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Beiträge, die mit éducation getaggt sind

She's a Pr0n star doncha know? The US secretary of #education's "final mission" is a reprise of her ride on Hulk Hogan's dick while crying out "I love your HUGE cock!", as hubby watches and cheers her on. 😎 @CBSNews @latest-headlines-CBSNews #trumpadministration #hulkhogansextapes

👋 ⚗️ 🇺🇸 :us_distress: 🔊 🇺🇸

:us_distress: PROTEST MARCH 7 :us_distress:

👉 Stand Up for Science is officially supporting rallies in Washington DC and 31 other cities around the country. This means that a confirmed site leader—backed by our core team—is actively organizing a public event with SUFS volunteers.

👉 Boosts Appreciated -thanks


#StandUpForScience #Science
#Resist #Protest #USA #Education


‘We’re not prepared’: States brace for Trump’s plans to dismantle the Education Department



#trump #education #PRESS

What it looks like when #billionaires and their #GOP minions rule.

Explode the #deficit with a tax cut for the obscenely wealthy while slashing #Medicaid and #education

File this under: Let’s pull the ladder up

#Plutocracy #Oligarchy #USPolitics


"I live in a state where we have schools that are still under federal desegregation orders. Do people in our country really think it’s best to put this back in the hands of the states?...We have schools in my state that still tell the kids in wheelchairs to enter by the trash dumpster. Do we still want to regress from there, where students with disabilities are in institutions and not in public?"


#education #CivilRights #disabilities #alabama #DOE #OCR #DOGE #USpol

Have you recently seen fake news (articles, photos or videos) generated by AI on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok?
Share those with me in response to this post!
#Research #Education #IA #Disinformation #FakeNews #Media #SocialNetworks #Information

Data Skills with Python for Journalists: The Code Behind the Story https://leanpub.com/python-for-journalists by Amr Eleraqi is the featured book on the Leanpub homepage! https://leanpub.com #ComputerProgramming #Python #Education #books #ebooks #journalism

Each chapter features hands-on exercises, real-world case studies, and step-by-step guides, so you’ll quickly gain practical skills.

Find it on Leanpub!

[Thread] So, the following is from a presentation I gave at a Women and Gender Studies class I took in 2017 (as a Classics Major). I thought it was important to post here -- especially in this day and age where women's reproductive rights are being threatened. In some ways, we've taken a step backward as time has gone on...

#ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #AncientEgypt #AncientGreece #AncientRome #Abortion #BirthControl #Autonomy #Professions #Education #LegalStatus #Histodon #AncientHistory
A title slide with the words:
"Women in the Ancient World:
A Survey of Women in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome"
The background is a dark blue sky, with shadowy hills in the background. On either side of the type are various columns -- 2 from Ancient Egypt, one from Greece, and 4 from Rome with 4 different Goddesses on them.
A slide with the words:
"This presentation focuses on three cultures: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. Topics covered are:
Legal Status
Birth Control
Notable Women."
The background is a dark blue sky, with shadowy hills in the background. On either side of the type are various columns -- 2 from Ancient Egypt, one from Greece, and 4 from Rome with 4 different Goddesses on them.

Barnard expels two activists who disrupted Columbia Israel history class


First Columbia-affiliated expulsions over pro-Palestinian protests spark calls for more classroom disruptions, drawing swift university condemnation


New York, NY USA - April 20, 2024 : Protesters waving Palestinian flags and sign at a demonstration near Columbia University Medical Center at the Plaza de las Americas in Washington Heights, New York
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Barnard College expels students involved in anti-Israel class disruption


Columbia University, of which Barnard is an affiliate, suspended a third student involved in the incident last month.

Alon Levin. Columbia SJP protest, Barnard campus, Dec. 11, 2023.

This mental health chatbot aims to fill the counseling gap at understaffed schools


As school districts struggle to support the mental health of their students, a startup called Sonar Mental Health has built a “wellbeing companion” called Sonny to help.

