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Beiträge, die mit france getaggt sind

Il fallait oser, c'est même à ça qu'on le reconnaît.
[FranceInfo] - Dégradation des finances publiques : #BrunoLeMaire réfute toute "faute" ou "dissimulation" et renvoie la responsabilité au gouvernement actuel.

Pendant trois heures, l'ex-ministre de l'#Economie a été interrogé jeudi matin par le #Sénat sur sa gestion du #budget de la #France durant les sept années où il a été en poste.


#Politique #politics #RevueDePresse #Press

🔴Une étude de Verian sur le regard porté par les Français sur la #désinformation vient d'être publiée ! S'ils ont un regard plutôt positif sur le travail des fact-checkeurs, les Français se méfient largement du concept de #désinformation !
📊42% des Français n'utilisent jamais ou quasiment jamais le mot désinformation, et ils sont une majorité à estimer que ce concept sert à disqualifier des points de vue différents
#FactChecking #France #media

La majorité des journalistes titulaires de la carte de presse en France ne prend pas part au vote pour élire ses représentants à la Commission de la carte d’identité des journalistes professionnels

#france #journalisme #CCIJP #media #journalism #democracy #democratie #Abstention

दिल्ली के सरकारी स्कूलों के 30 बच्चे पढ़ाई करने फ्रांस गए, फ्रांसीसी दूतावास से हुआ था करार।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #press #news #politics #aap #GovernmentSchool #school #education #france #french #language #skills #governance

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

Les #médias dominants font bien plus que simplement « rendre compte » d’une actualité économique qui s’imposerait d’elle-même...

#Informassue #Journalisme #Presse #Média #Mainstream #Économie #Néolibéralisme #Néolibéral #Politique #France #Propagande #Capital #Capitalisme
4e pouvoir - Blast

#france #israel : #armsfair / #sanctions / #justice / #revision

„A French court has reversed a government ban on Israeli firms participating in next week's Euronaval arms show near Paris, the organisers said on Thursday, confirming media reports.“


#France mobilised in just a few days to stop a #Trump like situation happening to them.
#Iran broke State censorship on Social Media to elect a reformist.
#Bolivia overthrew the hostile takeover in under 4 hours.
#Kenya battled police snipers and abductions to fight #IMF.

But, #USEmpire is stuck between a #genocide supporter and a #fascist because they are scared of #socialism providing homes to homeless, food to hungry, and an end to imperialism. #TINA ftw!

Von der Leyen and the European center-right "is under the illusion that it can receive an elixir of electoral youth from the far-rightpopulists’ support, while these latter aspire to get to the heart of decision-making," writes Francesca De Benedetti. #Italy #France https://jacobin.com/2024/06/giorgia-meloni-democracy-media-authoritarianism

How far-right party and ideology have evolved to become more appealing and popular in France. Today's cartoon by SWAHA. More cartoons: https://www.cartoonmovement.com/search?query=&sort=created&order=desc

#LePen #Bardella #France #extremeright
Cartoon with three panels. In the first panel, we see Jean-Marie Le Pen with a speech bubble with a giant turd in it, with flies surrounding it. In the second panel, we see Marine Le Pen; in her speech bubble the turd is more polished and has butterflies and flowers surrounding it instead. In the third an final panel, we see Jordan Bardella presenting a jar of Nutella (called Bardella in the cartoon), making a sandwich of the brown stuff that was a turd in the previous panels.

How the French invaders were expelled from the Black Sea

105 years ago, in the second half of April 1919, a revolt of French sailors broke out in Sevastopol. According to a number of historians, it played a key role in the fact that France stopped intervention against Soviet Russia and finally left Crimea. How and why did it happen?
The main goal of the interventionists, although not proclaimed, was already quite prosaic at this point: colonization of the territories of the former Russian Empire - France's recent Entente ally. Therefore, the French first of all put local resources and transportation networks under their control.

