Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind
Two courageous activists living in Germany bear witness to the repressive atmosphere in the country
where dissenting voices who are not agreeing with aiding and abetting the #genocide in #Gaza and the murderous settler #colonialism in #WestBank
are silenced and being threatened with negative consequences to their careers and public reputation.
What carries the contradiction between the declared intent to always abide the law and the actual negation of fundamental moral norms by the authoritarian principle of Staatsräson over the top
is that this happens in a country that carries the historic guilt of the Holocaust
praising itself to be a world champion in acknowledging this burden and acting accordingly by honoring the rule of humanitarian and international law
while actually ignoring every lesson resulting out of this singular crime
by being complicit in the mass murder of indirect victims of the Holocaust who lost the greater part of their land in the process of building a state for the victims of German fascism condemning them to live a life of colonized subjects,
who now are all the more humiliated
firstly by Germany watching as they are killed without any justified reason in the name of Israel
secondly by legitimizing this in granting the perpetrator a right of self defence justified by the sole crime of the massacre from 7th October 2023 committed by Hamas,
a right that seems to have an eternity clause and never runs out of validity no matter how high the cost for the indiscriminately punished Palestinians
and thirdly by implementing pressure on German citizens to incite fear so that they never speak out against this crime even though the risk of stepping out of the conforming masses is far lower than what every Palestinian under Israeli occupation has to endure.
#FreePalestine #OwenJones
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Twee Nederlanders uit Gaza geëvacueerd
Twee Nederlanders die vastzaten in de Gazastrook komen vandaag aan op Schiphol. De twee zaten ruim een halfjaar vast in het gebied en worden nu geëvacueerd.Nieuwsuur
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Gaza now, West Bank next year, Lebanon the year after and beyond….
#Lebanon #Gaza #WestBank #Theft #Annexation #Expansion
Israel's West Bank settlers hope Trump's return will pave the way for major settlement expansion - The Mainichi
BEIT EL, West Bank (AP) -- As Donald Trump's victory became apparent in last week's U.S. elections, Jewish West Bank settlement advocates popped bottlThe Mainichi
'The neighbourhood has now become completely isolated from the town, without services, medical centres, or even access to schools'
- Amjad Atatreh, mayor of Yabad @palestine @idf
#occupation #israel #israelPalestine #israelApartheid #JewishState #JewishSupremacy #supremacy #IDF #StateRacism #militarism #segregation #zionism #OPT #colonization #stateViolence #coloniality #entitlement #genocide #OneState #OngoingNakba #revenge #retribution
War on Gaza: Israel cages Palestinian towns in West Bank with iron gates
"The gate is closed." This phrase is repeated several times a day among Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, describing their lives under the ongoing Israeli closure of their towns and villages.Fayha Shalash (Middle East Eye)
#JewishState #IsraelPalestine #IsraelApartheid #Zionism #OccupiedTerritories #colonies #impunity #Palestine #stateViolence
Israel-Palestine war: Israeli forces imposing siege on 750 families in Hebron for over a month
The Israeli military has been imposing a curfew, now nearly 24 hours a day, on 11 neighbourhoods in Area H2 in Hebron, in the occupied West Bank, since the hostilities with Hamas began on 7 October, the Israeli rights group B'tselem said on Sunday.MEE staff (Middle East Eye) #impunity #israelPalestine #Palestine #israelApartheid #zionism #stateViolence #WestBank #policeViolence #coloniality #militaryJustice #colonialism #occupation #children
Amid an economic crisis caused by Israeli policies and Palestinian Authority corruption, teachers are bringing #schools and streets to a standstill until their demands are met: #WestBank #Gaza #occupation #education #security
Defying PA repression, Palestinian teachers lead biggest strike in years
Amid an economic crisis caused by Israeli policies and PA corruption, teachers are bringing schools and streets to a standstill until their demands are met.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
Hanthala Center: Khalida Jarrar is Being Subjected to a Systematic Campaign of Repression That Threatens Her Life
For more than 93 days, the Palestinian activist and prominent leader of the Popular Front, Khalida Jarrar, “Umm Jaffa,” has been subjected to a systematic campaign of repression and abuse that threatens her life in the prison cells of the Zionist occupation, where she faces harsh conditions in solitary confinement. Despite all of this, she is steadfast in the face of the policy of slow death.
“Umm Yafa”, who is one of the most prominent symbols of the Palestinian resistance, lives in a narrow, unventilated room that lacks the most basic necessities of life, such as water and light, to the point that her detention room has become like a grave.
According to her lawyer, the activist Jarrar has no choice but to lie down next to the door to be able to breathe with the least amount of oxygen, in a tragic scene that reflects the cruelty to which Palestinian prisoners are subjected.
