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Beiträge, die mit birdsOfMastodon getaggt sind

Share your pet's photo (while I struggle to concentrate to write two assignments amidst SAD please)

For every 200 word I write, I will come back here to say hi to the bubs


#GutenMorgen Trötenland. ☕
Angeblich soll sich Klara heute blicken lassen. Wenn dem so ist, werde ich es genießen.
Habt einen schönen #Dienstag.
#Fotografie #Photography #Vögel #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon
Ein Kernbeißer (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) steht auf dem Erdboden, hat den Kopf in Richtung Betrachter gedreht und die Augen im Licht der tiefstehenden Sonne zusammengekniffen.
Der Vogel besitzt einen großen Kegelschnabel und einen kurzen Schwanz. Die Augen sind braun. Die äußeren großen Armdecken bilden ein weißes Band. Daneben gibt es ein weißes Band im Bereich der Handschwingen, die Schwingen sind ansonsten blauschwarz. Beine und Zehen sind fleischfarben.
Der Kopf ist rotbraun. Er ist durch ein breites graues Nackenband mit dem dunkelbraunen Rücken verbunden. Der schwarze bis grauschwarze Schwanz mit breiten, weißen Endbinden ist wenig eingekerbt. Zur Mitte hin geht die Färbung in einen grau- bis hellbräunlichen Farbton über. Die Zügel, die schmale Schnabeleinfassung und der Kehlfleck sind tiefschwarz. Die Brust und die Unterseite sind zimtbraun. Der Bürzel ist gelbbräunlich bis hellbraun.

You could still engage in the other main activities of this fine social media platform/network/thingy: #CatsOfMastondon #dogsofmastodon #birdsofmastodon
Cats, after all, are what the internet is for. Just ask them…

Good morning everyone 🥶 Still very chilly here today with a storm on the way this weekend. I'm just up as Grant is going birding this morning so got up for the parrots. I've just come downstairs to a lovely welcome from them all, with Ziggy yelling "Hello!" as soon as she heard me coming down and Jadie babbling with excitement. Toby is the silent one, but at least he isn't screeching at me - yet - I fully expect that ear shattering squawk to happen soon as it's something he seems to do in the mornings. Only to me mind you. He just makes little "Hmmm?" noises to Grant. 🤔

I have to sort out an order that came in last night for a pair of slipper boots so it can be posted today and then we're off for a bimble around Lidl later. I'm waiting for yarn to arrive for a new custom crochet order and have another potential on the cards. It's that time of year 😊

Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to 🤗

#Parrots #PetsOfMastodon #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfFediverse #GoodMorning #Crochet


While waiting for the ferry, I spotted this gull eating a starfish, looked like chocking at first…

🎁 FREE Ground SHIPPING in the U.S. on ANY item in my Gallery. Offer ends at midnight EST, 11.24.

#Wildlife #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon #Nature #Photography #Washington #PNW #Seattle #Artprints #WallArt #HomeDecor #Lifestyle #Puzzle #GreetingCards #Gifts #FediGiftShop #Giftideas #Christmas #Holiday #Thanksgiving #WomensArt #MastoArt #FediArt
Closeup capture of a Gull while eating a yellow starfish. The pink tongue of the gull is hanging out and saliva dripping. Portrait shot.

#GutenMorgen Trötenland. ☕
Die Möwenbande hat gestern nichts von meinem Matjesbrötchen abbekommen. Nur dieser kleine Wicht konnte erfolgreich ein paar Krümel abgreifen.
Euch einen schönen #Montag. Kommt gut in und durch die neue Woche.
#Fotografie #Photography #Vögel #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon
Ein Haussperling (Passer domesticus) sitzt aufgeplustert auf einem Metallrohr und schaut nach rechts. Am Schnabel kleben kleine Krümel.
Der Vogel ist an Brust und Bauch aschgrau gefiedert. Kopf, Rücken und Flügeloberseiten sind bräunlich.

Sparrow and Blue Sky

This is a chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina) one of the species that I photograph the most.

I've had several inquiries about how to get a print of some my photographs. This is a hobby for me, so I haven't been equipped to handle those requests. But I enjoy what I'm doing and want to share my photographs.

So, I set up an account and website with pixels. My website is:


If you want a print of one of my photographs, you can get it there, If I haven't loaded it, let me know which one it is, and I'll gladly load it there for you.

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #birdphotography #ChippingSparrow
"The image shows a sparrow perched on a tree branch. The bird has a light brown and white plumage with a distinctive reddish-brown streak on its head. The background is a clear blue sky, and the branches of the tree are visible around the bird. The bird appears to be calmly resting on the branch, and the photograph captures the details of its feathers and the texture of the tree bark. The image is interesting because it highlights the natural beauty of the bird and its surroundings, showcasing a moment of tranquility in nature. The photograph is signed with "© Swede's Photographs" in the bottom right corner." - Copilot

Landing Precision

Here is a photograph of a male house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) just before he touches down on the top of a black metal shepherd's hook.

