Beiträge, die mit Fail getaggt sind
You wanted #AI for whatever money saving #CacaDeToro 🐮 💩 , here ya go.
#FAFO #BadEconomy #publishing #tech #fail
ChatGPT and Other Chatbots Are Hurting Publishers Even Worse Than We Thought
OpenAI and Google appear to be sucking up much-needed traffic to websites and massively screwing publishers over in the process.Noor Al-Sibai (Futurism)
#Mozilla #Fail
Mozilla und die Nutzungsbedingungen für Firefox
Mozilla musste vergangene Woche wieder einmal zurückrudern, weil vorgenommene Änderungen für den Endanwender missverständlich kommuniziert wurden.Ferdinand (
"UN rejects US resolution urging an end to the war in Ukraine without noting Russian aggression"
"The United States on Monday failed to get the U.N. General Assembly to approve its resolution urging an end to the war without mentioning Moscow’s aggression."
UN rejects US resolution that urges an end to the Ukraine war without noting Russian aggression
In a win for Ukraine on the third anniversary of Russia’s invasion, the U.N. General Assembly has refused to approve a U.S.-backed resolution that urges an end to the war without mentioning Moscow’s aggression.Edith M. Lederer (AP News)
Musk says employees will lose their jobs if they don’t explain what they do. The move is similar to what Musk did after taking over Twitter in 2022, when he instituted “code reviews,” where he required engineers to send in the code they wrote in a given week and he would decide who was up to the challenge of changing X.
The AfD party scored historic numbers, but won’t be a part of government.
Elon Musk’s bid to propel Germany’s far-right party to victory has failed
The AfD party scored historic numbers, but won't be a part of government.Mother Jones
Eine Autoindustrie, die sich solchen Schwachsinn ausdenkt, hat es echt verdient, unterzugehen. Daran werde auch Strafzölle für die chinesische Konkurrenz nix ändern.
#Volkswagen #fail
About former Ukrainian SSR
And it [Ukraine’s economic potential ] was significant, including a powerful infrastructure, a gas transportation system, advanced shipbuilding, aircraft construction, rocket production, instrumentation, and world-class scientific, design, and engineering schools. Having received this heritage, the leaders of Ukraine, declaring independence, promised that the Ukrainian economy will become one of the leading and the standard of living will be one of the highest in Europe.(2021)
Today the industrial hi-tech giants that once made Ukraine and the whole country proud are lying on their sides. Over the past 10 years, the output of mechanical engineering has fallen by 42 percent. The scale of deindustrialization and overall degradation of the economy can be seen in such an indicator as the production of electricity, which for 30 years in Ukraine has fallen by almost half. Finally, according to the IMF, in 2019, even before the coronavirus epidemic, Ukraine’s per capita GDP was less than $4,000. This is below the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Moldova and unrecognized Kosovo. Ukraine is now the poorest country in Europe.
А он [экономический потенциал] у Украины был значительным, включал мощную инфраструктуру, газотранспортную систему, передовые отрасли судостроения, авиастроения, ракетостроения, приборостроения, научные, конструкторские, инженерные школы мирового уровня. Получив такое наследие, лидеры Украины, объявляя о независимости, обещали, что украинская экономика станет одной из ведущих, а уровень жизни людей одним из самых высоких в Европе.
Сегодня промышленные высокотехнологичные гиганты, которыми некогда гордились и Украина, и вся страна, лежат на боку. За последние 10 лет выпуск продукции машиностроения упал на 42 процента. Масштаб деиндустриализации и в целом деградации экономики виден по такому показателю, как выработка электроэнергии, которая за 30 лет на Украине сократилась практически вдвое. И наконец, по данным МВФ, в 2019 году, ещё до эпидемии коронавируса, уровень подушевого ВВП Украины составил меньше 4 тысяч долларов. Это ниже Республики Албании, Республики Молдовы и непризнанного Косова. Украина сейчас – беднейшая страна Европы.