The 61-year-old activist Khalida Jarrar is not an ordinary prisoner. She has gone through a bitter detention experience that began in 2015, when she was arrested four times before her last arrest in December 2023, which was her fifth. Throughout these years, the activist has spent more than six years in the occupation’s prisons, carrying endless suffering in her heart, during which she lost her mother in 2015, her father in 2018, and her daughter in 2021. The occupation did not even allow her to say goodbye to them, in a clear war crime that represents a flagrant violation of human rights and international laws.
Today, 11 months after her last arrest, “Umm Yaffa” is still being subjected to failed and continuous attempts by the Zionist prison administration to break her will, but she remains steadfast, adhering to her national principles and her valiant resistance.
These desperate attempts by the occupation to target the morale of the prisoners will not succeed in breaking their resolve, but rather confirm their adherence to the cause of their people.
What the activist Khalida Jarrar is being subjected to is part of a comprehensive campaign of abuse targeting Palestinian prisoners, especially female prisoners who face similar conditions in the occupation’s prisons. These oppressive policies pursued by the occupation and led by war criminal Ben Gvir are failed attempts to subjugate the Palestinian people, but the will of the Palestinian resistance and its living leaders will remain stronger than these brutal practices.
The Hanthala Center for Prisoners and Freed Prisoners calls on the international community and humanitarian organizations to urgently intervene to save the life of the activist Khalida Jarrar and all prisoners in the occupation prisons, and to work to stop the repeated violations against them.
It also calls on the masses of our people to escalate the struggle to support the prisoners at all levels, and to demand the free people of the world to organize global solidarity campaigns with the Palestinian prisoners, especially with the activist Khalida Jarrar, and to continue to put continuous pressure on the occupation to stop these ongoing violations and protect the rights of the prisoners.
Hanthala Center for Prisoners and Freed Prisoners
#alAqsaFlood #khalidaJarrar #palestine #politicalPrisoner #resistance #westBank
For more than 93 days, the Palestinian activist and prominent leader of the Popular Front, Khalida Jarrar, “Umm Jaffa,” has been subjected to a systematic campaign of repression and abuse that threatens her life in the prison cells of th
#Communiques #AlAqsaFlood #KhalidaJarrar #palestine #PoliticalPrisoner #resistance #WestBank
People literally voted for Trump because they thought he would stop the war in #Gaza . I have no idea where they got that idea from. This is some 1984 level lies they were fed. #Gaza and the #WestBank are both doomed at this point like we were screaming they would do if elected, #Israel and the rich got everything they wanted.
#gaza #westbank #lebanon
🌃 Night Shift News headlines rundown
23:00 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
Asking for thousands of #deadbabies of #Gaza, the #WestBank, #Lebanon, and #Yemen who can't... #propagandists @palestine @israel
„Mike Huckabee, the president-elect’s nominee for ambassador to Israel, says annexation of the occupied territory is possible.“
This is not war.
This is genocide.
This is deliberate.
#Gaza #WestBank
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VS waarschuwen Israël bij VN voor hongersnood in Gaza
Crisis in het Midden-Oosten: In dit blog volgt NRC het laatste nieuws over de oorlog in Gaza en Libanon en de onrust in het Midden-Oosten die daarmee samenhangt.NRC
#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank
“Everything we warned against, everything Israel denied, is happening before our eyes,” he added. “We are at the last stages of an orchestrated plan to empty wide areas of Gaza from its Palestinian population.”
Riyad Mansour, Palestine’s UN envoy
Since most of the bourgeois press here in #Germany has been uncritically copying x-#propaganda for a year now, this is truly astonishing.
It also shows that parliamentary democracies are way too undemocratic and that one should never make the mistake of drawing conclusions about the population from a government. We gave to fight for more democratic control.
#Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Lebanon #genocide
#Gaza #Palestine #genocide
"Dem Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshof Karim Khan wird sexuelles Fehlverhalten vorgeworfen. Er weist dies zurück. Nun soll eine unabhängige Untersuchung die Vorwürfe beleuchten."
#IStGH #ICJ #Israel #Palästina #WestBank #Genozid
And if that happens, Mahmoud Abbas will be singularly responsible for the collapse of any hope of a free Palestinian state because Israel (not the Netanyahu government) offered full, complete independence and recognition and Abbas turned it down.
#israel #palestinians #westbank
#Palestine #gaza #westbank #genocide #genocidejoe #trump #zionismisfascism
Israel’s Smotrich Lauds Trump’s Victory, Orders Preparations to Illegally Annex West Bank
Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich told Israeli lawmakers he has ordered work to begin so that Israel can annex the occupied West Bank.Democracy Now!
Who did not see this coming? Next Lebanon and further. Many autocratic states rely on conflict and expansion in order for their leaders to survive.