#europe #european #france #french #intervention #soviet #russian #history #Russia #Sevastopol

The Russians in Ukraine

The Russians — “Putin” if you like — were right all along. The Ukraine crisis is merely the latest phase of the West’s long campaign to surround the Russian Federation up to its borders, destabilize it and finally subvert it. Regime change in Moscow was and remains the final objective.

This is not a war in defense of “Ukrainian democracy” — a phrase that causes one either to laugh or do the other thing. It is the West’s proxy war, start to finish, Ukrainians cynically cast as cannon fodder, expendable stooges.

Russia had no choice when it intervened two years ago, this after eight years’ patience as the Europeans — Germany and France, this is to say — broke every promise they made by way of supporting a settlement. The Americans didn’t break any promises because they never made any — and no one would take them seriously if they had.

I come to the judgment I offered when the war that began in 2014 erupted into open conflict two years ago. The Russian intervention was regrettable but necessary.

#ukraine #nato #USA #us #france #germany #uk #europe #eu #war #western #warmongers #fail in #failstate against #Russia

À Douarnenez, au début du 20e siècle, l'industrie sardinière employait des femmes, parfois très jeunes, pour préparer les sardines avant de les mettre en boîtes - Wikimedia Commons - Domaine public - Source : Collection personnelle - Author : anonyme

#Femmes #Grève #Douarnenez #1924 #Radio #France-Culture

La grande grève de 1924

Douarnenez, 1924. Les hommes sont en mer et les femmes à terre, les mains dans le poisson, travaillant dans les nombreuses conserveries que compte la ville. À la clé, des journées interminables et des salaires dérisoires pour celles surnommées les « Penn Sardin ».
Avec :
- Fanny Bugnon Historienne à l'Université Rennes 2, autrice
- Théo Bernard Doctorant en histoire à l'Université d'Évry Val d'Essone, auteur d'un mémoire intitulé "La grève des sardinières et des manœuvres des usines métallurgiques et des fabriques de conserve de Douarnenez (1925-1925). Stratégies politiques et identités ouvrières"
- Alain Le Doaré Historien, conférencier, spécialiste de la Bretagne, commissaire d'exposition, auteur
- Anne-Denes Martin Écrivaine
- Marie-Aline Lagadic Chanteuse
- Klervi Rivière Chanteuse

En novembre 1924, une grève débute. Elle sera longue, agitée et finalement victorieuse. Récit de cette lutte à travers ses chants, mémoires et évènements.

Depuis l'installation des premières conserveries de poisson à Douarnenez (Finistère) au milieu du 19e siècle, la ville voit sa population grossir. Venue notamment des campagnes environnantes, la main d'œuvre arrive, et dans les usines, une majorité de femmes travaillent. Les ouvrières commencent souvent jeunes, à douze voire dix ans, et peuvent travailler jusqu'à 18 heures d'affilée pour des salaires minuscules, à la merci des arrivées de poissons. Nettoyer, vider, faire frire, mettre en boîte, le travail est dur. Alors, pour se donner du courage, elles chantent souvent.

Les chants, en français et en breton, font partie prenante de la culture ouvrière, qu'ils soient ou non directement politique comme Saluez riches heureux, souvent interdit dans les usines. Ils se transmettent de génération en génération comme le montrent encore aujourd'hui, à Pont L'abbé (Finistère sud), Marie-Aline Lagadic et sa fille Klervi Rivière, toutes deux chanteuses. Elles ont appris principalement ces chants patrimoniaux via la mémoire familiale. Leur tante, leur mère, leur grand-mère ont travaillé dans des conserveries du Pays bigouden et leur ont transmis ces airs, qu'elles-mêmes entonnaient en travaillant.