You can browse through a collection of my favorite photos at my photo gallery, visit:


#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #birdphotography #Housefinch
"The image shows a close-up of a male house finch. The bird has a distinctive red coloration on its head and chest, with brown and white streaks on its wings and body. The background is a blurred green, making the bird stand out prominently. The finch's conical beak is closed, and its toes and talons are visible, spread wide above a black metal object on which the bird is about to land on. The details capture the texture of the bird's feathers and the intensity of its gaze. The photograph is signed "© Swede's Photographs" in the bottom right corner." - Copilot with edits

Saw this stork today, sizing up an ice cream truck outside the stork sanctuary. Wonder what they were in the mood for. 😄

#birds #stork #nature #BirdsOfMastodon #image #Budapest
Photo of an ice cream truck parked along a path in a park, with a colorful display of snacks and ice cream. A stork is standing in front of the truck, observing it from a few feet away.

Blue Jay

Here is a photo of a blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) that I took in October 2023. I haven't seen any of these birds in a few weeks, I know that they are still around though. Perhaps they are deeper in the forest. My guess I'll see them more when it starts getting really cold, especially it snows. Yes, it occasionally snows in Louisiana.

"The oldest known wild, banded Blue Jay was at least 26 years, 11 months old when it was found dead after being caught in fishing gear. It had been banded in the Newfoundland/Labrador/St. Pierre et Miquelon area in 1989 and was found there in 2016." - allaboutbirds.org

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #bird #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #BlueJay
This blue jay perches on a black metal shepherd's hook with its back facing the camera. The bird has its head turned towards the camera obviously aware that I'm there.  Its black beak has the shape of a pointed wedge.  There is a black mark at the base of the beak shaped like a wide letter "H."  The crest on top of its head is flattened and blue, but its face is white with black markings.  Its back and wings are blue, and the flight feathers are elaborately decorated with checkers of blue, white, and black.  Its tail feathers are blue with horizontal black stripes at mostly even intervals, its breast is white, and its legs and feet are gray.

"Large, crested songbird with broad, rounded tail. Blue Jays are smaller than crows, larger than robins. White or light gray underneath, various shades of blue, black, and white above." - allaboutbirds.org

The Great Wall of Snow Geese - flying in organized chaos- illuminated by sunset glow- it's a miracle they don’t collide.
Mesmerizing scenery at Fir Island, Washington.

#wildlife #nature #birds #birdsofmastodon #photography #Friday #TGIF #Washington #PNW

Thousands of Snow Geese flying in organized chaos over a field illuminated by sunset glow. They’re rather yellow and pink than white.

Some birds on 11.29 at Loft's Pond, one of south shore Nassau County's multitude of small fresh- and brackish-water ponds originally part of a broad coastal marshland, but now embedded in suburbia. These are important-- although insufficient by themselves -- habitats for many species of fauna, way-stations for migrating birds and winter residences for waterfowl. The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was a particularly accommodating subject, landing in a bush close by and, later, on a tree right over my head. The Green-winged Teals, foraging in the pond, were also relatively tranquil subjects, for a change. I chose not to crop so as not to lose perspective of our current engagement with their habitat. The other species shown are a White-throated Sparrow and, yes, a Red-BELLIED Woodpecker 😜 .
#nature #NaturePhotography #birds #Wildlife #naturecommunity #photography #BirdsOfMastodon #birdphotography #birding
"Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers are fairly small woodpeckers with stout, straight bills. The long wings extend about halfway to the tip of the stiff, pointed tail at rest. Often, sapsuckers hold their crown feathers up to form a peak at the back of the head. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers are mostly black and white with boldly patterned faces. Both sexes have red foreheads, and males also have red throats [this one is a female]. Look for a long white stripe along the folded wing. Bold black-and-white stripes curve from the face toward a black chest shield and white or yellowish underparts."(AllAboutBirds)
"A pair of Green-winged Teals in a pond containing some plastic and other waste. "Green-winged Teal are very small ducks. They have short, blocky bodies and their tails sit high out of the water. The head is large, the neck is short, and the bill is relatively small. Adult males have grayish bodies with a narrow white vertical stripe extending from the waterline to the shoulder. In good light, their dark heads are cinnamon with a wide green swoop from the eye to the back of the neck. Females are brown with a yellowish streak along the tail. Both sexes have green wing patches in the secondaries (speculum), but these may be hidden when not in flight." (AllAboutBirds).
"White-throated Sparrows are brown above and gray below with a striking head pattern. The black-and-white-striped head is augmented by a bright white throat and yellow between the eye and the bill, which is gray. You’ll also see a less boldly marked form, known as “tan-striped,” with a buff-on-brown face pattern instead of white-on-black." (AllAboutBirds)
The Red-bellied Woodpecker "often appears pale overall, even the boldly black-and-white striped back, with flashing red cap and nape. Look for white patches near the wingtips as this bird flies." (AllAboutBirds). And, oh, yes, the belly does have a red wash.