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Beiträge, die mit PHOTOGRAPHY getaggt sind

Unterschiedliche Texturen, ähnliche Farben - Different textures, similar colours

#TextureTuesday #Fotografie #photography #closeup #Natur #nature
Ein verwelktes Blatt liegt auf einer alten Holzbank. Die Nahaufnahme zeigt die unterschiedlichen Strukturen und Texturen von Blatt und Holz. Durch die Farben, grau-grün-bräunlich gehen aber beide Dinge eine Verbindung ein. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Blattgerippe, der Hintergund ist unscharf und schlicht grün.

A withered leaf lies on an old wooden bench. The close-up shows the different structures and textures of the leaf and the wood. However, the colours, grey-green-brownish, create a connection between the two objects. The focus is on the leaf skeleton, the background is blurred and simply green.

picture a day: mar 3 https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/picture-a-day-mar-3-2/

#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #clouds #shadows

Spectacular skies In Norway today with high altitude ice crystals making a rainbow effect. #norway #mountains #WinterPhotography #photography
Winter scene in a snowy pine forest with blue skies. Around the sun, ice crystals are making a rainbow type effect

All cameras are exactly the same. What matters is how they make you feel: https://www.sivertalmvik.no/b/99

#Photography #Blog

Eine leere Papprolle mit umgeknickten Kanten und ein in kleine Stück geteilter Katzenstick im Inneren. Schon ist die Katze begeistert 😀

#photography #fotografie #foto #photo #postprocessed #myphoto #mywork #ownwork #katzen #cats #besuchskatze
“BeKa”, meine Buschkatze, beim Rollen der Papprolle bis die ersten Katzenstickstücke herausfallen.

Self-portraits by multidisciplinary American artist and filmmaker Tourmaline, 2020, whose work centers Black queer and trans subjects and histories. This series was inspired by Black-owned pleasure gardens in Lower Manhattan in the 1820s.

#art #photography #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Photo of a young Black woman wearing a space helmet with the visor open a strip of metal covering her eyes and a loose white dress, kneeling behind some cornstalks.
Photo of a young Black woman wearing a space helmet and a loose white dress, jumping high in the air into a cloudy sky.
Photo of a young Black woman with a pink braid wearing a space helmet with the visor open and a strip of metal covering her eyes and a loose white dress, standing in front of some dry cornstalks posing in a wide stance.
Photo of a young Black woman with a pink braid wearing a corset and loose white skirt, squatting in front of tall grasses and leaves beneath a cloudy sky.

Works by self-taught German Jewish photographer Aenne Biermann, 1920s-30s, who began her practice photographing mineral specimens for a geologist friend and then turned to still lifes, architecture, and double exposure experiments in images influenced by the New Objectivity movement.

#art #photography #ModernArt #BigArtThread
Black and white photo of three eggs on a black and white table, with shadows falling across the surface.
Black and white photo with low contrast, of tree branches spreading above and bunches of light flowers in bloom.
Black and white photo of a group of curling leaves in close-up against a black background.
Black and white photo showing a white woman's face with dark hair and eyebrows super-imposed over an upside-down image of a boulevard dotted with people and cars.

Works by Hong Kong photographer Nancy Sheung, 1960s, who ran a construction company before turning to photography when she was in her forties, becoming known for her bold images of women and girls, patterns, and architecture.

#art #photography #BigArtThread
Black and white photo of a Chinese girl wearing a striped shirt and leaning over a striped wall, her long black braid cascading down over the pattern.
Black and white photo of a Chinese girl leaning over a stair railing, shot from below so that the geometric form of the tall staircase spirals upward in a series of hexagons.
Black and white photo of a Chinese girl standing against an exterior door looking left towards a large, tall wall decorated with a geometric diamond pattern.
Black and white photo of a Chinese woman standing against the corner of a concrete building, to her left a high vertical wall with slender rectangular cut out windows dotting the upper section.

Works by British fashion and performance photographer Ruby Pluhar, 2010s-20s.

#art #photography #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Photo of a white figure seen from behind, with curly red-blonde hair piled on top of their head and wearing a white shirt with large floral-like bows tied up the back. There is a blue sky and white cliff in front of them with colored streamers/banners floating in the sky.
Photo of a white figure wearing light grey pants and button down shirt, lying in a field of dark purple grasses, seen from below.
Photo of a Black figure standing in a dark space, surrounded by huge orange-red tulle sleeves framing their upper body and curving up over their head.
Photo of a white figure wearing a long blue and grey dress with her hair and skirt blowing dramatically in the wind, standing on a rocky shore with ocean waves and sky behind her.

Scenes from the Civil Rights Movement by American photographer and filmmaker Gordon Parks, 1960s, who shot for Life, Vogue, and Ebony, saying "I chose my camera as a weapon against all the things I dislike about America—poverty, racism, discrimination."

#art #photography #BigArtThread
Black and white photo of Malcolm X holding up a newspaper with a headline reading "EXTRA: Seven Unarmed Negroes Shot in Cold Blood by Los Angeles Police".
Black and white photo of a Black man in a light coat buying a newspaper from a young Black boy in a suit, as another Black boy holds out a newspaper with a headline reading "Don't Cry When They Lynch Me".
Black and white photo of a protest with a line of Black men in coats and hats each holding large white signs with slogans written in black. The sign in the foreground of the image reads "Police Brutality Must Go".
Black and white photo of a large rally with a packed crowd of Black folks in hats and coats, with a film camera set up in the lower foreground. The right of the image is filled with a large painted protest sign with a Black figure holding up a globe labeled with words like "Prejudice," "Injustice," "Limited Privileges," and "Indoctrination".