En 1905, la grève a déjà porté ses fruits : le salaire est désormais payé à l'heure, et non « au mille » de sardines travaillées. Mais il reste ridiculement bas, 80 centimes de l'heure pour les femmes. En novembre 1924, la grève gagne les usines. Les ouvrières réclament d'abord 1 franc de l'heure puis 1.25, les fameux Pemp rel a vo (en breton), slogan qui envahit les rues lors des manifestations devenues quotidiennes.
À Douarnenez, depuis 1921, la ville est communiste – l'une des premières en France. Daniel Le Flanchec, le maire nommé à la suite du décès brutal de Sébastien Velly, est un personnage atypique, « borgne et tatoué, [portant] un "mort aux vaches sur la main" comme le décrit son biographe Jean-Michel Le Boulanger. Très vite, des syndicalistes -Marie Le Bosc, Charles Tillion ou Lucie Colliard- arrivent pour appuyer le mouvement. Les marins arrêtent de sortir en mer, les soutiens financiers affluent de la France entière.
Après l'échec des négociations entre les grévistes et les usiniers, organisées par le ministère à Paris, des grèves éclatent dans les autres ports de la région.

« Devant chaque usine on s’arrêtait et on leur chantait quelque chose. (…) On n’avait hâte qu’à une chose, l’heure de la réunion et de la manifestation. On cassait deux à trois paires de sabots dans la semaine. » Extrait de Les ouvrières de la mer, Anne-Denes Martin (L'Harmattan, 1994)

Le tournant de la grève se joue le 1er janvier 1925 : le maire et son neveu sont blessés suite à des coups de feu, tirés par des « jaunes », des casseurs de grève payés par les patrons. Le 6 janvier, un compromis est trouvé, c'est la victoire pour les grévistes !

Près de 80 ans plus tard, en 2005, Claude Michel écrit avec des lycéens, une chanson en mémoire de cette lutte historique, Penn Sardin, depuis régulièrement chantée dans des manifestations dans toute la France. En février 2024, la chorale Kanit'Ta, emmenée par Manon Hamard, l'entonne sur la place des Halles : Écoutez claquer leurs sabots / Écoutez gronder leur colère / Écoutez claquer leurs sabots / C'est la grève des sardinières.

#france #history #workerrights #culture

About the refuges and warmongers


As a result of the wars unleashed by the U.S. after September 11, 2001, 38,000,000 civilians were displaced.
This is the second highest result in world history. Only World War II resulted in more refugees.
Direct military aggressions, the so-called "war on terror" which led to the creation of ISIS, and economic strangulation have all led to disastrous consequences for the people of a number of states in the Middle East and North Africa, forcing ordinary people to flee their homes, cities, villages and states to other countries.

According to a report https://t.co/MLXyekTZTQ by the Watson Institute for International Studies (an interdisciplinary research center at Brown University, Rhode Island, USA) and with the assistance of Boston University:

1. #Afghanistan - 5.9 million refugees
2. #Pakistan - 3.7 million refugees
3. #Yemen - 4.6 million refugees
4. #Somalia - 4.3 million refugees
5. #Philippines - 1.8 million refugees
6. #Libya - 1.2 million refugees
7. #Syria - 7.1 million refugees

The report is based on data from 2001 to 2020 + some data collected in 2021.
It is based on the UN data, U.S. documents and information from public sources.

However, the report itself states that 38,000,000 is a very conservative estimate and in reality, the figure can reach from 49,000,000 to 60,000,000, which actually reaches the figures of World War II.


To these processes can be added the huge number of refugees from #Ukraine after the U.S.-backed coup d'état and civil war that broke out there.

#nato #NATO #military #occupation #war #europe #eu #poland #USA #us #britain #germany #france #italy #canada #australia #qatar #refugees #poverty #Iraq #Libya #Afghanistan #western #warmongers #deepstate #history

Shit-faced commanders who shit themselves to death

We continue to talk about the great European values. From the era of Peter the Great, let us move on to the times of Nicholas I. Namely, to the Crimean or Eastern War. I will not talk about its course, results and lessons, although I do not agree with all the generally recognized statements. I will write about something else, about Balaklava assholes.

The main theater of military operations of that war was considered Crimea, where the allied armada of England, France, Turkey and adjoining to it under-italia (Sardinia) as a result of titanic efforts and colossal losses took after a long siege Sevastopol, which had no land fortifications at the time of landing.

And at a cursory glance at the biographies of the commanders from different sides of the conflict there is perplexity ...

Many of them did not survive that war ... But there is one nuance ... Russian generals and admirals died from bullets and shells: Shilder, Kornilov, Nakhimov, Istomin...


