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Beiträge, die mit germany getaggt sind

Unipolar Multipolar 💥 Überlebenskämpfer

In der neuen Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben über die Wiederwahl von Donald Trump zum Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Dabei diskutieren die beiden den zu Ende gegangenen Wahlkampf und die wichtigsten Positionen, die Trump vertreten hat, wie beispielsweise in Fragen der Migration oder der wirtschaftlichen Stärkung des Landes. Außerdem gehen sie darauf ein, was dieser Wahlsieg nun für die Konflikte im Nahen Osten und in der Ukraine bedeuten wird und wie China, der größte Konkurrent der USA, auf diese Wahl blickt. Zuletzt sprechen sie noch über den Rücktritt des israelischen Verteidigungsministers Joav Galant und das Regierungschaos in Deutschland.
#podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #usa #elections #donaldtrump #middleeast #ukraine #china #israel #joavgalant #germany #governmentcrisis

🎧 https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Unipolar-Multipolar-UEberlebenskaempfer-visit-11566.html

Germany, almost always on the wrong side of history ⬇️

Germany’s Commissioner for Human Rights isn’t able to name a single war crime Israel committed in the past year. Germany’s Human Rights Commissioner, hard at work it seems.

#Germany #Palestine #IsraelWarCrimes #GazaGenocide

Germany almost always on the wrong side of history ⬇️

German police violently assaulted a Celtic fan for carrying a Palestinian flag during last night’s Champions League match against Dortmund at Signal Iduna Park in the city of Dortmund.

#Germany #WesternHypocricy #WesternValues 🤢

Germany almost always on the wrong side of history.

Olaf Schulz, the chancellor of the country that arms and supports Israel to continue the genocide of the Palestinians undisturbed, the chancellor who bans pro-Palestinian events, the chancellor who violently suppressed the student demonstrations, asks Iran for calm and de-escalation of tensions

#Germany #Palestine #GazaGenocide
"Do everything to prevent further escalation in the Middle East," –  German Chancellor, Olaf Schulz, in a phone call with Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian.

#Amsterdam's recent events (massacre of Jewish people) related to organised group of people from #Gaza raise concerns about #Europe’s migration policies, which may sometimes overlook risks from extremist ideologies.

This trend partly explains the rise of parties like the #afd 👿 in #Germany.

Migration policies should be stricter, especially against those promoting violence, racism, or antisemitism.

#EU #Neterlands #Deutschland

Just because you don‘t wave #PalestianFlags you are not complicit in #Genocide in #Gaza .
You may well be if you support the #Netanjahu government and furnish them with weapons. So yes, #Germany probably is complicit and I am deeply ashamed of it, but your example is not brilliant.

RE: https://mstdn.social/@mcmenguc/113453562154845561

German lawmakers pass resolution restricting criticism of Israel | Al Jazeera Newsfeed - YouTube

So much for democracy in Germany, i guess.

#Palestine #Israel #Germany

Analysis: Why is Germany working so hard to ensure no one speaks against Israel’s conduct in Gaza?

The answer lies in Germany’s history – but not its attempts to atone for the Nazi Holocaust.

Germany was never fully de-Nazified. It never attempted to come to terms with the politics that led to the rise of Hitler.

De-Nazification was soon abandoned, overtaken by the Cold War - the need to oppose the Soviet Union.


#Germany #USPol #GazaGenocide #NATO #PostWW2Germany .
info from link

Dear American friends!

You do not understand what's happening in #Germany?
It's easy!
Just imagine #BernieSanders #JillStein and #RonPaul are in ONE government

#Politics #SPD #FDP #Grüne

Meanwhile in Germany, the collapse of the ruling coalition means a likely election in the new year;

for many the themes of the election will be all tow familiar;

With failing infrastructure & business investment, much will focus on how Germany can/will pay for a renewed programme of public investment to support its pivot to new (green) industries.

Given the Right looks to be using a familiar playbook of the threat of migrants & 'wokeness' its all going to look familiar to Brits.


