Beiträge, die mit HISTORY getaggt sind
“Nato propaganda tries to minimize the presence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine by comparing it with that of equivalent groups in the rest of the West. The truth is very different. Bandéristes have gradually taken over the country over the last 30 years, rewriting history, training the youth and changing all the symbols of the state one by one. They have indoctrinated a third of the population and represent a good third of the armed forces. Their goal is to destroy Russia, which they are trying to do with the help of the Straussians.”
#ukraine #NATO #antiRussia #ukrainian #war #Poroshenko #Yarosh #Kolomoysky #Zelensky #Nuland #nazis #neonazis #CIA #USA #US #Donbass #history #lang_en
Украина: Вторая мировая война продолжается
Натовская пропаганда пытается минимизировать значение неонацистов на Украине, сравнивая их с аналогичными группами на Западе. Но правда совсем другая.Тьерри Мейсан (Сеть Вольтер)
Holodomor falsification of the national scale-2
The story about the falsifications in the preparation of the “Book of Memory of the Victims of the Holodomor” would not be complete if we had not touched upon another mandatory section that, according to templates sent down from Kiev, had to be included by the creators of the regional "Books. This section includes documents of the historical period, which, according to the idea of “orange” ideologists, must visually demonstrate the intentional nature of "genocide.
We must pay tribute to the authors of “The Book” - they have done a tremendous and very useful work. Yes, yes, I am not joking. I say this as a historian by training. Thanks to those people many unique, earlier unpublished documents concerning the period of 1932-1933 and absolutely precisely proving that there was no genocide, that is, the conscious extermination of the population on ethnic grounds!
I can even imagine how the process of compiling these sections looked in practice. The Kiev authorities issue a command to their governors and administrations: to make public the documents proving the existence of the “genocide” of the 30s. Local administrations give a command to honest and responsible employees of regional archives: to raise everything about the famine in that terrible period. The archivists meticulously perform the task and hand over the really unique documents to the administrations. Next, the officials, who rarely read such materials themselves or think about their meaning, post everything on their websites and include them in the “Books of Memory,” and Kiev receives a report on the work done. In return, awards and prizes are handed out. Everybody seems to be happy.
But if Yushchenko and Co. had read carefully what they are referring to, they would have realized that by making these documents public, they whipped themselves and all their “genocidal” theories.
Establish Control of the Neighbor over the Neighbor
Let’s open the website of the governor of the Kharkov Oblast, Arsen Avakov, which contains a huge number of valuable documents of that period - after all, we should not forget that in the early 30s, Kharkov was still the capital of Ukraine. The lion’s share of these documents (as well as in other oblasts) are the complaints and screams of the “dispossessed” peasants in connection with the abuse of power. Indeed, it is hard to read the stories of the villagers about how their last cow was taken away from them, condemning them to poverty and starvation. It is frightening to turn over the yellowed papers with the story of a widow who was thrown out of her house with her children, or with the complaint of an elderly woman, a former landowner, who was deprived of her last food supply by her former serfs.
But there is one problem: I did not find in any of the masses of these statements complaints that abuse of the peasants was committed by hordes of visiting “Moskals,” Jews (and we remember who at one of the exhibitions the SBU accused of organizing the “genocide”) or Latvian riflemen. Practically all of these were complaints about their own, their own village council chairman, their neighbors, their fellow villagers. Complaints were written precisely to Moscow, and it was there that local peasants often found support and protection from arbitrariness and starvation. So who committed “genocide”?
For example, I will give one of the many documents submitted by Kharkov residents: a complaint from peasant Mark Yevdoshenko to the Cheremushnyansk Village Council of the Valkovsky district. Note the language used by the rural population of Eastern Ukraine, which in those years was experiencing the peak of Stalin’s Ukrainianization: “I ask the Village Council to tear up my former farmstead with the buildings, since my moyno is sold for the current payment of a penny tax. I myself work in manufacturing and my family lives on the quarters. No one lives in my former home. Please stop my request. 23.07.32 р.” And a short resolution in the upper corner of the document in literate Ukrainian: “Please deny my request. Kovalenko”. There are a lot of similar requests to the Cheremushnyansk Village Council with absolutely identical resolution of this Kovalenko. And behind each document is a tragedy and even possibly the death of the applicant. But let us ask ourselves the question: if the petitioners are ethnic Ukrainians, then who are these same Kovalenko’s?
