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Beiträge, die mit BIRDFLU getaggt sind

#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu ##Geflügelpest #press #news #cats #CatsOfMastodon #vögel #wildvögel #futter #video #hühner #nabu

"Und wenn Sie Haustiere haben, beispielsweise #Katzen, die möglicherweise auch in Kontakt mit Vögeln sein könnten, und Sie merken, dass sie krank sind, dann lassen Sie das Tier schnell vom Tierarzt überprüfen. Und seien Sie bis dahin ein wenig vorsichtiger beim engen Kontakt mit dem Tier."


NEW: Health officials in San Francisco are investigating a presumptive case of #birdflu that was found in a child who lives in the city. It’s not clear how the child contracted the virus.

The child had fever & conjunctivitis, wasn’t hospitalized and has fully recovered.
https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/bird-flu-sf-health-officials-say-case-found-in-child-h5n1/ #press

#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu ##Geflügelpest #press #news #cats #CatsOfMastodon

"So forderte Northwest Naturals am Dienstag dazu auf, rohes, tiefgefrorenes Tierfutter Feline Turkey Recipe wegzuwerfen, wenn das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum zwischen dem 21.5. 2026 & dem 23.6. 2026 liegt. Auf der Website des Unternehmens hieß es, die Charge, die in den gesamten #usa verkauft wurde, sei positiv auf die hochpathogene #Vogelgrippe getestet worden."


#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #press #news #usa

" Zusammengenommen, sagen Experten, deuten diese Indikatoren darauf hin, dass das #Virus Schritte unternommen hat, um zur nächsten #Pandemie zu werden."


#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #press #news

"...viele Wissenschaftler sind zunehmend besorgt, wegen folgenden 4 wichtigen Signalen“:

4. Forschungen haben gezeigt , dass sich das Virus weiterentwickelt, um besser an menschliche Rezeptoren anzupassen und dass weniger Mutationen erforderlich sind, um sich unter Menschen auszubreiten


#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #press #news

"...viele Wissenschaftler sind zunehmend besorgt, wegen folgenden 4 wichtigen Signalen“:

3. gibt es mehrere Fälle bei Menschen, bei denen keine Infektionsquelle identifiziert wurde


#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #press #news

"...viele Wissenschaftler sind zunehmend besorgt, wegen folgenden 4 wichtigen Signalen“:

2. zeigen Nachweise im Abwasser, dass das Virus weitreichende Spuren hinterlässt, nicht nur bei Nutztieren.


#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #vogelgrippe ##Geflügelpest #press #news

"...viele Wissenschaftler sind zunehmend besorgt, wegen folgenden 4 wichtigen Signalen“:

1. hat sich das Vogelgrippevirus – bekannt als H5N1 – unkontrolliert bei Tieren verbreitet, darunter auch bei Kühen, die häufig mit Menschen in Kontakt kommen...


“The time for urgency, the experts say, is now—even if acknowledging the scope of the bird flu problem upsets people and companies with a vested interest in seeing it downplayed.”


#press #birdflu

Louisiana Person Is the First U.S. Bird Flu Death, Health Officials Say



We stopped buying store eggs a year ago because we can get eggs from our neighbors who raise chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese. We always take care about contact with egg shells and proper cooking, but are wondering if these backyard eggs are all that safe now with #birdflu. Chicken keepers or others chime in!

Neighbor hens naturally produce a lot less in the cold so our egg consumption is down anyway. We’re ovo-lacto #vegetarian but maybe it’s time to go #vegan and find different protein.
Lots of colorful eggs in a big bowl: blue, brown, green, buff, and different sizes and shapes, too.

The lack of severe infections among US #H5N1 #birdflu cases up till now may have created the notion among some people that the virus has become harmless. The death of a person in Louisiana is a reminder that that is not a safe bet. https://www.statnews.com/2025/01/06/bird-flu-louisiana-fatal-case/

But yes, it's #BusinessAsUsual because #Crapitalism requires people to #ConsumeConsumeConsume!

Canadian teen with #BirdFlu was on #LifeSupport, new report reveals

The hospitalized teen was also given three #antiviral treatments, underscoring how severe #H5N1 infection can be

By Nicole Karlis, January 6, 2025

"In November, a teenager in British Columbia was infected and hospitalized with bird flu, caused by the H5N1 virus. While most cases have been mild, commonly characterized by #conjunctivitis and respiratory symptoms, this previously healthy Canadian teen was hospitalized from the virus in critical condition. Their symptoms started with double conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, and turned into a fever and coughing. A few days later the teenager was admitted to intensive care after developing acute respiratory distress syndrome [#ARDS].