Ukraine is rapidly going downhill and the collapse of its shipbuilding industry is the best proof of it. The country, which received a fantastic inheritance from the USSR, managed to squander it in just three decades. The people making decisions have spit on the great past, in which aircraft carriers were built, and now Turkey will build warships for them.
Украина стремительно катится вниз и крах ее судостроительной отрасли — лучшее тому доказательство. Страна, получившая от СССР просто фантастическое наследство, умудрилась растранжирить его за какие-то три десятка лет. Люди, принимающие решения, плюнули на великое прошлое, в котором строились авианосцы, и теперь боевые корабли для них будет строить Турция.
All' that the Soviet Union built for them they have plundered, destroyed and vandalized the memory of life in the Union, including the destruction of Soviet monuments.
#ukraine #ukrainian #oligachy #plundering #povetry #depopulation #lawlessness #deindustrialization #dekommunization #economics #fail #failstate
About Ukraine
About Ukraine And it [Ukraine's economic potential ] was significant, including a powerful infrastructure, a gas transportation system, advanced shipbuilding, aircraft construction, rocket production, instrumentation, and world-class scientific, desi…diaspora* social network
– global support - it was helped by the largest number of countries;
– global PR - promotion of the brand “Ukraine” exceeded the largest advertising campaigns of Coca-Cola, NIKE, Apple;
– global plundering - the largest amount of funds allocated and lost;
– global spread - the largest number of refugees distributed across the largest number of countries;
– global audience - views of drone and action camera footage exceeded even porn downloads, not to mention sports broadcasts and other Oscar-eurovision events;
– global personal success of actor Zelensky - no other actor before him has ever received such attention (and such fees);
– global lawlessness - violation of all possible laws, customs, commandments, moral norms;
– global depopulation - an unprecedented reduction in population;
– global deindustrialization and deenergification - loss of economy and energy.
#ukraine #failstate #russophobia is #plundering #lawlessness #depopulation #deindustrialization #ukrainian and #Western #fail #globalism project of #deepstate
One issue raised during today’s meeting in Riyadh was how much money American companies lost by having to leave the Russian market, due to sanctions. The total to date exceeds $300 billion. Biggest losers, according to Eurasia and Multipolarity:#russophobia #US #american #money #fail #economy #sanctions against #Russia
– Exxon suffered a $4 bln write down on its Russia-related businesses
– McDonald’s recorded a $1.4 bln non-cash write off in 2022 attributed to its Russia exit
– General Motors lost $657 mln
– Google’s Russian subsidiary declared bankruptcy in 2023 with debts totaling $587 mln. A Russian court has fined the company $2.5 decillion for restricting Russian media channels on YouTube
– Whirlpool recorded $400 mln in Russia losses
– Coca-Cola lost $195.4 mln
– Disney reported $195 mln in losses from “depreciation of intangible assets” in Russia in 2022
– IBM recorded $300 mln in losses in 2022, blaming Russia and inflation for 3,900 slashed jobs
– Starbucks suffered undisclosed losses after closing its 130 Russian coffee shops, accounting for nearly 1% of global sales
– Microsoft lost $126 mln
– Ford took a $122 mln hit
– Nvidia lost $100 mln
– Apple recorded $79.3 mln in losses
– Xerox faced $80 mln in losses in Q4 2023
– Adobe reported $75 mln from lost payments in Russia and Belarus
– Netflix cut off 700,000 Russian subscribers (about $55.1 mln in potential losses, although some Russians switched their accounts to other regions)
– John Deere halted production at a 100,000 sq. m facility it had pumped over $40 mln into from 2005-2022. Caterpillar, which left in 2024, saw Russia earnings fall from $64.5 mln in 2021 to $2.3 mln in 2023
– Visa and Mastercard recorded $35 and $30 mln in losses, respectively in 2022
– HP wrote off $23 mln
– Cisco went $20.3 mln into the red
– Oracle lost $13.7 mln
– Western Union reported a 2% hit to 2022 revenues due to loss of the Russian and Belarusian markets
Susan Singer (
1.43K Posts, 220 Following, 169 Followers · #Socialist for decades. Now #disabled and ENTIRELY out of patience. Posting mostly on political topics. I'm the GovGeek™ on Patreon: https://www.patreon.Mastodon
DOGE site is apparently not running on government servers.