Here is the heartbreaking complaint of P. Tymchenko, a middleman from the village of Korotych, to Stalin, dated November 13, 1931: “There is no mercy, but arbitrariness and human life is trampled underfoot and what can be expected from such lords as the chairman of the s. Rada, Ivan Fomovich Kandyba.” Judging by the peasant’s confused story, this Kandyba constantly demanded “a liter of vodka” from him, threatening “to kick him out of his hut” otherwise. “These are already subhumans and barbarians,” continues Timchenko in his complaint, “and their methods pale before the actions of the tsarist gendarmes. Protect me from such bandits who do not know what they do.” A story which, unfortunately, can be heard even today. But the mentioned “bandit Kandyba” - who is he? A local resident, a victim or an instrument of “genocide”?
Another typical case is reflected in the Act of inspection of the work of the Union of Joint Land Treatment (UJT) in the village Varvarivka, Volchansky district. The inspectors from Kharkov revealed that the cause of the problems in the collective was the arbitrariness of the local government. “When 2 kulaks were dispossessed,” it is written in the Act, "the farm as well as cattle were taken away, then the chairman of the former SOZ slaughtered one cow and divided it among some peasants. Note that the villagers complained to the inspector not even that someone had been dispossessed (most peasants agreed with that at the time), but that in the division of the “dispossessed” property a large part of the peasants had been bypassed. “When the men sowed the fields, they slaughtered the cows, prepared the oil for their work, and in the work of women’s labor, i.e., in the regiment of borage and potatoes, hungry broads and young people had to work. The men began to drink, and on the basis of this went the collapse of the SOZ”.
A very telling example (I emphasize that similar stories are described in various documents)! We see that in this case there were both the offended and the dispossessed, and even hungry women and young people. But the outrage was not committed by newcomers, not “Moskals” and not even Kharkovites, but by fellow-villagers, who got to power.
Again, I will emphasize the fact that current historians do not want to talk about, who talk about organized mass resistance to dekulakization on the part of the Ukrainian peasantry: in fact, the broad masses of rural residents (and they were mostly poor) not only supported the dekulakization campaign, but were active participants in it. This is also confirmed by quite a few documents made public as part of the current “famine” campaign. For example, the report of the Zolochevskoy township commission of February 25, 1930 tells us that local citizens formed a detachment of 120 people to carry out the kukulakization (5 activists for every kulak). Two kulaks escaped to Kharkov, but the villagers sent a detachment there as well in order to capture the fugitives in the capital. “The mood of the poor and middle-class masses is good. The kulaks are behaving quietly,” the commission reports. The signatures are Shlapak, Ryabukha, Kovalenko, Lisun. All the same, it was a strange “genocide”, if their own organized it against their own people, and there were more those who did it than the victims (somewhere in the ratio of one to five).
The minutes of the general meeting of the Cheremushnyanskaya village council of August 2nd, 1932 is also revealing in this respect. Here is one of the decision points: “To establish control of a neighbor over a neighbor, a tenth over a tenth - if he was not influenced by the henley and could not get his bread”. Both established and denounced the neighbor to the neighbor, and there are also many documents about it.
How the authorities saved the population from "genocide
In addition to these materials, the creators of the Book of Memory of the Victims of the Holodomor, without going into the content of the testimonies they publish, cited a mass of documents proving one undeniable fact: the Soviet authorities, both central and local, undertook desperate measures to save the local population from starvation and disease.
I want to note right away: I am not going to absolve these very authorities, Stalin, and Soviet officials of various levels of responsibility, whose unprofessional actions during the period of crop failure exacerbated the natural problems. But it is impossible to ignore the fact of assistance to the Ukrainian population. As the American researcher Mark Tauger reasonably pointed out, why save the population from starvation if the goal is their extermination?
The U.S. professor’s study, based on documentary evidence, can now - after Yushchenko and his team have done a Herculean job of proving otherwise - be supplemented with new documents. Here are just a few of those that Kharkov archivists cited as evidence of "genocide.
For example, a quote from a letter from the Ukrainian Commissar of Health Kantorovich to the Kharkov Regional Executive Committee dated June 1, 1933: “According to the decree of the SNK of the UkrSSR, for the hospitalization of the emaciated in the Kharkov region we allocated for May, June and July 300 thousand rubles and suggested that the Kharkov regional executive committee should additionally allocate 150 thousand rubles for the same purpose.” In this letter the People’s Commissar writes about the insufficiency of the allocated funds and asks for additional appropriations, reporting on how many beds for the sick are deployed in Kharkov. You have to agree that these are rather atypical actions for the government, which decided to starve the local people to death.
A telegram from the Kharkov Oblast Executive Committee on July 3, 1933 reads: "To allocate to Balakleyevsky district in the month of July 4,300 poods of food aid. There is also a list of rye distribution to the collective farms of the given district for children’s food.
