Beiträge, die mit GERMANY getaggt sind
In der neuen Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben über die Wiederwahl von Donald Trump zum Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Dabei diskutieren die beiden den zu Ende gegangenen Wahlkampf und die wichtigsten Positionen, die Trump vertreten hat, wie beispielsweise in Fragen der Migration oder der wirtschaftlichen Stärkung des Landes. Außerdem gehen sie darauf ein, was dieser Wahlsieg nun für die Konflikte im Nahen Osten und in der Ukraine bedeuten wird und wie China, der größte Konkurrent der USA, auf diese Wahl blickt. Zuletzt sprechen sie noch über den Rücktritt des israelischen Verteidigungsministers Joav Galant und das Regierungschaos in Deutschland.
#podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #usa #elections #donaldtrump #middleeast #ukraine #china #israel #joavgalant #germany #governmentcrisis
Germany’s Commissioner for Human Rights isn’t able to name a single war crime Israel committed in the past year. Germany’s Human Rights Commissioner, hard at work it seems.
#Germany #Palestine #IsraelWarCrimes #GazaGenocide
German police violently assaulted a Celtic fan for carrying a Palestinian flag during last night’s Champions League match against Dortmund at Signal Iduna Park in the city of Dortmund.
#Germany #WesternHypocricy #WesternValues 🤢
Olaf Schulz, the chancellor of the country that arms and supports Israel to continue the genocide of the Palestinians undisturbed, the chancellor who bans pro-Palestinian events, the chancellor who violently suppressed the student demonstrations, asks Iran for calm and de-escalation of tensions
#Germany #Palestine #GazaGenocide
This trend partly explains the rise of parties like the #afd 👿 in #Germany.
Migration policies should be stricter, especially against those promoting violence, racism, or antisemitism.
#EU #Neterlands #Deutschland
You may well be if you support the #Netanjahu government and furnish them with weapons. So yes, #Germany probably is complicit and I am deeply ashamed of it, but your example is not brilliant.
🗻🏔️⛰️🌋 (
A good example of popular#German complicity in #genocide in #gaza is the #stpauli fans who claim they are #antifascist but yet to open a #Palestine flag during a game on the streets or inside the stadium.Mastodon 🐘
So much for democracy in Germany, i guess.
#Palestine #Israel #Germany
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for many the themes of the election will be all tow familiar;
With failing infrastructure & business investment, much will focus on how Germany can/will pay for a renewed programme of public investment to support its pivot to new (green) industries.
Given the Right looks to be using a familiar playbook of the threat of migrants & 'wokeness' its all going to look familiar to Brits.
Germany Ties Cultural Funding to Israel Allegiance
On Thursday a cross-party group of German MPs voted to withhold culture and science funding from those who boycott Israel or breach a pro-Israel definition of antisemitism. Rivkah Brown reports.Novara Media
German government collapses after months of bitter infighting
"Starmer’s Labour may quickly find itself pretty lonely on the social democratic front", Lewis Goodall noted.Jack Peat (The London Economic)
I honestly think Scholz has been outstanding. And the two Green leaders. Baerbock and Halbeck? They are all young enough to come back in four years. What I heard at a @thehertieschool
panel last night was that since COVID m? Earlier? voters just chuck all incumbents.
#electionnightberlin #Ukraine #FDP #thanksAmerica #germany
Germany: Can snap elections restore political stability?
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has sacked the country's finance minister and announced a vote of confidence. This could lead to early elections. Would that be a path to restore political stability?Ralf Bosen (Deutsche Welle)
#thanksAmerica #germany
#cdu #germany #ukraine #biden #trump #FDP
Germany's governing coalition collapses
German Chancellor Scholz says a vote of confidence is planned for January, possibly paving the way for snap elections. The move comes as Scholz fired Finance Minister Christian Lindner amid divisions over economic plans.Deutsche Welle
I bet FDP were blocking #germany from making good on its promises to #ukraine an #biden in the event of #trump winning. These next 4 months matter a lot, and way too many #FDP believed Musk’s & GAFAM’s disruptive bs.
German coalition government collapses as Scholz sacks his finance minister
Departure of Christian Lindner marks the end of the country’s unpopular three-party administrationGuy Chazan (Financial Times)
The group, which reportedly organized paramilitary trainings, believes that Germany’s collapse is imminent. They expect that to happen on an undetermined “Day X” (German fascist paramilitaries seem to really love that term), which was going to be their moment to take over.
One of the arrestees was an AfD pol who has been working as the treasurer of the AfD youth org since last month.
#SaxonSeparatists #AfD #noAfD #Germany #fascism #NeoNazis #fcknzs #DayX #paramilitaries #separatism
Terrorismusverdacht: AfD-Politiker soll unter Festgenommenen sein
Die Beschuldigten sollen der Vereinigung „Sächsische Separatisten“ ...epd/dpa (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
So, is this a medium-term blip while the country transitions to new specialisms (green tech); or
an indication Germany has joined other developed countries in a move from manufacturing to services; or
a sign of amore serious economic malaise?