"'This was a healthy teenager prior to this, so no underlying conditions,' said British Columbia’s health officer, Bonnie Henry, at a news conference at the time. 'It just reminds us that in young people this is a virus that can progress and cause quite severe illness.'

"Now, a recent report brings to light more details about the teenager’s case. In the report, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), researchers explain that the 13-year-old girl spent weeks fighting for her life after contracting a severe H5N1 infection from an unknown source. In finding her diagnosis, researchers say that she initially tested positive for influenza A, but not the seasonal subtype. Further testing suggested she had a high viral load of a novel influenza A infection, which researchers discovered to be the H5N1 avian flu.

"The next day doctors started her on oseltamivir, also known under the brand name Tamiflu. However, her respiratory functions declined rapidly causing her to be intubated. She was also placed on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), a machine that is a form of life support for people with life-threatening illnesses. In addition to the ECMO machine, the teenager received a plasma exchange and two more antiviral medication treatments — amantadine and baloxavir.

"In an accompanying editorial, experts noted while mutations were detected in her case, it’s 'unclear whether these #mutations were present in the infecting virus or emerged during the course of the patient’s illness.'

"In other words, it’s unclear if the virus #mutated to be more severe in humans.

"'The mutations evident in the Canadian case highlight the urgent need for vigilant surveillance of emerging mutations and assessment of the threat of human-to-human transmission,' the editorial stated, adding that vaccine development and therapeutics are also needed — perhaps to treat more severe illness. 'The Canadian case showed higher viral loads in the lower airway and very prolonged shedding, despite therapy, which highlights the potential need for longer therapy.'

"Researchers concluded their editorial with an acknowledgment that 'many questions remain.' For example, the severity of cases is likely to depend on host immunity, the route of exposure, or other changes in the virus.

"Currently, the CDC says that the risk to most Americans remains low.

"'We do have candidate vaccines and antivirals available to try to mitigate severe influenza in the case of wider spread,' the report stated. 'That said, a balance between enhanced vigilance and ‘business as usual’ is needed."

#HPAI #BirdFluMutations #Flu

CDC detects Bird Flu Mutation in Human, amid new Infections in Cats. [🦠 :ahovercat:]

The ongoing spread of bird flu in the United States has alarmed experts — not just because of human cases causing severe illness, but also due to troubling new instances of infections in cats.


#h5n1 #birdflu #virus #mutation #pets #cats #infections #pandemic #us #cdc #healthcare #engineer #media #science #health #tech #nature #news
Instead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the mutations were "likely generated by replication of this virus in the patient with advanced disease," emphasizing that no transmission of the mutated strain to other humans had been identified.

Several experts contacted by AFP cautioned that it was too early to determine whether these changes would make the virus more transmissible or more severe in people.

Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, explained that while the mutation might help the virus enter cells more easily, additional evidence [such as animal testing] would be needed to confirm any effect on transmissibility.

Moreover, similar mutations have occurred in previous critically ill patients without leading to broader outbreaks. "It's good to know we should be looking out for this," Rasmussen said, "but it doesn't actually tell us, [Oh, we're this much closer to a pandemic now]."
[ImageSource: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)]

A sample of the virus found in a critically ill patient in the United States has shown signs of mutating to better suit human airways, although there is no indication it has spread beyond that individual, authorities report.

An analysis posted by the CDC revealed that a small percentage of the virus in the patient's throat carried genetic changes that could increase the virus's ability to bind to certain cell receptors found in the human upper respiratory tract.

Importantly, the agency noted that these changes have not been detected in birds – including in the backyard poultry flock believed to have been the source of the patient's initial infection.

Earlier this month, officials announced that an elderly Louisiana patient was in "critical condition" with a severe H5N1 infection. And now, a updated @CDCgov technical report on the Louisiana case is out. There are low frequency mutations in HA that indicate adaptation in a human host [specifically this human host].

The mortality rate of highly pathogenic strains of #BirdFlu in chickens is very high. Thus, entire flocks are culled. How does H5N1 affect cows?

