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Beiträge, die mit RESEARCH getaggt sind

A blog post on historical architecture in the context of soundsheds -- at Chaco Canyon and, by extension, in Medieval Vorarlberg

#Research #blog #AmWriting #Soundscape #Soundshed #Histodons #Medieval #churches

Building for the Ear (from Chaco Canyon to Medieval Vorarlberg) (2/23/25). Image is of the ruins situated against the hilly landscape with rock and desert scrub.

Help. My AI scientist just plagiarised my research

#AI #Research #Science #MachineLearning #Google #CoScientist #Writing #Blog


Very proud of our chapter, 'Access/Use' co-authored w Prof. Usha Raman in, 'Children, Media, & Technology: Access, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion' edited by Prof. Erica Scharrer w fantastic scholars!

Ch: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003453123-3/access-use-devina-sarwatay-usha-raman

Bk: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003453123

This is an essential text for students of Media & Communication Studies & disciplines including children & childhood studies.
#access #use #children #media #technology #equity #diversity #inclusion #research #book #textbook #publishing

Blog post: today it's on ideas of sound as mediator between individual and environment, drawing on Stratoudakis and Papadimitriou (2007), and looking at that 1614 Thalbach snowball fight as an example


#blog #Nuntastic #Soundscape #SnowballFight #Memory #SoundAsMediator #17thc #AmWriting #Research #AcademicChatter
Mapping Soundscapes: Applying Stratoudakis and Papadimitriou’s Measures to Memory and Place: shows a venn diagram of individual, sound, and environment, which characteristics of each (as explained in the blog post itself)

There’s no federal methodology for studying complications that arise during a pregnancy loss. To understand how Texas’ abortion ban is impacting maternal health, we consulted with researchers to craft one.

Here’s how we sifted through data on millions of pregnancy hospitalizations and analyzed the outcomes before and after the ban.

#Data #Research #Texas #Abortion #Health

Texas Banned Abortion. Then Sepsis Rates Soared.

Pregnancy became far more dangerous in Texas after the state banned abortion, according to ProPublica’s first-of-its-kind analysis, which found the sepsis rate for women hospitalized as they miscarried in the 2nd trimester shot up by more than 50%.


#News #Texas #Abortion #Data #Research #Women #Health

February 26 is the deadline to submit your abstract to Goldschmidt 2025.

Your #CriticalZone research will fit nicely in one of the 14 themes of the conference.

📝🔗: https://bit.ly/4gFfT9q

#research #science #ClimateChange

5 Years Later: America Looks Back at the Impact of COVID-19


Most Americans say the pandemic drove the country apart



blogged today, on a convent sister at Thalbach who becomes Maisterin. She kept a diary, much of which was incorporated into the Convent Chronicle -- and she gives us a lot of details about the world around her. Have a read if you like!

#nuntastic #MonasticChronicle #histodons #blog #AmWriting #17thC #comet #Comet1618 #HistoricalWeather #SnowballFight #AcademicChatter #Research

Image of a comet and a snow-scape from Bregenz with the theme -- worry into joy. Title: "Sister Anna Wittweilerin Looks Up"

https://www.europesays.com/1857233/ Accelerating UK Science in the Age of AI #blog #GreatBritain #research #TBI #TonyBlair #UnitedKingdom
Accelerating UK Science in the Age of AI

Accelerating UK Science in the Age of AI https://www.byteseu.com/757616/ #blog #GreatBritain #Research #TBI #TonyBlair #UnitedKingdom
Accelerating UK Science in the Age of AI

24 Weizenbaum-Forschende haben Empfehlungen für die digitalpolitische Agenda der kommenden Bundesregierung vorgelegt. Sie machen konkrete Vorschläge für den Umgang mit zentralen Fragen der digitalen Gesellschaft wie Gewaltprävention und die Stärkung der Digitalkompetenz.

