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Beiträge, die mit ART getaggt sind

Going with a comforting floral pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing, but a purple one this time.

You probably can't tell, but that cup in the photo is one of my favorites cups. And it's made by @nervous_jessica and @nervous_jesse

#ink #drawing #art #flowers #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. My glass dipping pen and once of my favorite coffee cups are next to my sketchbook.

Playing with patterns from a cell in today's #inkyDays drawing. These are mitochondria and rough ER, with little ribosomes.

#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #Biology
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like it could be a diagram from a cell biology textbook.

Seemed appropriate to draw virus particles for today's #inkyDays drawing.

I also finished a couple of medium sized drawings today. As a whim, I decided to draw a few ants on this floral pattern. I've posted photos for my supporters.


#ink #drawing #art #SciArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract patterns looks like virus particles of different colors. The orange one looks menacing, but is just another virus.

Yes, another calming floral pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing. Yes, there may be a whole lot of these in the coming years.

Here's an in-progress shot.

As usual, the finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi.


#ink #drawing #art #wip #flowers
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is floral.

Another iteration of 'Resistance is NOT futile', for today's #inkyDays drawing.

I also cut one of my large drawings from the watercolor paper block. Now I have an all new frontier to play on.

#ink #drawing #art #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemical diagram with the electronics symbol for resistance connecting the nodes.

I couldn't resist trying to use two different colors in this pattern, to possible add more texture to it. Turned out well enough for me to try on watercolor paper.

Here's an in-progress shot.

#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art #flowers #wip #WIPWednesday #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a bunch of flowers.

Having fun with yesterday's pattern, and playing with a different ink today.

Here's an in-progress shot.

Finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art #flowers #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like looking down on a bunch of flowers bunched together.

Playing with a new pattern in today's #inkyDays drawing. I liked it so much that I decided to try it on watercolor paper. So far, I'm loving how it's turning out.

Here's an in-progress shot.

#ink #drawing #art #flowers #wip
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like it could be flowers.

A bright and cheery floral pattern for today's #inkyDays drawing. I liked it so much that I drew a bigger one on watercolor paper.

Here's an in-progress shot.


#ink #drawing #art #flowers #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is floral.

Playing with triangles for today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot. The finished drawing and some other work is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt #wip #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern has sort of a chain of triangles with nested triangles inside of them.

Going for comfort in today's #inkyDays drawing, and self-soothing with an abstract floral pattern.

Here's an in-progress shot.

The finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#ink #drawing #art #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt #flowers #wip
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is floral. My glass dipping pen and ink palate are next to my sketchbook.

For today's #inkyDays drawing, I'm playing with a different color combination, including one of my new inks, in a turkey tail mushroom inspired pattern.

Here's an in-progress photo.
The finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#ink #drawing #art #wip #fungi #GenerativeArt #SciArt
Hand drawn generative procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern is inspired by turkey tail mushrooms.

While working on today's #inkyDays drawing, I was thinking about the coming year and years.

#ink #drawing #art #ants #RadicalJoy
Hand drawn generative art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks like ants meandering across the page. There are words between the ants that read "practice radical joy".

Today, I'm playing with some different blues and this floral-diagram pattern.

Here's an in-progress shot.

The finished drawing is now posted for my supporters on patreon and ko-fi:

#inkyDays #ink #drawing #art #SciArt #GenerativeArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemistry diagram with flowers where the atoms would be.

Playing with an iteration of "resistance is NOT futile", in today's #inkyDays drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

#ink #drawing #art #wip #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a chemistry or electrical diagram.

It's a new year, and I felt like drawing a sunflower. It turned out looking more like a sunflower crossed with a dahlia. Oh well. Happy new year!

I've started new posts for this coming month of #inkyDays drawings:

#ink #drawing #art #flowers #GenerativeArt #ProceduralArt #MastoArt
Hand drawn generative/procedural art in ink on an open page of my sketchbook. The abstract pattern looks a bit like a sunflower crossed with a dahlia flower.

