

#MECFS #ChronicIllness

#LongCovid #mecfs

Empfehlung Arztpraxis gesucht!

Raum #Bonn und #koln

Bekannte von Bekannten suchen auf allen möglichen Ebenen nach Hinweisen auf Hausärzte, die nicht nur wissen dass es #LC und Mecfs gibt, sondern auch Ahnung und Erfahrung damit haben, diese zu behandeln.

MeCfs bestand wohl schon vorher, Covid hat es verschlimmert, sie finden bisher niemand der Ahnung hat und Kapazitäten frei.

Danke für Tipps!

Wir können auch versuchen, den Kontakt zu den Fragenden herzustellen.

From Peter Rowe team

Provocation of brachial plexus and systemic symptoms during the elevated arm stress test in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome or idiopathic chronic fatigue


Image from latest Science for ME update

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
Journal of Translational Medicine
Provocation of brachial plexus and systemic symptoms during the elevated arm stress test in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome or idiopathic chronic fatigue — Edwards et al.
"the EAST was abnormal in 98% of those reporting symptoms with arms-overhead or arms-extended postures. This prevalence compares to 43% who had an abnormal ULNT1, another commonly used screening maneuver for thoracic outlet syndrome."

New here? Struggling with Long Covid or think you might have Long Covid?

I’ve written a series of guides about two of the most common and difficult to diagnose comorbids: POTS and MCAS.

If you’re newly diagnosed or undiagnosed, if you’ve been told it’s “all in your head”… read on! 🧵

#LongCOVID #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #chronicillness #spoonie #pots #mcas #mecfs #Dysautonomia #eds #disability #ableism

Now more than ever people have been conditioned to see disability as a moral failing. They believe people “deserve” their chronic illness or that they could “choose” to be better if they really wanted to.

This type of just world fallacy has always existed, because it enables people to move through life assuming nothing bad will ever happen to them as long as they’re “good people”.

It’s untrue, but as we’ve seen over the last five years most people have no problem swallowing lies if it helps them sleep better at night.

The reality is disability comes for almost everyone eventually. Unless you die suddenly and young, you will likely experience disability eventually.

You will have to face the fact that you are now one of the “others” that you looked down upon.

You will realize that no amount of “trying harder” can make you better. You will mourn your previous life.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can stop blaming people for their illnesses and start helping them.

We can choose to wear a mask to protect our health and the health of others. We can clean the air. We can stay home when sick.

We can lobby governments for better COVID policy AND better social supports for disabled people.

We can demand accountability and transparency. It’s not too late.


#chronicillness #disability #ableism #longcovid #mecfs #spoonie #COVIDisAirborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2


“Those of us who are so severely disabled by ME and Long COVID that we are rarely able to leave our houses — or even our beds — suffer from an invisibility so total, most people are completely unaware of our existence”

#MEcfs #LongCovid
@mecfs @longcovid


‪“It is a savage irony that those of us with energy-limiting chronic illnesses who are far more functionally disabled than the conventional wheelchair user battle to be recognized as marginalized.”‬

‪ #PwLC‬ #PwME
#mecfs #longcovid @mecfs @longcovid

We set out to make our ‘invisible illness’ visible in South Africa with SICK Pride"


"SICK Pride. SICK stands for the Society for the Inclusion of Chronic Knowledge"

#MEcfs #LongCovid @mecfs @longcovid

We set out to make our ‘invisible illness’ visible in South Africa with SICK Pride

Posted by

Sam Pearce


November 5, 2024

Photo of Mlindeni Gabela and Sam Pearce wearing SICK T-shirts to promote Sick Pride. This and all other SICK Pride event photos were provided by Sam Pearce.