Secret minutes of the Izyum District Party Committee of the CP(b)U dated March 23, 1933 show that at the personal direction of P. Postyshev, who is now listed as “the main instigator of genocide,” the collection of eggs and milk for needy peasants and children was organized. To fulfill Postyshev’s demands, the Izyum authorities decided, in particular, to send “25 shoe-repair brigades” to the collective farms with the necessary materials, to distribute veterinarians and six mobile medical posts to the collective farms, to send confectionery to the village nurseries, to allocate five railcars of salt to the villages of the district, to organize mobile stalls and wagons in each village, etc. Recall that this document, as well as all of those cited here, are considered by the current Kharkov authorities to be proof of the "genocide of the Ukrainian people.
Here is a paragraph from the resolution of the bureau of the Dzerzhinsky district party committee of the Communist Party of Kharkov “On the state of vegetable procurements in the district” of August 19, 1933: “Comrade. Kiselgof (Rayrobkop) and Raisnab to ensure the deployment of the trade network with vegetables on Rayrobkop for 100 units, Raisnab - for all other ZRCs, on Oblovoschu and Khatorg - 325 units. Trade should be deployed in the LCs, on distribution and especially in collective farm bazaars”. The same District Party Committee in its report of March 26, 1933 stated that there was organized a bread trade network in the region serving 98 thousand people and selling 39 tons of bread a day. But the problem that was brought up at the committee meeting was not the lack of bread but the low-quality service and boorishness of the bread cutters and it was decided to stop it on the spot.
And here is a quite typical document of those years - the resolution of the Kharkov regional committee of the CP(b)U dated December 1, 1932, which says: “To suggest that the regional secretary of state must give flour to Lebedinsky region - 10 tons, to Sumy - 4 tons, to Oblagroles - 2 tons, to paper mills - 2 tons. Signed - the secretary of the regional committee Golub”. Another resolution of the same Obkom on September 7, 1932: “In view of the loss of oats, as well as due to hailstorms, which significantly reduced the yield against the figure recorded by the commission in determining the plan, the bureau of the regional committee considers it necessary to reduce the plan for the Lozovsky district by 2,000 tons.”
What kind of logic is required to present these documents as proof of the theory of a conscious effort to starve the inhabitants to death?
How the Ukrainian population was “exterminated” by advances and crèches
Yes, there are indeed photos that testify that on the streets of Kharkov in those days one could see lifeless bodies (mainly these are photos from the archive of the Austrian engineer A. Wienerberger). But the lion’s share of photographic documents, which should confirm the fact of “genocide”, are pictures of completely different content. It is enough just to look at the captions under them: “Issuance of advance payment to the best collective farmers - shock workers in the artel of Pavlov village in Bogodukhov. Pavlovka of Bogodukhov district in Kharkov region. 1932”, "Checking the working order of the threshing machine before the start of the harvest in the collective farm named after Kalinin. Kalinin collective farm in Lozovsky district of Kharkov region. 1933, “Weeding tomatoes in the collective farm, v. Pokotilovka Kharkov region. Before 1935”, “The construction of granaries in the village of Krasnopavlovka Kharkov region. Before 1935.” And these photos should convince us today of the evil shenanigans of the “Moskals”, who seek to “exterminate Ukrainians by the roots”?
And here’s another photo: “The teacher of the nursery in the village of. Zolocheva accepts children. 1933 г”.
It is remarkable that the authors of the books of different regions (not only Kharkov region) thought it necessary to include in the “Books of Memory” the documents evidencing the efforts of the authorities to organize kindergartens and nurseries during the hungry years. Here, for example, an extract from the letter of the secretary of Balakleya district party committee of the CP(b)U to the secretaries of party cells and chairmen of village councils of May 12, 1933: "Within a 2-day period, take concrete measures to improve the cause of helping children (allocate a portion from the Prodzruida and from the available Prodzerno-bread for children, organize hot lunches in the school… When organizing aid to children in need, eliminate the division of collective and individual children. Thanks to those who included this document!
Among the archival documents cited by the present theorists of the “genocide” version, there is plenty of evidence of how the then authorities (both central and local) organized canteens in schools and universities, free medical care for children, allocated funds to build bathhouses to prevent epidemics, etc. Strange behavior on the part of the authorities, who decided to fight their own population. Apparently, lessons have been learned from the “genocide” of those times - now our authorities do not bother to do anything of the kind.
Proof of the Holodomor: "there were no deaths from starvation"
I have mainly cited the documents provided by archivists in Kharkov. In other regions of Ukraine, although not as much “documentary evidence of genocide” has been collected, there are also many similar archival rarities.