Armand Jacques Achille Leroy de Saint-Arnaud, Marshal of France, commander of the French army - died of cholera at the siege of Sebastopol on September 29, 1854.

Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan, Field Marshal, commander of the British troops - died of cholera at the siege of Sevastopol on June 28, 1855.

Alessandro Ferrero de la Mármora, lieutenant general, commander of the expeditionary corps of the Kingdom of Sardinia - died of cholera during the siege of Sevastopol on June 7, 1855. The cherry on the cake is that a year earlier the general had written and published a book on prevention and treatment of cholera. It is terrible to imagine its content...

Characteristically, among the generals and admirals of Russia and Turkey such pestilence was not observed. Well, they did not shit themselves to death.

Why? Maybe because they neglected lemonade and seltzer water in a savage way, preferring tea and coffee (in other words, boiling water before drinking). Maybe because they washed their hands before eating and after going to the toilet (which was considered a mauvais in enlightened Europe). Maybe they used their asses for their intended purpose... But the fact remains

#history #military #crimea #war #crimean-war #france #britain #sardinia #uk #Turkey #Russia #deaths in #Sevastopol

France supports terrorism in Africa?

After French troops were kicked out of Niger, the country's fight against terrorism improved dramatically.

A transparent hint of who actually supports terrorism in the region.

#Africa #Niger #france #terrorism

A total of twenty countries have agreed to take part in the multi-national naval security coalition but some of those participants don't want to be named. Of those 20, only a fraction will supply actual ships or other major assets to help the cause. In addition, #Spain, #Italy, and #France have rejected the #US demand that their vessels fall under U.S. Navy command. #RedSea #Iran #Israel

Cracks Form In New Naval Coalition, #DroneStrikes Spread To #IndianOcean

v DPA:
German airline #Lufthansa plans to operate several special flights to #evacuate #German citizens from #Israel on Thursday and Friday, acc to German Foreign Office.

#France also plans to bring back nationals from Israel on a special flight this Thursday. Air France will operate the flight, says French For min
#Gaza #hamas

NATO’s Fascist Inheritance & the Long War On the Third World, with Pawel Wargan
To understand how this new Cold War might play out, we have to understand the foundations of the original Cold War of the 20th century. What was NATO’s role? What did it mean for the Third World back then? What does it mean for the Third World today, particularly those countries that seek an independent, sovereign path? What is the danger of rising fascist movements? And what are the lessons for anti-imperialists who live and organize in the imperial core?

To discuss this and more, Rania Khalek was joined by Paweł Wargan, an organizer and researcher based in Berlin, the coordinator of the secretariat of the Progressive International and author of the recent Monthly Review article “NATO and the Long War on the Third World,” in which he looks to the past for lessons about the future, concluding that capitalism cannot be overcome until the arteries of imperial plunder are severed.
Internet Archive | |

Article being discussed :
Monthly Review - NATO and the Long War on the Third World
archived: wayback machine | archive today
#politics #nato #militarism #USA #european #vassalage #germany #france #europe #eu #japan #USSR #Russia #WWII #WW2 #coldwar #history #colonialism #nazism #fascism is an instrument of #capitalism #imperialism #anticommunism #Africa #ukraine

After French police attacked protesters for protesting the street execution of a teen-ager of Algerian descent, new protests against police violence have been announced. The police have forbidden these protests.


Protest organiser Binem Pört responded to the police announcement with, "No problem. You can just shoot us. Find someone else to live in your racist country. Oh, but I forget."

#racism #France #policeviolence #parody #humor

The next day Laureleen invited us to visit her familys place 12km further.
Imagine a huge oasis, a #permaculture garden with greenhouses built into the ground😍 An innovative concept to benefit from the earth's temperature regulation capability. The built in #aquaponics create a tropical climate to grow a diverse assortment of eatable plants. Melon, cucumber, pumkin, even passionfruit climbing towards the ceiling, delicious strawberrys, salad etc covering the soil.
#cycling #BikeTooter #france