Image Credits:
Malte Mueller / Getty Images

#israel #palestine : #opt / #education / #violence / #uno / #unrwa / #interview

„The UN agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA, condemned efforts by Israeli officials on Tuesday to shut down an UNRWA-run training centre in occupied East Jerusalem.“


One Mic History is a fantastic #YouTube channel that covers #Black #history in rich detail. I found the latest episode about the legacy of #SoulFood to be enlightening. I hope you do, as well. Learn about it, then go have some. It’s delicious! #food #education https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs2Sg-C66Hw

Protect your Linux System. Increase your security add-on a GRUB password. You don't know how? I have te solution on my blog: https://cypherpunkdojo.bearblog.dev/grub-password-for-hard-protection/

#Linux #Crypto #Monero #ZANO #wownero #blog #cybersecurity #PrivacyMatters #PrivacyGuides #privacymattersmost #mastodon #gnulinux #anonymity #education #technology #tech

Federal ag scholarship for students at historically Black colleges suspended


The U.S. Department of Agriculture suspended the 1890 Scholars Program, which provided recipients with full tuition and fees for students studying agriculture, food or natural resource sciences at one of 19 universities, known as the 1890 land grant institutions.


Today I did a storytelling workshop for future landscape architects at the university. We talked about how to use folktales and fairy tales in environmental education. They'll be working on a project about a local urban forest and its connections with the community.

I love my job 😊😊

#storytelling #folklore #education #environment #teaching #nature

The anti-Musk protest movement is expected to ramp up with Congress on recess

" #ElonMusk is the focus for thousands of Democratic #activists launching a #protest campaign this week to fight the #Trump administration’s push to gut federal #health, #education and human services agencies.

Hundreds of protests are scheduled outside congressional offices and #Tesla dealerships"

#Resist #Resistance #Musk #Trump #GOP #Politics #USPol #News #US #USA
Headline from AP:

The anti-Musk protest movement is expected to ramp up with Congress on recess

A #college sheepskin is a LOTTERY TICKET that POTENTIALLY allows one to have the connections and network that MAY get one a place in the upper middle class of the #USeconomy. The odds of that happening have DECREASED DRAMATICALLY over the last decade...

"23% of job-seeking Harvard MBAs who graduated last spring were still looking for work three months after leaving campus."

"MBA grads are struggling to find work"
https://unusualwhales.com/news/mba-grads-are-struggling-to-find-work #education #studentloans


I wrote a Google doc and invited editing on social media literacies for high school.

It needs updating, but it's still there, more than a decade later.

#attention #media #literacy #education #socialmedia


I taught Social Media Literacies at Stanford 2012-2015. Does anyone know of courses about attention and/or other contemporary media literacies?

#attention #media #literacy #education #socialmedia


I wrote about attention and other social media literacies 15 years ago. Clearly, edu institutions have failed toeven try to teach attention control, crap detection, etc. The online commons might be a very different place if a larger population had learned to use it without damaging/deceiving themselves and others.

#attention #media #literacy #education #socialmedia





“Izvestiya All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets.
of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets
December 30, 1919, #294 (846)


on the elimination of illiteracy among the population

In order to provide the entire population of the Republic with the possibility of conscious participation in the political life of the country, the Council of People's Commissars has decided:

I. All the population of the republic between the ages of 8 and 50 who cannot read or write are obliged to learn literacy in their native or Russian language, if they wish. This education shall be conducted in state schools, both existing and established for the illiterate population according to the plans of the People's Commissariat for Enlightenment.

Note. This paragraph applies to Red Army soldiers, and the corresponding work in military units is carried out with the close participation of the political departments of the Red Army and Navy.

II. The period of liquidation of illiteracy is established by the provincial and city sovdepas according to their affiliation. General plans for the liquidation of illiteracy in the field are drawn up by the organs of the People's Commissariat of Education within two months from the date of publication of this decree.

III. The Narkompros and its local bodies are given the right to engage all the literate population of the country, not conscripted into the army, to teach illiterates by way of labor conscription, with payment for their labor according to the norms of the workers of Enlightenment.

