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Beiträge, die mit WomensRIghts getaggt sind

If you missed this week's #FullScottish with Nadia Chand, Joyce McMillan and Siobhan Tolland discussing the week's top Scottish and international news, including #Gaza, #Ukraine, defence, social security cuts and #WomensRights, it is on catch-up now. www.broadcastingscotland.scot/full-scottis...

Full Scottish - 09/03/2025 - B...

Tune in at 12:00 midday for this week's #FullScottish with Nadia Chand and guests Joyce McMillan and Siobhan Tolland discussing the week's top Scottish and international news, including #Gaza, #Ukraine, defence, social security cuts and #WomensRights. www.broadcastingscotland.scot/full-scottis...

Full Scottish - 09/03/2025 - B...

Inhaltswarnung: Emperor Palpatine goes green? | 'Sinister': former Howard government minister joins local Climate 200 hopeful

Inhaltswarnung: Going back to Dutton's electorate where I grew up, it's clear the govt waste message is resonating

Inhaltswarnung: It's only the Coalition who want to make working from home a problem for the APS

Marriage in #AncientEgypt

In ancient Egypt, it is believed that “most marriages were arranged, with an eye to social and financial advantages” (Watterson, 15).

Most Egyptian men had one wife, although men of higher status could take on other wives or concubines “with the agreement of the spouse” (Watterson, 16).

Marriage was considered a legal contract, drawn up by the “prospective husband and the bride’s father” (Watterson, 15), but often the bride was the “contracting partner (Watterson, 16) and represented her own interests.

Women were allowed to initiate divorce and “often came out of the marriage with more security than many modern women” (Watterson, 16).

If a man initiated the divorce, he “had to return her dowry, give her the marriage gift […] and pay her compensation” (Watterson, 16). If the woman initiated the divorce, she “was given back her dowry and usually a share of any property” (Watterson, 16) acquired after the marriage.

Both “parties were free to remarry” (Watterson, 16) after the divorce.

#WomensRights #Autonomy
#LegalStatus #Histodon #AncientHistory
In ancient Egypt, it is believed that “most marriages were arranged, with 
an eye to social and financial advantages” (Watterson, 15). 


Marriage in Ancient Egypt

Most Egyptian men had one wife, although men of higher status could take on other wives or concubines “with the agreement of the spouse” (Watterson, 16). 

Marriage was considered a legal contract, drawn up by the “prospective husband and the bride’s father” (Watterson, 15), but often the bride was the “contracting partner” (Watterson, 16) and represented her own interests.

Marriage in Ancient Egypt (cont'd)

Women were allowed to initiate divorce and “often came out of the marriage with more security than many modern women” (Watterson, 16).

If a man initiated the divorce, he “had to return her dowry, give her the marriage gift […] and pay her compensation” (Watterson, 16). If the woman initiated the divorce, she “was given back her dowry and usually a share of any property” (Watterson, 16) acquired after the marriage.

Both “parties were free to remarry” (Watterson, 16) after the divorce.

[Thread] So, the following is from a presentation I gave at a Women and Gender Studies class I took in 2017 (as a Classics Major). I thought it was important to post here -- especially in this day and age where women's reproductive rights are being threatened. In some ways, we've taken a step backward as time has gone on...

#ReproductiveRights #WomensRights #AncientEgypt #AncientGreece #AncientRome #Abortion #BirthControl #Autonomy #Professions #Education #LegalStatus #Histodon #AncientHistory
A title slide with the words:
"Women in the Ancient World:
A Survey of Women in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome"
The background is a dark blue sky, with shadowy hills in the background. On either side of the type are various columns -- 2 from Ancient Egypt, one from Greece, and 4 from Rome with 4 different Goddesses on them.
A slide with the words:
"This presentation focuses on three cultures: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. Topics covered are:
Legal Status
Birth Control
Notable Women."
The background is a dark blue sky, with shadowy hills in the background. On either side of the type are various columns -- 2 from Ancient Egypt, one from Greece, and 4 from Rome with 4 different Goddesses on them.