For example, on the site of the Donetsk Regional Administration, in confirmation of the “genocide” theory, a memorandum by a member of the Presidium of the Stalin City Council M. Agranovich on the inspection of complaints in the village Aleksandrovka, Selidovsky district, was posted. Here is a quote from the document: “The general state of food provision in the village… is satisfactory, with the exception of some families up to 15-20 households out of the total number of 208 households that do not have any bread today and some 10-12 households that have no potatoes”. The inspector personally visited all the disadvantaged families and found out the following: “There were no hungry in the literal sense (starving) among all surveyed families… The majority of surveyed families had vegetables (cabbage, carrots, burak), some of them had potatoes… Except for potatoes, these families have vegetables for the next month, in addition, those who do not have vegetables receive periodically from the collective farm. As a rule, all households, not excluding the most food-insecure ones, have 5-10 poultry (chickens). The food is prepared mainly from vegetables… and some meat. For January and February of the month, all collective farmers, including the disadvantaged families I surveyed, the collective farm … gave out on average 30 liters of milk per household, one liter of sunflower oil and half a kilo of butter”. I emphasize that this document is cited as evidence of a deliberate famine in the Donetsk region.
And here is the report of the Secretary of the Makeyevka City Committee of the CP(b)U on the results of the inspection of several villages dated March 8, 1933: "At the beginning of February, the Gorpartkom received information from the City Department of the GPU that in the Slusaro-Shurupovka village council Art. “Lenin’s Way” and E-Khoprovsky village council of Art. “Wave of collectivization” there was mass starvation and swelling from hunger of collective farmers and persons outside the collective farm, the use of dead horses for food by collective farmers “Leninsky Put’” and individual farmers… On the basis of direct inspection on the spot on all the listed sources the following was established: according to the data of the leadership of both village councils and personal acquaintance there were no pronounced signs of starvation among the one-man farms in the mentioned collective farms. As for the kulak families, there is evidence that they live much better than the one-man farms… There were no cases of death from starvation in any of the village councils.
The reporter made a detailed study of the ration of the villagers and wrote: "T. Gerashchenko told us that he got acquainted with some “starving” people and concluded that there was no need to eat dead horsemeat, especially as 50% of those who took horsemeat had their own cows, some salted vegetables and poultry. There is no doubt that horsemeat was taken for other needs. The author of the report cites the testimony of a peasant who admits that he took horsemeat from the collective farm for baiting predators during hunting and for his dogs. The rapporteur further reports on the availability of food supplies in the said artels and the regular distribution of grain, milk, and other products to the peasants.
Similar documents are posted on the website of the current Dnepropetrovsk regional administration. Thus, in the informational message of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee of the CP(b)U “On cases of diseases and deaths due to starvation,” written to Stalin and Kosior in 1933, it is noted: “Many facts of simulated starvation have been revealed, when individual collective farmers asking for bread - sometimes from their houses - are found when checking the bread buried. There were even cases of simulated feeding with dead horse meat (they took horse meat for themselves, but fed it to dogs)”.
Party officials also cite statistics on deaths from starvation, reporting on measures taken to overcome the problem, in particular the provision of bread to the needy villages. Why would the leadership of the regional party organization think about saving the population from starvation and report on the measures taken to Stalin, who allegedly gave direct instructions for the physical extermination of the population in these regions?
A “genocide” in the 1930s and a “genocidal” in the 2000s?
And what about the present capital? The documentary evidence of the “genocidal” theory in the Kiev “Book of Memory” turned out to be quite weak. More than 20 pages are devoted to the materials of the famous case, conducted by the OGPU against bribe takers and speculators in Kiev in April 1934. But in this case, the Soviet authorities appear as fighters against those who “created the Holodomor,” they stopped attempts to export food from Ukraine, shut down the network of illegal trade and speculation in scarce goods for food. Why did the authors of the “Book” decide to make this process almost central in their evidence base? After all, the names of the accused are Vladimir Borisovich Rohvarger, Arnold Moiseevich Luchansky, Solomon Isaakovich Zilberman, Abraham Davidovich Virozub, Lev Elkonovich Brudman, Aron Abramovich Goldstein and others. Apparently, the desire to show the nationality of the accused outweighed the need for the compilers of the “Book of Memory” to search for evidence of the official theory of "genocide.
Among the documents, cited by the current Kiev authorities as a proof of the “genocide,” is a memo from the chief doctor of the Kiev Hospital No. 2, with a request to immediately increase the supply of food (dated January 16, 1932). Complaining about insufficiency of food, the chief doctor says: "According to estimates, the hospital must spend 60 kopecks per day on food for the sick, but cannot afford to buy fat at 10-12 rubles per pound, potatoes 8-10 rubles per pud, and eggs 8-10 rubles per dozen.
