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Beiträge, die mit Mentalhealth getaggt sind

This story of an autistic women locked up since she was a child is a lesson in what happens when there is no-one to advocate for you with the mental health services.... given her final release (which in itself took nearly a decade of hard work), one can only conclude this was unlawful imprisonment!

If this was a single case this would be an outrage & a tragedy, but Mencap believe there are hundreds more people in a similar situation.

This is inhumane!



#War #MentalHealth

My Mother was born in #Russia , I was born in #Ukraine, I live in #Israel. How do you expect me to remain sane?

This mental health chatbot aims to fill the counseling gap at understaffed schools


As school districts struggle to support the mental health of their students, a startup called Sonar Mental Health has built a “wellbeing companion” called Sonny to help.

Image Credits:
Malte Mueller / Getty Images

GP visits to become free for most under $8.5b 'legacy defining' Labor Medicare promise

Anthony Albanese says he'll make 90% of GP visits free from out-of-pocket expenses by 2030. This is a bargain for the government with a price-tag of only $8.5 billion. It's also a strong, traditional Labor policy for social services.

I'd like to think this is a sign that Albo is getting back to his roots, and announcing policies that will get the approval of the Greens and other left-leaning parties. It's also laying the groundwork for another "Mediscare" campaign in anticipation of Peter Dutton's toxic bullshit.

Boosting funding for bulk-billing will have massive flow-on effects for the general wellbeing of Australians: quality of life, ability to function in school and at work, and therefore a long-term payback for the economy. Anyone arguing against this policy has a deep-seated ideological hatred for "poor people" and knows nothing about the economy — I'm looking at you, Peter Dutton.

Details I'd like to hear more about:
- Mental health care funding got a boost, so it's good to see the government taking this neglected area more seriously.
- Dental health care was not mentioned, and it absolutely needs to be covered by Medicare. Teeth are a vital part of your body that require life-long care and shouldn't be at the mercy of private health insurance.
- GPs got screwed by Scott Morrison when he made a bunch of massive cuts to Medicare. The government will need to coordinate with GPs to make sure they get fair compensation for their work.
- Peter Dutton having a sook, and rolling-out that tired old lie about Labor being wasteful with money.

#AusPol #AnthonyAlbanese #Albo #Medicare #MentalHealth #ScottMorrison #ScottyFromMarketing #Mediscare #PeterDutton

hello friends! i am excited to share my newest #mentalhealth project, https://littlebetterzine.com

free pocket-sized guides to evidence based coping skills. these are techniques i’ve shared with therapy patients, but i know not everyone has access to therapy. i hope you find them helpful, and i’d be grateful if you share with anyone who might need them!

UPDATE: expanded and redesigned zines 👉🏻 https://alaskan.social/@feelnotes/114043199249929066
photo: three pocket-sized zines 
#1 relax your body to relax your mind 
#2 cultivate peace with loving-kindness meditation 
#3 achieve your goals with better to-do lists
photo: inside detail of zine

Would the whole world seem less doomed if I was less depressed? Maybe, but the whole world seems doomed right now, so the depression isn’t going to go away by itself so I can find out.

#UKpol #USPol #MentalHealth

The March/April 2025 issue of Texas Observer magazine is coming soon for our members, featuring some of our best reporting, a sneak preview of Lise Olsen's new book, Justin Miller's vital political analysis, and more.

Become a member: https://texasobserver.fundjournalism.org/join/

(📸 Cover photo by Shelby Tauber)

#journalism #media #nonprofit #politics #USpol #Texas #CriminalJustice #books #culture #news #TXlege #border #MentalHealth
The cover of the March/April 2025 issue of Texas Observer magazine features a photograph of person with brown hair, wearing jeans and a denim jacket with a Southwest pattern, seen from behind at nightfall on in the countryside along a rural road, with a truck passing by. Trees are silhouetted against the darkening sky. The headline: Rural Texas’ Mental Healthcare Crisis: One family struggles in Sweetwater, by Daniel Carter. Other headlines: The Scientist and the Serial Killer by Lise Olsen. Abbott’s Operation Lone Star Bonanza, by Justin Miller.

RFK Jr. Is Already Taking Aim at Antidepressants

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr has been planted by Trump in the role of Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

He wants to slash scientifically-established medication, hospital treatment, financial benefits, and government programs for people with these conditions:
- Chronic illness.
- Autism.
- ADHD, and medication including Adderall and Ritalin.
- Asthma.
- Obesity.
- Multiple sclerosis.
- Psoriasis.
- Mental illness such as depression and anxiety, and SSRI medication including Prozac and Zoloft.