"DOGE appears to have skipped #security steps that are expected of #government websites. That pattern is troubling some federal workers...
makes it possible for bad actors to alter official databases of government information."
#ElonMusk #Musk #Doge #Programming #Tech #Data #Fail #News #US #USA
The damn press corp asks the STUPIDEST, soft ball, obvious questions. Hell, I could answer them as if I were Trump. They set him up to say EXACTLY what we know he'll say instead of challenging him AT ALL.
Journalistic malpractice. Complicit. #Fail
Rant over.
Ukraine - Organizational Chaos, Commanders Fired (www.moono...
Ukraine - Organizational Chaos, Commanders Fired (* social network
Reflects the result of the country's political movement after #Maidan government coup 2014.
The assumption is the sharp rise in exports after 2015 was due to Ukraine no longer having to supply energy to the Donbass regions controlled by rebels and Crimea.
#ukraine #ukrainian #energy #electricity #economy #poverty #fail #failstate #history
#twitter #x #facebook #instagram #threads #meta #fail
Zuckerberg: "Zurück zu den Wurzeln der Redefreiheit auf Facebook und Instagram"
Mark Zuckerberg kündigt einen Richtungswechsel bei der Inhalte-Moderation auf den Meta-Plattformen an. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Faktencheckern will er beenden.Volker Briegleb (heise online)
Ukrainian soldiers write
Sad events are happening in our brotherly 78th brigade.
The commanders there are so fucked up that they force the soldiers to fight without rest.
Moreover, they collect money from them for a few hours of rest.
Because of this, suicides are on the rise.
No reaction, as always.
#ukraine #failstate #ukrainian #cannon-fodder #war #fail #ukrainianconflict #Russia #russian #Donbass
#android #google #playintegrity #fail
Zwischen Sicherheit und Kontrolle: Warum die Play Integrity API Custom-ROMs wie GrapheneOS benachteiligt
Zunächst eine kurze Einführung in die Aufgabe der Play Integrity API von Google auf Android. Anschließend beleuchten wir die Problematik…
#ukraine Great #ukrainian #corruption #AFU #fail #money
Ukraine's chief army psychiatrist arrested on $1m corruption charge
The man owned several properties as well as four BMW luxury cars, the Ukrainian security service said.Laura Gozzi (BBC News)
#american #european #sanctions #fail against #Russia #russian #economy
Russia’s Budget Revenue Surges to Record in December Despite Sanctions
Russia’s budget revenue rose to a record high last month even after the US targeted the banking sector with a new round of sanctions aimed at disrupting foreign trade payments and curbing proceeds from exports.Bloomberg
#BitCoin #MemeCoin$Trump #trump2025 #Fail
About american support
When Russia invaded Ukraine nearly three years ago, President Joe Biden set three objectives for the U.S. response. Ukraine’s victory was never among them. The phrase the White House used to describe its mission at the time—supporting Ukraine “for as long as it takes”—was intentionally vague. It also raised the question: As long as it takes to do what?
genuine #USA #US #american support #failstate #ukraine #ukrainian #fail #war #ukrainianconflict
Why Biden’s Ukraine Win Was Zelensky’s Loss
Taking back all the territory seized by Russia was never part of Washington's planSimon Shuster (Time)
#american #european #sanctions #fail against #Russia #russian #economy #oil #naturalgas #taxes
Russia’s Budget Oil Revenue Spiked by Almost a Third in 2024
Russia’s oil proceeds to the state budget increased by almost a third last year to the highest since at least 2018, spurred by higher crude prices as the nation adapted to international sanctions.Bloomberg
#failstate #ukrainian #war #ukrainianconflict #AFU #fail
Your Conscience (
1.37K Posts, 71 Following, 26 Followers · Hi. I'm from Wisconsin. If I seem a little snarky, that's how I deal with the fact that people are destroying the planet with war and mindless -- Say what is on your mind, but with respect
The woodlice have been eating my strawberries, but I tried to make the most of it by getting some strong red backgrounds and interesting scenes from it. I nearly managed, but just marginally missed as the little guys were moving around so fast.