➡️ https://www.weizenbaum-institut.de/news/detail/eine-starke-digitale-agenda-fuer-gesellschaft-und-wissenschaft/

#research #policy #socialscience #BTW25 #digitalisierung #digitalpolitik @FOKUSpublic @WZB_Berlin @tuberlin @freieuniversitaet

🗳️ Soziale Netzwerke beeinflussen, welche Inhalte Nutzer:innen sehen – doch was bedeutet das für Wahlen? Das neue Forschungsprojekt „Dein Feed, Deine Wahl“ untersucht, wie politische Inhalte auf TikTok auftauchen. Mehr Infos und das Interview mit Lion Wedel: https://www.weizenbaum-institut.de/news/detail/welchen-einfluss-haben-digitale-plattformen-auf-meinungsbildung-und-wahlentscheidungen/

#research #socialscience #socialmedia #tiktok @tuberlin @FOKUSpublic @WZB_Berlin @br_data @uzh

#CfP Call for Papers: Exploring Solutions to the Challenges of Our Time: A Positive Turn in Economic #Sociology? Mid-Term Conference of the European Sociological Association #ESA Research Network “Economic Sociology”.

📌 Apply by 1 May 2025.

➡️ https://www.weizenbaum-institut.de/news/detail/call-for-papers-exploring-solutions-to-the-challenges-of-our-time-a-positive-turn-in-economic-sociology/

#socialscience #sociology #research #economy @dgsoziologie @a_keiner

✏️The Wall Project is part of a series of projects that staff and students are running at the London College of Communication (LCC).

In this case, course staff, LCC Changemakers and students are working on methods to #decolonise higher education curricula.

🌐The second-year students of BA Media Communications are free to participate in the Wall Project by choosing to center their assignment for the Global Media Business, Practices and Culture Unit among social justice themes.

The areas they are asked to choose from are:
- #NewsStorytelling
- #Disability in #Media
- The #Impact of #Technology on #Social and #RacialJustice.

Students' research will be displayed on the wall of the college, replacing posters that aren't relevant anymore.

How does this help decolonise higher education?

- encouraging students to engage in self-directed #research on #socialjustice,
- #reclaiming university spaces for students' expression
- underlining the importance of #peerfeedback.
Black and white picture of a corridor with old style posters on the walls.

Why are Canadian radio station audience data a state secret? : 2000 : BBM Canada

Letters to the Editors, Marketing Magazine, Toronto

Dear Sirs
I am a radio programming consultant based in Toronto with twenty years’ experience in the industry. My work has created successful commercial radio stations in the UK, Russia, Hungary, Latvia, Czech Republic...
[continues]#GrantGoddard #radio #Canada #radiostation #research #ratings #media #broadcast #audience #listener

Today's blog post is on using Transkribus (AI) to self-train in reading 18th-century Kurrentschrift, a handwriting which makes doctor's scrawls look positively legible by comparison.


#histodons #AI #Transkribus #blog #AmWriting #AcademicChatter #research #process #ScholarlyPractices
Title: Making magic with old texts--how one scholar uses Transkribus. Image shows a bit of a monastic chronicle , the transkribus logo, and the transkribus motto, "Unlock the past with Transkribus." A yellow arrow points from Transkribus to the chronicle text

United against the attack on research and higher ed.

“These cuts should be a rallying cry for higher education to come together to make the case for the American system of research and teaching. Leaders have an opportunity to step forward and marshal their campuses”

#research #science #highered


I am taking a deep dive into the Philippine stories about Maria Cacao. A goddess / fairy / mythical figure who grows cocoa and transports it to America on a golden ship. Fascinating stuff 😄

#folklore #mythology #Philippines #research

Looks like a Workshop that would be of interest for many people in #highereducation and #research in Europe.
Wouldn't it be possible to repeat it online?

https://www.europesays.com/1843262/ The Price of Peace in Ukraine and Europe #blog #europe #research #TBI #TonyBlair
The Price of Peace in Ukraine and Europe

22 states sue to block Trump administration cuts to NIH research payments.

“This agency action will result in layoffs, suspension of clinical trials, disruption of ongoing research programs, and laboratory programs.”​ https://shorturl.at/AFdWF #press #research

The BBC asked minority groups what they thought of the BBC:

"Participants...viewed journalism as a form of oppression that had the same impact on their lives as the police. Journalism in general, and the BBC in particular, they said, felt like an arm of the state."