IV. The People's Commissariat of Enlightenment and its local bodies involve all organizations of the working population, such as trade unions, local cells of the R.C.P., the Union of Communist Youth, commissions for work among women, etc., in the work of liquidating illiteracy.

V. Literacy trainees who are employed, with the exception of those employed in militarized enterprises, shall have their working day shortened by two hours for the entire duration of their training, with pay.

VI. To eliminate illiteracy, the bodies of the People's Commissariat of Education are allowed to use people's houses, churches, clubs, private houses, suitable premises in factories, plants, Soviet institutions, etc.

VII. The supplying bodies are obliged to satisfy the requests of institutions aimed at the elimination of illiteracy in preference to other institutions.

VIII. Those who evade the duties established by this decree and those who prevent illiterates from attending schools shall be held criminally liable.

IX. The People's Commissariat of Education is instructed to issue instructions on the application of the present decree within two weeks.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars
В. Ulyanov (Lenin)

Manager of Affairs V. Bonch-Bruyevich
Secretary S. Brichkina

December 26, 1919.



on the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the R.S.F.S.R.,
issued by the K.K.P. as a follow-up to the decree on the elimination of illiteracy
illiteracy, dated December 29, 1919.

№1. This instruction is intended to eliminate illiteracy among the population between the ages of 14 and 50, i.e. that part of the population which is usually served by institutions of Out-of-School Education.

№2. The work of eradicating illiteracy among the population between the ages of 14 and 50 is carried out by the Out-of-School Department of the N.K.P., the provincial, city, district and volost Sub-departments of Out-of-School Education together with the institutions of organized population. Where there are no Vneshkolnye Podotdepartments, the work on liquidation of illiterates is entrusted to local executive committees.

№3. Commissions and meetings of representatives of the organized population (trade unions, the Union of Communist Youth, the Women's Work Department, delegates of women workers under the People's Education Departments, the Village Work Department, etc.), Soviet and Party institutions are organized at the provincial, city, district and volost institutions mentioned in No. 2 in connection with literacy eradication work.

These commissions and meetings meet both to discuss general questions on the eradication of illiteracy and to solve specific practical questions. Depending on the nature of the questions, the composition of these commissions and meetings also varies; for example, for the discussion of questions on the elimination of illiteracy among the urban proletariat, representatives of professional organizations are invited, while for the solution of questions on the elimination of illiteracy among the rural population, the Departments for Work in the Countryside may be involved. To solve the question of the elimination of illiteracy among the female proletariat, representatives of trade unions, women's commissions, etc. are invited.

№4. The plan of work on the liquidation of illiteracy consists in the following: all work should be based on the self-activity of the population itself. At a general meeting of the Out-of-School Sub-Departments, together with representatives of the organized population, Soviet and Party institutions, a general plan for the eradication of illiteracy in a given place is worked out, namely: the technique of counting the literate and illiterate is established, the organization and supply of schools established for the eradication of illiteracy are planned, etc.

a) In order to enable the town and volost subdepartments to calculate correctly the required number of schools and to distribute these schools over the territory depending on the residence of illiterates, it is necessary to find out in the nearest future the number of illiterates in a given district, their residence, sex and age composition.

Out-of-school township sub-departments through party organizations, through the Union of Workers of Education and Socialist Culture and other professional organizations, through the Union of Communist Youth determine personally the number of persons who can be involved in the work to eliminate illiteracy as teachers.

b) The records of illiterates among the organized population are kept by their institutions, and among the unorganized population by the town and township Vneshkolniki Subdepartments. Information about illiterates is recorded in a special register, and a separate register is drawn up for each population or urban district, where the following information is recorded about each illiterate: name and surname, sex, age and occupation. Upon receipt of this information, the town and volost sub-departments determine the required number of schools and their location. Then, together with representatives of the organized population, they work out the grounds necessary for the Gubispolkom to set the terms for the elimination of illiteracy. After considering these proposals, the Gubispolkom develops a general plan for the eradication of illiteracy in the province and publishes it for general information. The deadline for the eradication of illiteracy is set either one day for the whole province or different days for different parts of the province.