Oh well, maybe next year
#photography #MacroPhotography #macro #fail #woodlice #nature #garden #strawberry
About Western Morons who don't know History
Gathering his men, one company commander told them: “We’re making history; the whole world will know about us because this hasn’t been done since World War II.
“All the military can think about now is that Donbas has simply been sold,” the platoon commander said. “At what price?”
#Western #NATO #ukrainian #fail #ukraine #failstate #AFU #war against #russian #military #Russia #Kursk
The NATO military cannot think strategically. Poles, Swedes, French, Germans and many others have already broken their teeth over Russia. History teaches the Western morons nothing.
Bloodied Ukrainian troops risk losing more hard-won land in Kursk to Russia
Five months after their shock offensive into Russia, Ukrainian troops are bloodied by daily combat losses and demoralized by the rising risk of defeat in Kursk. Some want to stay in the region at all costs.SAMYA KULLAB (AP News)
What They Fail To Report ... (
What They Fail To Report ... ( What They #Fail To #Report ... #Norway #Ursa #Major #crew #rescue #Medvedev #Russia #Europe #US ...diaspora* social network
"Press freedom advocates are urging Apple to ditch an "immature" generative AI system that incorrectly summarized a BBC news notification that incorrectly related that suspected UnitedHealthcare CEO shooter Luigi Mangione had killed himself."
#FAIL #Apple #Journalism #AI
He should have watched 2016 coup in Turkey. You can't take full control with name of yours. You should call your friends to do it. Then control should be handed to you. In scenario of fail, then you will be a hero. Either way, you win.
#coup #coupdetat #southkorea #korea #yoon #yoonsukyeol #martial #martiallaw #fail #democracy
Keine Zeitung, keine News-Site, kein Radio, kein Fernsehen, das nicht über diese Hohlbirne berichtet 🤯.
#news #journalismus #journalism #fail
BlackRock’s Fink Calls For Energy Pragmatism, Omits ESG From Annual Letter
“I’m hearing more leaders talk about decarbonization and energy security together under the joint banner of what you might call ‘energy pragmatism.’ Last year ... I spent a lot of time talking to the people who are responsible for powering homes and businesses, everybody from prime ministers to energy grid operators. The message I heard was completely opposite to what you often hear from activists on the far left and right, who say that countries have to choose between renewables and oil and gas. These leaders believe that the world still needs both. They were far more pragmatic about energy than dogmatic. Even the most climate conscious among them saw that their long-term path to decarbonization will include hydrocarbons, albeit it less of them, for some time to come.”
“Or look at Texas. They face a similar energy challenge – not because of Russia but because of the economy. The state is one of the fastest growing in the U.S., and the additional demand for power is stretching ERCOT, Texas’ energy grid, to the limit.
Today, Texas runs on 28% renewable energy – 6% more than the U.S. as a whole. But without an additional 10 gigawatts of dispatchable power, which might need to come partially from natural gas, the state could continue to suffer devastating brownouts. In February, BlackRock helped convene a summit of investors and policymakers in Houston to help find a solution.”
“The energy market isn’t divided the way some people think, with a hard split between oil & gas producers on one side and new clean power and climate tech firms on the other. Many companies, like Occidental, do both, which is a major reason BlackRock has never supported divesting from traditional energy firms. They’re pioneers of decarbonization, too... We invest in these energy companies for one simple reason: It’s our clients’ money. If they want to invest in hydrocarbons, we give them every opportunity to do it – the same way we invest roughly $138 billion in energy transition strategies for our clients. That’s part of being an asset manager. We follow our clients’ mandates.”