RFK Jr says wants people who live with chronic illness such as those listed above — who often require daily preventative medication, a professional carer/assistant, or an assistive device for their daily functioning and to maintain their quality of life and sense of dignity and autonomy — to be stripped of their treatment and put into in "Wellness Farms" for "three or four years if they need it".

This is the sort of inhumane mistreatment of people requiring medical care that happened in the USSR and still goes on today in North Korea. It should not happen in the USA.

This move by RFK Jr is going to destroy childhoods, ruin families, cause people financial ruin, and for some people it will cost them their life.

#USPol #RFKJr #Trump #ChronicIllness #ChronicDisease #Autism #ADHD #Adderall #Ritalin #Asthma #Obesity #MultipleSclerosis #Psoriasis #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Depression #Anxiety #SSRIs #Prozac #Zoloft

While Eva Wiseman's argument might also include men with mental health disorders who find themselves in prison, her central point about the prison system not being a suitable substitute for proper care for the mentally ill is absolutely right;

we have (like so many other aspects of our society) seemed to have returned to the C19th callousness & brutality while claiming there's no alternative.

There's alway an alternative, we just refuse it!

#prison #MentalHealth


Eine britische Studie zeigt: Menschen fühlen sich in den Morgenstunden am glücklichsten, während das Wohlbefinden zu später Stunde deutlich abnimmt und Depressionen zunehmen. 🌅

Im Winter leiden die Menschen häufiger unter Einsamkeit und depressiven Symptomen als in anderen Jahreszeiten, der Wochentag spielt dabei eine untergeordnete Rolle. 🌡️

Mehr dazu bei den Kolleg:innen der tagesschau:
📝 https://www.tagesschau.de/wissen/forschung/studie-wohlbefinden-tageszeit-100.html

#Gesundheit #Studie #MentalHealth #Psychologie
Eine aktuelle britische Studie mit fast 50.000 Teilnehmenden zeigt, dass das menschliche Wohlbefinden stark von der Tageszeit abhängt.
Bild: Medium shot smiley Freunde umarmen. picture alliance / imageBROKER | Oleksandr Latkun

Aside from the social & personal costs of childhood mental health (and its impact on later wellbeing & social integration), the lack of funding for tackling childhood mental health also has significant economic consequences.

If bean-counter politicians will not consider funding better services for helping alleviate the mental anguish of children for moral, ethical or social reasons, perhaps the economic argument might sway them?

Or maybe not.

#MentalHealth #children

As a translator, what I mostly think about is failure. I have paralysing fear of being perceived as flawed. Maybe it comes from always having felt less than and different (I'm #ActuallyAutistic).

Maybe the question I should be asking myself is: How can I keep working as a translator?

#ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent #MentalHealth #xl8 #Neurodiversity #AutismResearch

My translation journey:
2017: Yay! I’m going to be change careers
and become a freelance linguist!

2018: I’m not good enough. I need a full-time job.

2020: Maybe I could be a translation project manager.

2020: Hum, done that. Moving on!
I’m going to be a freelance linguist!

2021: I’m going to be a freelance linguist and a subtitler!

2024: I’m going to be a freelance linguist, a subtitler,
and a game localizer!

2025: But can I really do this? Am I experienced enough? Maybe???

For no good reason I was thinking about our daughter's long stay in the psychiatric hospital.

There were a lot of patients on the ward (possibly about 2/3) who never got any visitors.
Where were their families, spouses, parents, children? Not to mention freinds?

The ward staff were delighted that our daughter had visits and support from her parents, brother, neices and work-collegues - she was certainly the exception among the patients.
I like to think that our support helped in her recovery, I definitely think it made her stay there more bearable.

If you know of someone receiving long term hospital care - psychiatric or otherwise - please don't abandon them. Make an effort. It won't always be easy, but doing good isn't always the easy road.

#MentalHealth #hospitals #Carers

My blog on coping with the last 48 hours

#mentalhealth #blog


Afternoon Twters.

Sometimes I wish it were possible to clean myself and wash my hair by willing it to be so, instead of having to actually DO it.

I know I'll enjoy the bath once I'm in it, but getting there seems like a monolithic task right now. However, I'm off to see a friend for dinner tonight, so I better had.

*Wills self*

Fuck, if #MentalHealth isn't hard to contend with sometimes.