№5. At the same time, taking into account the literate and illiterate population, the town and volost sub-departments take measures to open schools for illiterates as soon as possible and to provide these schools with teaching aids and supplies. In order to save time and money, schools of the first series are opened at existing schools of the first and second stages, at institutions of out-of-school population, at party organizations, and in factories.

In the future, when the work of accounting for illiterates is completed, an additional series of schools will be opened in other places, so that every locality capable of producing a group of pupils of at least 15 will have its own school.

№6. According to the general sense of the decree on the elimination of illiteracy, the elimination of illiteracy is to be understood in the sense of teaching illiterates to read, write and count. For these reasons, native language (reading, writing) and elementary mathematics are included in the program of the established schools for the elimination of illiteracy. As for social science, it can be introduced on condition that a communist is assigned to teach it. Detailed programs of the school are sent by the Extracurricular Department of the People's Commissariat of Education additionally.

№7. The time of instruction, the number of days and hours of instruction per week in literacy schools are determined by the Out-of-School Department in accordance with the living conditions of the various strata of the population.

№8. The eradication of illiteracy begins with the younger ages and gradually continues up to the age of majority.

Extracurricular sub-departments, town and township, determine who may be exempted from compulsory literacy instruction.

№9. Short-term congress courses are organized for the training of instructors and teachers in the province, counties and rayons.

№10. Each school has its own school council, which directs the whole life of the school. The council consists of at least four persons - representatives of pupils and students in equal numbers.

№11. The students of the school are divided into groups of 15 - 25 people at the beginning of the classes. In establishing the groups, the age of the students and the degree of development shall be taken into consideration.

№12. Pupils who have passed the school are subjected to tests with regard to their mastery of the mechanism of reading, writing and numeracy. During the tests, in addition to the pupils, representatives of the organized population, Soviet and Party institutions may be present. Those who fail the tests are retaken for a second course.

№13. In order to enable pupils to deepen the knowledge they have acquired at school, it is necessary to introduce them to the use of local institutions of out-of-school education.

№14. Out-of-school sub-departments make timely estimates of expenses on literacy eradication and include this expense in the general estimates of their sub-departments.

Among the expenses on literacy eradication are: maintenance of the personnel invited to the sub-department in connection with literacy eradication work, remuneration of the labor of teachers, maintenance of premises and household expenses, procurement and purchase of textbooks and teaching aids.

№15. When calculating the labor remuneration of students, the norm of the People's Commissariat for Education should be taken. Work on adult education shall not be considered as part-time work.

№16. Every month the provincial, city, district and volost Vneshkolnye Podotdelas submit to their executive committees reports on the progress of work on the elimination of illiteracy, and district and city Vneshkolnye Podotdelas, in addition, every three months submit consolidated reports on the city and district to the Vneshkolnye Podotdelas of the People's Commissariat for Education.

People's Commissar for Education
А. Lunacharsky

Secretary of the NKL Collegium V. Zimovsky
#lang_en #Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #Lenin #communism #bolsheviks #education


"Известия Всероссийского Центрального
Исполнительного Комитета Советов
от 30 декабря 1919 года №294 (846)


о ликвидации безграмотности среди населения

В целях предоставления всему населению республики возможности сознательного участия в политической жизни страны Совет Народных Комисаров постановил:

I. Все население республики в возрасте от 8 до 50 лет, не умеющее читать или писать, обязано учиться грамоте на родном или русском языке, по желанию. Обучение это ведется в государственных школах как существующих, так и учреждаемых для неграмотного населения по планам Народного Комиссариата по Просвещению.

Примечание. Действие этого пункта распространяется на красноармейцев, причем соответственная работа в военных частях производится при ближайшем участии политотделов Красной Армии и Флота.

II. Срок ликвидации безграмотности устанавливается губернскими и городскими совдепами по принадлежности. Общие планы по ликвидации безграмотности на местах составляются органами Наркомпроса в двухмесячный срок со дня опубликования настоящего декрета.

