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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind

Interview: Ryan Grim on whether Israel's planning for a Gaza ceasefire is for optics only.

"Netanyahu bet his political future on waiting for Trump to assume office", so "it may be risky for Israel to reject a ceasefire in Gaza, even if just to placate Trump.

"Whether it holds or whether it’s just something that’s announced so that Trump can celebrate it & say he’s moving on is the bigger question".


#Trump #Netanyahu #GazaCeasefireTalks #US #USPol IsraeliLies .

https://twuai.com/ping/7459155155103905650 El presidente de EE. UU., Joe #Biden, tuvo una conversación telefónica el 12 de enero de 2025 con el primer ministro israelí, Benjamin #Netanyahu, en un momento clave para las negociaciones en #Gaza. La administración estadounidense busca alcanzar un acuerdo que logre una pausa en las hostilidades y permita la liberación de los rehenes palestinos e israelíes antes de que...

#ISRAEL. El gobierno #genocida de #Netanyahu se posicionó sobre #Venezuela

– Insurgente.
Tu diario de contrainformación

News Haber EshaHaber Son dakika: Hamas'tan ateşkes açıklaması! Anlaşma tamam: Netanyahu'nun onayı bekleniyor: SON DAKİKA HABERİ: İsrail ile Hamas arasındaki Gazze Şeridi’nde ateşkes ve esir takası anlaşması müzakerelerinde sürpriz bir gelişme yaşandı.


Taraflar arasında anlaşma sağlandığına ilişkin henüz bir açıklama gelmezken Hamas’ın üst düzey yetkilisi… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/son-dakika-hamas-tan-ateskes-aciklamasi-anlasma-tamam-netanyahu-nun-onayi-bekleniyor-haber-196744.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #SonDakika #Hamas #Ateşkes #Netanyahu #Gazze

Trimisul lui #Trump pentru 🌍#OrientulMijlociu s-a întâlnit cu #Netanyahu. #PrimMinistrulIsraelului l-a trimis apoi pe șeful 🕵🏻‍♂️🕵🏻‍♂️#Mossad‎ului în 🇶🇦#Qatar să negocieze o încetare a focului în #Gaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-43bM

#Știri #Israel #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #SUA

🇵🇱 Exigen detención de Netanyahu en Polonia: Manifestantes advierten sobre un acto de complicidad con los crímenes en Gaza. 🕊️💥 La protesta resalta el rechazo a las políticas del gobierno israelí y denuncia las acciones militares en la región. ¿Será este el inicio de más movilizaciones internacionales? 🌍✊ #Netanyahu #Polonia #Gaza #DerechosHumanos

Like a flock of blood hungry mosquitos, the rabid Zionist lobby (Israel's Fifth Column in Australia) will zero in on anyone with a public profile who dares even blink at Israel's crimes against humanity. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #apartheid #Zionism #Zionazis #Netanyahu #USA #Australia #warcrimes #auspol https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/zionist-federation-v-mary-kostakidis-a-defining-moment-for-press-freedom,19312

"Such is the level of grotesque obsequiousness now entrenched in the Australian political and media culture, that the direct intervention of Netanyahu in Australian affairs for his own political purposes is regarded not merely as acceptable but welcomed wholeheartedly, even by those he attacks, especially the increasingly out-of-depth, embarrassingly ignorant and easily manipulated prime minister." #Gaza #Palestine #Hamas #apartheid #Zionism #Zionazis #Netanyahu #USA #Australia #warcrimes #auspol https://johnmenadue.com/netanyahu-and-australia/

»#Bild published pro-#Netanyahu disinformation. Where is the outcry?
The role of #Germany’s largest newspaper in the ‘#Bibileaks’ scandal highlights the need for a broader reckoning on #Israel-#Palestine in German media.«

#Netanyahu poate participa la comemorarea de la Auschwitz fără a fi reținut, afirmă #PrimMinistrulPoloniei.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-432K

#Știri #Israel #Polonia

🍉 ❝In de Gazastrook zijn fors meer doden door oorlogsgeweld gevallen dan de officiële cijfers van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid in Gaza.❞

[1]Niet alleen doden. Van de aanvankelijk meer dan 2 miljoen nog (min of meer) levende Gazanen "wonen" verreweg de meesten niet eens in barakken, maar in lekkende en soms ijskoude tenten.

Zij hebben geen luchtafweergeschut om zich tegen de steeds intensievere bombardementen te beschermen, geen zwaar materieel om overlevenden onder het puin te halen en geen fatsoenlijke wegen om hen te vervoeren. De weinige overgebleven ambulances hebben geen brandstof meer of worden bestookt. Ziekenhuizen zijn grotendeels vernietigd en medisch personeel zit, zonder enige vorm van proces, in Israëlische martelinstellingen.

Kinderen worden door Israëlische sluipschutters "geëlimineerd", onder meer als zij, uitgehongerd, met een pannetje aan wat eten proberen te komen. Zij dragen geen kogelwerende vesten. En de wereld kijkt weg.