#oil #gas #naturalgas #energy #energycrisis #money #investments #BlackRock #decarbonization #renewableenergy #ESG #Western #deepstate #fail #blameRussia
BlackRock’s Fink Calls For Energy Pragmatism, Omits ESG From Annual Letter
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink's annual Chairman’s Letter to Investors discusses "energy pragmatism", omits ESG and sustainability.Jon McGowan (Forbes)
Russia Arrests ICC Judge Mahfoudh in Absentia – Mediazona
A Russian court ordered the arrest in absentia of International Criminal Court (ICC) Judge Haykel Ben Mahfoudh, who himself earlier issued arrest warrants for Russian military leaders, the independent news website Mediazona reported Monday.The Moscow Times
Don’t Underestimate the Russian Military After the Ukraine War
Russian president Vladimir Putin has consistently said that, “this conflict is not about territory…[it] is about the principles underlying the new international order.” He has repeatedly said that, although Russian troops in 2022 “approached Kiev … there was no political decision to storm the three-million city.”
Rather, he says, “it was nothing more than an operation to force the Ukrainian regime to peace. The troops were there to push the Ukrainian side to negotiations.”
This worked. Within weeks, Ukraine had agreed in Istanbul to abandon its NATO ambitions, Russia had withdrawn its troops from around Kyiv, and peace appeared possible before the West intervened and discouraged it.
#NATO #weapons #Western #fail #ukraine #vassalage #ukrainian #war #failstate #Russia #russian #military #history
Don’t Underestimate the Russian Military After the Ukraine War
When adjusted for comparison against the exemplar of U.S. military performance, accurate identification of Russia’s goals and of Russia’s opponent on the battlefield, the possibility emerges that the Russian military, now experienced and practiced ag…Ted Snider (The National Interest)
Ukrainian soldiers write
It is necessary to continue to tighten mobilization measures. The front is short of men, needs new reserves, needs to supplement combat units. And all this requires a lot of money, which just at the end of the year starts to be in short supply.
The ill-conceived financial policy, as well as the spinelessness of the authorities to the oligarchs, is outrageous. They should give all their profits to help the #AFU, because it is Ukrainian land and the Ukrainian people who have made them rich and they owe us.
#ukraine #ukrainian #ukrainianconflict #oligachy vs. #cannon-fodder #fail #failstate
Massive leaks from the Fiorin Office and expulsion of 6 British diplomats from Russia
Confidential materials of the Fiorin Office showed that the formation of the so-called “Decision Making Center” in London began back in 2017. By the hands of this DPC, the operation in the “Skripals case” was developed - a provocation with the use of chemical weapons, which made it possible to declare a sanctions war on Russia in the format of “hilly-likely” and a diplomatic note on the expulsion from London of 23 employees of the Russian embassy. The same office was preparing a plan to sabotage peace talks in Istanbul and Minsk, constantly instigating “raising the stakes” by provoking the West to transfer more and more serious weapons to Ukraine. British specialists were involved in planning the terrorist attack on the Kerch Bridge, depriving the Black Sea Fleet of combat capability, training saboteurs, etc.
#uk #britain #ukraine #ukrainian #MI6 #intelligence #british #europe #european #terrorism #war #infowar #Western #fraud #spying #fail against #russian #Russia #history
Germany has one of the most ambitious energy transition policies dubbed ‘Die Energiewende’ to replace nuclear- and fossil power with renewables such as wind-, solar- and biopower. The climate gas emissions are reduced by 25% in the study period of 2002 through 2022. By triangulating available information sources, the total nominal expenditures are estimated at EUR 387 bn, and the associated subsidies are some EUR 310 bn giving a total nominal expenditures of EUR 696 bn. Alternatively, Germany could have kept the existing nuclear power in 2002 and possibly invest in new nuclear capacity. The analysis of these two alternatives shows that Germany could have reached its climate gas emission target by achieving a 73% cut in emissions on top of the achievements in 2022 and simultaneously cut the spending in half compared to Energiewende. Thus, Germany should have adopted an energy policy based on keeping and expanding nuclear power.
#germany #energy #nuclearenergy #management #renewableenergy #fail #poverty #europe #eu