SCOTUS just gave abortion clinics a rare win

But more significant threats from Trump’s Department of Justice remain.

by Julianne McShane, 2/24/2025

"Abortion rights advocates took the court’s rejection of the cases as a win, albeit a limited one.

"Katie O’Connor, director of federal abortion policy at the National Women’s Law Center, said that while the organization was “relieved” to hear about the court’s decision, “anti-abortion extremists are now more emboldened” thanks to Trump.

"Last month, for example, Trump’s DOJ announced it would limit enforcement of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 federal law that prohibits physical force, threats, or intimidation against people trying to access reproductive health clinics. While the law has been used to prosecute both anti-abortion protesters targeting abortion clinics and abortion rights protesters targeting anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers, Trump baselessly claimed the Biden administration 'selectively weaponized [the law] against Christians.' The new DOJ guidance—which says the FACE Act should only be used in 'extraordinary circumstances' or cases involving 'death, serious bodily harm, or serious property damage'—reportedly has abortion providers bracing for more intense protests and fearing more violence. (The DOJ’s directive to limit FACE Act enforcement, though, does not override the legality of buffer zones, which are controlled by state and local law enforcement.)"

Read more:
#AbortionRights #WomensRights #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #BodilyAutonomy #BirthControl #PlannedParenthood
#ProBirth is not #ProLife!

Inhaltswarnung: Jack Waterford | Whether Labor or Liberals, independents must put boot on neck of next govt

Inhaltswarnung: 'No corruption issue arises': NACC dismisses referral of teal MP

Inhaltswarnung: Rachel Withers | Bright money? The not-so-shadowy figures funding climate independents. Individual rich-listers continue to give big to help independents get elected. But what do they want?

There are other 'sins' that don't get measured around how much they may harm/help people but instead in absolutist terms.

Those I could think of were abortion. Lying. Stealing. Maybe even adultery.

Abortion being seen as a 'sin' puts women's lives in danger, esp. disadvantaged ones e.g. young, poor, abused, etc.

And people can have good reasons, even survival ones, for lying. And stealing.


#womensrights #WomensSafety

Inhaltswarnung: Tame Grace? Good luck with that. I delight in her brave belligerence - Jane Caro

A song for our times:

Hold your heads up high and keep on keepin' on, now more than ever...

#LGBTQ #Trans #Migrants #Seniors #Women #WomensRights #CivilRights #Democracy #Healthcare #K12 #PublicSchools #Libraries #Education #FreeSpeech #Media #Journalism

Please help oppose this 15 week abortion ban with no exception for rape or incest here in #NH

Here is a link to the text of the bill:


(You have to choose introduced from the version drop-down on the right, I’ve tried to paste the link that would just go there and I don’t know how)

And here is a link to oppose

(If you add written testimony it becomes permanent public record)

I think it has to be done before tomorrow at 9:30 AM. I might be wrong but the last time I did one of these they wanted 24 hours.

#abortion #womensrights #prochoice
What can you do about it?
If you don't want this bill to pass you can 'sign in' now to oppose it. Here's how:
1. Visit:
https://gencourt.state.nh.us/house/committees/. remotetestimony/.
2. Enter your name, state and email address
3. Select Monday, January 27th, 2025
4. Under "Committee" select "House Judiciary"
5. Under "Choose a Bill" Select "9:30 A.M. - HB
6. Under "I Am" select "A Member of the Public"
7. Under "Representing" select "Myself"
8. Click "I OPPOSE this Bill"
9. Do NOT check the box that reads "This testimony is for non-germane amendment."
10. Submit!

If you've been thinking about Divorce - now is the time.

Project 2025 will make your marriage a noose around your neck you can not get out of.

My advice to young women? Don't get married at all until the christo-fascists are out of power. You will certainly regret it. You will be property, not a person.