#Israel #WestBank #Conflict #Expansion #Colonialism
Far-right Israeli minister orders preparations for West Bank annexation
Israel’s Finance Minister Smotrich hopes US President-elect Trump will support plan to annex occupied West Bank in 2025.Al Jazeera Staff (Al Jazeera)
Far-right Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel #Smotrich announced yesterday that 2025 would be the year to fully annex the West Bank and eliminate “the danger” of a Palestinian state, stressing that #Trump's victory in the U.S. election will be an asset to achieve this goal.
“The only way to remove the danger of a Palestinian terror state from the agenda is to apply Israeli sovereignty to Jewish settlement in the entire Judea and Samaria,” he added.
Last month, Smotrich called for the full annexation of the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip asserting the need to establish illegal Israeli settlements in the heart of Palestinian territories and the expulsion of Palestinians seeking statehood.
#WestBank #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine group @israel group
++ Summit: Palestine president calls on Muslim states not to normalise ties with Israel ++ UN says Israel denied 85% of its attempts to coordinate aid convoys to Gaza: REPORT ++ 🛑🏥 ISR airstrikes destroy medical complex, large buildings in Beirut's Southern Suburbs ++ ⭕️ ISR forces on Tuesday close several roads leading to Bethlehem ++
🌃 Night Shift News headlines rundown
12:30 CEST
#gaza #westbank #lebanon
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
-- Yvonne Ridley
Source: MEMO #oped #palestine #gaza #westbank #ihl #journalists
Fr. 15.11.24 19h : Vortrag von Duha Almusaddar und Karin A. Gerster
Während der Krieg in Gaza weiter andauert, hat die israelische Armee im August im besetzten Westjordanland ihren größten Militäreinsatz seit 2002 ausgeführt. Gleichzeitig terrorisieren radikale israelische Siedler:innen zunehmend die palästinensische Bevölkerung in der Westbank. Dramatische Zuspitzung auch zwischen Israel und der Hisbollah. Die Lage nicht nur in Gaza ist katastrophal.
Duha Almusaddar und Karin A. Gerster werden über die Lage vor Ort berichten und diese analysieren. Die beiden werden aus erster Hand über die Situation in den Flüchtlingslagern,
über die Invasion der israelischen Armee im Westjordanland und über die Gewalt von Siedler:innen in der Westbank sowie dem besetzten Ost-Jerusalem berichten. Sie werden auch aufzeigen, was das für das alltägliche Leben der Palästinenser:innen bedeutet.
#gaza #westjordanland #israel #grether #palästina #westbank #antisemitismus #freiburg #krieg #linke
[It is always Israel rejecting trues and cease fires]
- At least two killed in Israeli attack on Gaza’s Nuseirat
- Israeli forces close entrances to Bethlehem
- WATCH: Nearly 70 percent of verified war dead in Gaza are women, children – UN
- Malaysia’s Anwar calls for an ‘immediate arms embargo’ on Israel
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #Lebanon
LIVE: Israeli forces pound Lebanon, kill 17 in dawn attacks across Gaza
Israeli forces continue to bombard Gaza, killing at least 17 Palestinians since early morning.Mersiha Gadzo (Al Jazeera)
#Gaza #WestBank
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Er setzt dabei auch auf die Unterstützung durch Trump.
Laut internationalem Recht müsste nächstes Jahr genau das Gegenteil passieren - ein kompletter Rückzug Israels aus allen palästinensischen Gebieten, und ein Ende der Besatzung.
Far-right Israeli minister orders preparations for West Bank annexation
Israel’s Finance Minister Smotrich hopes US President-elect Trump will support plan to annex occupied West Bank in 2025.Al Jazeera Staff (Al Jazeera)
The report further states that Israeli military leaders claim the Palestine Liberation Organisation is “manipulating” children to gain control over the occupied territory.
📲 Video presented by Middle East Eye UK (YT)
#gaza #westbank #archive #media
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"Israel’s Finance Minister Smotrich hopes US President-elect Trump will support plan to annex occupied West Bank in 2025."
#Palestine #WestBank #Israel #USA
"Nel 2024 forze armate e coloni israeliani hanno ucciso 87 minori palestinesi nella #Cisgiordania occupata."
Ma non è #Amsterdam...
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #11novembre
Das ist rechtsextreme Politik von #SPD, #Grüne, #FDP und #CDU / #CSU.
#Linke und #BSW machen nicht mit.
#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Rassismus
Mit der Antisemitismus-Resolution schafft sich der Staat eine Schattenverfassung
Die vom Bundestag verabschiedete Antisemitismus-Resolution ist nicht geeignet, um jüdisches Leben zu schützen. Sie ist vor allem dazu geeignet, um den deutschen Staat autoritärer und repressiver zu machen.JACOBIN Magazin
The American Protest Non-Voter really helping foreigners as always.
Watch their pretend tears over the bloody tik toks they show us, thinking we are the ones responsible for that. when it is them.
The American Protest Voter.......
#USPOL #WestBank