8 Jahre ist es jetzt mittlerweile her, dass ich dort oben auf ca. 2.700m stand und diesen malerischen Sonnenuntergang erleben durfte. Es war der anstrengendste Auf- und Abstieg, den ich bisher erleben durfte, der von einer Woche Muskelkater begleitet wurde. Ein Glück war zu diesem Zeitpunkt meine Foto-Ausrüstung mit der ur-E-M5 mit dem Kit von Olympus noch superklein und superleicht.
Doch da oben zu stehen und sein Gipfelradler bei diesem Anblick genüsslich zu schlürfen hatte schon echt was.

#fotografie #wolken #natur #landschaft #schweiz #alpen #berge #wandern #bergsteigen #sonnenuntergang #sonne #stille #ruhe #moment #stimmung #stillersonntag #gipfel #gletscher
#photography #cloudporn #sunset #switzerland #alps #silentsunday #nature #landscape #moment #mood #moody #fineart #fediart #art #outdoor #mountains #hiking #peak #glacier #peaks #glaciers #alpenglow
Zu sehen ist das Gstellihorn mit einer Höhe von 2.855m im Sonnenuntergang, bei dem es mit goldenem Licht angestrahlt wird.

Une vision assez radicale de la culture (pas celle de Banks, mais celle des industries culturelles) en 2024. En lisant ce genre de texte, je me demande comment sera vue l'industrie "de la tech" dans cinquante ans. Mais je pense que cette question aura plutôt sa place sur mon blog. https://www.honest-broker.com/p/the-state-of-the-culture-2024 #culture #art #media #addiction #critique

A question for UK artists and photographers:

Where do you get your prints done?

#Art #Photography #MastoArt

Detail of the SPIRAL STAIRCASE inside of
the ART NOUVEAU report building at 12 Alberta iela, in the center of Riga (Latvia), designed by local architects:
Konstantīns Pekßēns and Eižeus Laube and built in 1903.
Currently houses the ART NOUVEAU Center in RIGA
By #StainedGlassArtCreations
#Architecture #Design #Style #Nature #Art #Artist #Photo #Photographer #Urbanism #City #Village #Staircases #History #Histoire #Abandoned #AbandonedPlaces

From Asia Pacific Journal, Japan Focus;
Artist Toshie Takeuchi in Conversation with Asato Ikeda: From Palestine, Japan, to Congo
By: Asato Ikeda

January 30, 2025

"This article features a conversation with contemporary Japanese artist Toshie Takeuchi, whose work integrates historical research, participatory art, and collective practices to explore themes of memory, trauma, colonialism, and relationality. ..."
#Japan #Palestine #Congo #art

Protip for resisters: using AI art for your memes and posters discredits your message. Don’t do it. Create your own work, hire a human artist, or buy stock images instead.

#AI #slop #art #resist #humanArt

Colonizers loot our art and then devalue it at the same time. This is why you see white art traders selling #AfricanArt at a premium but actual African artists suffer and die broke. I think specifically of #NestaNala as I write this. She was a Zulu potter from South Africa, held in a similar esteem as #MariaMartinez. Learn her story.

Never believe that your #art doesn’t matter, especially if you’re of a marginalized identity. We’re constantly being duped and brainwashed and it’s maddening.
A photo of Zulu potter Nesta Nala (1940-2005) standing behind a batch of her shiny black pottery.

I always figured the British colonized #Nigeria primarily for its natural resources, but I recently came to understand how valuable they found the #artsandcrafts of the #KingdomOfBenin to be. I always figured this was a secondary interest, but that’s incorrect. The British understood the cultural & economic value of art, yet somehow today we’re made to question whether the #art we make has any value. #colonization #colonisation

#art #history: it's a hasty sketch to celebrate the life of the south african phenomenon, miriam makeba (born #otd in 1932).
through a short & tough childhood to survive breast cancer & marriage to kwame toure, she packed a lot of music, activism & heart into her 76 years on this marble.
#miriamMakeba #musician #activist #southAfrica #art
simple digital pencil & ink sketch of legendary south african songwriter, actor, singer & activist, miriam makeba.
here, her face is turned slightly to her right as she regards something the distance. her eyes are bright & she smiles widely, a tall hat on her head.
colours are black & white on a terracotta background.