Beiträge, die mit FINLAND getaggt sind
Finland’s MTV to be sold to Norwegian media company Schibsted Media
SCHIBSTED MEDIA, a media company headquartered in Oslo, Norway, has entered into an agreement with Telia to acquire MTV in Finland and TV4 in Sweden.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Winners and losers in the European airports passenger growth league in 2024 - EUROPE SAYS
ACI Europe has published its annual report on air traffic development in Europe in 2024. The report identifiesEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Vain yksi mies pitää Susijengiä pystyssä - EUROPE SAYS
Tanska johtaa Suomea jo 11 pisteellä. Olivier Nkamhoua on pitänyt Suomen pelissä mukana. Kööpenhaminalaisen Farum Arenan penkeillä oliEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Leijonan luolan sijoittaja kavahtaa yrittäjän puheita – Vetäytyy välittömästi hankkeesta - EUROPE SAYS
Leijonan luola Suomi jatkuu tänään uusin jaksoin.Leijonan luola Suomessa nähdään myös tilanne, jossa Roni Bäck viestittelee Jenni KynnöksenEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Denmark, Finland and Singapore top list of least corrupt nations while South Sudan is the worst and US slides down rankings with global corruption levels 'alarmingly high' - EUROPE SAYS
Denmark, Finland and Singapore have been ranked as the least corrupt countries in the world, amid a majorEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
"Een hongersnood is zo vergeten, zelfs een in Nederland" #NWA #GreatFamine #Holodomor #Finland #Gaza #Sudan #Yemen
Hongersnoden zijn anno 2025 aan de orde van de dag, maar je leest amper over honger in Europa.
Hongersnoden zijn anno 2025 aan de orde van de dag, maar je leest amper over honger in Europa. Toch betekent dit niet dat we ons veilig kunnen wanen: door heel Europa hebben de laatste eeuwen hongersnoden plaatsgevonden.Radboud University (Radboud Recharge)
Study: Jobseekers with foreign names receive fewer employment opportunities - EUROPE SAYS
Well, we know this all by now. Better-Analysis-2694EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
After the university of Oulu also the university of #Helsinki will stop communicating via X.
“X no longer serves the purpose for which we have used it: disseminating the University’s communications content to our desired target groups. ..,” says Director of Communications Taina Kyllönen.
“We don’t want to promote a conflict-seeking conversational culture, nor do we wish to expose our #researchers to offensive behaviour through our own posts,” says Kyllönen.
University to give up X (formerly Twitter) at the end of January
University Communications has decided to stop communicating on the University’s main accounts on the social media service X (previously Twitter) as of 1 February, 2025.Instructions for students
Hi! I’m a Finnish folk-bluegrass musician and singer-songwriter, here to share my music and information about upcoming gigs, and to find interesting and hopefully even inspiring accounts to follow. 🎼
#music #acoustic #FolkMusic #bluegrass #finnish #finnishfolk #nordicfolk #countrymusic #finland #suomi #finlandia #musiikki #musadontti #akustinen #singer #singersongwriter #grassroots #muusikko #musician #laulaja
Rail Services in Finland 2025
I have updated the Finland map from 2023. The commuter trains in the HSL area are shown in purple instead of green to reflect the different fares. I added English as a third language to the two nat…lars' transport maps
This photo was taken at Halistenkoski in Turku, where large numbers of small fish occasionally swim upstream. During these times, the gulls have a feast, and you can see plenty of them fishing above the rushing waters of the rapids. The surrounding area is a beautiful cultural landscape, and it’s wonderful that you can enjoy nature so close to the city—even though this environment is heavily shaped by human influence. Still, I find it much more diverse than, for example, commercial forests dominated by monocultures. However, the noise from passing cars can be unpleasant, especially during rush hours when people are commuting to and from work.
#Photography #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #BirdPhotography #Birding #Birds #Luonto #Luontokuvaus #Linnut #Turku #Finland
Finland in the world press - EUROPE SAYS
The article gives insight about Stubb’s views on the shifting geopolitical landscape in Europe, with heightened focusEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
How I did this photo ? Canon R3 EF500 mm f/4 II usm 1/1600e f5,6 Iso 1600
Depuis que j'ai commencé à photographier, j'ai toujours aimé les silhouettes, les lumières rasantes du soir ou du matin. Les contres et frisants. J'adore ces ambiances. Lors d'un récent voyage en Finlande, j'ai eu l'immense privilège de rencontrer cette maman ourse juste avant la tombée de la nuit. Pour moi, ce fut un moment inoubliable.
