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Beiträge, die mit ABORTION getaggt sind

Texas sues New York doctor accused of posting #abortion pills.
"New York is one of eight Democratic-led states with shield laws.

Abortion is legal in New York up until the point of foetal viability, around 24 weeks of pregnancy, and after that point with restrictions."
#Texas vs #NY

"The only arguments against abortion are not scientific but theological."

(Scientific American)

#abortion #health #women

#Trump #abortion #reproductiverights #Project2025

Seeing reports that with abortion bans spreading, Trump on the way, and contraception too potentially on the chopping block, desperate women are resorting to pre-emptive sterilzation before it can be banned too.

'Bodies are piling up': Reporter finds GOP-led states are hiding abortion ban death toll https://www.rawstory.com/abortion-ban-deaths/

#Abortion #RepublicansOwnThis

Inhaltswarnung: Abortion

Expect a MAGA influx if Farage gains even more influence. Reform, the party (shoops, private company) who consider 'The Handmaids Tale' an instruction manual not a novel.


#Farage #UkPolitics #WomensRights #Abortion #HandMaidsTale

#Texas Lawmakers Push for New Exceptions to State’s Strict #Abortion Ban After the Deaths of Two Women

The new legislation, prompted by ProPublica’s reporting, comes after 111 Texas #doctors signed a public letter urging that the ban be changed because it “does not allow us as medical professionals to do our jobs."

#News #Health #ReproductiveRights #Pregnancy #Healthcare


Since September, ProPublica has reported on five pregnant women who died after not receiving timely medical care under state #abortion bans: Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, Josseli Barnica, Nevaeh Crain and Porsha Ngumezi.

Here, our #ReproductiveHealth reporters discuss what they've learned in their investigations:

#News #Health #Doctors #Miscarriage #Pregnancy #ReproductiveRights #RoeVWade #Journalism

Here;s Digital Defense Fund’s Abortion Privacy Guide, created with the input of abortion workers, legal experts, digisec experts, and patients.

DDF's materials are always extremely high quality and this is no exception!

There's also a Canva version available with QR codes to download signal and instructions on how to erase your digital history.

#abortion #privacy
ABORTION PRIVACY. Want your abortion to be private? Don’t delay — do these 3 things now.  Updated as of August 2024
Make sure your friends and family respect your privacy. Think about who you told about your abortion — ask them to delete messages/ social media shares and not share your experience with others..  For the future: get the Signal app — set up disappearing messages and have private conversations there.
Make a plan for the next time you get health care.

A miscarriage caused by pills is the same as a natural miscarriage. If you want medical care in the next month, your pregnancy test will still be positive. Doctors provide treatment based on your symptoms, you don't have to share any other information with your doctor that you don't want to.
Delete the digital record. Don’t let your digital footprint cause privacy leaks. Delete any record of your experience in case someone else uses your phone or computer:

Delete text messages and empty deleted folder. Delete emails and empty your trash. Erase your search history and caches, and Google Maps searches.

The biopolitical surveillance regime - friendly sponsered by Twitter's official partners

U.S. Marshals Spied on Abortion Protesters Using Dataminr
"Twitter’s “official partner” monitored the precise time and location of post-Roe demonstrations, internal emails show.
Dataminr, an “official partner” of Twitter, alerted a federal law enforcement agency to pro-abortion protests and rallies in the wake of the reversal of Roe v. Wade, according to documents obtained by The Intercept through a Freedom of Information Act request."


#tracking #Profiling #surveillance #criminalisation #USA #antireport #abortion #Twitter #Dataminr

Facebook and Google are handing over user #data to help police prosecute #abortion seekers

"As abortion bans across the nation are implemented and enforced, law enforcement is turning to social media platforms to build cases to prosecute women seeking abortions or abortion-inducing medication – and online platforms like #Google and #Facebook are helping.
This spring, a woman named Jessica Burgess and her daughter will stand trial in #Nebraska for performing an illegal abortion — with a key piece of evidence provided by #Meta, the parent company of Facebook."


#tracking #Profiling #surveillance #sozialeKontrolle #criminalisation #USA #antireport #MyBodyMyChoice

South Carolina becomes the latest GOP-led state with a #bill to make the death penalty a punishment for #abortion

"Several states have banned and criminalized abortion since the #SupremeCourt overturned Roe v. Wade.
A #SouthCarolina legislator proposed the death penalty as punishment for women who get abortions.
The new bill, still in the legislature, would equate abortion to homicide."
Via @BinGanzBrav


#socialwar #MyBodyMyChoice #USA #Kriminalisierung

Und auch deshalb ist die Digitalisierung, die früher oder später unweigerlich auf eine Post-Privacy-Gesellschaft herausläuft, in erster Linie eine Dystopie:

Google und Facebook/Meta geben Nutzer:innendaten an die US-amerikanische Polizei weiter, damit diese Menschen verfolgen kann, die Informationen zu Abtreibungen suchen.

Und das ist nur ein Beispiel. Morgen kann schon illegal sein, was heute noch legal ist und etwaige Datenschutzgesetze können auch in Europa gelockert werden, während die Überwachungsinfrastruktur, Digitalzwänge/Abhängigkeiten und der Zugriff auf Gesundheitsdaten immer invasiver werden.

