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Beiträge, die mit BIRDS getaggt sind

Pulling together bird pix for a workshop next weekend. Glad to find I had more decent shots than I thought. These are from my yard.

The tuffted titmouse is a common year round resident in New England. It has a short pointed bill and black eye. It’s soft grey on top with a crest and buff underneath.
Pileated woodpecker in spring on a tree trunk. The largest of North America’s woodpeckers, pileated are over a foot long with bright red crests and a mostly black body with white stripes on the head and throat. They are big loud and fearless.
The northern oriole is a seasonal migrant to Connecticut. Its bright orange breast and tail contrasts with a black head and wings. It has a very clear toned melodic song. In this photo it is sitting among reddish green young maple leaves with its bill open singing. A blue sky is behind the branches.
Rudy throated humming birds are hilarious to watch. This one sits on a wire and spreads out its tail while reaching back to scratch under a wing. It’s hard to tell this is a bird since it looks like a spiky bundle of metallic green feathers.


Ostrich Lays and Egg? This is sooooo cool!

#blog #birds #ostrich #NaturePhotography #birdphotography #eggs
Ostrich examining an egg she just laid.

Still with the smudgy bird pics, although tbf these cormorants were pushing my little camera’s zoom.

Photo of a ‘gulp’ of cormorants perched on a rock offshore. The large black birds are standing with their wings outstretched, presumably drying them after a dive. The grey sea is calm but breaks white against the base of the rock.

I'm going to start keeping a camera in the kitchen. A jay, a wren and a woodpecker, all just chillin' on my garden fence, but of course they'd left on their missions by the time I got back 😔

#Life #Birds

My first book for the #PolymathReadingChallenge (6. marine biology)

Not a very jolly book to start the year on, but it was definitely fascinating. It traces the 1858 expedition to find the great auk - 14 years after the last known specimens were hunted down in Iceland.
The author recounts the expedition and the effects it had: the birth of the concept of human-caused extinction, and the beginnings of environmental conservation.
Poor great auks, though.

#books #nature #birds #bookstodon
The cover of the book by Gísli Pálsson, titled "The last of its kind: The search for the greak auk and the discovery of extinction." The cover is blue and it features a drawing of the penguin-like great auk bird.

Finally found the time to enter my info for ProjectFeederWatch week number 10. Data may be viewed here:
We had 20 species and 116 individuals this week. A surprise visitor this week was one little Gold Finch hanging around with all the House Finches. Winter is really starting to bite and it's been a chore to keep the water trays open. 😀

Missed the better shot with both birds...

Male and female red-shouldered #hawks together on a wire. Male flew off before I could get the shot.

What you would have seen is that the female is discernibly larger than the male (as is typical for birds of prey). This is the female a bit puffed up because it was a cold morning.

They make a nice couple based on their calls to each other throughout the day! 🙂

#Birds #NaturePhotography #Florida
red-shouldered hawk

There is a butcher bird on the grapevine, feeding its baby! I can see them from my sewing room windows.
A couple of black and white birds on a vine.

"He was a goth, she did ballet. What more can I say" (Sk8ter boy AU where he gets the original girl) Also #blackpink in your area. #photography #birds
A pink cockatoo and red tailed black cockatoo share a branch. The pink one has its eyes closed while the black one leans in almost like a cuddle.
A pink cockatoo and red tailed black cockatoo share a branch. The pink one is preening the black one's cheek gently.
A pink cockatoo and red tailed black cockatoo share a branch. The black cockatoo is leaning on the pink one slightly.

There was a collared dove sitting on the feeding station for so long without moving or eating I thought it had been hypnotised 😂
Of course it flew off three milliseconds after I grabbed my camera 🙄

#Life #Birds

Some days in these chaotic times, life feels like it’s drifting off into the stars. The Nebula Owl sits quietly, reminding me to pause, breathe, and trust myself. Maybe you need that too. 🌌🦉


#art #owls #birds #pottery #raku #ceramics #space #MastoArt #ArtAdventCalendar
A multi-coloured raku fired owl with iridescent effects and a cosmic vibe.

I put a cam by this tree because I wanted to try and get footage of a Tree Creeper. They are tiny birds that meander up the trees instead of down as the Nuthatches do, and they are so well camouflaged that they are hard to spot and photograph. Well, this week I got one, you'll see it at the end of the clip. Trees are habitats day and night, and it feels like we can't have enough of them! (Music is once again copyright-free, called "Simple, light and bright piano songs" and this was the Ceyomur CY75 trailcam.) ##birds #wildlife #Ostdrossel

Bloody hell. I'm making myself a nosegay like a proper Victorian biddy because mealworms fuckin' STINK.

#Life #Birds

Flight path service station - some goosefolk grazing near Preas Loch today.
3 geese peek over the top of clumps of brown reeds.
5 geese on green grass, with brown reeds in the background and a strip of water

Does anyone need to see a smudgy pic of a crossbill?

I got some great photos of pine cones in focus.

A badly focused photo of a male crossbill high up in a conifer tree feeding from a red-brown cone. He is not dissimilar in colour, being brick-red. A chunky finch with (and you’ll have to take my word for it as the photo is so rubbish) a bill that crosses over at the tips which he uses to extract seeds from the cone.

Just finished entering the data for week number 7 of this year's Project Feeder Watch. Data may be viewed here:
Nothing unusual this week. A Cooper's Hawk tried and failed to nab a House Sparrow at the suet feeders. It managed to get away in the dense White Cedar canopy above the feeders. No Flickers this week, but lots of other woodpeckers. We had 20 species and 138 individuals counted this week. 😀

This little chap just flew into a window with quite a thump. His head was spinning for a bit and he was breathing hard but is now just sitting. Don’t want to stress him further by moving him. He’s perking up a little, turning his head so obviously not broken. He’s been there for quite a while though. Not sure what’s best.

Edit: he just flew off, yay!

Photo of a male bullfinch with his beautiful rusty red breast, grey back, black cap and white rump. He’s sitting on a gravelly track, looking a little dazed after flying into a window.

A Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan that I photographed on the eastern slope of the high Andes in Ecuador last month. Another great color combination...
#birds #BirdPhotography #WildlifePhotography #birding #Ecuador #toucan
A Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan with its blueish grey breast and colorful red, black and yellow beak is looking at you sideways from its perch.

I see far more birds on Mastodon than here in the wild. It has never been so quiet around the feeders, over the meadows and at the edge of the forest. And I live in a nature park! (Eastern France).
Main reasons for the loss of birds here: agriculture: pesticides+ destroying habitats/climate crisis/insect loss/bird flue (high risk country).
🟢 https://www.ofb.gouv.fr/en/actualites/results-30-years-bird-counting-france-worry-specialists
🟢 https://archive.ph/LR2Yx

#ExtinctionCrisis #insectDecline #birdDecline #birds #birdsofMastodon #birding #endangeredSpecies

A bit tardy, but here's my Project Feeder Watch data for week number 6 this season.
Starting to see some finches with eye disease so I have stepped up my feeder cleaning routine. One dead finch found so far...
Otherwise we had 20 species and 152 individuals this week. Mostly the usual crowd, but the Juncos are still arriving.