III. Наркомпросу и его местным органам предоставляется право привлекать к обучению неграмотных в порядке трудовой повинности все грамотное население страны, не призванное в войска, с оплатою их труда по нормам работников Просвещения.

IV. К ближайшему участию в работах по ликвидации безграмотности Народным Комиссариатом Просвещения и местными органами его привлекаются все организации трудового населения, как-то: профессиональные союзы, местные ячейки Р.К.П., союз коммунистической мооодежи, комиссии по работе среди женщин и проч.

V. Обучившимся грамоте, работающим по найму за исключеннием занятых в милитаризованных предприятиях, рабочий день сокращается на два часа на все время обучения, с сохранением заработной платы.

VI. Для ликвидации безграмотности органам Народного Комиссариата Просвещения предоставляется использовать народные дома, церкви, клубы, частные дома, подходящие помещения на фабриках, заводах, в советских учреждениях и т.п.

VII. Снабжающим органам вменяется в обязанность удовлетворять запросы учреждений, имеющих целью ликвидацию безграмоности, преимущественно перед другими учреждениями.

VIII. Уклоняющися от установленных настоящим декретом повинностей и препятствующие неграмотным посещать школы привлекаются к уголовной ответственности.

IX. Наркомпросу поручается в двухнедельный срок издать инструкцию по применению настоящего декрета.

Председатель Совета Народных Комиссаров
В. Ульянов (Ленин)

Управляющий делами Вл. Бонч-Бруевич
Секретарь С. Бричкина

26 декабря 1919 г.



о ликвидации безграмотности среди населения Р.С.Ф.С.Р.,
изданная К,К.П.в развитие декрета о ликвидации
безграмотности, от 29 декабря 1919 года

№1. Настоящая инструкция имеет в виду ликвидацию безграмотности среди населения в возрасте от 14-ти до 50-лет, т.-е. той части населения, которая обычно обслуживается учреждениями Внешкольного Образования.

№2. Работа по ликвидации безграмотности среди населения в возрасте от 14-ти до 50-лет выполняется Внешкольным Отделом Н.К.П., губернскими, городскими, уездными и волостными Подотделами Внешкольного Образования совместно с учреждениями организованного населения. Там, где Внешкольных Подотделов не существует, работы по ликвидации безграмотных возлагаются на местные исполкомы.

№3. При указанных в №2 губернских, городских, уездных и волостных учреждениях в связи с производством работ по ликвидации безграмотности организуются комиссии и совещания из представителей организованного населения (профессиональные союзы, союз коммунистической молодежи, отдел по работе среди женщин, делегатки работниц при отделах Народного Образования, отдел по работе в деревне и т.д.), советских и партийных учреждений.

Указанные комиссии и совещания собираются как для обсуждения общих вопросов по ликвидации безграмотности, так и для решения частных практических вопросов. В зависимости от характера вопросов меняется и состав этих комиссий и совещаний, так, например, для обсуждения вопросов ликвидации безграмотности среди городского пролетариата приглашаются, главным образом, представители профессиональных организаций, а для решения вопросов по ликвидации безграмотности среди сельского населения могут привлекаться Отделы по работе в деревне. Для решения вопроса ликвидации безграмоности среди женского пролетариата приглашаются представители профессиональных союзов женских комиссий и т.под.

№4. План работ по ликвидации безграмотности состоит в следующем: вся работа должна базироваться на самодеятельности самого населения. На общем собрании Внешкольных Подотделов совместно с представителями Организованного населения, советвских и партийных учреждений вырабатывается общий план ликвидации безграмотности в данном месте, а именно: устанавливается техника учета грамотных и неграмотных, намечаются организация и снабжение школ, учреждаемых для ликвидации безграмотности и т.п.

а) Для того, чтобы городкие и волостные Внешкольные Подотделы могли правильно исчислить потребное количество школ и правильно распределить эти школы по территории в зависимости от местожительства неграмотных, необходимо в самое ближайшее время выяснить число неграмотных в данном районе, их местожительство, половой и возрастной состав.

