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Beiträge, die mit CHINA getaggt sind

Muslims as a target of genocide is weird.

When it happens near Israel, things are fine and dandy, and it might not even really be happening despite the definite 24/7 footage from the area. Who knows what is happening?!

But when it allegedly happens in China with flakier evidence and questionable sources, it is verifiably the worst atrocity to ever happen and can be condemned with the power of a thousand suns.

#Gaza #Palestine #Israel #China #Uighurs #Muslim #Islam #Genocide #Apartheid

Totally agree with most criticism of #Israel and its atrocities in #gaza #Palestine

But when people say "no other country would get away with it" I wonder

Do they not know about what #Indonesia did to #EastTimor? What #India is doing to #Kashmir? What #China is doing to the #Uyghurs & #Tibetans? What #Russia did to #Chechnya?

We can debate intensity, impact, scale of atrocities, etc, but the idea that only Israel is getting away with committing crimes against humanity is naive ignorance.

A Beijing court is expected to announce a verdict Friday in the case of a veteran Chinese state-media journalist who was detained on espionage charges after meeting with a Japanese diplomat in 2022. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/11/29/asia-pacific/crime-legal/china-journalist-espionage-verdict/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #asiapacific #crimelegal #china #espionage #journalism

How is Mastodon doing user wise in comparison to BlueSky with all the the twitters free falling ?
#usa #uk #trump #putin #gaza #palestine #ukraine #china

News at 6AM: The #ceasefire between #Israel and Hezbollah is intact, with residents returning to their damaged homes. In Sudan, a post-conflict situation leaves millions in need of aid. Ofcom has rebuked social media platforms for insufficient age verification. The US and #China have conducted a prisoner swap. #Australia is close to passing legislation on social media restrictions. Uniqlo's Tadashi Yanai has given an interview to the BBC. #BBC #News

Good morning. It's 9AM, Wednesday, 27th November. The headlines: A #ceasefire between #Israel and #Hezbollah is underway. The #UK considers easing electric vehicle targets due to waning interest. Wellness tourism accounts for 17% of worldwide travel expenditure. #Trump has levied a further 10% tariff on #China. Vauxhall's Luton plant faces closure, while the Federal Reserve signals incremental rate reductions. #BBC #News

News at 6AM: A #ceasefire between #Israel and #Hezbollah, supported by the US and G7, has commenced. President #Trump is considering a 25% tariff on Mexican and Canadian imports, alongside further #tariffs on #China. The #UK might ease electric vehicle goals amid declining interest. A woman has been imprisoned for concealing her infant in a drawer. Parliament debates on assisted dying legislation, while five individuals were rescued from a yacht disaster in the Red Sea.

Trump threatens Australia with a good time.

Competing exports destined to soar in competitiveness as major US trading partners retaliate with reciprocal tariffs.


#auspol #uspol #china #canada #mexico

From @josephinelee in our magazine: About 410,000 U.S. residents report Taiwanese ancestry, and 8.5 percent of them live in #Texas. Houston has the state’s largest Tawanese-American community, and it remains a hotbed for Taiwanese nationalism.

#culture #Taiwan #China #GulfCoast #Houston

🔔#Earthquake (#地震) M4.3 strikes 162 km SW of #Shache (#China) 28 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1735215

"Hackers weren’t able to monitor or intercept anything encrypted, according to the Times, which means that conversations over apps like Signal and Apple’s iMessage were probably protected. But end-to-end encryption over texts between Apple devices and Android devices, for instance, aren’t encrypted in the same way, meaning they were vulnerable to interception by Salt Typhoon, according to the Times.
As for the targets, the Post reports fewer than 150 people have been identified as having their text messages or phone calls monitored and the FBI has been in contact with them. Most of the people are in the Washington DC area, which makes sense if the hackers were interested in political targets. But 150 people can communicate with a lot of people, even in a short period, so the number of targets could be in the “millions,” according to Warner. You get the sense U.S. authorities have no real idea how many people have been impacted, given the scope of the intrusion.