#journalism #BBC #news #research #MainstreamMedia

"Elessi and Abuzerr are among more than ten scientists who spoke to Nature for this article. These scholars managed to continue their research, and some even published their results, despite facing homelessness, recurrent displacement and a dearth of food and basic necessities"

#Gaza #Science #Research
These Gaza scientists are keeping research alive amid war, destruction and uncertainty

My little science game released today! This is a small contribution to making what we do in pharma & biotech seem less foreign and more fun, in a time when making life-saving drugs is increasingly maligned in the public square.

Give it a download if you can - I appreciate the support :)


#science #pharma #biotech #research #iOS #android #gaming #gamedev #unity #solodev
Hand pick a team of lab experts
Use random events to your advantage
Decide how to upgrade your lab
....And more!

Premier texte sur mon blog ici : https://antoninjousse.com/BLOG/ARTICLES/001-moderne.html

Petite réflexion sur le web comme solution lowtech à des problèmes hardware.

#web #blog #research #lowtech #hardware

"As Green and the rabbits awaited their syringes, I couldn’t help but wonder: Can we really hope to imitate this magical fluid—and what might it mean if we do?"

Nicola Twilley for The New Yorker: https://longreads.com/2025/02/05/the-long-quest-for-artificial-blood/

#Longreads #Journalism #Blood #Medicine #Research #Health
Headline: The Long Quest for Artificial Blood

Dek: One of the most valuable substances in the world has never been replicated. Are we close?

Tagline: Nicola Twilley for The New Yorker

A logo in the bottom right reads “Longreads Editor’s Pick”

How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact digitalization and organizational changes in companies across different sectors in Germany?

New paper by Martin Krzywdzinski & Florian Butollo:

➡️ https://www.weizenbaum-institut.de/news/detail/the-covid-19-crisis-digitalization-and-organizational-change/

#work #labor #digitalization #covid #socialscience #research #sociology #openaccess @WZB_Berlin @WZB_GlobalWork @towardsfairwork
Martin Krzywdzinski,Florian Butollo: The COVID-19 Crisis, Digitalization, and Organizational Change. Weizenbaum Discussion Paper 44, January 2025

"They have come together with a single mission statement: to make humans aquatic."

Lisa Bachelor for The Guardian: https://longreads.com/2025/02/04/a-flooded-quarry-a-mysterious-millionaire-and-the-dream-of-a-new-atlantis/

#Longreads #Journalism #Wales #Sea #DeepSea #Ocean #Underwater #Research #Future
Headline: A Flooded Quarry, a Mysterious Millionaire and the Dream of a New Atlantis 

Tagline: Lisa Bachelor for The Guardian

A logo in the bottom right reads “Longreads Editor’s Pick”

TorrentFreak: Publishers Ramp Up Pressure vs. Anna’s Archive, Sci-Hub, Z-Library & Libgen. “The world’s major publishers claim that unlicensed libraries cast a permanent shadow over authors’ ability to make a living from their work. In common with the movie and movie industry counterparts, site-blocking is one of the weapons of choice, albeit against well-prepared opponents.”



I'm looking for names and/or connections of any academics, independent researchers, or prominent figures *anywhere*, but *especially* in #Canada who have at least *some* connection to *any* fields related to:

- #Genocide (in general)
- #Trans Genocide
- #Geopolitics as they relate to trans people

I've been asked to lead a significant and urgent project related to the present crisis, and I've dropped all other tasks to support this. I wish I could provide more details publicly, but these details will have to follow.

- Feel free to either post or DM me names/info or to connect

#academia #research #transgender #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia

"Even if #Trump fully reverses the freeze on #research funding, the damage, multiple sources say, has been done." https://www.wired.com/story/life-saving-research-risks-being-destroyed-by-the-federal-funding-freeze/

#science #censorship

The Key to COMpromise - Abusing a TOCTOU race to gain SYSTEM, Part 2

In joined research between cirosec and Neodyme several vulnerabilities were found in Antivirus (AV) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) products that could, in theory, allow privilege escalation to SYSTEM on millions of devices, assuming initial access was gained.

In part two of this blog series we demonstrate how COM hijacking was leveraged to gain SYSTEM privileges for exploiting AVG Internet Security (CVE-2024-6510 ) to gain privileges.

Find out more on our website at https://cirosec.de/en/news/the-key-to-compromise-part-2/.

#itsecurity #cybersecurity #itsicherheit #research #blog #vulnerabilities