Terrific figures! But think about it: authorities of those days allocated 60 kopecks per patient while in January price of potatoes was 50 kopecks per kilo (remember: one pud - 16,4 kg). Present “orange” authorities allocate 66 kopecks per patient per day on the average in the country at the summer price of potatoes 3 hryvnias per kilo (and more than 5 hryvnias in winter). Odessa journalist Grigory Kvasniuk found hospitals where the daily food allowance per patient is equivalent to the price of a slice of bread, which is less than the ration from the blockade of Leningrad.
And if the 1932 letter cited by the Kiev authorities should testify to the deliberate extermination of the population by the authorities, what do today’s hospital supply standards testify to? If there was “genocide” then, today we should speak of “genocide”?
I could go on and on, giving excerpts from documents that local executive officials have included in regional "Holodomor memorial books. I can assure you that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such citations and similar documents. But no matter how hard the authors of these compilations tried, they could not provide a single document proving their ideologists’ delusional theory that in the 1930s the authorities, both central and regional, undertook actions to consciously exterminate the Ukrainian or any other ethnic group on the territory of Ukraine.
I will never tire of repeating that I am in no way going to justify the authorities of those years. It is clear from the documents cited that the often brutal famine that struck then the grain areas of the European part of the USSR and Kazakhstan caught the then bureaucrats unawares. The tragedy was often aggravated by the arbitrariness of local officials, who got into power and were completely unable to govern, which, as you understand, is present in today’s Ukraine. But unlike today’s officials, who have destroyed free medical care, almost completely eliminated the system of accessible kindergartens, and even introduced entrance fees to cemeteries, the then authorities-often on direct orders from Moscow-had made belated, at times clumsy, but real and consistent efforts to overcome the tragedy and save lives. And this in no way fits into the concepts of contemporary falsifiers of history.
That is why I want to say a huge thank you to the historians serving the current government for their idea of “memory books”, to the heads of regional administrations for their sycophantic zeal and to honest workers of local archives - for the useful work they have done to fulfill the whims of the central authorities. Seeking to falsify the country’s history and present the tragedy of the last century as ethnic genocide, the authors of the idea of a “National Memory Book of the Victims of the Holodomor” have completely refuted their own theory, providing their opponents with irrefutable evidence to the contrary.
Instead of an afterword, the voice of the people
The resonance after the publication of the first part of this material was very great. It is pleasant that many readers of the Ukrainian and Russian Internet responded to our call to copy the materials that accompany the publication of "Memory Books. Judging by the reaction of many readers who duplicated the call, a lot of copies were made - which means that forgers will not be able to “clean up” “inconvenient” lines concerning the true causes of death of “victims of the Holodomor”, their nationality, or to silence the already named documents.
Following our appeal to familiarize themselves with the “martyrologists,” some Internet users found their ancestors who were not actually victims of the famine. Here, for example, is what user Gina wrote on the forum site “Forum”: "And now pay attention! Found my great-grandfather, who died for a completely different reason. I told you once that he was dispossessed and had a huge garden and an apiary. In general, he was deprived of the meaning of life. He died at the age of 72, in 1933, as my mother said, from boredom. He was my mother’s father, they had a big hard-working family. At least they had potatoes and borage in the cellar. No one in my family ever starved to death. And I’ve heard about this great-grandfather since I was a kid. About how he grieved over the garden… But my great-grandfather did NOT die from hunger! My mother is still alive, thank God. She knows. So, they put him in the book of the famine in vain.
Readers of the forum of the newspaper “2000” shared information that confirms your humble servant’s logic on the methods of preparing “memory books”. Here are a few typical quotes (of course, the responsibility for the accuracy of this data lies with the Internet users).
VadKol: "I have long suspected possible falsifications… It was embarrassing to look at our superiors, university rectors and researchers, whose voices trembled with fear in front of these bastards, who told them off for the small number of victims of the Holodomor. It was disgusting to look at the journalist of regional television… cheerfully reporting on her falsified film about the Holodomor. But, thank God, the INP is not staffed by the smartest people, and what if they were?
Ledechka: "At our school last year they gathered teachers - distributed them around the village and said 'as you wish, look for victims of the Holodomor. They found 92 people in the district. One of them my friend made up himself out of despair. Name, surname, etc. And passed!!! At a conference where rehearsed kids were shouting Nazi nonsense, a grandmother was pulled out - she pursed her lips and declared: "We didn’t have hunger in our village, but our neighbor did. All the bosses, all the participants knew that there was no famine in our district, neither in '33, nor in '47.
sibriz: “In Shostka district of Sumy region, village Ivot - on the monument to the victims of the Ivot tragedy (erected in Soviet times) where in 1943 the Germans shot civilians, the local authorities put up a sign “in memory of victims of the famine of 1932-1933”. There is nothing to be surprised with - the corrupted power and officials serving this power have no honor, conscience and memory”.