Внешкольные горолские волостные Подотделы через партийные организации, через союз работников просвещения и социалистической культуры и другие профессиональные организации, через союз коммунистической молодежи определяют персонально количество лиц, могущих быть привлеченными к работе по ликвидации безграмотности в качестве учащих.

б) Учет неграмотных среди организованного населения производится его учреждениями, а среди неорганизованного населения - городскими и волостными Внешкольными Подотделами. Сведения о неграмотных заносятся в особое ведомости, причем на каждое население или городской район составляется отдельная ведомость, куда заносятся, путем обхода дворов, о каждом неграмотном следующие сведения: имя и фамилия, пол, возраст и занятия. По получении означенных сведений Внешкольными городскими и волостными Подотделами определется потребное количество школ и их местонахождение. Затем совместно с представителями организованного населения вырабатываются основания, необходимые Губисполкому для установки сроков ликвидации безграмоности. При рассмотрении этих предложений Губисполком вырабатывает общий план ликвидации безграмотности по губернии и публикует его во всеобщее сведение. Срок ликвидации безграмотности устанавливается или один день для всей губернии, или разные для различных частей губернии.

№5. Одновременно с учетом грамотного и неграмотного населения Внешкольные городские и волостные Подотделы принимают меры к скорейшему открытию школ для неграмотных и к обеспечению этих школ учебными пособиями и принадлежностями. В целях экономии времени и средств школы первой серии открываются при существующих школах 1ой и 2ой ступени, при учреждениях внешкольного населения, при партийных организациях, на фабриках.

В дальнейшем, когда будет закончена работа по учету неграмотных, открывается дополнительная серия школ в других местах, с таким расчетом, чтобы каждое населенное место, могущее дать группу обучающихся не менее 15 человек, имело свою школу.

№6. Согласно общего смысла декрета о ликвидации безграмотности, ликвидацию безграмотности следует понимать в смысле обучения неграмотных чтению, письму и счету. По этим соображениям в программу учреждаемых школ для ликвидации безграмотности включается родной язык (чтение, письмо) и начальная математика. Что касается обществоведение может вводиться при условии поручения преподавания его коммунисту. Подробные программы школы высылаются Внешкольным Отделом Народного Комиссариата Просвещения дополнительно.

№7. Время обучения, число дней и часов занятий в неделю в школах грамоты определяются Внешкольным Подотделом сообразно с условиями жизни разных слоев населения.

№8. Ликвидация безграмотности начинается с младших возрастов и постепенно продолжается до возрастов предельных.

Внешкольные Подотделы, городские и волостные определяют, кто может быть освобожден от обязательного обучения грамоте.

№9. Для подготовки инструкторов и учащих в губернии, уездах и райнах организуются краткосрочные курсы съезды.

№10. Каждая школа имеет свой школьный совет, который и руководит всей жизнью школы. Совет состоит не менее, как из четырех человек - представителей учащих и учащихся в равном количестве.

№11. Слушатели школы при начале занятий разбиваются на группы 15 - 25 человек. При установлении групп принимается во внимание возраст учащихся и степень развития.

№12. Учащиеся, прошедшие школы, подвергаются в отношении усвоения ими механизма чтения, письма и счета испытаниям. При испытаниях кроме учащих могут присутствовать представители организованного населения, советских и партийных учреждений. Невыдержившие испытания остаются на повторный курс.

№13. Для того, чтобы учащиеся могли углублять полученные ими в школе знания, необходимо их приобщить к использованию местными учреждениями внешкольного образования.

№14. Внешкольные Подотделы своевременно изготавляют сметы расходов по ликвидации безграмотности, внося этот расход в общие сметы своих подотделов.

К числу расходов по ликвидации безграмотности относятся: содержание персонала, приглашаемого в Отдел в связи с работами по ликвидации безграмотности, оплата труда учащих, содержание помещения и хозяйственные расходы, заготовка и приобретение учебников и учебных пособий.