🇮🇱 ❝De Poolse regering van premier Tusk heeft een resolutie aangenomen waarin staat dat "vrije en veilige" toegang wordt gegarandeerd aan de "hoogste vertegenwoordigers van de staat Israël" als ze bij de ceremonie op 27 januari willen zijn. Netanyahu wordt niet bij naam genoemd.❞

Kan *IEMAND* mij uitleggen waarom verantwoordelijken voor een *voormalig* concentratiekamp, ÜBERHAUPT (mede-) verantwoordelijken voor een *huidig* concentratiekamp genaamd Gaza, verwelkomen bij een herdenking?

Ongeacht of zij Netanyahu heten?

[1] https://nos.nl/liveblog/2550696-nieuwe-studie-fors-meer-doden-door-oorlog-in-gazastrook#UPDATE-container-83197358

#AuschwitzMemorial #ArabHaters #MuslimHaters #GayHaters #Gaza #GazaGenocide #IOFTerrorists #IDFTerrorists #Westbank #Lebabon #Syria #AuschwitzMuseum #AuschwitzMemorial #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #FrancescaAlbanese #KaagHeeftGelijk #ConcentrationCampGaza #ConcentratieKampGaza #Netanyahu #Herzog #BenGvir #Smotrich #Bastards #Propaganda #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #NietInMijnNaam #WTF

“Poland is planning to make a mockery out of international law by harbouring war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.”

by Declan O’Mulrooney in the spectacle on Substack


“Andrzej Duda’s bizarre request to shield Netanyahu exposes Western hypocrisy and undermines the International Criminal Court’s credibility.”


#Press #Poland #Netanyahu #WarCriminal #ICC #Auschwitz #Liberation #Anniversary

"What’s their top priority the first week of the new #Congress? Lowering costs? Addressing the housing crisis? No, it's sanctioning the International Criminal Court to protect genocidal maniac #Netanyahu so he can continue the #genocide in #Gaza."

-- Congresswoman #RashidaTlaib

#ICC #Sanctions

Act now to stop shameful bill sanctioning the ICC

"...the House may vote as early as tomorrow on a bill that would impose sanctions on the #ICC, a blatant act of retaliation for its decision to issue the arrest warrants. House #Republicans are prioritizing protecting #Netanyahu — a wanted war criminal — from prosecution, so much so that it is one of the first bills they are bringing in the new Congress."

from #TheWire
[online publication of #JewishVoiceForPeace #JVP in #USA]


#BDS #DivestFromIsrael
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#USA #US #USPolitics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

Poland to ‘protect Netanyahu’ from ICC arrest warrant during Auschwitz visit



O asociație de părinți de soldați îi cere lui #Netanyahu să pună capăt războiului în #Gaza: „Vă acuzăm de un război fără precedent din interesele dumneavoastră de supraviețuire politică personală”.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-42Wn

#Știri #Israel #Palestina #FâșiaGaza

Iran Vs Israel | Netanyahu’s secret plan to bomb Beirut airport ‘revealed’: ‘Tel Aviv was about to…’ – The Economic Times Video https://www.byteseu.com/636591/ #BeirutAirport #Conflicts #Hezbollah #Iran #Israel #Lebanon #MiddleEastTensions #Netanyahu


“Nelle scorse ore le IDF hanno ucciso di nuovo più di 50 persone, in una serie di attacchi su tutta la Striscia di Gaza”



#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu


“Gli attacchi sulla Striscia di Gaza continuano con particolare intensità: nelle scorse ore solo Khan Yunis è stata attaccata 5 volte, compreso un altro attacco sulla tendopoli dell’area di al–Mawasi — 4 bambini sono stati uccisi in un attacco drone contro una tenda, altri 3 bambini sono stati uccisi in un attacco su una residenza privata.”



#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

#Netanyahu, en guerra también contra la justicia de su país.



“Come è successo ormai ciclicamente in questi mesi, qualsiasi forma di ingaggio di Israele con la diplomazia — siano trattative mediate da Qatar ed Egitto, anche le più leggere pressioni statunitensi, o critiche dalle Nazioni Unite — si traduce in un aumento immediato delle violenze delle IDF sulla popolazione palestinese.”



#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

Israeli government and the judiciary system doesn't care at all about its captives. They let them rot or kill them directly while continuing their political game and #zionist project.
#Netanyahu #IsraelTerroristState #BibiLeaks
"The Hostage Family Forum said in a statement Monday that it was “appalled by the ongoing efforts of individuals close to the prime minister to sabotage a potential hostage deal.”

The advocacy group, which represents hostages and their families has repeatedly criticized Netanyahu and his government over the negotiations to free those taken captive by Hamas during the Oct. 7 terror attacks. Around 100 people remain in captivity, although around a third are believed to be dead. "

Destruction and Diplomacy: Latest Developments in Israel-Hamas Conflict https://www.byteseu.com/622252/ #Airstrikes #Casualties #ceasefire #civilians #Conflict #Conflicts #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #Netanyahu #Qatar
Destruction and Diplomacy: Latest Developments in Israel-Hamas Conflict