#Germany demonstrates that it has failed to learn from its own history, passing white supremacist antisemitic laws to penalise opposition to white supremacist Zionism & genocidal #Israel. https://novaramedia.com/2024/11/07/germany-ties-cultural-funding-to-israel-allegiance/ #ZionismIsWhiteSupremacism #BDS

Better article about what’s happening in Germany.


I honestly think Scholz has been outstanding. And the two Green leaders. Baerbock and Halbeck? They are all young enough to come back in four years. What I heard at a @thehertieschool
panel last night was that since COVID m? Earlier? voters just chuck all incumbents.

#electionnightberlin #Ukraine #FDP #thanksAmerica #germany

We heard wrt the US at Aspen’s #electionnightberlin that a lot of Americans not seeing why their money should go to #Ukraine. The apparently not good enough answer: treaty that got Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons, which Russia has violated. Now Biden and Scholz have four months to finish this war. The #FDP’s Link was saying entirely sensible but radical things about China, until he said that the US was right to hand security to “philanthropists” (oligarchs)
#thanksAmerica #germany

Quotes were from #thanksAmerica https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-governing-coalition-collapses/live-70692143?

#cdu #germany #ukraine #biden #trump #FDP

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to contact #cdu to examine quick joint solutions to strengthen the German economy and defense —to work together constructively on two or even more issues "that are crucial for our country: On the rapid strengthening of our economy and our defense."

I bet FDP were blocking #germany from making good on its promises to #ukraine an #biden in the event of #trump winning. These next 4 months matter a lot, and way too many #FDP believed Musk’s & GAFAM’s disruptive bs.

Eight members of a German Nazi group calling itself “Saxon Separatists”have been arrested for plotting to violently seize territory and establish a new, “ethnically cleansed” Nazi state. Seven others are also under investigation; the group is said to have 15-20 members total.

The group, which reportedly organized paramilitary trainings, believes that Germany’s collapse is imminent. They expect that to happen on an undetermined “Day X” (German fascist paramilitaries seem to really love that term), which was going to be their moment to take over.

One of the arrestees was an AfD pol who has been working as the treasurer of the AfD youth org since last month.


#SaxonSeparatists #AfD #noAfD #Germany #fascism #NeoNazis #fcknzs #DayX #paramilitaries #separatism

Given Germany's oft-celebrated focus on manufacturing as an engine for its economic success, as you can imagine the fact that over the last seven years output has been shrinking might be cause for some alarm.... and indeed it is.

So, is this a medium-term blip while the country transitions to new specialisms (green tech); or

an indication Germany has joined other developed countries in a move from manufacturing to services; or

a sign of amore serious economic malaise?

#Germany #economics
Chart: German industrial output has been on a downward trend since the end of 2017. Industrial production (volume terms, Dec 1991 = 100). 

Shows growth of output from 1991-2008 = 3.0%
from 2011-2017 = 1.25%
but from 2017 to now = - 2.4%

Unipolar Multipolar 💥 Farbrevolution

In dieser Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben zunächst über die bevorstehenden Wahlen in den USA und die Frage, welche Bedeutung der Ausgang derselben für die Konflikte in der Ukraine und im Nahen Osten hat. Außerdem diskutieren die beiden die Wahlen in Georgien und den Vorwurf, dass diese von Russland beeinflusst wurden. Darüber hinaus geht es um Soldaten aus Nordkorea, die in der umkämpften Region Kursk zum Einsatz kommen sollen, wie es zahlreiche westliche Politiker behaupten. Des Weiteren wird in der neuen Folge die Lage im Nahen Osten rund um einen neuen Chef der Hisbollah sowie den anhaltenden, schweren Beschuss des Libanon thematisiert. Zum Abschluss wird noch auf die schwere Krise des VW-Konzerns sowie ein geleaktes Papier von Finanzminister Christian Lindner eingegangen.