The details about how the hackers were able to push so deeply into U.S. systems are still scarce, but it has something to do with the ways in which U.S. authorities wiretap suspects in this country with a court order. The monitoring of phone calls wasn’t 24/7, according to Warner, but he didn’t seem to elaborate on what that meant to the Times."


#USA #CyberSecurity #StateHacking #Surveillance #PoliceState #China

548 #ClimateEmergency #Coal #China

Stop blaming China.
Make them an excuse for yourself to 'go on as usual'.
There's a lot wrong with China's autocratical policies;
but they set a climate goal and they're sticking to it. Don't blame them for your tardiness.
The economic global issue concerning a monopoly on solar is entirely your [US, Aus and EU's] own fault of not jumping on the evidently healthier train of prosperity in time. Clinging to the olld ways.
But that's my own humble opinion.

Watch the video

"Coal power plant approvals in China crash as China adds 210GW of renewables" [10:41 min]
by The Electric Viking


Quote by
"Nov 20, 2024
Coal power plant approvals in China crash as China adds 210GW of renewables."

#StopBurningThings #StopEcoside

#Haiti : #Russia and #China weigh in. #caribbean

#Caricom should be more involved.


China is warning its oversaturated photovoltaic sector to avoid blindly expanding capacity – including in producing solar panels – with newly issued guidance that comes as industrial overcapacity has been self-defeating domestically while triggering backlash in the global market and stoking geopolitical tensions.


#solar #renewables #EnergyTransition #China

The #ApexTire 2024 #China #Tire #Annual #Awards, themed “#Intelligent #Innovation, #Green #Navigation”, officially launched on November 20, 2024. Organized by #Tirechina.net with support from leading #industry institutions and mainstream #media, this national-level #event has become a #cornerstone for the tire and #automotive aftermarket #industries, driving innovation and fostering cross-sector #collaboration. https://cnbusinessforum.com/apextire-2024-china-tire-annual-awards-driving-innovation-and-sustainability/

Extraordinary interview:


Prof Kaboub's work centers on *non-neocolonial* economic development in Africa. (He's a native of Tunisia.)

Interview topics: Gaza genocide, US election, BRICS, China's economic development, world trade and currency, Africa's economic potential. The scope of his understanding is... I don't have the words - just spend the hour!

#Africa #Colonialism #RealResources #Power #GlobalSouth #Currency #MMT #China #BRICS #Capitalism #War #Gaza

More on the baltic internet cable cut:

Now it seems a Chinese bulk carrier passed through the area around the time the cable was cut, on its way from Russia to Egypt. Given suspicions that China has been offering to aid the Russian war effort, investigators are now working on a hypothesis that the ship was either carrying Russian operatives, or that the damage was done on behalf of Russia.....

One thing's for sure: it wasn't an accident!

#Baltic #internet #Russia #China
h/t FT

#vietnam #iran #israel #china #russia : #military / #armsfair / #armsbuildup / #armssales

(International meeting of the murder gangs)

„Companies from Iran, Israel, China, Russia and the United States will showcase military equipment at an arms expo in Hanoi in December, Vietnam's defense ministry said on Tuesday, a rare case of geopolitical rivals exhibiting their wares together.“


Wer sich nicht blind und taub stellt, kann der »Achse der Autokraten« tagtäglich bei der Arbeit zusehen. Ihren Steigbügelhaltern in den demokratischen Staaten ebenfalls. Beeindruckend dargestellt von Anne Applebaum. :mastoread:

#Literatur #Lesen #Sachbuch #Ukraine #Russland #Putin #China #Trump #USA #Iran #Demokratie #Lesetipp #Buchtipp

Auf meinem #Blog habe ich das Buch ausführlich vorgestellt: 👇

Russian warplanes have been spotted in international airspace this week, leading NATO to scramble Italy and Norway air forces to intercept them. While NATO did not say what the planes may be doing, they say the flights were “not adhering to international norms.” There have been other Russian warplanes intercepted in the past few months. The U.S. intercepted a Russian and Chinese aircraft off the coast of Alaska in July. Read more from @CBSNews


#Italy #Norway #China #Russia #NATO

Cegados por la #ideología....