№15. При исчислении оплаты труда учащих следует принимать норму Народного Комиссариата по Просвещению. Работы по обучению взрослых не считаются за совместительство должностей.

№16. Губернские, городские, уездные и волостные Внешкольные Подотделы каждый месяц представляют своим исполкомам отчеты о ходе работ по ликвидации безграмотности, а уездные и городские Внешкольные Подотделы, кроме того, в три месяца раз предоставляют сводные отчеты по городу и уезду во Внешкольный отдел Наркомпроса.

Народный Комиссар по Просвещению
А. Луначарский

Секретарь коллегии НКЛ В. Зимовский

#lang_ru #СССР #история

Elon Musk's #DOGE has worked quickly to cut federal agencies. Here's a list of what's been targeted so far.


Dept of #Education

US Agency for International Development ( #USAID)

Federal Aviation Administration ( #FAA)

#Treasury Dept

Federal Emergency Management Agency ( #FEMA)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( #NOAA)

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( #CFPB)

the federal workforce

and #DEI initiatives.

#Musk #Coup #Government #News #US
News headline:  Politics 
Elon Musk's DOGE has worked quickly to cut federal agencies. Here's a list of what's been targeted so far.

by Grace Eliza Goodwin
Feb 14, 2025, 4:22 PM CT

Again, isn't that funding at the discretion of Congress? They can just ignore the order from Trump, surely? (As if ... 😒)

#USPol #COVID #Education

I'm teaching an online course that's not affiliated with any school, and I'd like for my students to have a place to leave reviews, like Yelp but . . . not Yelp.

Is there anything like this, preferably on a fediverse-like platform? Any help would be appreciated.

Here's the course: https://medievalstudies.thinkific.com/courses/relics

#education #marketing #business

“We’ve Been Essentially Muzzled”: Department of Education Halts Thousands of Civil Rights Investigations Under Trump

Since Inauguration Day, the Office for Civil Rights has only opened about 20 investigations focused on Trump’s priorities, placing more than 10,000 student complaints related to disability access and sexual and racial harassment on hold.


#News #Education #Trump #CivilRights #Students #Discrimination #USPolitics

🕸glané sur le net🕸 Le jour où Israël s'est attaqué aux libraires: Avec un livre de coloriage palestinien comme preuve d'« incitation », la police israélienne a fait une descente dans la célèbre librairie Educational Bookshop de… #Israël #Palestine #LibertéDexpression #Éducation #Justice

Le jour où Israël s'est attaqu...

🕸glané sur le net🕸 Le jour où Israël s'est attaqué aux libraires: Avec un livre de coloriage palestinien comme preuve d'« incitation », la police israélienne a fait une descente dans la célèbre librairie Educational Bookshop de Jérusalem-Est et a arrêté ses propriétaires. Mahmoud et Ahmed Muna comparaissent devant le tribunal après leur arrestation lors d'une (…)
-- Palestine & Israël, MUNA Mahmoud and Ahmed,… https://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?article73597&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Israël #Palestine #LibertéDexpression #Éducation #Justice

#governmentshutdown is now in progress courtesy of #tusk and the doggees. I am not sure why it is not reported as such #usda #usaid #nih #cdc #education

And where IS all that money being saved by killing #USAID and #regimechange ops going? NOT #Health, #Education, or the Welfare of US civilians... #Trump is GOADING the left, or what passes for one in the US, by the attempted killing of covert civilian ops and putting the overt killing of militarized #colonialism IN YOUR FACE, leftie. Whatcha gonna do about it, punks?

#Senate #Republicans Release #USBudget Plan With $150B More For Defense


'Ethnic cleansing' and 'an act of evil', Candace Owens calls out Trump and Netanyahu for their plans in #Gaza.

Candace Owens shopping for a platform! I suppose she has to find relevance. I doubt she finished highschool and her we all are!

She is better off making lampshades! If you get my drift. *chuckle*

#candaceowens #lampshades #MAGA #ErhnicCleansing #education