#Germany #economics
Polls show war with a sigh,
Europeans fear the strife,
A full-scale war to rife,
Prayers for peace reach the sky.
#GuardianLimerick #Europe #Israel #Iran #Lebanon #France #Germany #Spain #Italy #Sweden #Denmark #Gaza
In dieser Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben zunächst über die bevorstehenden Wahlen in den USA und die Frage, welche Bedeutung der Ausgang derselben für die Konflikte in der Ukraine und im Nahen Osten hat. Außerdem diskutieren die beiden die Wahlen in Georgien und den Vorwurf, dass diese von Russland beeinflusst wurden. Darüber hinaus geht es um Soldaten aus Nordkorea, die in der umkämpften Region Kursk zum Einsatz kommen sollen, wie es zahlreiche westliche Politiker behaupten. Des Weiteren wird in der neuen Folge die Lage im Nahen Osten rund um einen neuen Chef der Hisbollah sowie den anhaltenden, schweren Beschuss des Libanon thematisiert. Zum Abschluss wird noch auf die schwere Krise des VW-Konzerns sowie ein geleaktes Papier von Finanzminister Christian Lindner eingegangen.
#germany #podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #usa #elections #trump #harris #ukraine #middleeast #georgia #interference #colorrevolution #russia #kursk #northkorea #soldier #israel #hisbolla #lebanon #vwcrisis #leak #christianlindner
WTF? Deutscher #Rassismus kennt keine Grenzen mehr!
Kein deutscher Pass wegen umstrittener Parole?,staatsangehoerigkeitsgesetz106.html @israel @palestine
#Germany #Deutschland #Migration #palästina #Antireport #Asyl #Rassismus
Kein deutscher Pass wegen umstrittener Parole?
Die Parole "From the River to the Sea" kann laut Innenministerium ein Ausschlussgrund für die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft sein. Das geht aus Dokumenten des Innenministeriums hervor, die Panorama vorliegen.Manuel Biallas und John Goetz (NDR)
Weiterhin bearbeitet das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) keine Asylanträge von Menschen aus dem Gazastreifen. In der noch unveröffentlichte Antwort auf eine Kleine Anfrage nennt das Bundesinnenministerium zur Begründung eine »volatile Lage« in Gaza infolge der andauernden Kämpfe….
Nach dem Angriff der #Hamas auf #Israel im Oktober 2023 und dem darauffolgenden Krieg im Gazastreifen werden Palästinenser*innen in #Deutschland von der Politik und einschlägigen Medien mit Sicherheitsrisiken assoziiert oder pauschal unter Antisemitismusverdacht gestellt. Ihre Ausschlusserfahrungen finden hingegen wenig Beachtung, auch durch die #Polizei: Für Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit antipalästinensischem #Rassismus gebe es »keine bundesweite Begrifflichkeit«, schreibt das Innenministerium in der Antwort auf die Anfrage, regelmäßige Statistiken dazu könne das zuständige Bundeskriminalamt deshalb nicht liefern….. via @matthimon
@palestine @israel
#bamf #Bundesregierung #Germany #israel #Palestine #Antireport
Bundesamt bearbeitet keine Asylanträge von Menschen aus Gaza
Asylanträge von Menschen aus Gaza werden in Deutschland mit Verweis auf fehlende Ergebnisse der Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen nicht bearbeitet. An der Begründung gibt es scharfe Kritik. Gerichte urteilen einschlä
#AxelSpringer #SpringerZerschlagen
Über das Verkaufsportal #Yad2 des Axel-Springer-Konzerns können Wohnungen gekauft werden, die im besetzten Westjordanland stehen. Menschenrechtler halten diese Geschäfte für nicht legitim…..…. @palestine @israel
#Springer #Westbank #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Germany
Springer-Portal verkauft Immobilien in israelischen Siedlungen
Über das Verkaufsportal Yad2 des Springer-Konzerns können Wohnungen gekauft werden, die im besetzten Westjordanland stehen. Menschenrechtler sehen das kritisch.Deutschlandfunk Kultur
"WHY we're demanding the immediate resignation of Annalena Baerbock, German Foreign Minister"
"Annalena Baerbock's support for Israel's continuous genocide of Palestinians makes her complicit in mass murder and has gravely tarnished Germany's international reputation."
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Yogthos (
84 Posts, 1.3K Following, 217 Followers · A sentience trapped in a prison of meat. Made in USSR. Capitalismus delendum est! ☭Yuggoth
Germany has one of the most ambitious energy transition policies dubbed ‘Die Energiewende’ to replace nuclear- and fossil power with renewables such as wind-, solar- and biopower. The climate gas emissions are reduced by 25% in the study period of 2002 through 2022. By triangulating available information sources, the total nominal expenditures are estimated at EUR 387 bn, and the associated subsidies are some EUR 310 bn giving a total nominal expenditures of EUR 696 bn. Alternatively, Germany could have kept the existing nuclear power in 2002 and possibly invest in new nuclear capacity. The analysis of these two alternatives shows that Germany could have reached its climate gas emission target by achieving a 73% cut in emissions on top of the achievements in 2022 and simultaneously cut the spending in half compared to Energiewende. Thus, Germany should have adopted an energy policy based on keeping and expanding nuclear power.