#China no es comunista...
#Trump habla de #paz y #europa tiembla
Von der Layen habla de incendiar europa en una #guerra y la aplauden...
#Israel bombardea indiscriminadamente #civiles, #ONU , y no tiene sanciones..

Qué pasa? No ven lo que está ahí...

Más allá de si es este o aquel el que hace tal o cual cosa, mirar lo qué hace...

How will Donald Trump tackle security flash points from Ukraine to China?

@csmonitor has an analysis of the foreign policy implications of the 2nd Trump presidency: https://flip.it/lNwMu8

For ongoing coverage, follow @trump-administration-ElectionCentral

#Trump #ForeignPolicy #Ukraine #Russia #China #Iran #Israel #News

🔔#Earthquake (#地震) M4.3 strikes 143 km NE of #Lhasa (#China) 13 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1730137

Su-57 flying demonstration at ZhuHai Airshow 2024

#Russia #russian #military #aviation #Sukhoi #Su-57 #video #airshow in #China

🔔#Earthquake (#地震) M3.9 strikes 131 km E of #Lhasa (#China) 10 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1729262

🌍 ■ La política exterior de Trump: lo que planea en las guerras de Oriente Medio y Ucrania ■ El republicano plantea un mundo sin contiendas que le salpiquen demasiado, porque eso supone más ahorro y menos quebr[…]

#libano #gaza #guerraucrania #china #conflictosarmados #partidorepublicano #politicaexterior #donaldtrump #global #israel #eleccionesestadosunidos #taiwan
Donald Trump y Benjamin Netanyahu, en la Casa Blanca, con el documento que reconoce la soberanía de Israel sobre el Golán ocupado, en una imagen de archivo. (Leah Millis / Reuters)
Kim Jong-Un y Donald Trump, durante su encuentro en 2019. (Getty images)

"In his first term, Trump destroyed a US / CHINA ag trading partnership that took US farmers DECADES to grow."
- Aure

Donald Trump's first White House term saw a bruising trade war with China that left a lingering impact on farmers -- and many are bracing for further fallout as the President-elect threatens higher levies on Beijing.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews #USA #China #trade


Unipolar Multipolar 💥 Überlebenskämpfer

In der neuen Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben über die Wiederwahl von Donald Trump zum Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten. Dabei diskutieren die beiden den zu Ende gegangenen Wahlkampf und die wichtigsten Positionen, die Trump vertreten hat, wie beispielsweise in Fragen der Migration oder der wirtschaftlichen Stärkung des Landes. Außerdem gehen sie darauf ein, was dieser Wahlsieg nun für die Konflikte im Nahen Osten und in der Ukraine bedeuten wird und wie China, der größte Konkurrent der USA, auf diese Wahl blickt. Zuletzt sprechen sie noch über den Rücktritt des israelischen Verteidigungsministers Joav Galant und das Regierungschaos in Deutschland.
#podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #usa #elections #donaldtrump #middleeast #ukraine #china #israel #joavgalant #germany #governmentcrisis

🎧 https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Unipolar-Multipolar-UEberlebenskaempfer-visit-11566.html

Edward R. Rosenfeld, the chief exec of footwear brand Steve Madden, said that his company currently sourced >70% of its products from #China but had “been planning for a potential scenario in which we would have to move #goods out of China more quickly."

“As of yesterday morning, we are putting that plan into motion,” he said. Steve Madden had been making more shoes in #Cambodia, #Vietnam, #Mexico & #Brazil & its goal over the next year was to reduce its sourcing from China to only 40-45%.


The Influence of Donald Trump’s 2024 Re-Election on Indian Politics and Indo-U.S. Relations.


#india #press #news #usa #america #donaldtrump #elections2024 #politics #china #quad #trade #visa #bjp #pmmodi

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