#germany #podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #usa #elections #trump #harris #ukraine #middleeast #georgia #interference #colorrevolution #russia #kursk #northkorea #soldier #israel #hisbolla #lebanon #vwcrisis #leak #christianlindner

🎧 https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Unipolar-Multipolar-Farbrevolution-visit-11563.html

„From the River to the Sea" kann aus Sicht des Innenministeriums (BMI) ein Ausschlussgrund für die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft sein. So steht es in den "vorläufigen Anwendungshinweisen" des #BMI zum neuen Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz, die Panorama vorliegen…….

WTF? Deutscher #Rassismus kennt keine Grenzen mehr!

Kein deutscher Pass wegen umstrittener Parole?

https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/panorama/aktuell/Regierungs-Dokument-Kein-deutscher-Pass-wegen-umstrittener-Parole,staatsangehoerigkeitsgesetz106.html @israel @palestine

#Germany #Deutschland #Migration #palästina #Antireport #Asyl #Rassismus

Bundesamt bearbeitet keine Asylanträge von Menschen aus #Gaza

Weiterhin bearbeitet das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) keine Asylanträge von Menschen aus dem Gazastreifen. In der noch unveröffentlichte Antwort auf eine Kleine Anfrage nennt das Bundesinnenministerium zur Begründung eine »volatile Lage« in Gaza infolge der andauernden Kämpfe….
Nach dem Angriff der #Hamas auf #Israel im Oktober 2023 und dem darauffolgenden Krieg im Gazastreifen werden Palästinenser*innen in #Deutschland von der Politik und einschlägigen Medien mit Sicherheitsrisiken assoziiert oder pauschal unter Antisemitismusverdacht gestellt. Ihre Ausschlusserfahrungen finden hingegen wenig Beachtung, auch durch die #Polizei: Für Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit antipalästinensischem #Rassismus gebe es »keine bundesweite Begrifflichkeit«, schreibt das Innenministerium in der Antwort auf die Anfrage, regelmäßige Statistiken dazu könne das zuständige Bundeskriminalamt deshalb nicht liefern…..

https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1185526.entscheidungsstopp-beim-bamf-bundesamt-bearbeitet-keine-asylantraege-von-menschen-aus-gaza.html via @matthimon

@palestine @israel

#bamf #Bundesregierung #Germany #israel #Palestine #Antireport

Springer-Portal verkauft Immobilien in besetzten Siedlungen im #Westjordanland
#AxelSpringer #SpringerZerschlagen

Über das Verkaufsportal #Yad2 des Axel-Springer-Konzerns können Wohnungen gekauft werden, die im besetzten Westjordanland stehen. Menschenrechtler halten diese Geschäfte für nicht legitim…..….

https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/springer-portal-verdient-durch-wohnungsangebote-in-israelischen-siedlungen-dlf-kultur-fdbce458-100.html @palestine @israel

#Springer #Westbank #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Germany

My family in Gaza has lost everything to the war their home safety and hope. They’re on the run, desperate to escape the bombs .unable to gather the funds they need to reach safety in Egypt Please help me save them 🙏❤️‍🩹


#gaza #gazagenocide #gazastreifen #gazastreifen #gofundme #family #care #usa #spain #unitedkingdom #germany #europe

#Diem25 #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #USA #Germany #UN #ICJ #UNCharta #genoside #EthnicCleansing #CeaseFireNow #StopGazaGenocide #petition

"WHY we're demanding the immediate resignation of Annalena Baerbock, German Foreign Minister"

"Annalena Baerbock's support for Israel's continuous genocide of Palestinians makes her complicit in mass murder and has gravely tarnished Germany's international reputation."


One of the "victims of communism" honored by this memorial is Ante Pavelić, who as head of the fascist regime in Croatia in the 1940s was among the most ferociously murderous allies of Nazi Germany. This memorial is supported by the Canadian government.


Private donations had already been made to the monument in the names of Nazi collaborators, the CBC reported in July 2021. Those included Roman Shukhevych, a Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi collaborator, as well as Ante Pavelić who ran a Nazi puppet regime in Croatia and is considered a chief perpetrator of the Holocaust in the Balkans, the CBC reported.

#Western #anticommunism #mccarthyism #fascim #nazism #germany #history