Midtown, NYC, 2022

All the pixels, none of the high rents, at https://www.flickr.com/photos/mattblaze/51893928686

An abstract composition of NYC midtown skyscrapers.

Unexpected Stop on the Slea Head Drive

The Dingle Peninsula is pure magic, isn't it? Beautiful scenery, wild oceans and if you're unlucky, a traffic jam caused by a cow walking up the road.


#Kerry #Ireland #SleaHead #DinglePeninsula #cow #photo #photography
A black car stopped on a narrow road as a black and white cow crosses in front of it. Behind the car, a green hillside rises to a small village, with the ocean visible in the distance.

'Druck' #FotoVorschlag Danke an den Erfinder des Buchdruckes, damit man heute schöne gedruckte Bücher überall lesen kann.

#fotografie #photography
Das Foto zeigt eine junge Frau mit langen Haaren, die konzentriert in einem Buch liest, während sie in einem Straßencafé sitzt. Sie trägt ein gemustertes Kleid und hat Ohrhörer im Ohr. Auf dem Tisch vor ihr stehen ein Glas, eine Serviette und eine kleine Box. Neben ihr liegt eine große Handtasche auf einem Stuhl. Im Vordergrund sind glänzende schwarze Stühle zu sehen.

Im Hintergrund ist eine belebte Fußgängerzone mit Menschen zu erkennen, einige stehen vor einem Geschäft, andere gehen vorbei. Ein großes Werbeschild für “hausgemachtes Eis” mit einem Bild eines Eisbechers steht neben einer überdimensionalen Eistüten-Skulptur. Das Ambiente vermittelt eine urbane, entspannte Atmosphäre.

ALT-Text erstellt mit ChatGPT

Dew Lantern

Photographing in the morning hours is a bliss. The weather forecast said it would be overcast, but I went outside anyway. When the sun came out, every blade of grass had a single dewdrop with a tiny sun in it, shimmering in the ground fog. Worth the lost hours of sleep.

Nikon D500, Sigma 105mm EX DG OS HSM, 105 mm, f18 (effective), 1/320, ISO 100, propped on backpack

#macro #macrophotography #dewdrops #dew #FineArt #FineArtPhotography #SilentSunday #photography #germany #digiKam #GIMP
A vertical photo of a blade of grass in front of the sun. A round dewdrop is near the tip of the blade and contains an upside-down world with a tiny sun. The backlighting catches on the fine edges of the grass. A second blade is visible. The rest of the image, including the sun, is out of focus with a creamy brownish-orange color of different shades.

Went out to a red squirrel hot spot yesterday to get some photos.
Unfortunately the red squirrels did NOT visit the red squirrel hot spot yesterday to pose for photos.
In related news, have a friendly fungi.

#sillyScribbles #photography #fungi
A photo of a mossy tree trunk with a large, dark, bracket fungi on it. The horizontal line across looked like a mouth, so I added eyes above a section of it that is turned upwards like a slight smile.

Yesterday’s best* sunset moment.

* the best** that I saw

** best in my opinion

A square photo of the sunset. A bare tree in silhouette fills most of the right half; the bottom sixth of the frame is a dark band of ground with almost no distinguishing features. The star of the show is the sky which runs from a dusky blue at the top through a silver-gold-grey layer of high cloud changing suddenly to an intense fiery red near the horizon. Red doesn’t describe the colour correctly, but I don’t know what is better. Any sighted folks who have a better idea could suggest it in the replies.

Mountain Hare

From a great few hours spent watching and admiring this obliging individual on the hills of the Scottish Highlands.

They have such beautiful eyes.

#mountainhare #scotland #highlands #wildlife #nature #photography
A photograph of a mountain hare in its white, winter coat, sitting on a hillside in the Highlands of Scotland.

Hey folks! Quick snap from today's hike. More to come later. Just doing some resting and cooking first.

See you later!

#nature #landscape #hiking #wandern #mountains #Photography #Winter #naturephotography #outdoors #alps
A breathtaking landscape featuring a majestic mountain covered in snow, towering against a backdrop of a serene blue sky with fluffy white clouds. In the foreground, there is a tranquil lake reflecting the beauty of the mountain. The scene is enhanced by a scattering of trees adding a touch of green to the snowy terrain. In the distance, a rocky hill can be seen with patches of snow. This picturesque view captures the essence of nature's beauty, showcasing the harmony between the elements of earth, water, and sky in a stunning outdoor setting.

An average adult pelican pouch can carry up to 11 liters/3 gallons of water or up to 11 kg/24 pounds of fish, more than their stomach. So they’re kind of lunch boxes with wings. #birds #birdsofmastodon #nature #ecology #wildlife #photography #NotMyPersonalPhoto #biology #sunset
An average adult pelican pouch can carry up to 11 liters/3 gallons of water or up to 11 kg/24 pounds of fish, more than their stomach. So they’re kind of lunch boxes with wings.