"As abortion bans across the nation are implemented and enforced, law enforcement is turning to social media platforms to build cases to prosecute women seeking abortions or abortion-inducing medication – and online platforms like Google and Facebook are helping. "


#Abortion #Polizei #Police #Datenschutz #Feminism #Abtreibung #DigitaleTransformation #Digitalisierung

Disgusting, cruel, and STUPID

"Miscarrying patient was passed around 'like a hot potato' due to #Idaho #abortion ban, #doctor testifies

The "heavily bleeding" patient was told the pregnancy would not survive, but she had not been counseled on abortion... plaintiff in a #lawsuit over the state's abortion bans, said...

"My colleagues are so scared and confused to even mention the word... pass the patient around and hopefully something will happen and declare itself"'


I think #ABC australia is doing a great job of exposing them.


#women #abortion #rights #womenrights #australia #auspol #ALP #albo

"Abortion is legal in Australia, but doctors say an 'unspoken ban' is robbing women in regional and rural areas of the right to choose"


#ABCNews #ABCNewsAustralia #Abortion #Healthcare #RegionalAustralia #RuralAustralia #HealthcareAccess #Australia

#Trump #Theocracy #abortion #trans

Also seeing reports of roughly tenfold jumps in vasectomy and IUD insertion medical appointments the day after the election.

People are not taking chances on all this shit: people are taking emergency measure to pre-empt unplanned pregnancy, accepting the risk that this might be permanent.

People are also stockpiling abortion and emergency contraception pills, and trans folks are building stockpiles of hormones in some cases with the goal of having enough on hand to outlast a Trump presidency.

Also by July this year, 8% of trans folks surveyed had already moved once to escape the worst jurisdictions, and about 40% more were considering moving. Many are not putting in expedited passport applications to ensure they receive travel documents prior to Trump's inauguration.

I’m shocked by how misinformed the men in my life are on abortion bans. Most of them support a woman’s right to choose - but they don’t understand that the bans put lives at risk. One said to me “I’m sure they don’t impact women who WANT to start a family”.

They do - and here’s why:

Abortion bans put lives at risk. When you criminalize abortion - you’re practically criminalizing pregnancy. It sounds harsh - but women have been arrested for having miscarriages. Doctors face jail time for intervening to save a woman’s life if she’s having pregnancy complications.

When a woman is having an early miscarriage - you can’t tell whether it happened naturally or was induced. The police should not be involved in making that call. Yet if they have ANY reason to suspect you wanted to end that pregnancy? You could be arrested.

Have an ectopic? An abruption? A fetus with lethal anomalies? Doctors are going to hesitate before intervening even IF your life is at risk. They have to consult the legal department, they have to fear for their licence and the possibility of jail time.

Pregnancy is NOT a health neutral state. Anything you can be at risk for - you’re higher risk for in pregnancy. When things go sideways - it can happen incredibly quickly. Waiting to intervene can and does cost the life of the mother AND the baby.

Doctors are also fleeing states with abortion bans - leaving women in those states with even less access to qualified care. They don’t want to practice somewhere that the government is going to dictate what happens to their patient. They don’t want to worry about criminal charges.

All of this adds up to bad news for women - many of who WANT children but will choose not to become pregnant in the face of these archaic and dangerous laws. It’s not “your body my choice”. It’s “my body my choice”. Until people realize that - we continue to be in danger.
#abortion #prochoice #abortionishealthcare #womenshealth #mybodymychoice #reproductivehealth

Q. will abortion prove to be the most important issue for wavering voters in America today?

We'll find out in the next 48hrs but the widening gap between those who think abortion should be legal in all/most cases & those who don't may drive sufficiently more people to the polls to help Harris win.... or perhaps it will not; we'll find out soon.

#USPol #abortion #health
Chart: A growing share of Americans think abortion should be legal. % of US adults who say aburtion should be legal in all/most cases, and those who think it should be illegal in all/most cases.

Shows those who think it should be legal in the majority since 1995 with the gap narrowing to almost equal in 2009, but widening since with the current figure (after Roe vs. Wade overturned) of over 60% for legal & just under 40% for illegal in all/most cases

A Pregnant Teenager Died After Trying to Get Care in Three Visits to #Texas Emergency Rooms

It took three ER visits and 20 hours before a #hospital admitted Nevaeh Crain, 18, as her condition worsened.

Doctors insisted on two ultrasounds to confirm “fetal demise.”

She’s one of at least two Texas women who died under the state’s #abortion ban.

#News #Health #HealthCare #Pregnancy #Government #Law #Safety #Family


"We all started our lives as fetuses and would have been effected by abortion laws, and as such we all should have a right to an opinion on the matter." --a guy on a server that is probably blocked by yours

Translation: I am so important and inevitable that I would rather have my own mother violated and oppressed than consider the possibility of my own nonexistence.

#Abortion #BodilyAutonomy

Side effects.

"#Doctors are…reluctant to practice in places where making the best decision for a patient could result in huge fines or even a prison sentence…76% of respondents in a survey of more than 2,000 current and future #physicians said they would not even apply to work or train in #states with #abortion restrictions."

The result is "fewer medical services available for all women living in those states."

#Abortion restrictions cannot be about morality; there are too many contradictions in that presentation. So what are they about?

Social order.

The silhouettes of two teenage girls overlooking a small town at night