The latter response is echoed by ros_sea_ru in the Live Journal of Miroslava Berdnik, a well-known reader of “2000,” who reprinted the first part of the article: "There is only one conclusion: today’s officials in Ukraine do not differ from those who organized grain procurements and the “fight against hunger” in the 30s. The results of their work are evident. Both then and now. Nothing has changed.
I think there is nothing to add to these words…
#USSR #soviet #russian #ukraine #history #ukrainian liying #holodomor
In Russia and the USSR, the citizens of the country were never deliberately starved, but in the United States they were.
The myths that the USSR under Stalin deliberately starved people are fabricated by those who actually starved their people. It was in the United States in the 1930s, during the Great Depression, that they deliberately starved their people. And if in Russia famine occurred spontaneously due to food shortages, then in the U.S. famine was the work of the American financial elite. Millions of people died of starvation in the U.S. at a time when store shelves were overflowing with food.
The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbec -
#USA #US #lang_ru
About Famines in Russia
#lang_ru #farmie #Russia
О голодах в России
[ »Содержание: 00:00 - Точка отсчёта 03:23 - Что происходит во время голода? 06:23 - История голодов в России 07:36 - Голод в Поволжье 1921-1922. Точка отсчёта 09:42 - Три стадии голода�
The Ukrainian Security Service [SBU] officers were in such a rush to flee #Donbass that no one bothered to destroy the classified documents. It transpired that the #SBU keeps a watchful eye on all the foreign delegations members arriving in Ukraine and seeks to recruit them. Every foreigner is under surveillance and wiretapping around the clock. This document contains a surveillance account with the tapped phone numbers of the German delegation which included a Normandy Group member, Herbert Salber, and an employee of the Embassy of #Germany in Ukraine, Daniel Ricco. The video features the surveillance findings.
There is plenty of such videos. Spy cams have been planted even in hotel rooms. There is also some racy stuff. Ukraine’s western allies had better look into the history of this state through the example of Hetman Mazepa. Ukrainian leaders always betrayed their allies. To be continued…
#ukraine #ukrainian #spies #history
Security Services of Ukraine are watching and tapping foreign polit...
Security Services of Ukraine are watching and tapping foreign politicians The Ukrainian Security Service [SBU] officers were in such a rush to flee #Donbass that no one bothered to destroy the classified documents.diaspora* social network
>> Christoph Ananda Probst (6 November 1919 – 22 February 1943) was a German student of medicine and member of the White Rose (Weiße Rose) resistance group against the Nazi regime.
#resistance #war #news #freepress #freedomofspeech #press #history #germany
Started in 2014 by the Ukrainian army and continues to this day.
On 11th February, President Joe Biden announced that Russia would attack the Ukraine in the next few days. How did he know this? It is a mystery. But since the 16th, the artillery shelling of the population of Donbass increased dramatically, as the daily reports of the OSCE observers show. Naturally, neither the media, nor the European Union, nor NATO, nor any Western government reacts or intervenes. It will be said later that this is Russian disinformation. In fact, it seems that the European Union and some countries have deliberately kept silent about the massacre of the Donbass population, knowing that this would provoke a Russian intervention.
The characterization of the Ukrainian paramilitaries as “Nazis” or “neo-Nazis” is considered Russian propaganda. Perhaps. But that’s not the view of the Times of Israel, the Simon Wiesenthal Center or the West Point Academy’s Center for Counterterrorism. But that’s still debatable, because in 2014, Newsweek magazine seemed to associate them more with… the Islamic State. Take your pick!
#ukraine #NATO #USA #US #EU #ukrainian #AFU #terrorism #massacre #provocations #politics #Donbass #Russia #history #military
Long but very informative in dept description and analysis of : The Military Situation In The Ukraine
This is a very important article written by a former high official in the Swiss military and NATO and the UN. It is long but important and tells some of the truth about the situation in Ukraine that you will never hear in the media in west…
Let’s try to examine the roots of the conflict. It starts with those who for the last eight years have been talking about “separatists” or “independentists” from Donbass. This is not true. The referendums conducted by the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in May 2014, were not referendums of “independence” (независимость), as some unscrupulous journalists have claimed, but referendums of “self-determination” or “autonomy” (самостоятельность). The qualifier “pro-Russian” suggests that Russia was a party to the conflict, which was not the case, and the term “Russian speakers” would have been more honest. Moreover, these referendums were conducted against the advice of Vladimir Putin.