#nature #wildlifeprotection #wildlifephotography #wildlife #bear #brownbear #finland #forest #sunset #sunsetpics #pixelfed #art
#wildnature #predators #predator #animal #animals #cuteanimals #sun #photographers #naturephotos #naturephoto #naturephotos #wildlifeconservation #teddybear
Finland: The First Bets for UMK 2025 After the Release of All Seven Songs! - Eurovision News | Music - EUROPE SAYS
With less than a month to go until Finland’s national final for Eurovision 2025, the betting odds forEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
The Atlantic: A Wider War Has Already Started in Europe - EUROPE SAYS
Some analysis on the current geopolitical situation around these parts of the world and Russia's sabotage operations againstEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
This week's good things: A research trip to Finland, a Civil War hero's cemetery plot and good news at McCaskey and Donegal [editorial] | Our Opinion - EUROPE SAYS
THE ISSUE: It’s Friday, the day we take a few moments to highlight the good news in Lancaster CountyEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Radio Suomi lopettaa useita suosikkiohjelmia – Tätä tilalle - EUROPE SAYS
Radio Suomen ohjelmisto uudistuu helmikuussa.Alma Hätönen ja Jenny Lehtinen aloittavat yhteisen radio-ohjelman Radio Suomen viikonlopussa. Jukka LintinenYle RadioEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Finland in the world press
The article highlights the importance of programs like Yrityskylä, a network of 'business villages' where sixth-grade students (ages 12-13) engage in real-life business simulations.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
The vessel, which was transporting oil from russia to Egypt
Finland PM says Russia ‘permanent’ threat to EU
Finland's Prime Minister Petteri Orpo attends a European Union summit in Brussels, Belgium February 1, 2024.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
YK:n yleiskokous vaati välitöntä tulitaukoa Gazaan, myös Suomi kannatti | Uutisia lyhyesti - EUROPE SAYS
YK:n yleiskokous hyväksyi torstain vastaisena yönä Suomen aikaa ylivoimaisella enemmistöllä päätöslauselman, jossa vaaditaan välitöntä ja ehdotonta tulitaukoa Gazaan.YleiskokousEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Zelensky: Recognizing temporarily occupied areas as Russian would mean forgiving Russia
Recognizing Russian jurisdiction over temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine would imply forgiving Russia. — Ukrinform.Ukrinform
YK:n yleiskokous vaatii välitöntä tulitaukoa Gazaan – myös Suomi äänesti vaateen puolesta | Uutisia lyhyesti - EUROPE SAYS
Yleiskokouksen hyväksymä päätöslauselma ei ole sitova.Avaa kuvien katseluYK:n yleiskokous hyväksyi päätöslauselman paikallista aikaa keskiviikkona New Yorkissa äänin 158-9.EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
In an official statement, Finland's police said they have no ongoing criminal investigation into the recent cable break, dismissing previous reports that the incident was allegedly caused by malicious activity.
#finland #underseacable #breach #it #engineer #media #tech #news
It's #Finland calling, again!
The latest news about our far right #consevative #government:
Two MP's from #TheFinnsParty have announced that they'll not participate the #IndependenceDay ball held by president #AlexanderStubb, but are instead participating 612-march.
The march is organized by a #FarRight association, and also #NeoNazis are regularly marching - #swatsika flags with them.
Prime minister #PetteriOrpo stays silent.
#FINpol #FIpol
Finns Party defends MPs joining 612-march
Two Finns Party MPs have chosen to forgo the annual Presidential Palace gala in favour of attending the 612-march.Yle News
“Several Nazi groups in Finland would open a cultural center for concerts etc. near Helsinki. Today, several newspapers write that the premises burned down.” ~ AFA Skåne includes AFA Helsingborgs & AFA Lunds och AFA Malmös see:
#afa #finland #helsinki #action
Äärioikeiston päämaja paloi Hyvinkäällä – Otsola syyttää iskusta äärivasemmistoa
Hyvinkäällä syttyi mittava tulipalo maanantaina varhain aamuyöllä. Onnettomuudessa säästyttiin henkilövahingoilta.Sara Güven (MTV Uutiset)
Why would Russia allow British trawlers into their waters considering how much cash & weapons the UK sends Ukraine. I'm surprised they didn't ban them before.I saw on Reddit a reference to the Guardian that Britain has a shortage of medicines because of the war in Ukraine, i.e. Russia is allegedly to blame for the shortage. There is an expression: "If you have been wronged undeservedly, you have to come back and deserve it".
About Fish and Chips. (
About Fish and Chips. ( About #Fish and #Chips #Exclusive #Economic #Zone of #Russia #Kolguyev #Island #Kanin #UK #Finland #NATOdiaspora* social network
European de-industrialisation
#europe #eu #economy #ukrainisation and #deindustrialisation #future in #poverty by #european #vassalage #energy #hunger #industry #map #nederlands #uk #britain #belgium #france #spain #norway #finland #italiy #germany #poland #czechrepublic #lithuania #romania #austria #hungary #serbia #bulgaria #turkey #croatia