Common clinical signs in affected cows include low appetite, reduced milk production, abnormal appearance of milk, diarrhea, lethargy, etc. Most affected cows reportedly recover with supportive treatment—the mortality/culling rate has been low at 2% or less per @USDA .

https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-health/avian-influenza/avian-influenza-virus-type-h5n1-us-dairy-cattle #press #birdflu

NEW: HHS Awards $306 Million in Avian Flu Monitoring and Preparedness Funding

“These investments are critical to continuing our disease surveillance, laboratory testing, and monitoring efforts alongside our partners at USDA,” said Secretary Xavier Becerra. #press #birdflu

Scientists Are Racing to Develop a New Bird Flu Vaccine



This article about BC teen who ended up in the ICU with bird flu is terrifying. Intubated, ECMO, plasma exchange. She will have a long road ahead.

I want to remind people that a well fitted respirator offers excellent protection

Don’t handle sick birds or other wild animals

Our hospital system would NOT be able to provide this level of care if H5N1 becomes a pandemic. And if this young teen had been in the US I imagine her family might be bankrupt.

I’m glad she’s doing better - but shame on the news article for trying to “calm monger” by talking about her BMI as if it’s to blame. Even the headline is downplaying the severity

A 13 year old has spent over a month in hospital due to H5N1. She’s still not out. Lead with THAT


#birdflu #pandemic #H5N1 #wearamask #publichealth

I can't recall ever before feeling this much dread and concern at the turning of the year. This used to be my favorite holiday. I pray that I am completely and totally wrong about what's to come for the US and the world in 2025.

#NYE #BirdFlu #USPolitics

CDC New Year’s Bird flu drop 🦅 :
The past weeks have seen more cases & more persons with respiratory illness…

“Without a clearer understanding of the extent of exposure, infection, viral evolution, & transmission, we will be unable to properly protect our communities from a pathogen that has proven to be a formidable challenge to human and animal health.”

https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2416323 #press #birdflu

⚠️ 🚨 #BC Alert--RECALL ⚠️ ⚠️ 🐈

Cat food that caused bird-flu death of Oregon pet was distributed in B.C.: officials

Please Boost

#Canada #Pets #Cat #Canada #BirdFlu #Caturday



#cats #CatsOfMastodon #pets #petsafety #petsofmastodon #h5n1 #birdflu



Dozens of rare animals including tigers, lions, and cheetahs are dying as bird flu infiltrates zoos, with potentially “grave implications” for endangered species, researchers have warned.

Bird Flu Is Sweeping Through Zoos

#H5N1 #BirdFlu #RepublicansDidThis #GOPKakistocracy #ResistFascism #GOPWeirdos #RacistGOP #NoRepublicansEverAgain #USPol

Attention #cat people!

The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is alerting pet owners that samples of Northwest Naturals brand 2lb Turkey Recipe raw & frozen pet food tested positive for a H5N1 strain of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus. Testing conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) and the Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (ODVL) at Oregon State University confirmed a house cat in Washington County contracted H5N1 and died after consuming the raw frozen pet food. Tests confirmed a genetic match between the virus in the raw and frozen pet food and the infected cat.

#birdflu #h5n1 #recall #petfood #northwestNaturals #catsofmastodon #US


I suspect that's how the captive wild cats caught the #BirdFlu -- from raw poultry!

House #cat in Washington County [#Oregon] died after contracting bird flu from raw frozen #PetFood

Story by Maxine Bernstein, December 24, 2024

"A house cat in Washington County contracted bird flu and died after eating #NorthwestNaturals raw frozen pet food, according to the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

"The state issued an alert Christmas Eve about #MoraschMeats of Portland’s voluntary recall of Northwest Naturals’ two-pound feline turkey recipe."


#PetFoodRecall #RawPetFood #H5N1 #AvianInfluenza #AvianFlu #CatFood

Welp. Not that we were holding our breath anyway, but I think we can kiss reasonable egg prices good-bye for the foreseeable future.

I photographed this sign affixed to the egg cooler at the Bellingham, WA Winco grocery store this morning.

You know what? I only eat 1 or two eggs during a normal week, so I think I'll just skip eggs altogether for a while.

By the way, one dozen large, free range eggs cost $4.65 today, about a dollar more than we usually pay. We just returned from California where the cost was between $5 and $7 per dozen.

#BirdFlu #H5N1 #Pandemic #USPol #USPolitics #Eggs #Groceries #Healthcare #PublicHealth
Egg Shortage.
Due to the ongoing impact of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI, AKA Bird Flu) on poultry populations, egg supplies have been affected, leading to higher costs. We are committed to ensuring the safety and quality of our products and appreciate your understanding during this challenging time. 