Hope the rest of you are having a lovely weekend! 😘

Good morning everyone and happy weekend. I'm really happy January is over, that month felt like 2 years. This week has been a lot so I just wrote a blog about it. #blog #mentalhealth


Stopping back oh here since I'm trying out pixelfed. I have a blog here #blog #art #mentalhealth


Saying that people with mental trauma should not be visiting social media and using that as an excuse for not setting a CW is ableism and not inclusive.

#CW #MentalHealth

CW just means thinking if what you're going to post has a good chance of causing stress to someone. It's very easy and causes no harm to you.

#CW #MentalHealth

Morning Twters.

The main issue with fluctuating #MentalHealth is that when life kicks you down *and keeps on kicking* with one thing after another, it's all the more difficult to get back up and keep going.

I'm okay, and I know I will *be* okay. I have good friends around me, supporting and loving me, and I will be just fine. It's just a bit tough while you're going through it.

Hope you're all having a lovely mid-week, and that the break in the rain is helping. 😘

#introduction Hi everyone, I joined a while ago, but didn’t give it much a go, but want to now. All other social media pisses me off. I’m active in #Druidry with #OBOD Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids I #read a pretty wide genre of #books - both #fiction and #nonfiction . I’m from #uk but now live in #tasmania #australia. I’m a retired #mentalhealth #nurse and keen at #photography - pictures to follow. @chestas (my husband) and I both love to #travel

Are you addicted to your phone, or does Martha Gill need more friends?


Another day, another article based on poorly-evidenced claims that ultimately makes life harder for the vulnerable.

My effort to explain how/why is available to read now.

#Phones #MentalHealth #Media

Don't forget to share and subscribe (if so inclined)

Are you addicted to your phone, or does Martha Gill need more friends?


Another day, another article based on poorly-evidenced claims that ultimately makes life harder for the vulnerable.

My effort to explain how/why is available to read now.

#Phones #MentalHealth #Media

Don't forget to share and subscribe (if so inclined)

Helloooo! Let's try this #introduction #mastodon.. #newhere
I'm Caroline from The Netherlands, have been eyeing all the beautiful #photography accounts (amongst others)
Hope to connect on this platform!
Other interests: #sleeptoken #coffee #sarcasm #mentalhealth #psychology #science #sciencefunfacts #metalmusic #blues #soul #love #kindness #helpingothers and so on

I'm not, in any way, shape or form a photographer but here are some shots 😆
Can't remember what time this was. Thoroughly enjoyed this walk though.
Morning stroll
It's me!

Armed police stunned & then shot a man having a mental health crisis, relating to his previous experience apprehending a man who had killed a 16 year old girl in a random attack on Birmingham, for which he won bravery award.

I can see the need for armed police in some circumstances, but dealing with a man in an agitated mental state in his own home with such violence just affirms the callousness of the police.

A terrible series of events!

#police #MentalHealth

Good grief, Moncrieff: How mainstream media keeps letting down the vulnerable


Hadn't planned on writing this, but *yet another* example of harmful views being aired without question by the national broadcaster meant it felt needed

#MentalHealth #Media

I’m new here and want to find people who are similar to me. I’m looking for people who associate with:

- disability justice

- neurodivergent issues and conversation

- writing

- reading

- all mental illnesses

- video games

- LGBTQ, especially trans people

- Cats



Up to 1 million children in Gaza are in need of mental health support for anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts – after enduring nearly 15 months of Israeli bombardment.

Tom Fletcher, UN

4-year-old wounded girl at the al-Aqsa Hospital.

Hello mastodon mates! It's been a while 👋

Went cold turkey on social media after the US elections, and it was great to clear my head and think about what I want to focus on in 2025.

This is where I've got to:

1 - Fuck #capitalism - cancel everything, no more corporate social media

2 - Fuck #fascism - 2025 is my punching Nazis era ✊

3 - Protect each other, build strong communities

4 - Focus on #MentalHealth and resilience

As the Satanists say - do no harm, take no shit 😈💜

As mental health professionals interacting with #patients and families hailing from different cultural, educational and socio-economic backgrounds, we are often faced with misconceptions. This #blog series sheds #light on important aspects on mental illnesses.

#PalUpNow! #mentalhealth🌸 #educatio...
Dr. Shalini Bhakta Educates PalUpNow! Users On Mental Health
Dr. Shalini Bhakta Educates PalUpNow! Users On Mental Health