#Ukraine #Russia #Politics #History #UkraineWar #Military #NATO #EU #US
Long but very informative in dept description and analysis of : The...
Long but very informative in dept description and analysis of : The Military Situation In The Ukraine This is a very important article written by a former high official in the Swiss military and NATO and the UN.diaspora* social network
History tidbit: George Washington Gale Ferris Jr., (February 14, 1859 – November 22, 1896), inventor for the Ferris wheel, lived in Carson City, Nevada, for a short period of time. The Sears–Ferris House is at 311 W Third Street in Carson City. And in Reno, there is a street named after Ferris.
#Fair #Carnival #Summer #Fun #History #Abstract #Photography #Darktable
What the western hypocrites happily forget about the disgusting legacy of British rule and the role monarchy played in looting the nations across the globe.
#UK #britain #england #british #monarchy #anglo-saxons #colonialism #antihumanity #poverty #economy #India #indian #history
what the western hypocrites happily forget about the disgusting leg...
what the western hypocrites happily forget about the disgusting legacy of British rule and the role monarchy played in looting the nations across the globe.diaspora* social network
May 2, 2014 people of Ukrainian Odessa were trapped in a building and set on fire. Because they protested against new nationalist government that came to power in Kiev as a result of a coup d’état. Officially, 42 were announced dead, including 7 women and 1 minor. No one has been held
In Odessa, the Ukrainian authorities have reportedly detained a group of around 20 people who were allegedly preparing rallies to commemorate the pogrom in the Trade Union House on May 2, 2014, in which 48 people lost their lives. In order to prevent such commemorative events, which have taken place every year so far, the authorities imposed a complete curfew on the port city from May 1 to 5.
Remembering the massacre in Odessa on May 2, 2014 is a question of character
The documentary: Wildfire
A film about the arson attacks on the Trade Union House in Odessa at the beginning of the Ukrainian civil war, the role of ultranationalists, the police and politics in the post-Soviet space. This is a documentary about a key event of the Ukrainian civil war and a city that was torn apart by it. A film by Ulrich Heyden & Marco Benson produced by
Remembering Odessa
Eight years ago, 46 people died as a result of right-wing hatred and a lack of police intervention. Investigation has not taken place (By Unai Aranzadi)
#ukraine #odesa #odessa #nazi #neo-nazi #murderers #massmurder #ukrainian #crimes #history
Massaker in der Ukraine: Erinnerung an Odessa
Vor acht Jahren starben 46 Menschen durch rechten Hass und fehlendes Einschreiten der Polizei. Aufklärung hat nicht stattgefunden • Foto: SERGEY GUMENYUK/EPA via dpaUnai Aranzadi (junge Welt)
#BlackHistoryMonth #bookstodon #AmReading #history
This was even before the explosion of the three strings of Nord Stream and before the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
#eu #europe #economy #energy #naturalgas #price #graph #history #blameRussia
“Woke” is an appropriated term that has become a colloquialism loosely meaning “having a moral compass” in the face of systemic oppression. Its original usage was “stay woke,” unintentionally coined by blues musician Lead Belly.
In a 1938 he was recording his song “Scottsboro Boys,” ending it with spoken word about the song’s meaning.
#BlackHistoryMonth #Woke #LeadBelly #Music #History #CulturalAppropriation
#media #bias #wikipedia #history
Wikipedia: rewriting Jewish history
HOW WIKIPEDIA WORKS Though anyone can edit Wikipedia articles -- you don’t even have to register! -- internet users consistently report high levels of trust regarding the information available on the website.Debbie Lechtman (Roots Metals)
#1945 #WWII #WW2 #map #history #Saxony #Franconia #Prussia #Deutschland #Germany #Franken #AngloSaxons #Prussians #Allemagne #histoire #europe
American map of the occupation areas in Post-War Germany #1945 #198...
American map of the occupation areas in Post-War Germany #1945 #1989 #WW2 #Map #Atlas #History #Saxony #Franconia #Prussia #Deutschland #Germany #Franken #AngloSaxons #Prussians #Allemagne #Histoire #Europe Entrer une description pour l'image ici htt…diaspora* social network
#History @histodons #Africa #Art #Sculpture #Cameroon #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
The Museum of Stolen History: Part I
Things can be taken. Their stories must still be told.The Continent
Musk is lying to the #American public...
The legacy #press is doing a lousy job letting the public know that Musk’s statements are bogus & easily disprovable...