We will continue to monitor egg costs closely, and as soon as costs come down, we will adjust our prices accordingly to pass those savings back to you. Winco Foods.

CDC confirms 1st human case of bird flu in Wisconsin. The young female farmworker had mild symptoms & appears to be recovering fine. Meanwhile, 19 people on the commercial poultry farm may have been exposed and are being monitored for symptoms.

Wouldn’t it be great if @DHSWI & @CDCgov tested them all in case of subclinical illness??


#birdflu #press

#h5n1 #hpai #birdflu #avianflu #science #press #news #geflügelpest

"der Ausbruch des #Virus birgt die Gefahr einer #Pandemie. Mehr als 60 Menschen in den #USA haben sich infiziert, v.a. durch Kühe oder Geflügel, die Zahl der Fälle könnte in die Höhe schnellen, wenn sich das Virus so entwickelt, dass es sich von Mensch zu Mensch verbreitet. Die jüngste Nachricht, dass eine Person in Louisiana an der #Vogelgrippe schwer erkrankt ist, zeigt, dass es gefährlich sein kann."


Ha, I missed the outbreak of H5N1 in cats here is due to them DRINKING RAW MILK

(this is the same raw milk producer being promoted by the incoming US administration, and by the nominated Department of Health and Human Services, who is against vaccines)


#rawmilk #h5n1 #birdflu #hpai

Suspected H5 Bird Flu Detected in Los Angeles County Cats That Consumed Recalled Raw Milk

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is investigating two possible cases of H5 bird flu in cats that consumed recalled raw milk from Raw Farm, LLC.

The infected indoor cats consumed raw milk linked to a recall of raw milk and cream products prior to the onset of symptoms, which included lack of appetite, fever and neurologic signs. The infected cats died after severe worsening of their illness, and subsequently tested positive for Influenza A, a rare result in cats.

Public Health is considering these suspected H5 bird flu cases and is obtaining confirmatory testing. The nationwide H5 bird flu outbreak has seen other cats infected with the virus after consuming infected raw milk.

People who had direct contact with the cats are monitoring for symptoms and have been offered antiviral prophylaxis. There have been no human cases of bird flu associated with exposure to these cats yet identified. The investigation is ongoing.

Although human cases of bird flu are rare and the risk to residents remains low, this detection of H5 bird flu in cats who consumed raw milk underscores the importance of being proactive about preventing ongoing transmission of the virus.

Wow - strong words from Scientific American on #birdflu

“…Experts say they have lost faith in the government’s ability to contain the outbreak.

“We are in a terrible situation and going into a worse situation," said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. “I don’t know if the bird flu will become a #pandemic, but if it does, we are screwed…”

BREAKING: California declares a state of emergency as a new severe bird flu case was discovered. What it means for the rest of the country... Sharing my new piece👇

#birdflu #pandemic #press
#FortuneMagazine https://shorturl.at/Jz0du

Bird Flu jumps from Birds to Human in Louisiana [Patient hospitalized].

It is the first human H5N1 case detected in Louisiana. For now, the case is considered a "presumptive" positive until testing is confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health officials says “caution people to stay away from any sick or dead birds”.


#birdflu #h5n1 #pandemic #nature #healthcare #media #science #tech #health #engineering #news
A person in Louisiana is hospitalized with H5N1 bird flu after having contact with sick and dying birds suspected of carrying the virus.

Although the person has been hospitalized, their condition was not immediately reported. It's also unclear what kind of birds the person had contact with [wild, backyard or commercial birds]. Ars has reached out to Louisiana's health department and will update this piece with any additional information.

To date, at least 845 herds across 16 states have contracted the virus since March, including 630 in California, which detected its first dairy infections in late August.

At least 60 people in the US have been infected amid the viral spread this year. But the new case in Louisiana stands out. To date, nearly all of the human cases have been among poultry and dairy workers [unlike the new case in Louisiana] and almost all have been mild [also unlike the new case]. Most of the cases have involved conjunctivitis [pink eye] and/or mild respiratory and flu-like symptoms.


Louisiana Dept of PH reported its 1st presumptive human H5N1 case. The individual likely acquired the virus after exposure to sick & dead birds. This is the 2nd person in the U.S. to be hospitalized and follows a recent case of a teenager who's been critically ill in Vancouver.

@USDA confirmed 13 more H5N1 outbreaks in dairy cattle in CA, 4 outbreaks in birds, & 5 more detections in mammals, including a polar bear, mountain lion & a coyote. https://shorturl.at/dQSUr #birdflu #press