As an avid advocate of #Mastodon and the #Fediverse, and my partner needing extra comforts while bedbound with #MECFS, I felt this just had to be done - so here we are, with an addition to the household. (Okay, I might ease up on the photos now, but if you'd like more, I've just gone back to #Pixelfed too so you can follow me there: https://pix.zeroes.ca/MediaActivist ) #plushtodon #plushie #mushy
Me, a person with hair in a quiff, with goatee, glasses, and painted fingernails, looking down at the large Mastodon plush toy in my arms.

Tetrahydrobiopterin in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Friend or Foe?

[OI = orthostatic intolerance]


Image is from the Science for ME latest update

#MEcfs #CFS #PwME
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome
Tetrahydrobiopterin in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Friend or Foe? — Rahman et al.
"Based on our recent findings, we observed that tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) metabolism was highly dysregulated in ME+OI patients. In the current review article, we attempted to summarize our recent findings on BH4 metabolism to shed light on the molecular mechanisms of OI."

In case you missed it:

"Living with ME

Jeremy Jeffs is a filmmaker and photographer whose experience of living with ME/CFS inspired him to talk to and photograph others with the same illness.

Here nine people reveal the devastating difficulties the condition brings – including their struggles to be believed by medics, to get a diagnosis, to access support, and simply to keep going."



#MEcfs #PwME #SevereME #Disability #Photography


“Study Finds No Causal Link Between Depression And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Recent genetic analysis reveals major depressive disorder does not cause myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome”


#MEcfs #CFS

Relationship between major depressive disorder & myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a two-sample mendelian randomization study analysis


"The results of the MR analysis revealed no causal relationship between MDD & ME/CFS"

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
Major depressive disorder (MDD) and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) frequently occur together; yet their causal relationship remains unclear. To investigate the potential genetic causal link between these conditions, we conducted a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis. Summary data from Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) for MDD were sourced from the UK Biobank and the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, while GWAS data for ME/CFS were retrieved from the UK Biobank. Inverse-variance weighting (IVW), the MR-Egger method, and weighted median, simple and weighted modes were used to perform the MR analysis. In addition, Cochrane’s Q-test was used to detect heterogeneity among the MR results. Horizontal pleiotropy was detected using the MR-Egger intercept and the MR pleiotropy residual sum and outlier (MR-PRESSO) tests. Leave-one-out analysis was performed to investigate the sensitivity of the association between MDD and ME/CFS. The results of the MR analysis revealed no causal relationship between MDD and ME/CFS. The pleiotropy test revealed that causality bias was improbable, and no evidence of heterogeneity was found among the genetic variants. Finally, the leave-one-out test confirmed the stability and robustness of our findings.

Dr David Tuller Talk on "Bad Science, Bad Medicine: How Flawed Biopsychosocial Studies on ME, Long Covid and Related Illnesses Harm Patients" (2024)

YouTube link:

It would be great if more people could subscribe to our channel

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #LongCovid @longcovid
"Bad Science, Bad Medicine: How Flawed Biopsychosocial Studies on ME, Long Covid and Related Illnesses Harm Patients". 

David Tuller, DrPH
Senior Fellow in Public Health and Journalism
Center for Global Public Health
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Ireland: October 20-28, 2024
Free recording now available on
YouTube logo

Irish ME/CFS Association logo

This is your periodic reminder that ambulatory wheelchair users exist. Many folks think wheelchairs are only for those who can't walk at all, or folks who can only take a couple steps.

Wheelchairs and electric scooters are used due to pain, weakness, balance issues, orthostatic intolerance, etc.

#Disability #Wheelchairs #DynamicDisability #ChronicIllness #MEcfs
Purple t-shirt with the message "ambulatory wheelchair users exist." Under the text there's an illustration, from left to right, of a stick figure getting up from a wheelchair, then an arrow, then the stick figure walking.

Inhaltswarnung: Food: Easy Recipes, Holiday Breakfast, MECFS

Cochrane, by dropping their planned review of exercise for #MECFS, disrespects the energy and time of those involved in that review AND leaves the existing review supporting exercise for ME/CFS and #LongCovid.

Our petition calls for its withdrawal,