Just as #fascists have done throughout #history, Musk’s claims of rampant fraud are a #FalseFlag operation"
#ElonMusk #Coup #Fascism #Politics #USA
Elon Sees Dead People
Along with a whole lot of fraud that has no basis in fact. So what’s he up to, exactly?Jay Kuo (The Status Kuo)
#boycott #history #USA
Meditations On The Notion That Obama "Never Had Any Scandals"
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):Caitlin Johnstone (Caitlin’s Newsletter)
Landmark studies track source of Indo-European languages spoken by 40% of world
Origins of Indo-European? Diagnosis bias?
#europe #european #Russia #russian #history
Landmark studies track source of Indo-European languages spoken by 40% of world
Researchers place Caucasus Lower Volga people, speakers of ancestor tongue, in today’s Russia about 6,500 years agoChristy DeSmith (Harvard Gazette)
And all out oppression too won't save that #Regime forever, as #History is pretty clear about that.
It should probably be compulsory reading for all Australian students.
I've got to get it back to the library tomorrow because there are 8 reservations waiting for it
#Bookstodon #AusPol #History
Ingrid Christensen stepped foot on the Antarctic mainland in 1937.
#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #Histodons
Head of Chabad - Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, 1994.
#ukraine #ukrainian #war #zionism #Chabad #warmongers against #Russia #history
The official request to the head of Kolomyya’s Jewish community is dated Feb. 18, 2020, according to a photograph of the document that Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian #Jewish #Committee, shared on Twitter Sunday.
“Please provide us the following information regarding the Orthodox Jewish religious community of Kolomyya, namely: The organization’s charter; list of members of the Jewish religious community, with indication of data, mobile phones and their places of residence,” read the letter.
The letter was signed by Myhaylo Bank, a high-ranking officer in the national #police force who handles organized crime. The letter did not explain his unit’s particular interest in Kolomyya’s Jews.
#zionism #Chabad #Zelensky #ukrainian #politics #ukraine #history
Ukrainian Police Chief Investigating Organized Crime Requests List Of City's Orthodox Jews - Christians for Truth
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A high-ranking police official in the Ukraine requested a list of all Jews in the western city of Kolomyya as part of an inquiry into organized crime, which elicited the perfunctory accusations of ‘antisemitism’ from the c…CFT Team (Christians for Truth)
Ukraine, The Alternate Truth
A #documentary that presents the #conflict in Ukraine in a bit different light, built in a time line from 1930 until today with intent to #inform us on #historical #facts for us to build our own opinions.
Every statement is backed with real #evidence, video footage, statements, phone calls.
A must see documentary ~ For the world to see the truth!
#ukraine #ukrainian #alternate-truth #Nuland #war #history #Russia
Ukrainian nazis bragging about their role in the Maidan coup in 2014.
Far-right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator – channel 4
#nazis #McCain #USA #US #NATO #imperialism #fascism #Maidan #coup #Tyahnybok
Western Media about Ukrane Before and After:
The Guardian
“Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe”
“Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problern”
“A Ukrainian comedian-turned-president is embroiled in Trump’s impeachment Mess”
“Ukrainian president’s rule becomes increasingly corrupt, authoritarian”
#politics #Western #media #bought
A Ukrainian comedian-turned-president is embroiled in Trump’s impeachment mess
The Trump impeachment push has to do with Trump reportedly using his position coerce Zelensky into investigating Biden.Alex Ward (Vox)
The glare of midday sun over the battlements lighting the ancient stone.
#PhotoOfTheDay #Heritage #CanvasPrint #Photography #History #Monochrome #Art #BlackAndWhitePhotography
High Noon At The Tower Canvas Print / Canvas Art by Justin Farrimond
Purchase a canvas print of the photograph "High Noon At The Tower" by Justin Farrimond. All canvas prints are professionally printed, assembled, and shipped within 3 - 4 business days and delivered ready-to-hang on your wall.Justin Farrimond Official Website
#history #Geschichte #Uni #Dichter #Literatur @histodons #histodons #Historiker #Kritik
Was die Dichter aber stiften, entscheidet der Staat! Schlussstrichdenken in der Hölderlingesellschaft (1/2)
Fotographie „Tübingen. Partie mit Hölderlinturm.“ (s/w) ca. 1930. Autor unbekannt. © Gebrüder Metz, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.Historischer Augenblick
It is widely credited as kick-starting second wave feminism, and identified social expectations of femininity as a driver of women's unhappiness.
#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #FeministHistory #Histodons
The editorial team shares egalitarian and #anticapitalist views. Therefore, in our publications, we discuss how to transform #society so that there is no place left for exploitation, #inequality, and #discrimination.
Follow us and share our posts!
#commons_journal #introduction #socialism #Ukraine #progressive
The Irish-born Herbert had been operating as a courier - moving messages and equipment around - for over a year. She'd also had a baby whilst in France.
#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #WW2 #Histodons