#Marriage #Divorce #CivilRights #HumanRights #WomensRights
A stick figure drawing of a man in a maga hat who has a woman on a leash. The woman is crawling on the ground, while the man walks behind her holding the leash as if she were a dog. He is smiling. She is sad. Text reads Do Not Get MARRIED!!

Inhaltswarnung: Just a Trumped-up populist playbook, or is Dutton speaking to something deeper? By Dana Daniel

Inhaltswarnung: Facts, evidence, consistency be damned. This time it's about feeling By Mark Kenny


These comments, while hoping to highlight the sheer horror of this attack, also perpetuate the myth that in some cases, women somehow share some responsibility for their own deaths. Such as that she had stayed in a bad relationship, made a poor decision to walk alone at night, that she family had connections to unsavoury characters.

Would the death of a young woman inside the house have been less of a tragedy if she had been in the “right address” at the right time”?
Not only do men keep murdering women, but then other men keep verbally mischaracterising the events. JFC.

#FsckRWNJs #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckMisogynists #FsckSexists 🖕
#Feminism #WomensRights #WomensRepresentation #misogyny #sexism #DomesticViolence #DieDickswingersDie #WomanNeedsManLikeFishNeedsBicycle #MaleViolence #WomensSafety

Inhaltswarnung: Transphobia | History is about to repeat and I fear some of our most vulnerable will be under attack By Rodney Croome

Generations beyond will read this and wonder if there was a typo in the year - 1924 instead of 2024. #history #WomensRights https://traffic.libsyn.com/yinhistory/EP33-Womens_RIghts.mp3

If you think christo fascists wont pass laws barring women from dressing however we choose, you're not paying attention.

#ChristoFascist #WomensRights #CivilRights #ReligiousFreedom #SeparationOfChurchAndState
A photo of four women wearing modern clothes: jeans, slacks, button downs, tshirts, and having no hair coverings. 

The text reads: Iranian women in the 70s, before men "protected" them.

Oh, not to be forgotten:

The Confederacy was composed of eleven U.S. states that declared secession: South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

Now tell me, which of these states didn't enact an insane abortion ban.

#Abortion #AbortionRights #WomensRights #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #ThirteenthAmendment #InvoluntaryServitude #ReproductiveSlavery #Confederacy #GagaMAGA #MAGA #Insurrection #Rebellion #RuleOfLaw #Law #Democracy #USPol #USPolitics

They're just another proof, that MAGA is a barbarian cult of psychopathic morons pretending to be advocating life, while at the same time calling for mothers, who had to have an abortion to survive, to be killed.
Idiotic fanaticism is an extremist/terrorist national security threat.

"Pro-lifers" want the lives of mothers, who had an abortion, to be taken.

No pro-choicers were ever heard calling for the death of pro-lifers, who shamefully demand the killing of aborting girls, women & mothers.

#RuleOfLaw #Abortion #ThirteenthAmendment #AbortionRights #WomensRights #HumanRights

During the galling tenure of madmonk as Oppo leader, then the truly ghastly period of his PMship [& no, i still can't believe it either], some clever peep created a browser extension that replaced all website pictures of madmonk with a cat. It worked surprisingly well. I did not uninstall this extension til the bastard actually lost his seat.

As i am fed up with nowadays seeing pics of the poisonous potato everywhere, i just did a search to see if there might be a similar extension; alas no. This seems to be a clear market failure!

#AusPol #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WhyIsLabor #FsckOffDutton #ClimateCrisis #WeAreTotallyFscked #WomensRights

Inhaltswarnung: The Woolies worker strike is over — but their right to act is still practically illegal The Woolworths strike is yet another example of the staggering disparity between employer and employee under Australian industrial relations law.

EU condemns reported Taliban ban on women's medical education in Afghanistan
Female trainee midwives and nurses have reportedly been ordered not to attend classes by the Taliban, who have restricted Afghan women's rights.


And there it is. 👇🏼

I gather many white women didn’t read the fine print, or believed the orange joker that he wasn’t associated with Project 2025. 🙄


#womensrights #womenssuffrage