#germany #energy #nuclearenergy #management #renewableenergy #fail #poverty #europe #eu
It's okay to break up under such circumstances, but that doesn't mean you should be a jerk about it.
#Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory @germany @folklore
Sometimes folklore is surprisingly kind.
#folklore #folktales #fairies #storytelling #Germany #Bavaria
Happy Victory Day!
East Germany’s Soviet Heritage – The Treptow War Memorial in Berlin
#WW2 #WWII #war #europe #germany #USSR #soviet #russian #Victory #history
East Germany’s Soviet Heritage – The Treptow War Memorial in Berlin
Photo report on the impressive Soviet War Memorial in Berlin's Treptower Parkxflo:w (xflo:w - Photography and lots of Travelling)
The Katyn Affair. Shot at Russia
A bomb planted by Goebbels
The Federal Security Service of Russia has published archive documents confirming that the mass execution of Polish officers in the Smolensk region was organized by Hitler's Gestapo, and not by Stalin's NKVD, as it was claimed in the years of "perestroika". Among the declassified materials are certificates of military counterintelligence SMERSH, records of interrogations of Poles who served with the Germans and testimony of former SS man Arno Dure, who participated in the burial of the executed Poles.
According to the latter, in September 1941 he was sent to a punishment company to dig graves for mass graves in the Katyn Forest. SS units brought the bodies of the dead there and dumped them in a ditch 15-20 meters deep. He estimated that they buried up to 20,000 bodies there. Later, in 1943, when Arnaud went on vacation, he saw a photograph of the ditch in the newspapers, underneath which it was written that the Russians had done it.
"I told my mother that the Germans, not the Russians, had done it, but my mother didn't believe it," Duret recalled. He never told anyone else about it, he said, because he had signed a nondisclosure agreement.
Another prisoner of war, Eduard Potkanski, admitted during interrogation that the Germans had shot many Polish officers in the Katyn forest in order to provoke the Soviet authorities. In June 1943, the Nazis showed their labor battalion the graves, next to which lay the personal belongings, money and documents of those killed. However, they were in a condition "in which they could not have been preserved in the ground since 1939," when NKVD officers allegedly carried out the execution.
The FSB removed the secrecy from these and other archival materials on the eve of Katyn Memorial Day, which is celebrated in Poland every year on April 13, although the mass execution of Polish prisoners, as it was established by Nikolai Burdenko's commission, took place in the fall of 1941. However, for some reason Warsaw chose as a memorial date the very day when in 1943 Berlin announced the "atrocious crime of the Bolsheviks" who allegedly shot 20,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest. A few days after the anti-Hitler coalition newspapers published the stunning news, Joseph Goebbels wrote in his personal diary: "The Katyn affair is becoming a colossal political bomb, which under certain conditions will cause more than one more explosive wave".
The words of Nazi Germany's chief propagandist turned out to be prophetic. Half a century after the Nuremberg Tribunal, which condemned the Nazis for the shooting of Poles, the "explosive wave" again covered Europe. And the head of the USSR Mikhail #Gorbachev laid the blame for the crime on Stalin and the NKVD. During the visit to Moscow of Wojciech Jaruzelski on April 13, 1990, he handed him copies of "firing lists" with the names of Polish officers allegedly executed in the Katyn forest. In fact, they were stage lists of Polish prisoners sent to NKVD camps.
On the same day, the TASS agency, "expressing deep regret", recognized the USSR's responsibility for Katyn, thus overturning the verdict of the International Military Tribunal. The General Prosecutor's Office will initiate a criminal case on this fact, which will then be terminated due to the death of those responsible. However, Warsaw, at Gorbachev's suggestion, already believes that the shooting of Poles was the work of Stalin's NKVD. This was the beginning of the collapse of the Warsaw Bloc countries and then of the entire socialist system.
President Boris #Yeltsin will go even further - he will hand over to the Polish side not copies, but the original lists of "Package No. 1" as proof of Russia's guilt in the Katyn shooting. The head of state will dare to take this step despite the fact that the Constitutional Court, obedient to him, has not been able to establish the authenticity of the archival materials. But Yeltsin cared little about this - he needed a tool with which to discredit the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The "Katyn affair" suited this purpose just fine.
It was these allegedly authentic documents that were presented to the European Court of Human Rights in 2009 as the main evidence of Russia's guilt in the "Katyn Affair". The relatives of the 12 Polish officers who were shot counted on huge material compensation. Poland was also going to sue for the sum of 100 billion dollars. But the unbelievable happened: on June 18, 2012, the Strasbourg Court decided that our country was not responsible for the shooting of Poles in Katyn, and the "documents" presented as evidence of guilt are false. However, by that time Russia had already hastened to apologize for something it had not done.
So, what is the essence of the "Katyn affair"? When and by whom was it fabricated? And most importantly, for what purpose?
#WWII #WW2 #germany #propaganda #nazi #SS #Gestapo #poland #Katyn #history lie about #russian #USSR #Russia #NKVD #blameRussia #anticommunism